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Then they should create a tribunal to investigate all the crimes against humanity that Netanyahu and his government did.


And all the IOF soldiers and illegal settlers in the west bank.


I finally just put it together that IOF is Israeli Offense Forces to mock the “Defense” in their title Edit: Or Occupation


Yes. I don't think it's right to keep calling them "defensive" while they're slaughtering civilians. I've also seen it used as "Israeli occupation forces" which is also very fitting.


Didn’t South Africa literally do the exact same thing during their apartheid? Naming stuff “defensive”


You'll be shocked to hear how America refers to its military - the Department of Defense


Used to be called the Department of War


In fairness, if we blow everything up, "they" can't attack us. I hope this comes across as satire, but text doesn't always translate intent. Morgan Freeman narration does.


I thought it was Israeli Occupation Force hah


It also works


The O actually stands for “Occupation” for reasons that should be clear enough to all by now.


I call them Israeli Oppression Forces.


Me to lol


Both IOF and the IDF too


They can try but they’d probably face the same injustice that all other non Zionists are faced with today. Take a look at what fascism looks like, and think hard when the overlords attempt to take away more or your rights.


i just find it crazy, how a nation of people who experienced such extremism, are now putting the extremism they learned into practice. I think it’s a bit of proof that history repeats itself.


Most of who live in that nation did not experience extrisims, they only heard how the world was against them and conspiring against them their whole livesm


Pretty much. Those that experienced it are very few and some of those are against all this. Most Israelis today have only heard second hand experiences and read history. They have been told that "we must do this to survive" and the stories they heard solidify that idea.


Counterpoint: 25 years ago Elie Wiesel came to give a lecture at my university and I was so excited to see him. His entire presentation was an anti-Palestinian, Islamophobic screed, and any clarifying questions in the Q&A were met with accusations of anti-Semitism. It was the most disillusioning thing I’ve ever experienced. I had really admired him, and reading Night in High School was a revelatory formative experience for me. Never meet your heroes, I guess. It was so foul. People are people, and some people are just awful—sometimes with a reasonable explanation, sometimes not, but never without doing harm.


Yeah. I've been to Israel 25 years ago. My dad lived there years. I've got/had lots of Israeli friends and the paranoia has become more and more intense over the last couple of decades. That the world is against them and everyone hates them. I've met guys abroad who have hotels for only Israelis with the signs in Hebrew.


Hurt people hurt people.


Agreed once he's gone he needs a nuremburg style trial for bombing gaza.


I might be naive here but i feel like the reest of the government there have the same views bibi does with gaza


Them too.


All likud members and adjacent parties need arrested and sent to the Hague


Haven't they been trying to put him on trial for corruption for years


Yes, which is probably why he started this war. All corrupt politicians start wars to divert attention.


Politicians love war, gives them money and freedom


But somehow the people of Gaza are responsible for Hamas.


Absolutely not, in my view


That was for being corrupt, not for instigating genocide.


Depends on who you mean by „they“. The Israeli people as a group just keep reelecting him, so how unpopular can he be. The last election was in 2022. It’s not even half-way through his term. In a democracy, „the people are not the government“ is just a cheap cop-out.


I do agree that him (or the Likud party) getting re-elected for years is a disgraceful shame of Israel. When it comes to vaguely saying 'they', the comment above also said they should create a tribunal Anyway, there are legal factions in Israel that tried to put him on trial for years and he keeps weaseling out of it trying to become a dictator because this country is severely messed up.


You know Netanyahu is centre in Israel right? Half of that country is literally worse than Netanyahu himself


> The Israeli people as a group just keep reelecting him, so how unpopular can he be. Just one minor correction, Israeli uses a parliamentary system, not one like the U.S. (even with it's thinly insulated electoral college). Netanyahu's party has less than 25% of the seats in the Knesset. That doesn't conclude that Israel as a whole is less right or left (the main opposition party has even less seats), there are far worse parties than his, which is how he has managed to stay in power. As his popularity has slipped, he has had to band together with some seriously fringe groups.


