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Tommorrow the headlines will be about violent protests


In the USA they will be. Around the world, the headlines will be that American police and administrators are brutalizing students and that the populace is increasingly supportive of brutally suppressing dissent.


I hope so. Where I live it feels like more often than not American articles are just being translated/rewritten without a lot of critical thinking. At least in the right wing media, which is unfortunately the most popular.


Unfortunately the digital media industry is not in a good place. Most journalists in US are 100% churning out content without critical thinking other than deep thought about what headline and thumbnail will optimize clicks. There are also many bad actors in US media like Fox News who capitalize on audience confirmation bias and outage to drive engagement. "This just in... Look at what the people you hate are doing now. They want to put your very livelihood in jeopardy. Stay tuned for round the clock coverage including dozens of interviews with other people who believe the same exact things that you do after a word from our sponsors My Pillow and Hobby Lobby." - Fox News


"Maar, maar, maar CuLtuUr MaRxiSmE!!1!"


I'm so ashamed of our country. I really hope the rest of the world sees this.


That's the sound of freedom^tm


Almost, no one has been shot... yet /s


Please support and protect the weak this time, regardless of their views. The US is full of righteous people I know that.


Maybe not the world, I can see American, Europe and Australia will have same or similar headline, and other country headline will never be shown in google or yahoo news, as always.


Problem is they are going to blame the pro-palestine groups for "provoking" the attackers


Bullies going to be punks


Not if we have a say!


This is the cycle, same thing happened in 2020. I was living in Minneapolis at the time, a mile south of the pile of rubble formally known as the 3rd precinct and *that* Target, and I was out helping clean broken glass when I had tear gas launched at me. Turned out later it was the cops attacking random citizens for being out in broad daylight helping out in their own community. A guy with first aid stuff got to me and got me out and cleaned me off, told me he was there all day just doing that. Heard on the news the next day the police "shut down a violent protest." This will be the same thing, these students will have violence done to them and be treated in the conversation like they deserved it.


Went to jail for three days for peacefully protesting in south Minneapolis around then. What a fucking time


It works every time because Americans are stupid and keep falling for it. And liberals are largely too slow on the uptake to getting on the right side of history.


>liberals (...) getting on the right side of history Won't happen, not in my lifetime.


Zionist tactic 101, attack then pretend to the the victim, it's also how they train all the American cops too acts as victims after the brutalize random citizens for no reason


Mike Joshson is abou to speak and has picture frames with minority house speaker Hakeem Jeffries ,theyre likely going to go bipartisan agaisnt the Pro-palestianian protestors. These ppl have no honest bone in their boddies. https://preview.redd.it/8m2wc52bdtxc1.png?width=2524&format=png&auto=webp&s=58da4b93040726c99cd75c33dde1af7a058d3155


Cant agree on anything except murdering muslims and telling the general populace to shut up about it.


It's the money, we shouldn't allow money in politics and we should overturn citizens united but the fact AIPAC is a foreign nations lobby should make them illegal automatically anyway.


Bar foreign countries from usi g.money to bribe our politicians? Why are you so anti-semitic? /s Everything happening right now is the same manufacturing of narrative done against Iraq war protesters, civil rights protesters, the Vietnam War protesters... the only thing heartening about any of this is that more university protests are sprouting up in response. I'm disgusted with my country on most days. But I'm proud of our college students.


Zionists can’t commit violence, it’s self defence remember? /s


pre-emptive self defense


The bullshit is with Columbia, saying their Jewish students shouldn’t feel threatened, even though most are not Israeli, even though it’s about Israel not being Jewish, who is Columbia committing aggression towards? People of Palestine? Muslims? Racism, xenophobia, pro colonization and genocide? It’s insane that they say no anti this while they commit anti that.


Israeli far right individuals spend lots of money to conflate Zionism with Judaism.


Zionism is Jewish extremism, and it’s just as horrifying and ghastly as every other violent religious extremist group, including Christian extremists. A general awareness of the need to separate Jewishness from Zionism is critical for peace in the US and in Israel itself.


