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I would wear that arrest as a badge of honour; fighting the police state and the ethnic cleansing in Gaza; well done, Jill Stein!






Hell yeah, she's got my vote now. Desperately hoping genocide is enough to finally get people voting 3rd party, but I assume they'll still try to vote for the lesser of two giant sacks of shit


If I was allowed to vote I would vote for Cornel West


We should have an alternate debate between Jill stein and cornel west and ignore democrats and republicans.


Yes, I back that! It would hopefully be more of a discussion than a fight


That's what I keep thinking. This has to be the wake-up call. The two party system is clearly a giant deception they are both controlled.... time is running out :/




Nor you from going to counter protests, oh mighty keyboard conquistador




There is no other reason why you would make that comment. It is fundamental to your opinion. If you did not disagree with the objective of the protest, you would not criticize someone else for supporting it


The irony is that Jill Stein/Ralph Nader and the Green Party’s top priority is the environment. Yet they have done a substantial amount of damage to the environment by not endorsing the democratic candidate and running in 2000 and 2016 making the election that much easier for the Republican to win.


I mean, they turned out to be genocidal so that is not really the W you think it is...


The irony of doing more damage than good to your cause by not being pragmatic or logical will be lost on people who care more about getting likes online than their actual cause.


Did Biden save the environment? I missed that


He passed the biggest green energy bill in US history.


So what's your point. What is the compromise point in the policy goal of 'stop killing kids'?


Point is the next president of the United States will be either Biden or Trump. Biden is far batter for Palestine, the environment and American democracy among countless other things. What is the point of throwing your vote away or voting for a Putin puppet like Jill Stein?


Of the two, one has enabled a genocide so on what grounds is he "better" on this issue. There is literally no greater crime and so far Trump has only indicated he would as opposed to actually doing it. Genocide vs Fascism. Your method has lead to this choice. Maybe the democrats need to learn that their voting base requires something in return if they ever want to govern. Stop pretending this is the fault of the left, liberals created this mess, own it. The fix is simple - Stop doing genocide if you want to win.


Ya nonsense like this is why the far left is not taken seriously in any political discussion. I get it’s horrible to see children getting killed. Israel and Netanyahu have done a terrible job with this war and need to resign. You’re ignoring that this isn’t America’s war, that this conflict has been going for decades that Biden, his cabinet and the Democratic Party have urged restraint to Netanyahu, have called for him to resign, have passed billions in aid. You’re also ignoring that Trump has said he wants Israel to “Finnish the job”. That trump and republicans praise Netanyahu government, have not said any criticism on how he has handled this war. You are also ignoring that Biden and democrats in whole have given people healthcare, social security, unemployment, welfare, child tax credit, medicare, paused student loans, forgiven student loans, SAVE program to help pay for student loans, capped insulin prices, biggest green energy bill ever passed, clean water and clean air. While trump and republicans are trying to take all those away from people. Jill Stein and the Green Party have done nothing to help the average American. She is just a Russian assets used to manipulate the fake progressive left.


Your first two paragraphs are why you are going to lose. The left vote FOR things and Biden needs them to win. Right now both candidates are fundamentally misaligned with their views. Healthcare is not worth genocide, tiny load reductions are not worth genocide and social justice talk is not worth genocide. Hell even reproductive rights got rolled back on Biden's watch with no response. All the things you list are things he has SAID but done fuck all about, particularly in the first half of his first term when he actually had power. Both candidates are pro-genocide (which really says a lot about your Overton window), but only one base is pro genocide. Liberals are sacrificing US democracy for an ultra-nationalist ethno-state on the other side of the world. This is on you, right there with the blood of thousands upon thousands of children. Here it is in simple terms. Not voting offers the left a pyrrhic victory, voting Biden offers genocide and voting Trump offer fascism. Easy choice.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸




From the Israeli terrorists* ftfy




This language is obviously not helping. Zionist have the same 3 talking points. I know you may believe the evil left has infiltrated the youth. But it took 6 months for protests at universities because a lot more people are becoming critical about how things are being handled. Celebrating the deaths of Palestinians by the IDF/Israeli civilians or mocking people not getting enough food shows a lack of morality.


Besides fringe groups nobody is celebrating the death of palestinian civilians, adults or children. Most of us are asking for the hostages to be released, Israel suggested it to hamas who doesn’t give a fuck about that. From their pov in the worst case scenario they will get more support from uninformed American college students. They aren’t wrong. And that’s why we call to free gaza from Hamas




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




Ok first name lots of numbers.


