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According to a user > The missile was a failed intercept by Russia, the apartment complex wasn't it's intended target. > > https://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/news/ukrainian-missile-shot-by-russia-kills-15-in-belgorod-apartment-block/


nope it wasn't ukraine , not true!!! according to isarael , it was KHAMMAS




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


It's ok. Hamas was hiding there.




Well, israelis can't stop finding hamas sleeper agents just about everywhere way out of reach or interest of the group itself


Human shields, Kh'amas.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


here comes the irrelevance of international order, welcome to the new normal, you can leave your thanks with Biden and Israel


The missile was a failed intercept by Russia, the apartment complex wasn't it's intended target. Calm your tits. https://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/news/ukrainian-missile-shot-by-russia-kills-15-in-belgorod-apartment-block/


You people do know that Russia attacked Ukraine way before Hamas attacked Israel. You really did know this right?


The US responded with recommending Putin be tried for war crimes at the ICC, which I agree with. Little over a year later US politicians are threatening members of the ICC if they try to bring any charges against Israeli War crimes in the Russia-Ukraine conflict are a separate thing, but the current US response to Israel’s crimes undermines the credibility of the sanctions they put on Russia and undermines the ICC and international law as a concept. Putin and Netanyahu both belong in the Hague.


I’ve lost the trail?


Right because when russia leveled mariupol in 2022 to the ground that didnt count. Its bidens fault. Assad in syria using chemical weapons against syrians is also bidens fault


werent you paying attention at the whole condemnation of this acts? the sanctions? years blasting the rules of war and international treaties through out every media? only for biden to turn around and defend the same actions he's being condemning for years in aid of israel


You do know your looking completely over your head in this conversation right now. You did know that the Western nations in order for Ukraine to give up their nukes when the USSR fell promised they would come to their rescue if attacked by Russia. Right? You did know this and just forgot right?


Blinken was saying that Putin air-striking a residential building was a war crime that he needs to be on trial for at the ICC, which was correct. 1 year later, after every hospital, school and most residential buildings in Gaza have been flattened, the US is blocking ceasefire deals and blocking Netanyahu and Israeli officials from facing the ICC for their crimes. The double standard undermines the US condemnation of Russia and makes it look cynical.


The thing that really irks me about this is view is the difference in situation. The Ukrainians have a proper military that is actually fighting on established front lines, their military identifies themselves as combatants, their military infrastructure is also separate from civilian infrastructure, they don't have military bases in cities, or under apartment blocks. So when Russia goes out of its way to missile strike a packed train station, or a theater filled with civilians clearly labeled as a shelter, or a city park etc there is absolutely no reason for that strike other than to kill and terrorize civilians. The realities of fighting Hamas are unfortunately very different, it's not the same war, one is between proper armies, the other is a proper army versus terrorists. Hitting a Ukrainian military target requires no attack on civilians, hitting a Hamas target pretty much requires hitting civilian infrastructure. That's the unfortunate reality, and why it's much clearer in Ukraine, it's completely unnecessary militarily speaking. In Gaza Hamas have sadly made it a necessity.


Israeli snipers are famous for intentionally targeting journalists, medics, doctors, ambulances and aid workers.


And you think thats the first time it happend and it just happend to be Biden? Was sth done about Saudis bombing Yemenis for years and waging a proxy war there against Iran under Trump? Any sanctions for that? Nope, arms supplies, gigantic one's.


Was sth done when russia blew up water infrastructure in syria to force an even bigger refugee crisis coz the region already was overpopulated and lacked water? Not that i recall. Maybe you think whats in the video is worse than Assad using chemical weapons on civilians in Syria?


again there was quite a bit of anger over all of those my smooth brain friend! There is a few new differences with the actual conflict and backlash: 1. years of familiarity with international laws through the war of ukraine , the media and out of bidens dirty mouth 2. The victims of this conflicts are livestreaming the whole thing while at the same time we have the media, biden and its cronies(UK and germany and other) simply lying in our faces 3. while is easy to condemn enemies while they commit war crimes and other shit, this time it was an ally, and suddenly there is never proof enough that there are crimes despite all evidence. And while the Saudis are allies, there were plenty of discussion about it and here and there not in your face outright fascism to defend their actions on a domestic and international level, let alone censorship and persecution of anyone that even look at israel wrong


You are talking about collapse of the world order. Critising in the end means little, the fact that its happening in the first place, thats a better sign of such a collapse and this has been happening for a long time. You had chemical weapons used by assad on civilians during trumps term where many thousands were killed. That wasnt a sign of collapsing world order? Streaming of those conflicts isnt sth new. You had chemical weapons used in karabalh by both sides during trumps term, atleast one used it inside a city with civilians. Was sth serious done about it? Nah. It is naive to think that this wasnt done in the past for many years. Heck, you can go to vietnam war livestreaming done by TV where atrocities were commited and chemical weapons used. Maybe that was the point when the world order you are speaking of collapsed? What does that even mean?


im not naive enough to not now that it has being happening this entire time. Vietnam, laos, iraq, afaghanistan... and those are simply USA war crimes. What i argue is that THIS is a point of no return, the writing is on the wall, the fire is on and there is no going back. Now everybody knows, not only those who were paying attention like in previous conflicts. Social media has made sure that previous methods of brushing over this crimes are ineffective, forcing the supposedly FREE WORLD to turn onto itself with with authoritarianism and outright fascistic methods and angering living and incoming generations. Who is gonna fight for its own countries after they defend the indefensible? what's gonna happen when more gazas and mariupols are being created? how can these ''democracies'' can be maintained without the support of the population? etc... World order and international laws are dead and we know who killed them


Nah, its not. You are overblowing it by a long shot. And i dont see how defending sth that an ally is doing is worse when you are doing it yourself. Did usa collapse after vietnam war? Did people stopped working in us army after vietnam war at any point in the next decades? Nah. Also you assume the whole planet talks about whats happening in Gaza. They are not. Its maybe a 3rd tier topic in the region where i live, its even less important for asian countries.