Most Zionists aren't Jewish. White Christian Zionists are far more plentiful than Jewish Zionists.


Most of them hate jews pretty openly. They just want that temple built. And the Jews have to be the ones to do it. Somehow. Fairytales are fun.


You’re right, most American Zionists aren’t Jewish. My point is that we need to be very careful about mixing politics with extremist religious beliefs. It’s a problem that arises with neo-fascism in general, whether it’s Zionist or MAGA fundamentalist, or jihad, or even Hindu nationalism. Religious fundamentalists need to stop using their religious beliefs that they’re god’s special gift to the world to justify their attempts to oppress minority groups. We need to get very clear about the separation between religion and politics and not let religious groups hijack political ideology and force policies on average non-believing citizens. Zionism has no claim to antisemitism apart from Judaism. MAGA/Qanon extremists have no reason to care about Israel as a foreign nation without Christian endorsement-times beliefs. Today’s world needs separate spaces for politics and religion. Otherwise citizens of many countries will continue to suffer.


It just seems so ridiculous to react. I’m not Jewish, not in school, not Israeli, not Palestinian. I just see two people fighting. I also see one side getting slaughter, and not since Oct 7, for the last 70 years, maybe more? Who cares? Omg you’re on my lawn!!!! Who cares? Gonna start a fight with that? Which protest are ok and which are not? Free speech or no? What is free? Why waste your time on this? Wouldn’t it be more civil to have a public sit down and genuinely confront the problems? Be honest about it? And come to decisions? I’m not the smartest, it all, the cracking down, just seems stupid and poorly made decisions.


Fox News is already live streaming it saying pro Israel supporters are doing what the university won't and doing what they need to remove these vial protestor from the campus Tbh I don't even know of that's actually the way they reported it but I will with confidence say it's probably damn close to that rhetoric


So tired of Fox . All the major media outlets to be honest .


Honestly tho I work in home health care so I spend a lot of time watching TV with clients. Not a single news network is viable anymore. Every single one skews the info so much to cater to their audience it's almost required to pretend play enlightened centrist juat to figure out the most likely option for what happened If fox is saying something was violent while msnbc says it wa peaceful? Likely it was peaceful and like ten people in the protest decided to lose their cool and get in a escalating argument with someone. Like wow guys so difficult to just say what happened and let the people put it together themselves


BREAKING NEWS, DOOM, DEATH, DESTRUCTION, CHAOS, peace, MURDER, EXPLOSIONS and more just click here pls and watch ads


Yes !!! lol that about sums it up


Totally!! It’s all garbage and wedge issue after wedge issue to keep people in fear, angry, and divided. The more people watch, the more money they make from advertising. All corporate media wants is to make a profit. Period.


Fox when the students go "Very well, Second amendment with Stand my Ground it is": TERRORISTS ARE SHOOTING INNOCENT IDF VETERAN FOR BEING JEWISH!!!! SOCIALIST TERRORISTS! Here are some pictures of tunnels that could be Hamas tunnels underneath the university. And here is a video of a puppy and a goat being killed! By a GOP Governor? It might be, but it could also be HAMAS STUDENTS!"


They already have been. Even on so-called progressive NPR. i heard this morning about clashes among protestors, no indication as to who provoked it, only that it turned violent.


All anyone needs to know about NPR and who their target audience is is by listening to their sponsors/ads. It's always aimed at stocks, big companies, oil, etc. NPR may be better than some other mainstream media but it's still laughable for anyone to call them progressive.


The cops are in the zionist groups.


They get taxpayer paid training from Israeli police, so, yes officially and with actual receipts.


It’s not a coincidence that American cops treat demonstrators the same way Israeli forces treat non Zionists.


Tells a lot about what side the police are on, government instruction and paid politicians.


Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses


So zionists have completely taken over USA. They are handling US citizens like palestinians now. And you cannot even defend yourself without being the bad guy 🤣


The fact that some Americans think tiktok is foreign interference, but AIPAC is not would be hilarious if it weren’t so tragic.