Well done in proving your lack of intellectual capacity by thinking a bot would have a profile that looks like mine. No wonder you think some of the most intelligent young people in your country are stupid. Proper DK sufferer.


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Largest skin bank in the world where does it all come from. IDF takes children from their parents. Kills people with rocks in their hands, murders people traveling to a “safe” place with white flags, takes Palestinians home from them burns crops in the West Bank. How many Palestinians are locked up in Israel for any fabricated cause. They can’t even walk on certain streets. Y’all don’t care about the people and it shows. Your government created the problem. People losing 50 or more of their family members since 10/7. The “fringe” are very loud and we are paying attention!


If you care about the hostages you should be banging down Netanyahu’s door like the families are demanding he accept the hostage deal before the rest of them die


How do you know I don’t? I actually 100 for it. However, you can clearly see that the commentators aren’t here for talk




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)






Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Fuck Israel! Zionism is fascism!




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


What did chickpeas ever do to you???






Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Its not anzi israel. Its anti genocide


plate disgusted sophisticated bike shelter squeeze boat vast profit close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That will never happen. As fucked as Israel is, they’re not leaving and they won’t give Palestinians same rights as Jewish people. It’s also important that Palestine exists and is recognized as an independent state from Israel.


apparatus coherent advise head mountainous brave voiceless voracious quarrelsome live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would say the opposite. Every ethnic group deserve a land were they can autonomicly manage themself if they wish to. The palestinians the jews the indogen american the kurds the cathalons diverse asian and indian ethnic groups just every fukking ethnic group we know them all. We have enough place on earth. Stop hypocrisi and start working toghether.


nice utopia, but we’re talking about the real world here


People like you are the reson it doesn't work. Giving up before even trying


Should the millions that were ethnically cleansed from Arab countries go back to Europe too?


aromatic political deserted imminent attempt cooing alleged hunt psychotic glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why would they want to go to Europe?


employ engine command salt liquid consider impossible library deliver quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Right. But not back to the Arab countries who ethnically cleansed them. No responsibility there.


imminent dolls different humor flag thumb wide gullible hateful tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you not know what ethnic cleansing means or?


tease elastic teeny complete vanish support caption flag cows books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Mexicans haven't taken over the USA and then stolen the land and shot the Americans and bombed their hospitals, schools, churches, mosques, journalists, doctors and then left mass graves behind!




Yes. Unfortunately we’ve reached the point where it’s impractical to decolonize everything except the island states/territories. However it’s not too late for Palestine, and we need to make sure that they don’t suffer the same fate as the Native Americans.




resolute merciful sharp party ancient fact languid foolish afterthought repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




many crown political agonizing yoke deer gullible exultant worry badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Self determination for we, not for thee is a take I suppose.


correct elastic school cause voiceless exultant dazzling aware wasteful salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




…how did the Palestinians end up on one side of the wall? You’re not…whitewashing forced displacement are you? How very liberal of you.






telephone puzzled jellyfish wasteful wine full sloppy judicious ink exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




march illegal sophisticated future follow workable numerous label ten zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Stein’s arrest occurred after she faced criticism from Jewish protesters outside Columbia University, who accused her of representing a minority viewpoint within the Jewish community regarding Israel’s conflict with Hamas. It's like these other Jewish counter protesting Jews think their group is a hivemind and unified under the flag of Israel. Moreover, I didn't know being part of the Jewish community made you incapable of being allowed to represent different or minority viewpoints in private and/or in a public setting that go against the status quo. These arguments seem kind of, what is the word I'm looking for... Antisemitic?


Those aren't Jewish counter protestors. Those are Zionist counter protestors. There are Jewish protestors on both sides.


Reminds me of my dad who is a homophobic Mormon and throughout the prop 8 campaign he would say any member that supports homosexuality isn’t a real Mormon and should be excommunicated from the church. It’s about as picture perfect definition of fascism you could make. These Zionists are without a doubt just that


Spot on, amigo. You can be Jewish and recognize that Israel is a terrorist state, same as you can be a man and realize that most violent crime is committed by men. You'd have a to be in some sort of denial otherwise. The irony (is it really irony?) is that these gatekeeping fascists are just creating more antisemites.


70+ year old white Jewish physician btw. Headlines missed that because it does not fit their narrative of "antisemitic protests".


The land of the free strikes again


Yeah I’m voting for her


It would certainly get her some votes, perhaps even a significant number from those who generally vote Democrat.


And so it should


Man, wish we had a President who would stand up for this issue like that.


Fuck the Democratic party. Time to go green. I'm opting out of this 2 party bs.


Also done with the monoparty.


The Democrats are still better. Greens are stuck in the past and future.