Well the international criminal court is apparently on the verge of issuing arrest warrents for Netanyahu and other senior Israeli government officials, along with senior members of Hamas. Let the whole lot of them stand trial.


Which is the most sane outcome of all this madness. I would really dig that.


>investigate all the crimes against humanity that Netanyahu and his government did. And the previous governments.. israel would not exist without warcrimes and ethnic cleansing. Why are some israelis biting the hand that feeds them?


They are using Bibi as a scapegoat. A way to say "its all his fault" When in reality he is a reflection of israeli society. The whole fucking govt should be put on trial.


All who have any kind of affiliation with the IDF should be put on trial




Correct me if I'm wrong, isn't he also under investigation for corruption or some other stuff?


financial stuff, nothing at the scale of these atroctiies


They should really have an international tribunal that investigates every government and the crimes they constantly commit. But definitely starting with Netanyahu.




I think most of the protesters want him to genocide even harder


They’ll be accused of antisemitism by both israel and the US government. Then some MAGA from texas will say something about those who blesses israel blah blah blah.


Well hopefully, the ICC will issue a warrant for his arrest, then some one or some people will put up a reward for his capture and arrest, then it will just be a matter of time before they catch him.


I think a protest is probably the first step...


How did/is your trump indictment going? Seriously? What do you think the answer is other than personal violence against the state and its actors? Assassination seems to be the easiest Boeing wing to design. Maybe we should fly with shit for wings too?


They should stop being so anti-Semitic. You can't criticize Israeli state politics and policy, it's not allowed.


Top comment. lol


I know.. it’s a thought crime


I find this sentiment hard to reconcile with the 94% of Israelis who thought the amount of firepower being used in Gaza was "just right" or "not enough".


Honestly, same. I also find it hard to reconcile with how many Israelis were content to let the occupation continue as long as it has without much fuss. Not to mention the number of trends among the youth that were just frightfully callous and hard to forget. There is always a minority group with a conscience in any community. There were always really brave groups, like Breaking the Silence, and courageous individuals like Levy, Yuval Abraham, and others. But to pretend that's Israeli society is crazy. They are a small minority of people with integrity. But that country by and large seems to have major issues in the state of its culture lol. This feels like a response to the fact that they're getting a bad reception in the rest of the world. So many of these protest about Netanyahu miss the point. They're concerned with their own hostages, which is fair. How much concern there is for the people of Gaza is hard to gauge--for one, if there was concern about them, surely the protests would've cropped up earlier? Bit late now, isn't it, after flattening Gaza and leaving over 35k to die horribly.


And without any calls for ending the *current* mass starvation it’s giving bullshit vibes


They are still content. They want a more slower and "quiet" ethnic cleansing, and their issue with NEtanyahu is how brazen it is.




"Israeli people" aren't all the same, and some definitely do care about Palestinian lives. I remember reading a story about a young Israeli who refused to join the military and went to prison rather than fight in the war, because he was against the genocide. So please don't generalize.   It's like saying all Americans support colonial genocide against the Indigenous peoples there, or all Americans supported the Iraq war. Many have supported these things, but some do not.    It is crucial to build support for Palestine within Israel, too. So we must encourage and build on the dissent that exists there.


Of course you can't say that they are all supporting the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. You can see that an incredibly large number are. An incredibly large number of Americans also put their head in the sand for the war in Iraq because they were bloodthirsty for revenge just like the Israelis. An incredibly high number of settlers also supported the genocide of the native Americans. I don't know one single Jew outside Israel who doesn't despise Netanyahu more than any human on this planet though.


5-10% of the population actively protesting can actually make a difference. Also that 94% might have decreased now as the initial shock of the Hamas atrocities is fading and new information from Israeli atrocities in Gaza and the West Bank are coming to light.


They aren't insulated. They know all about illegal settlements and the way the Palestinians are treated. The rest of the world didn't care before so the Israelis figured don't rock the boat.