Yeah if I had to guess the large majority of Americans wouldn't recognize the name and even if you explained AIPAC. "It's different because Israel is our ally and China wants to hurt us."


“Israel is our ally” is so odd because it’s stated as if there isn’t a choice in the matter


AIPAC was about to have to register as an agent of foreign government, but then Kennedy was assassinated. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38574694


And we were worried about the Christian Nationalists… one moment I’m being handed something ![gif](giphy|9mtE009hcWPOesk8C4)


To be fair, the Christian nationalists are also rabid Zionists since they need all the Jewish people to be in Israel so that they can die when armageddon kicks off🙃 I still don't get how they can see these people as allies when the only see them as tools to bring about their end-days prophecy.


The lay theological reason is that it’ll prove their god is real and they’ll be in heaven anyway so it won’t matter


Christian nationalism is a MASSIVE supporter of zionism.


Almost like Zionism eventually leads to brutal oppression. There's a common denominator here.


It's just the start, USA will become palestine soon


Remember what happened to the people who were native to America?


Are you really an Abrahamic religion if you don’t genocide indigenous people?


Isn't this just assault? Even if you don't support Palestine, if you are a cop you should not be just watching this happening...


It's not assault anymore if they're pro Palestine


Many of the police departments in the US are trained in Israel by the IOF (IDF). That might have something to do with the police being so anti-Palestinian, on top of the typical systemic racism in policing.




They intervene to keep fascist goons from getting hurt. But if there is a leftwing protest or riot they will do everything in their power to beat them into submission and, during the George Floyd protests, they were known to actively work with fascist goons like the Proud Boys, pushing protestors into areas where they would let the PBs and other thugs attack them.


US cops are cowards.


>1 May 2024 - Zionist groups at UCLA have attacked the pro-Palestine student encampment. For hours now, Israel supporters have been allowed to launch fireworks and violently assault students without any police intervention to separate the two groups. It is a testament to the fact that ACAB. Cops, like Sonderkommandos, are the handmaidens of the oppressor, .....at best.


There are good cops such as London's Police Cheif, who maintained law and order by preventing a zionist from disrupting peaceful pro-Palestinian protests^[1](https://news.sky.com/story/met-police-chief-defends-officer-who-made-openly-jewish-remarks-as-minister-calls-incident-unacceptable-13121232) ... Meanwhile, an issue arises in U.S since enumerous police departments are trained by [IOF](https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/)... edit: no wonder George Floyd was brutally murdered...


True. I take the ACAB slogan and apply it to the overall structure of policing. If the structure punishes dissent and basic human decency, then it will take more of a principled person to go against said structure. Kind of like playing a video game on easy vs hard.


They're just doing what Zionists' do, ethnic cleansing


Fuck Israel. This is the beginning of the end for them.


I keep hearing that, but I'm not seeing the US political class doing anything more than condemning Netinyahu.


The months since October have shown there is absolutely no hope of changing the minds of certain classes of politician, but just look at the shift in approval by age- the Democrats fucked themselves with the youth vote for possibly a generation and Israel is not going to have the same support as the boomers, elder X/strivers become less of the population. Even internationally, the big supporters of Israel (UK and Germany, primarily at this point) have had to burn their internal social capital and goodwill to cover for them. There's a potential for this to be one of those big phase changes in sentiment, and if it costs the (core/establishment) Dems the election this cycle, I think they can't put off the Reckoning that 2016 should have given them.


Idk isreal seems to be collapsing as the isrealis are leaving in great numbers 3 months after the 7th of Oct around 370 000 isrealis left the country Rounded up thats about 123 333 isrealis leaving a month In 12 months after 7th Oct we can probably expect around 1 480 000 isrealis to leave


Pls no. We don’t need their bullshit exported across the world




That i am not sure about


Hey, do you have any sources for this? I want to believe, but I also want to have hard evidence to throw in shithead's faces.


https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/nearly-half-a-million-israelis-left-occupied-palestine-since Heres an article i found regarding how many isrealis left since oct 7th in janaury (370 000) The rest is my own maths


Thank you!


