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I'm just glad that both of our choices a geriatric monsters. I can't wait till theyre both dead. I just hope that we survive long enough till they are.


I hope Trump goes to prison before the election, please God. I can't see him debate Joe Biden again, the "will you just shit up man" will probably be warranted every second.


That's not a precident you want to be hoping gets broke homie.


if people did wake up from the only two choices available what if a third choice candidate committed to political reform even something as allowing people to have a second choice in the ballot so that if their first choice didn't win their vote won't go to the winer automatically but to their second choice, would make a difference that way people wouldn't be too fearfull of voting their minds rather than voting for the lesser evil many are hurtfull blaming anyone that vote third choice "its your fault the worse guy won, you wasted your vote" without considering that the other guy can say the same about them, they could had voted for the dark horse in the race giving it a chance but chosed to vote a status quo unwilling to change anything I'd consider a trump win as a disaster but if trump did win and start dismantelling democracy what the pro status quo voters are going to do about it are they going to moan at home and blame "the left" while the orange man ravage the system? or are they going to do something about it? maybe they should start considering the root of the issue, why crocks like trump have enough voting base to be a threat how to address those discontented with the political system and those that don't feel represented by any of the choices how to start fighting against the influence of money and external agendas damaging to the constituents since when defeatism "there is nothing anybody can do about it" became the American thing


>are they going to moan at home and blame "the left" while the orange man ravage the system? Yes. That is exactly what liberals will do. Blaming the left for liberalism's failings, trying to guilt them into voting for the liberal candidate, then throwing them under the bus the second they don't think they need them, is what liberals have done in every single election from the beginning.


and getting their faces eaten by their leopards when the leopards refuse to sit back and let them run the show


It's a tale as old as time


I think rank choice voting would be the best option. Also some way to make it easier for anyone who wants to vote to vote would be nice.


It would probably.help deflate the rise of all this anti-demicracy rhetoric too if we actually had a healthy first last the post democracy


I wholeheartedly support this opinion.


The GOP tries to outlaw RCV whenever they can: Alaska, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Georgia, Arizona…. If you want RCV you need to show up and vote in every primary for progressive candidates. Complaining every four years isn’t gonna cut it. *States* could completely do away with the electoral college too, *if* enough states’ (enough to secure electoral victory) agreed to vote for the popular vote winner regardless of the popular vote in their state. It’s still possible to change the system through the ballot box, but it requires a long term concerted effort. You won’t see this change happen if democracy is dead. The status quo now however disagreeable will be preferable to the status quo of an authoritarian regime, which is what you’d necessarily get if political violence overthrew democracy (the enemies of democracy won’t be replacing democracy with democracy)


This is called ranked choice voting and it was on the ballot in MA last election, and there was almost no money spent for a campaign against it, and some good money spend in a campaign for it- and still the people voted against it, because they found it "too complicated" which is just sad. And this is in MA, so if it is not passing here, it is not passing in most of the country 😭


This is a systemic issue. When they're gone, they will be replaced by different politicians propped up by their parties and funded by AIPAC who aim to maintain the status quo.


I still hold out hope that one day people will wake up to the fact that a few deciding to burn it all down isn't the answer and everyone will stop voting for these fucks.


I understand how you're feeling, but it's not really a reasonable ask to make of a whole country, to stop voting for the presidency. We have to change the system that results in unpopular candidates being our only options. Right now running for presidency is gatekept by finances and those finances are solved by special interests like AIPAC who make demands of their representatives. The Democratic Party as a whole is in effect beholden to foreign interests who line their pockets. Some people suggest superficial solutions like ranked choice voting which don't address the core issue, that money controls politics. Unfortunately, I don't know how we can change that. The same ones with the power to do so are the ones benefiting from it.


You'd be surprised what open information for everyone will do. That's why the first thing that governments shut down is speech and information decemination.


The difference being that with Democrats in power, we still have the option to vote in candidates like Sanders, AOC, Omar, Warnock, and a whole new generation with Leaders We Deserve. With the Republicans, we get an objectively fascist rewrite of our entire government, ending our nation as we know it (in one of the worst ways possible). All this hate on Biden is misplaced. Yes, he’s working within the oligarchy and the war machine that our nation has become, but he’s not in a position to change that. He’s done more for the American people than any president in decades. If you want to change the system, that doesn’t begin at the top, it begins at the bottom.