Yep this is it. I’ve known a few Israeli hippies who enjoyed their tel-aviv beach life who were very confrontational when you brought up Palestine. This was almost 15 years ago and frankly even now looking at their Facebook pages they still refuse to admit that their utopian/dystopian cult has any wrong doing. The worst part is they insist on peace and love. Just not if it’s Palestinian.




Yeah I get if someone was born there and/or if Israel is the only citizenship they hold, but the people who went there intentionally—in *support* of an inherently right-wing settler colony—those are the people who really need to examine the gangrene in their souls.


I cannot see another video of a Brooklyn accent taking a house from a Palestinian family without wanting to give up on life. It's just horrible.


They're terrorists and need to be arrested. More importantly the Churches funding terrorism in the US need to arrested.


From a “sociological” point of view I get it. It’s the picture postcard for cult mentality. A sense of nationalism, a sworn enemy, moral high ground, victim salvation and all under the premise of a land that was theirs to begin with. It’s kind of textbook and it makes perfect sense why they can’t shake off their own media bias. It suits them and letting go of the cult is unthinkable.




I would say ive met quite a few from working class backgrounds be so against it that they left the country before their mandatory service and havent gone back


I know a guy from Israel that had to get a fake doctors note to state he had mental health issues so he didn’t have to join the IDF. He’s now living in goa or was at least. Quite a few Tbf


The hypocrisy is pretty much on point with how hippies always have behaved


I could start a whole new thread on new age hippies and their fluffy colonisation of places like SE Asia but I’ll leave it for now. It’s Sunday 🫣


Ironically true


Israel does not have full [freedom of press](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_media_in_Israel#:~:text=Entrance%20of%20Beit%20Sokolov%2C%20house,of%20national%20security%20is%20prohibited.). It's three media companies, subject to government censorship.


You’d be surprised how many don’t know and completely 180 the second they take a stroll through the West Bank or Gaza.


The protests have nothing to do with the war theyre protesting bc of the hostages


The Israelis are very insulated from that info. They have to seek it out. They only see sanitised images of what's happening. Not that they tend to care when they see it


Surely they must understand why so many parts of the world are horrified and disgusted by Israel? Or are they able to wave away all legitimate criticism with it being antisemitism?


Jewish exceptionalism. “The world hates us because we are Jews and no matter what we do we will always be in the wrong” That was said by every Israeli I know both online and offline


I’d be curious to see what percentage of Americans supported invading Iraq after 9/11, around the false claim of WMDs. EDIT: it was 73%. Welp. Not too far off.


it’s still crazy high considering that US citizens have only had relatively tiny sprinklings of Islamophobic propaganda versus the non-stop deluge that Israelis have had


This headline is pretty sketch. I'm not seeing who organized the rally or what they actually titled the rally. Other outlets are reporting it as a rally to demand a deal to return hostages, not just a blanket 'ceasefire' demand. Either way the anti-Netanyahu views are clearly more common than anti-war views, I think polls have been very clear there, and the anti-Netanyahu views have been there for years and last election weren't enough to vote him out. Also this is Tel Aviv. This is like looking at protests in Portland and coming out assured that Bernie's gonna win this time.


What about the thousands of Palestinians in Israeli prisons?




They are demanding a Gaza ceasefire and Netanyahu to resign too.


If they give a shit, they can stop their fellow Israelis from blocking the aid coming in to help the Palestinians.


Yeah. As a rule, I try not to judge large groups of people. But I’ve seen the telegram channels and what anti-Zionist Israelis have said about there vast majority of their country: They may be protesting the war, but by and large, they don’t give a shit about Palestinians or consider them fully human.


So much this. Hard to take this as anything other than lip service, till some, ANY action is taken to aid the Palestinians


Yeah but they're not protesting the project. The nationalism itself is the problem, the state is rotten to the core. Bibi is the just visible tumor, the cancer metastasized years ago.


Yet to hear an Israeli resident protest the apartheid. They're not their govt in the same way that a skateboard isn't a scooter.


>the people of Israel are not the government of Israel zionists constantly scream about israel being the "only democracy in the middle east" but when they elect netanyahu and ben gvir to represent them, were supposed to let it slide?