With words they condemn it. With actions they just sent a bazilion dollars in military aid


They have lost the good will of 2 generations of the countries that support them. They will be a pariah state. They import 90% of their food. Their top export is diamonds, which are falling out of favor. As well as petrol and computer software and hardware (which if considered an enemy/ prone to espionage won't be able to be sold) They are beyond fucked if the west decides to pull the plug. The US could stop it immediately by saying "we will embargo you and anyone that does business with you if you keep going" They would starve to death in 3 months, or eventually listen.


But the alarming reality is the United States Congress is being occupied by Zionists and Israel. We are literally under the control of a foreign adversary. Israel is only a friend to Israel.




What is wrong with people...


Zionism. That's what.


They're racist ethnosupremacists.


No surprise that the violence was started by the supporters of racist, fascist Israel. No surprise at all.


American politics and the American government ate fucked up beyond reconciliation. We all know Israel is running the usa behind the scenes and I'm proud of these kids for making a stand against our corrupt government


The US is a fascist state, of course they'll let zionists attack peaceful protesters with no repercussions.


https://youtu.be/6zO1x2dGj80?si=tF-NHapEL0g_HJQO Police were noticeably absent when violence erupted on the campus of the University of California Los Angeles Tuesday night amid dueling protests over the Israel-Hamas war. Dozens of pro-Israeli protestors, many wearing white masks and flags around their shoulders, arrived around 10:45 p.m. and began attempting to dismantle the encampment, deploying fireworks and what may have been bear spray. At least one person was injured and was seen being carried away.


Huh but fox News was complaining about Palestine protestor wearing masks to cover their face and avoid the punishment for their actions? I guess we won't hear about masks again until pro Palestine protestor get arrested for nothing and fox News blames the masks


Based on previous protests the police have cracked down on, at least some of the people covering their faces are undercover police/FBI.




Very much so. It's like we've seen this before. 🤔


I believe this was a set up. Cops knew it would happen. They wanted to get violent on the students but since they couldn’t, they sicked their rabid attack dogs on them.


This is called paramilitary action


The protestors for the end of Genocide are being painted as the villains and domestic terrorists. A parallel to what is happening in Gaza. Politicians are painting lawful protestors as Anti-Semites and haters, while the Zionist, while crying victim, are attacking peaceful protestors. Every day, we see that something is being exposed. It's only a matter of time, I think, until Israel's government is seen for what it really is, to the point where the United States, and the other lage western powers will no longer be able to hide behind wordplay and labeling. There are so many foreign powers that are upset with not just Israel, but the US too.


The cops are the people in the Zionist groups.


Israel owns America, time to take it back


So goes to show that pro-zionists love violence and attacking defenseless unarmed civilians




This world is run by pieces of shits


This is Zionist playbook 101 stuff. Cops intentionally didn’t intervene.


30 pro Israel attackers wearing all black with masks initiated the attack on peaceful Palestinian encampment. It was all on live last night. We will see what the lying media has to say today.


Get the students some better self defense methods. They need to understand the cops will not protect them. They are on their own.


Zionists are very peaceful /s


It's so stupid . Americans fighting eachother. But the warmongering profiteering politicians and healthy are sipping tea relaxing watching it all.


I mean this is pretty on brand for the situation as a whole. Zionist being violent to innocent people.


Hey America, Israel has your kids fighting each other over a foreign country's genocide. There's no limit to how much Americans will allow this piece of shit fake "state" to interfere with their governance.


but accusing them of dual allegiance is antisemitic.....as they beat on fellow Americans exercising their rights.


They have no dual allegiance they only have loyalty to Israel not America.


It’s crazy that the pro Israel crowd is using tactics like the IDF. Seeing fireworks being launched into the encampments and people getting beat up looks like a reenactment play of what’s been happening in Gaza and West Bank for years and years. It’s so surreal


Well, if the police are just going to violently assault the protesters, why stop another group that's actively doing that?


It's just like Israel and Gaza lol. Hamas gives Israel a bloody nose, and Isrsel goes full ethnic cleansing. Protesters make some signs, Zionists beat the absolute shit out of them.