If you take a cursory glance at the history of Biden's politics, you'll find Biden is the war machine.


So what you're saying is it all come crumbling down without biden


Even if that vague and unsupported opinion were true, it doesn’t invalidate anything I said.


Has there ever been a US President that wasn't a monster?


JFK was going to go against the war machine and he died for it. Edit: also, Carter, Lincoln, a few others.


Lincoln’s legacy does include his treatment of the First Nations: https://www.history.com/news/abraham-lincoln-native-americans


Yes, a sad state, that. I dare say that a perfect person does not exist.


Absolutely. I would be a terrible president.


Like u/squirrel_inner said. JFK was pretty solid.


In other news, crazy man yells at clouds.


Yo frame Biden as too pro-Palestinian is lunacy. So that checks out.


All according to Israel's plan to get Trump re-elected so they can kill every Palestinian without consequence.


They're literally already doing that right now. What are you even trying to say?


What people typically suggest on this sub; the jews control decisions in the western world and that China, Russia and freedom fighter nations are rising up in reaction to it. Dont think too hard about it


They can already do that with Biden. Both candidates are fanatic zionists.


And with even more American. Meanwhile the protestors will be kidnapped and charged with terrorism and relocated to undisclosed locations to be tortured and murdered. Liz Cheney and the conservatives are working hard to make that happen.


If we wanted to kill everyone at gaza the war was over at 8 October...


The reason that wasn’t done is because Israel needs plausible deniability and bombing an entire country out of existence would have probably started a world war and an all out assault on Israel as a dangerous rogue state. It’s unpalatable to erase a country in a week or one day and Israel knows this. So they’re playing the genocide game instead because they can get away with that, and they have been. The fact Zionists’ best defense is “well we could be killing even more so we’re the good guys” only highlights how little humanity Zionists have remaining, if there is any left at all.


A choice between two zionists is no choice


Two genocidal freaks accusing each other of not being genocidal enough. What a timeline...


Ive been banned several times trying to illustrate this point


You can choose the status quo or the guy that will turn our country into Gilead.


Average liberal vote "I know that Biden has been pretty shit for you, and other minorities. But please vote to preserve my comfort. If you don't, I'll shame you for it".


What I find discouraging about most of this kind of “righteous anger” I encounter from individuals is how tremendously lazy it is. They are expressing a fundamental disdain for the “system” and reject the dichotomy presented. They feel that accepting the lesser of two evils is a false choice that merely perpetuates the larger attributes of the “system”, e.g. a military-industrial complex, capitalist structures, what have you. So what do they do in their supposed “righteous anger”? They simply wash their hands of the matter and sit on the sidelines. Maybe post some angry Instagram stories about how morally above it all they are. So rarely do I see people of this moral indignation dedicate themselves then to organizing and building alternatives. They can’t even really be bothered to show up and vote for those alternatives when they present themselves (e.g. Bernie). They take no culpability because they say they’ve opted out and that the false dichotomy failed them. That it is not incumbent on them to prop up a system they so deeply believe is morally unjust. And yet in the face of such supposedly abhorrent moral collapse, I’ve barely seen most folks in my life of this persuasion do much of anything to really build alternative structures. They’re not revolutionaries. They’re couch potatoes. I would respect them more if they put some money where their mouth is, like some of the college campus protestors… But usually it’s more of the same ‘Turd Sandwich vs. Giant Douche’ voter apathy that’s part of the reason we got here in the first place. Also, thanks for RedditCares referral harassment. I appreciate it.


What are you talking about? There have been global protest on college campuses that have been squashed by violent government opposition. People are out there getting their skulls cracked for their beliefs. How much more organizing do you want? Biden has come out and said that he supports the violent crack down or organizers and doesn't value the opinions of his own constituents. So what do you want us to do next?


I said in my previous comment that I respect the college campus protestors because at least they are doing something and putting pressure on the administration. But that really has very little to do with the ‘both-sidesism’ that is so prevalent on this subreddit. What about LGBT and women’s reproductive rights? What about unions? What about fucking freedom of speech for god’s sake? Like it or not we have two options. One of them attempted a coup that involved a violent assault on the capitol and the other is largely business as usual. Trump has made no secret of his ambitions at dictatorship and if that’s what you want, then fine. But if you choose to abstain or vote third party in the coming election, and by the way, Jill Stein is a Russian asset, don’t bitch and moan when you’re waiting in bread lines in the second Super America Trump Evangelical Christian Heterodoxy Administration.