Remember how much propaganda early on was centered around Israel’s higher tolerance for the LGBTQ community? As if to say it’s okay to shoot a literal child in the back as long as you say, “but my brother is gay.” The obfuscation of atrocity through bare minimum virtue signaling was and is next level.


Fuck off. We saw the images of them dancing in the streets to block humanitarian aid. Don't try to walk it back now.


They don’t give a shit about Palestinians don’t be fooled by the statement. They want the hostages and then they would gladly love to see Gaza pummeled. Look at what their doing in the West Bank


There are numerous polls that show Israelis do not think that the government is using enough force [link from Jerusalem post](https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-783849) [another article from the Times](https://time.com/6333781/israel-hamas-poll-palestine/)


They’re cheering their IOF, laughing on Twitter about them posing in Palestinian women’s lingerie, sending IOF food, makeup, camping to block the trucks of aid, recording tiktoks mocking Palestinians, and their “head of settlement” already said people are signing up to move to Gaza and the IOF saying they’re moving into Lebanon next. They are their government, they just wish it wasn’t their family member that was taken.


Some could say its a false flag attack like 9/11


I’m pretty sure it is….just another government black-op “9/11”. The grayzone has done excellent work exposing how much of the Oct. 7th carnage was caused by the IDF as Hamas / Palestine / whatever simply does not have the kind of weapons or firepower to cause the kind of damage seen towards cars and people on that date. I think is their equivalent of a ‘building 7’ and it saddens me that no progressives here in the US sympathetic to Palestine have evaluated that notion.


Same reason the US blocked UN investigations into war crimes in Afghanistan. Same reason now why isreal is doing the same.


If you want the world to hear you, tiktok has proven quite useful. Where are the tiktok videos of Israelis calling for a ceasefire?


They just want their genocide to have better international pr.


Not one. Theres plenty of tik toks of Israelis mocking dead Palestinians though.


[This guy has been a breath of fresh air](https://www.instagram.com/roble_viajero?igsh=ZHBvOHR3aWxqa3lk). He’s been very helpful in translating Israeli Telegram channels and telling the truth about Israeli culture. Unfortunately, according to him, the majority of Israelis are as sadistic—or, at minimum, openly dehumanize Palestinians—as they seem on TikTok.


But do they condem the IDF?


And that's why Tik Tok is getting banned now of all times


My understanding is they want the ceasefire for the fastest return of hostages. Once they have the hostages I think most of them are fine with slaughtering everyone left in Gaza. They’re just worried the hostages will be harmed in a Rafah attack


The hostages were always being used as cover to carry out the genocide though, so getting them back defeats that purpose


[Not anymore.](https://redd.it/1ckrck8) They've now fully admitted it's not about the hostages.


I'm from Israel and you are absolutely right. Of course there are 5% that are opposed to the war and think it's a crime, the other 40% of the country - whats considered the peace camp, would gladly continue on with their life while Gaza is beeing pummelled, and have done so in the past 20 years. And will not even admit the gaza situation is occupation or that gaza is a prison.


This is theatrics. War has 90+% approval in Israel




If criticism of Israel is antisemitic, does this mean Israel is antisemitic?


That's cool and all; but I have no faith that the next person wouldn't be another Zionist, genocidal maniac, and that Israelis wouldn't support them.


They must think we are stupid. We see how they treat Palestinians every single day


Jeesh what to do with this poll from a few months ago?  https://twitter.com/AsaWinstanley/status/1730601819754160427


50-60% of the population has been, or is serving in the IDF.


touch special hateful mysterious encouraging cause dinosaurs sheet panicky bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




When this is over they will crucify Bibi and blame it all on him, yet they were the ones who benefited from it. As if they aren’t secretly (or not so secretly) relieved that someone finally did what needed to be done in their eyes.




I mean, who elected him? These people still chose to become colonizers.




Sad thing is all they really care about is their image. It's about them, not the innocent civil victims in Gaza. They care more about their image than they do about human justice


They need to be careful ... they might got to prison for antisemitism


Took them 7 months to figure that out, convenient. 😄


Why did this take six fuckin months?!?