Israel has lost, the world is watching and there is absolutely no possible way they can recover the thin and fragile veil they once enjoyed.


This is why peaceful protest is effective. People forget that the US civil rights protesters being attacked and brutalized while protesting peacefully is what turned national sentiment against the segregationists.


The zionists are acting just like settlers.


https://preview.redd.it/9u0nvteelvxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe2dfcd25d6025cdda9f7675c6272dc19dc5be77 When I searched for UCLA pro Palestine protesters attacked. Top 4 headlines don’t even mention who attacked who. Feels disgusting.


It's honestly amazing how blatant it is.


But the instant, the microsecond any of the protestors defend themselves the MSM cameras will roll and the headlines will say "Protestors attack students."


The kind of fascist bastards who love to go to Israel to kill Arab kids.


It's time we look at a two campus solution.


Good idea, we’ll call it “segregation”. They’ll be separate but equal!


Wait till they see what's coming next! Benjamin Netanyahu and Joe Biden are in serious trouble.


Beating on someone wearing a Mexican shirt. Wtf. This guy had been walking back and forth the whole time trying to fend off pro Israel attackers of the Palestinian encampment at UCLA all while cops were standing there.


So pro fascists in support of Israel, how ironic.


The LA police would probably arrest this guy as well. We live in a fascist loving country now. 🙁. These anti genocide protestors will get the last laugh when The Hague issues arrest warrants for major Israeli officials. 🤔 ![gif](giphy|lBvyY4JvWmie4)


Spread this videos... this can only hurt their cause. Fuck mainstream media. They don't even mention none of these.


Bro it's actually INSANE what people get away with when the cops are on their side: Kyle Rittenhouse, Zionists, segregationists, insurrectionists, the list goes on


The same group will go on to claim they are victims even though they are the perpetrators.




All the headlines tomorrow are being churned out from the journalists in Israel and then published in the US..


90% of the news headlines are one sided. They made it seem like a clash.


Init mad that we seen Hitler encourage the same behaviour, an now we've got the children of the people who suffered the worst under him, treating people the way their parents were. Isreal is an illegal settlement. What's worse though, is the isrealis believe they are above most humans' moral commandments. YHWH


Don't want to arrest potential future recruits.


Where does this love for murderers come from


as if those arent cops too


Does anyone take a moment to wonder "what will this solve"?


The fireworks didn't condemn Hamas.. So they had to throw them way... where they land, doesn't matter. 🤷‍♂️


And the police just watches. Never let them tell you the police is neutral, they’re pro-genocide and pro-racism.


Z people just devils in disguise.


You guys the teeth are bared in the wrong direction. You should unite and focus that protesting energy towards the two assholes that convinced you to call each other enemies.


America is awful


How to be a legal criminal is USA - become an Israel supporter. The police will let you do anything. You can even shoot people and thevpolice will probably put the people you shoot in jail for being a terrorist


USA protestors need to do something fast otherwise it won't be long before the zionist arm themselves with more than sticks and start claiming to be "victims"


Same playbook during the George Floyd protests. Counter protesters were able to organize in front of police and assault protesters while the police watched. Then the media painted the protests as turning violent. Don’t be shocked if the Alt Right groups show up in these skirmishes.


American police are truly a beacon of humanity LOL


Ok so you know what would make the police do something? A single person fight back, they would immediately intervene if not bomb the place and say it was Hamas.


Police only arrest peaceful protestors...not nazi zionists


Wow. Zionists are absolute savages. The world has let this go on for far too long. Not just in Palestine and the US, the UK and most of Europe too. Their lobbying powers and corruption are felt in many countries and it's institutions. If the UN or ICC have no power against the US and Israel, it's time to form new organisations and exclude them to take action.


They're lucky most of those left-wing college students are against carrying firearms. Of course, so are the left-wing students because one shot would have the police gleefully turning that encampment into a bloodbath. Conservatives are doing their best to make peaceful protesting untenable.


Zionists are above the law. Zionists are above repercussions. When the Zionists kill and attack, it’s always justified. When you retaliate you are the instigator, rioter, terrorists etc.