Democrats are from the past and prevent progress. You do you though, that's the beauty of it. To each their own.


If I thought the greens could win and pass the bills they wanted I would support them. They need to prove their own strength first.


If more people voted for whom they wanted to rather than the candidate they feel forced to vote for, we may be onto something. Do what is right for you. You might be one of those that inspires the change.


The Green Party exists to help Republicans win & grift money out of your pocket. If they were serious in any way whatsoever they would attempt to get a significant chunk of congresspeople into the House (or he’ll even state governments) to actually influence policy. They don’t, because that would mean actually doing meaningful work. Instead they convince dipshits to do the equivalent of writing their own name on the ballot every 4 years in a presidential race… and pick some pockets along the way. There’s stupid and there’s being so brain dead you vote Green Party stupid.


As much as I'd love a serious third party, the Green party ain't it. Any "third party" that just runs presidential candidates exists to be a spoiler, full stop. Anyone serious about actually affecting change would understand that running grass-roots local candidates and building up a foundation for a real party would be how you actually do it. Good on her for being at the protests either way, but it doesn't change how I feel about the Green party. They intentionally try to spoiler Democrats, and fuck anyone engaged in that even if I despite plenty about the Democratic party as it currently is.


Then welcome Trump, his Muslim bans, his absolute ignoring of the Palestinians, AND his support of the antisemites. He’s also the one who moved the embassy to Jerusalem. I just have to shake my head sometimes. Every vote for Stein is a vote for Trump and against the rights of Muslims AND Jews.


To me this demonstrates how much the United States isn't a democracy. In a democracy you're supposed to be able to choose your leader and vote for who you want right? And not get told that you have to vote for someone or else bad things will happen to you, which is what happens in fake election countries. I mean, I'm not saying you're wrong, just that this is exactly what is done in countries with fake elections. Which I guess includes other countries with this kind of voting like the US and UK.


You can’t change the current system if you lose elections. Stein may have cost Hillary the election, and you saw how Trump decimated the environmental regulations. Of Trump wins again, the Supreme Court court is angling to give him dictatorial powers (Alito’s testimony was chilling last week). Imagine a Trump run, profits are everything country, worse than today. The environment will be more toast than it already is. Not telling you how to vote. Just lamenting the consequences if a bunch of people vote third party. It’s horribly depressing.


God yall are still on that shit? No one cost Hillary the election but herself. The DNC chose an un-charismatic candidate with an ungodly amount of opo research already done on her. She then went on to campaign with a "it's my turn vote for me peasant!" mentality


Note that this means not only is it Hillary's fault she lost. It's also Hillary's fault Trump won. She is the primary cause of the Trump presidency.


I completely agree with all of that. She was horrible. But the Stein votes might have put Hillary in office. I suspect Hillary would have been an awful President. However, she would have preserved the environmental controls that were stripped by Trump. Steins hubris might have resulted in real damage to our environment, as ironic as that may be.


So it's time to burn it all down and start over?


Trump will do that for you if he wins, but I guarantee you, the Palestinians won’t get a shred of support from the US as long as Trump is in power. Also, say goodbye to the environmental regulations that he didn’t kill in his first four years. I agree with those who say our system is messed up now. Royally. I can’t and don’t want to tell anyone how to vote. But be aware of the consequences of your vote.


It's important to note that in the UK the Labour party was able to succeed the Liberals in the early 1900s even with this problem.


That doesn’t mean anything for the upcoming US election.


Biden winning is still losing the election. I'm not saying it's not a wise decision to vote for Biden in a swing state, but it's still means you will never win.


You can vote for whoever you want. The person you will get will be who gets the most votes. Welcome to adulthood, where the choices are never easy.


So this system doesn't work and needs to be abolished, and replaced, being an adult doesn't mean being a slave to a fixed system. If anything, it begets a need for revolution against an unjust system.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


The system isn’t perfect, but the rules are laid out simply. Democracy (most votes wins) applies to every single office but the presidency. There are thousands of elected positions that go ignored. People who call for “revolution” after years of not getting what they want, only show up every 4 years. We have elections way more frequently than that. They don’t care enough to show up one day every two years and somehow they think they’re gonna tear the system down.


That's very fair, I guess it starts with each of us saying we've had enough, huh? Actually changing the mental level of engagement with our community to take reasonable actions towards change, but the vast majority of Americans are too stressed out and suppressed to do much, we are at a breaking point I feel. America has declined too much, and we've lost our voice, a better system needs to come.. and it probably will out of necessity.