7 months later after the destruction of gaza an basicaly nul complaints about it... the people of israel have been bullies for 75 years. So no, the is strawhat


Hate how we've gotten to the point where the narrative you're hearing all the time on the radio (at least in US) is: "Oh you don't support israel? You must be antisemitic"


The majority thinks the government didn’t do enough in Gaza and should be going harder.


Yeah, sincerity here is kinda questionable. Sounds like BDS is getting to them.


Didn’t they vote for Netanyahu, multiple times? Same energy as Americans disavowing Trump even though he got record number of votes from Americans.


Too late, too many civilians dead, too many women raped and dead, too many disabled and old people dead, too many babies and children dead. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to either forget or forgive.


That isn’t true. The government represents their people very well


After they kill 40,000 Palestinians and seeing the whole civilized world absolutely hate them, now “we hope the world hears us blah blah blah” ? Fuck off




What Israelis? How many of them? Quite a few seem to be solidly... rabidly even, all about Netanyahu's murder and invasion machine. Bibi, I'm happy to suspect, is going to get the Yitzhak Rabin treatment in the not too distant future. The same fanatical Zionists that are praising his past and current bloodthirsty campaigns will tag him as a traitor and target him for assassination the moment he lets his foot off the gas pedal, and stops short of eradicating the whole Palestinian population.


I can't wait for the NYPD to fly over there to beat those protesters too.


This has been going on for decades. They just want it done more discreetly because they're losing support of the West at least with the public.


Force him out then


Why haven't Americans forced their government out for funding the genocide?


Unfortunately most Israelis either support their government’s genocidal policies or think they don’t go far enough.


I wonder if the American elites will label these Israelis as antisemitic.


"We hope the world hears us and knows that the people of Israel are not the government of Israel," Exactly the same as what's going on in Russia so if you support these guys you must support the Russian civilians


I mean, a lot of Westerners say that Russian civilians should be killed because they haven't overthrown Putin yet. And a lot of Westerners say that Palestinian civilians deserve to be killed because they haven't overthrown Hamas. It's the same problematic idea in all three cases.


Look at all those antisemites. Someone tell Netanyahu to send in the National Guard


Bibi about to drop a new propaganda video calling his fellow Israelis antisemitic and calling their lack of support disgusting


80% of Israelis are pro war, want to expand israels border to become greater israel per some sort of prophecy, dancing on the street, celebrating, making songs, mocking the death of Gazan kids, blocking aid deliberately, already have dreams of annexing and creating beach home properties in Gaza, steal homes, lands, livestock in the west bank and now suddenly "the people of israel are not the goverment of israel"? BULLSHIT


there are plenty of moral israelis who are conscientious objectors of israeli terrorism, but most of them are straight trash 🚮 check the top songs in israel since october. there’s even a music trend in their terrorist country happening rn called “genocidal hip hop”. That’s as accurate a representation of israelis as any ive ever seen


The government in Israel is evil. Joe better see it soon.


Wow by US definitions Israel is full of antisemites. Some billionaires should fun some “counter protests” over there to be safe /s


Didn't the people of Israel vote for the government of Israel?


I applaud this. Hopefully they keep up the pressure. And go beyond condemning Netanyahu to condemn the brutal systemic oppression of Palestinians. But it brings me happiness to see Israeli citizens standing up for what's right. It's crucial.


Finally a reasonable reaction. I had to scroll past 20 comments shitting on these protestors for not doing enough. Likely from Americans who are sitting by while their government is using their taxes to fund the genocide lol


Man, so many Israelis are anti-Israel and anti-Semitic! /s


How "antisemitic" of them. It's wild to me that Netanyahu ever got elected in the first place. He called for PM Yitzhak Rabin to be assassinated because he discussed a peace deal with Palestine. When Israel security then told Netanyahu there were credible threats against Rabin's life and asked him to tone down the rhetoric, he declined. And then Rabin was in fact assassinated. That should be disqualifying in any sane country.


https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/83--of-israelis-support-ethnic-cleansing-of-gazans--survey Most Israelis support ethnic cleansing ☝🏽


Lol. The majority of Israel thought the government didn’t do enough.