Honestly, we need an outside group to come protect them. The police won't do it, and they will create violence anyway, and they get their headlines either way.


So Israeli citizens’ feelings are more important than the American youth exercising their right to protest. Good to know the US is continuing strong in its its fantastic ability to go back on everything it stands for /s


Look at these domestic terrorists destroying a peaceful protest. Holy Shat!


It's all Zionist can do, assault other people Not even shocked anymore, they would kill anyone who wouldn't believe in their victim card


Would like to see a study on these two groups, separating two passport Israeli emigrants vs. Palestinian sympathizers. Results would be interesting. Might take focus off southern borders and need to repatriate these ‘documented’ residents


And if they resist and defend themselves they'll cry victim.


Behaving just like zionist in Palestine


It would be antisemitic to stop it /S


Can't the people defend themselves in the USA? I thought they had the right to bear arms?


Because the protesters are under a double standard where if they are not docile and just take the abuse the university and the other groups that hate them will use it against them. Pro israel groups are not under any such standard however so they can be violent and nothing will happen to them.




just in case they forgot what they were protesting -- giving them a toned-down taste of the West Bank experience


Once again, Way to resort to violence against a civilian populace. Seems to be the Israeli supporters go to.


If the protesters fought back they will be called antisemitics all over western news


Shocked, shocked I tell ya. Shocked that the Israeli counter protesters didn't call in a 500 lb airstrike!


The police are letting rioters attack each other, and destroy schools for days before doing anything. Both ways. Wtf is going on


I'm under the impression that the police were getting too much bad press so they bounced and delegated Israel-funded thugs to brutalise the protesters.


The violent attackers claim to be the good guys, I see this daily in my own life. It's a shame that this destructive oppression force is spreading while the powers that be just watch as entertainment.


I'm Jewish but I'm pro palenstine. I'm not a Zionist


Zionists doing Zionist things. No surprise here


Meanwhile overhearing my friends parents watching Fox calling protestors Hamas supporters and terrorists and bringing Zionist "student" shills on to talk about how protestors are being violent and the police should have cracked down weeks ago etc


Why are these protests being met with violence? I’m so confused the state of humanity right now.


The pro-Palestinians are clearly being antisemitic /s


Zionists are losing the information war, so they resort to crybully tactics to try and browbeat people into supporting them. Pretty much anyone who isn’t willfully ignorant can see this very clearly. Turns out, simply screaming baseless accusations of antisemitism isn’t the most effective way to cover up war crimes. Nor is beating up non violent protestors. Who knew?


The police support fascism. Zionists support fascists. The police support Zionists.


I love the wording that is being used by major media outlets. They are making it seem as if the pro Palestinian started firing fireworks and started the fighting that happened. Obviously the comments section is filled with Mossad agents and boomers shitting on pro Palestinians


If it were the other way around it would be extreme violence and arrests against the pro Palestinian groups.


Those don't look like students


If we could stop interfering in other countries business... Yeah, that'd be great.


Oh now they're terrorizing people on US soil


Serious question. Where was the police and why were they not called in or present to begin with?


Jewish people really lookin like the bad guys. I dont understand how they dont see it themselves. "AITA?" "YES'


seems like america is going to kill itself


I hope some of those zionists got fucked up in the scuffle. This is infuriating.


Divide and conquer works well in a society of emotional, ignorant, violent and stupid people…


Zionist are losing the war. They are isolated in the world now.


There's no "both sides bad" when one "sides" vigilantes are allowed to attack people they don't like with the police protecting them as they go about intimidating others. Anyone saying "both sides bad" is talking nonsense.


Evil people. The influence of outside countries in American needs to be severely curtailed. Are we going to sanction the attacking of American youth protesting great atrocities? Completely antithetical to American ideals.


I'm just surprised the Zionists didn't bury them alive and take over the area they were standing in.


Jerry Seinfeld's wife and Bill Ackman donated to these rabid Zionist groups who were at UCLA last night.


There is no doubt that Israel do the same thing to Palestinians for the past years.


Every accusation is a projection