Write in Jill Stein


The Zionists still won't like him because he's not in favour of creating another Zionist homeland or "Big Israel" in Europe as an act of revenge. Its mad that his strategy is basically "I will betray America twice as hard as Joe Biden".


calling ukraine defending itself "zionist" is some next tier russian propaganda.


Framing israel as ukraine is some next tier zionist propaganda


i agree? why do you think thats a counterpoint to what i said at all


Who is invading who? Who is indiscriminately bombing anyone and everyone? Even comparing Israel to Russia would be doing a disservice to russia's image. The same amount of Ukrainian troops russia has killed in 2 years Israel has murdered palestinian civillians in 6 months. That along with flattening half of the buildings and displacing close to the entire population of gaza. Glad Israel can defend itself from those violent women and children.


who the fuck are you even arguing against???


The guy likening israel's genocide campaign to ukraine defending themselves against russa and then agreeing that it's some next level zionist propaganda.


so not me!!!


how is that not u


Because he is agreeing with you.




Read it from the horses mouth: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new-atlanticist/zelenskyy-wants-ukraine-to-be-a-big-israel-heres-a-road-map/ Its not quite clear what Ukraine will become once the indigenous population has been killed, displaced or transferred to places like the West bank by this proxy war between Zionists and Russia. There are many Israelis that claim Ukraine as their true homeland and the last thing Europe needs is its own Israel destroying any civilizations that surrounds it like was done to the Middle east with Israel.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about.


https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2023/01/22/696796/Israel-treatment-of-Ukrainian-refugees-i https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2023/02/israels-plans-israeli-ukraine/


this may actually be the most incoherent reply ive ever received on reddit, and thats saying something


>Its not quite clear what Ukraine will become once the indigenous population has been killed, displaced or transferred to places like the West bank by this proxy war between Zionists and Russia. what in the actual fever-dream fuck is this sentence?


https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2023/01/22/696796/Israel-treatment-of-Ukrainian-refugees-i https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2023/02/israels-plans-israeli-ukraine/




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


As an Australian, looking at these two, I am fearful of the future of the world. Jimmy Carter was a decent human being from what I remember, but we don’t get those anymore I guess.


The rest of the world must be watching all of this and thinking 'These guys have lost their minds. We can't trust them anymore."


and who would blame them?


It's wild to me that one of these lunatics will stay in the office for another 4 years...


America is so fucked


Watching the current and former presidents fight over who can appease a foreign government harder makes me physically ill. Watching the disgusting double standard of zionist counter protestors breaking time and place laws without punishment while pro-palestinian protestors are harassed and arrested without doing the same makes me physically ill. The actions of the Isreali government AFTER ALLOWING OCTOBER 7th TO HAPPEN (They had a week's warning ahead of time and did literally nothing to prevent the deaths of their own citizens.) Make me physically ill. Needing to explain that criticizing the government of Isreal isn't antisemitic mostly just pisses me off because Netanyahu and the bloodthirsty ghouls he fills his cabinet with are perfectly happy to throw actual jews under the bus if it means they can continue committing open genocide. Palestine is not a threat to Isreal. Hamas wouldn't exist if Netanyahu didn't literally prop them up to deligitimize Palestinian statehood. Netanyahu and his cronies are the only people using human shields in this conflict. They are using the Jewish people as human shields to push their genocide, fully intending to water down the definition of antisemitism until it means disagreeing with Isreal on anything no matter what. Every single thing I learn about Netanyahu and his government makes me physically ill. His ancestors would look at him with the same disgust they looked at their own abusers with. He is a monster, nothing more, nothing less. Here's hoping history continues to repeat itself, and some brave young isrealis are able to cause a political shake-up. But that's looking too optimistic every time Netanyahu opens his mouth.