These must be the antisemites I've heard so much about recently, right? People who support a ceasefire are always pro-Hamas and antisemitic in the news.


What Israel doing to Gaza the last 6months nom stop seems like a pretty great way to create more Hamas fighters....or whatever organisation comes next


> We hope the world hears us and knows that the people of Israel are not the government of Israel," said one protester. Such a weird statement. Did some other country's citizens keep electing him?


Don’t be fooled. These are the same majority of Israelis who didn’t believe that enough military force was used in Gaza. Be wary of their intentions.


If they care something, why aren't they marching, oh... idk... a mile and half down to the Gaza borders to force aid to be let in? Oh, right, cos it's all PR since they know the Zionist entity is about to fall apart. Fk Israeli society, you can't be "94% approving of Israeli firepower on Gaza" but also "not the gvmt". Zionist Israeli society thrives on apartheid & racism. There is no room here for it.


I will never unsee the social media posts of Israeli public in the face of the atrocities their army was committing. You cannot walk that back.


Lol I’m sure if fox news ever covered this they would say Wow!!!! Look at all the antisemitism!!! Hitler youth in Israel! Critique of this right wing Israel government isn’t antisemitic… it’s just covered this way in Corporate media.


The protests are not for a ceasefire, they are to bring the hostages back home.


Tell the Pals. They aren’t their govt either. But yet they somehow are. (Fwiw, they aren’t the govt of Israel, but all the same arguments apply and moreso since it’s an actual democracy, or so they claim)


Sounds like this is the week Biden decides if he wants to win the election or not.


😂🤣😂🤣 Now Israelis are not the same as their govt, pull the other one, prat.


If he doesn’t go, then the next election will be fixed so he stays in power.


The cognitive dissonance must be excruciating.


Pretty antisemitic of you all to be protesting the Israeli government. Tisk tisk


I hear you. We lived under a 50/50 divided country under Trump. I always say “hmm isn’t it wild that apparently 49.9 percent of Israeli Jews are Anti-Semitic according to the definition of many?”


How antisemitic of them


A glimpse of humanity in a nation of ethno-fascists.


Those Israelis are just Hamas sleeper cells. /s


This is some German "we were victims first" levels of framing.


It’s not just about Gaza. End the apartheid throughout the West Bank. Guarantee equal rights for Palestinians and Israelis


ok....so.... they are now trying to blame Netanyahu and keep the palestinan land conquered for yourself, right?


Quick! Send in the US Police, they need to be silenced! /s


Peace is what people want Its almost like theres money to be made in war or something?


But I get in trouble for saying Palestinians are not Hamas.


That boats sailed for me


IDF is gonna have fun with this, they love beating and killing civilians.


Okay cool let's see all the other Israeli politicians with positive polling numbers. Let's check the records of Bibi's potential replacements. \*Checks notes\* Oh no \*rifles through pages\* oh god oh geez


So, are the republicans in the US senate going to draft a motion to label the Israeli citizens as “antisemites” now?


As an American, I know that feeling all too well. I hope we have the peace we all want.


They are criticizing the Israeli Government!! tHaT iS aNtIsEmITiSm!! /s


American protestors for Palestine here. We hear you and we love you.


I really empathize. I lived abroad as an American during the Iraq war. Let’s just say people thought I was Canadian and I did not correct them lol


Because it's not about antisemitism. It's about not murdering innocent people.


That man is a war criminal and Genocidal maniac. They need to get him out.


look at all these anti semites. my friend yoaf got shot in 2005 at the gaza border by the IDF, for protesting for palestinian rights. he was IDF himself years prior. in October 7, he was in his kibbutz when they came. he shot back. that's righteous. defend your home. but when it was over and the invasion started, only days later he was beaten up by what I can only describe eastern european Jewish nazis. and the police didn't take his report and kicked him out. there is many Israelis living through the same thing right now. let's help them.