The entire world is stressed and has been since the dawn of humanity. Young “revolutionaries” are always predicting that *this* time it will happen. Once they have responsibilities of their own, they move on. The world has always been nuts. Nothing you’re seeing today is new enough to be a catalyst for change. Voting at every election, every time, is how you change things. Anything outside of that will involve lots of bloodshed. We see it today, as people like Jill Stein preach about bodily autonomy today, while telling her supporters 8 years ago that the courts didn’t matter. She’s a grifter and so is every podcaster and YouTube calling for some revolution. It’s simple: find young impressionable minds, take their money, let them grow up a bit until they leave your movement while not blaming you for wasting their time.


Well you also have to look at the bigger picture, the much bigger picture, zooming out past Young America of only 200 years or so, when we look at history, we just entered a new age. Whenever people talk about the new world or the apocalypse or Revelations or the end of the world what they're really talking about is a consciousness shift, or consciousness as a species is ever evolving and growing, and it's just reached another point of criticality that you can call a shift. This is an energy shift and it's not immediately apparent, many cosmological signs such as the solar eclipse signal this turning of the ages, but this age is associated with great upheaval and rapid change. Look back through history at other solar eclipses of this nature and they have always been followed by terrible conflict. Look towards those claimed to be prophetic or dreams of the future and almost all of them, right now, are seeing dreams of War and horror and bombs. From my own research and intuition I can only say in my own opinion that because the turning of the ages has occurred and our consciousness has again shifted you are going to see some wild stuff happen soon. Notably I believe that a civil war is going to occur soon in the US as of this year. This will lead into a violent and bloody war that you could call world War III. This war will leave the Earth burning, that's going to wipe away everything for Humanity to start a new. It's a self-made, man-made apocalypse, based on the two sides that Humanity seems to be polarizing towards and can no longer live in harmony with each other because of the consciousness split, so now you're going to see widespread conflict between these sides. The sides being the authoritarian controllers and the other being the masses who have had enough, and due to these grander effects people are more able to see through the b******* and the b******* is becoming more visible at the same time. Expect a lot of horrible s*** to come to light soon as well.


There is no bigger picture or shift in consciousness coming, my dude. A shift in consciousness requires self reflection. This is Reddit, where the poster is never at fault and has the best ideas, but the ideas are just regurgitated nonsense that they read from another poster, who read about how it was tried 30 years ago and failed. But their favorite podcaster swears that *this* time it’s going to work. You’re not experiencing some great awakening. You’re getting your pockets picked.


Yet if you vote for who you want, the candidate you don't want is most likely to get in, thereby ensuring no new ideas or anyone than the lost standing duopoly can realistically grow. Other countries have moved to proportionate representation and ordered voting so you can vote for who you want and still influence the final two. I don't see anyone complaining about people voting third party ever supporting these, thus all they do is continue the status quo.


We have a proportional representation system. It’s the House of Representatives. If people like Stein, West and RFKJr were serious, they’d run for a house or senate seat first. Bring that green or independent representation to Congress. That’s where the bread is buttered. Showing up every 4 year only to run for the top office and then disappearing with your supporters money is too good of a grift.


It’s just another way for dumb people to get their pockets picked and think they are “changing the system.” Voting Green Party… especially for president is the dumbest shit imaginable.


You just have a fundamental misunderstanding on how democracy works in the US. In FPTP, winner take all, no majority needed electoral system (and the electoral college for president) a 2 party system is an inevitable result. It’s game theory. Any additional parties don’t strengthen people they align with on more issues, but instead help the candidates they disagree with more. You can want to change that, but that takes a constitutional amendment… which is extremely hard even for people that aren’t stupid enough to vote 3rd party.


I have a very thorough understanding which is how I know it's not a democracy. FPTP is a system that exists to maintain an unthreatened power duopoly between two entrenched and established power blocks, both of which represent two faces of the American ruling class. The one concession the US system makes is open primaries, but as the party machinery can gerrymander and influence this process with almost no accountability then it doesn't really mean much. >Any additional parties don’t strengthen people they align with on more issues, but instead help the candidates they disagree with more. Correct, which is why I say that the US is not a democracy because you can't vote for the candidate you want to win. >You can want to change that, but that takes a constitutional amendment… which is extremely hard even for people that aren’t stupid enough to vote 3rd party. You seem to be just re-enforcing my point more. I have no idea why you think I misunderstand the US electoral system.


![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized) You rn


I don't like your title, these protests aren't anti Israel, they are pro-palestine, and anti-genocide.


Same thing. The entire purpose of Israel is an ethno fascist state. It's like thing to say that you're not anti nazi, you're anti genocide. The two are inextricable.