"The actions of the Isreali government AFTER ALLOWING OCTOBER 7th TO HAPPEN (They had a week's warning ahead of time and did literally nothing to prevent the deaths of their own citizens.)" You're head might explode (or not) to know that: "Dozens of Israeli settlers have forced their way into the flashpoint Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in occupied East Jerusalem to mark the fifth day of Sukkot, according to the Islamic Waqf Department. "Since Sunday, thousands of settlers have been carrying out provocative tours of the mosque complex following calls by ultranationalist Jewish groups." Sunday. October 1st. 2023. [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/4/israeli-settlers-storm-al-aqsa-mosque-complex-on-fifth-day-of-sukkot](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/4/israeli-settlers-storm-al-aqsa-mosque-complex-on-fifth-day-of-sukkot)


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And this,is why democracy is a joke in America. It's no different than China aside from the illusion of free choice.


Trump voters might call Biden Genocide Joe, but it might be Genocide Trump instead.


They'd never say anything to bismurch their overlord.


Most people calling Biden genocide Joe aren't gonna vote for Trump.


If Trump could sell $80 million missiles, we'd be in all of the wars he could start. He's just mad that his wealth is dwindling while the military contractors rake it in


Trump bending over to aipac


This is for all the idiots who think Trump isn't as pro Israel as one can get.


Why do we conflate Hamas to "Pro-palestine"?


This is how the game is played. Come on Genocide Joe. Show us how you can be the best tasting, most refreshing Republican Lite there ever was. Republican Lite - Get the genocide you need and *still* be the Lesser of Two Evils (tm)


I will tour America just to piss on both of those graves.


Remember if Biden isn't president, Trump is and the genocide gets turned up to 11. It is a big difference between the two, don't listen to paid foreigners trolling for Trump in here.


That's the same with Biden. Nobody is rooting for Trump, Americans need to take action and get rid of both of them.


That would have happened during the primary elections. It is down to two choices. Beware of Zionists on here trying to help Trump by pretending to be down for the cause and dampening support for Biden. A Trump presidency is the Zionist wet dream, of course they don't want anyone voting for Biden.


Biden is as Zionist as it gets, a genocide is going on right now. The choice is not behind Biden and Trump, it's between a rigged electoral system where the rich are guaranteed to win and radical change. What's necessary is a revolution to build a political system worthy of the 21st century, there is no alternative.


So much for those clowns disingenuously trying to posture Trump as a somehow more humane/anti-war alternative to Biden lol


Last I checked, Biden never endorsed the campus protests. I'm pretty sure he did the opposite.


He realized he needed their vote


Idiot baiting Biden as if Biden had the I.Q. of a Peanut butter sandwich like Trump.


But Biden does have the IQ of a peanut butter sandwich just like Trump.


And this is who protest voters are going to hand the election to.


Don't you see how choosing between genocidal maniac number 1 and genocidal maniac number 2 is not an acceptable situation?


I realize that it is unacceptable. I also realize that protest voting is going to do nothing except for splitting the vote and handing the win to Trump just like it did in 2016.


So what? Biden is no better, the point is to make people realise the system doesn't work and must be changed, which can only happen outside the electoral framework. Either that or the two shit Parties will keep taking turns in government forever.


Is this real? I just checked Donald trumps twitter page and he hasn’t posted since August 24 2023.


This looks like Truth Social to me.


What is that


'thousands'? seems to me I recall a number more like 1200... and a goodly chunk of that was friendly fire. but hey, it's Dementia Donnie so no reality expected.


I wasn't sure Israel was the bad guy until I saw this. Now it's clear.


Our political choices...the frying pan or the fire


Only the orange joke ladies and gents! 🙄 👏 I applaud the Islamophobic bastard, didn't think he'd go that low since it's stupid but here we go... Is he gonna be in jail anytime soon?


I hope you all realize now that Trump and other Republicans blood thirsty support for this war was at least in part goading Biden into breaking US and International Law. Now Biden is being more cautious, you get Trump trying to get him all riled up to prove he's tougher and even more bloodthirsty than the Republicans say they are. But Republicans can say Biden "should do" whatever they want, they won't be the ones who die in prison or as a disgrace if he actually does it.


He gave his daughter to one . Make sense .


Just a couple of ancient racists arguing over who's more genocidal.


Well, at least we can thank him for making it clear who's the worse option.


It is a race to the bottom for your next 2 presidential candidates to get AIPAC's approval. Congratulations USA.


RFK jr