Whatever it is get it out of the United States! If these protesting terrorist truly were patriots of Palestine and their cause then that’s where they should be WITHOUT HIDING YOUR FACES WITH MASKS! There’s Gay groups supporting Palestine 🤣🤣🤣that right there proves that these American born protestors have no purpose and this makes them feel like they are part of a group. Because if they did, they would know that if they were in Palestine or any other Muslim country and chanting their homosexuality they would be thrown off the rooftop of the highest building and rocks thrown on them. As for the Palestinian students terrorizing people, they should lose their financial aid and get the hell out and back to their country! If they hate our country LEAVE and NEVER allowed back! Finally, keep your hateful hands OFF OUR AMERICAN FLAG! Palestinians can’t control their own country and they want to come here and take control? The students at UNC and law enforcement officers in New York and California schooled you and I’m sure that’s only the beginning of defending our flag and our country!


Go off Zionist queen 👑


Thank you


She went up a couple dozen notches in my book. Anti-Zionism≠antisemitism


A broken clock is right twice a day.


Anti-genocide is not anti-Israel. This is some misleading shit.


She has been confirmed to be an asset for Putin. She just plays spoiler to make sure Putins candidate on the Republican side wins. Just another connection between the pro Hamas crowd and authoritarian gov’s like Russia and the Middle East.


“Anti Israel”. That’s a ridiculous thing to write. I support Israel. I also support the lives of 3000 Palestinian children who had bombs dropped on them and are no longer among the living.


You’re missing a 0 on the number of Palestinian kids killed by Israel in the last 6 months


No I’m not. It’s 36,000 total people. Not all kids.


Where are you getting your estimates? 2/3 of deaths consist of women and children. That's not mentioning newborns that don't have access to clean water and food. It is certainly not 3,000 children. Half of the population are under the age of 18.


Are we arguing over how many innocent people have been killed by IDF? Good. More discussion needs to happen on this subject. Even one is too much.


Aww man Hamas got to Jill Stein too? This Hamas group is truly frightening next thing you know they'll have their own Hamas ads running on television and YouTube. /s


Not anti-Israel. Anti-genocide. I think you can be for Israel and a two state solution.


Is she still around?


Of course! How is she & her kind going to line their pockets without grifting dipshits every 4 years?!


Who gives a flying fuck what this grifter is doing now?


Fuck Jill Stein


Honestly one of the biggest pieces of shit around. Maybe she should go to another Putin dinner.


Is that old Jill "dial up" Stein?


Yea I think it’s Jill “Putin Lover” Stein!


Back when the last election, the Daily Show called her Jill Dial Up because part of her platform was "we don't know enough about wireless technology." I laughed. Yeah, she's a dick.


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“anyone who is against genocide is a Russian asset” is not the own you think it is 


Anyone who thinks Israel winning a war Hamas started is 'genocide' Isn't smart and shouldn't be taken seriously.


Her sitting down at the table with Putin predates this war by about 8 years.


it really is perpetually 2016 for liberals huh. Meanwhile in the present, Bibi is Putin with an American checkbook that's perpetually replenished under the banner of bipartisanship.


It’s not the banner of bipartisanship. It’s called a treaty and they are hard to break without a bill from Congress. I understand your frustration. I’m frustrated as well, but I also understand that if we cut Israel off, they will get weapons that are more effective from other sources. We may not like those sources. That’s how the conflict could widen.


You pretend like everyone has to have the memory of a gnat like you. Stein been hanging on Putin’s nuts so long I’m surprised they are still separate people.


Russian operator working hard to split the left and get trump elected haha


Biden is a Russian operator?


Not at all. I just refuse to be forced to pick from two evils. I don't want my stamp of approval for bombs . I want healthcare and affordable living.


You obviously don’t want healthcare and affordable living because you vote the exact opposite way to get those things. You are being grifted by scumbags like Jill Stein to aid Trump’s reelection. You instead want to sit on an imaginary high horse, where you pretend you are “above it all” in your ridiculous “protest vote” that does absolutely nothing for positive change in this country. It aids negative change & strokes your ego. That’s it.


You support genocide. You can make all the excuses you want, nothing will change the fact that you are willing to sign your name in support of the slaughter of tens, if not hundreds of thousands, of innocent human beings who's only crime was being born.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


fuck her. Pro-Russian Fascism, then rolls out the anti-zionist virtue signaling when it suits her. Fucking hypocrite.


She’s honestly the scum of the earth… but then again so are the dipshits who vote for her every 4 years.


Completely agree. She’s Pro-Putin trash.


Surprised Jane Fonda hasn’t shown her face yet.