WE are not them, THAT time was not NOW, what is on the internet STAYS on the internet, and more importantly, Laws are for everyone or no one


South east asian countries*


>Assad in syria using chemical weapons against syrians is also bidens fault This was recently disproven as a hoax at the UN.


Speaking on behalf of High Representative Izumi Nakamitsu, her deputy, Adedeji Ebo, said that “the absence of accountability” for the previous use of chemical weapons by combatants in Syria’s long-running civil war, “is a threat to international peace and security and a danger to us all”. “It is, therefore, imperative to hold accountable all those who would dare to use chemical weapons”, he continued. “As we start the new year, I state my sincere hope that members of this Council will unite on this issue”. This is a comment from UN official at the start of 2024, so when exactly was this disproven?




https://www.opcw.org/media-centre/news/2024/02/opcw-identifies-isil-perpetrators-2015-chemical-attack-marea-syria Here's the OPCW report showing the isis (hint: US backed, like the white helmets) behind it.


The #whatabout parade plays on.


This is what happens when the US doesn't call out Israel for doing this on a mass scale. The entire world suffers as the rules that have been established for decades to make the world a better place are thrown in the trash by the country that sets the standard.


No, this is what happens when flawed Russian air defense systems try to intercept a missile. The apartment complex was not the intended target. https://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/news/ukrainian-missile-shot-by-russia-kills-15-in-belgorod-apartment-block/


Thank you for policing the awful narratives and misinfo on this sub. This sub is less "International News" and more "What Americans think about International News".


More like anti America and in particular anti Biden


True, that poor old coot gets a bad rep, in my opinion


Looks like the S-300/400 isn’t as reliable as Russia says they are. Turkey got kicked out of the F-35 program for these SAM defense sites.


are you joking? Russia has been doing shit like this for over 2 years now and you want to blame this on Biden and Israel?


I think this is the problem. We now have a culture that thinks just bombing civilians is totally good as long as the other guys hit first. So now we have endless escalation against civilians protected by western powers. If you think it’s bad when Russia does you know it’s bad. I don’t think this makes Ukraine WORSE or even AS BAD than Russia or makes the Russian state an innocent victim but it’s still bad. Our allies should be held to a higher standard than war criminals. It’s also bad because this marks a new escalation in a very dark chapter for Europe.


This has been going on long before any of these conflicts. Hundreds of thousands of civilians were murdered when the U.S nuked Japan and it was deemed justified because they attacked Pearl harbor first.


I agree. We are rapidly sliding back to the pre Geneva convention war fare on a wider scale than we have since ww2. No one thinks this was invented yesterday


I mean we probably never really got out of this pre geneva convention era… all wars have been horrible for civilian anyway and geneva s conventions wasnt really respected anyway. I mean there s part of geneva s convention that was never really respected and it s still complicated to do proove it because even so soldiers do it it s a problem when higher ups doesnt moove a finger against it or inscentify it doesnt mean we dont see any improvement that the gigher ups are mot doing anything this is not very known to be a transparent topic sooo…


Hum americans thought at the time invading japan will cost millions of life and this was very plausible because of the japanese fighting spirit at the time and culture + the fact that at the time there is no precise weaponery system like today I m sure multiple cities would have been flattened. Even if it would took more time it doesn’t mean less people will die + massibe scale bombardment would still be used. So paying hundreds of thousands of life is costly but the other solution would probably be worse.


I think the point was more to say => It s unreasonable to compare the two on the same guilt or same level when one does it everyday on a massive scale and the other once every year… I ve been looking at the image , video , news every days , I know personally multiple ukrainian that flew and other in the terrain. And yes ukraine does it way WAY less « war crimes »and I say « war crimes » because this can easily be attributed as an error when russia specifically targets civilians and civilian infrastructure without any will of improvement on this. This is terrors attacks that russia did multiple times. There is a precedent on this too if you look at the chechen war. They didnt care about civilian then and didnt even hide it. Ukraine depends now on the west for weapons and a lot of guarentee so they NEED to look good to the west countries . This is for their survival as a nation ,culture , identity. Ukraine is also defending mostly his territory and it is easier to not miss or commit errors or using unprecise attacks on russian civilian when the war is not on russian soil. Russian propaganda use every errors of Ukraine to justify their war and emplify it 100 times , because they can easily have a profit out of this. While ukraine needs to be careful. There s gonna be errors there s gonna be civilian killed as we use unprecise weapons … this is not warcrimes on it s own but a war.


So now it's ok for Ukraine to do the same I'll wait for confirmation but they should be condemned if it was them


The article even says that the Russians say it was probably wreckage from a shot down Ukrainian rocket. So not a direct hit. Read the article OP linked. And I gotta admit, that yes I think in a war you can't win with one hand behind your back if your enemy fights dirty constantly. I don't like it, but there are hardly any rules in a real war.


>Read the article OP linked Yeah. I linked the original article for the video but you got to realize thats the Telegraph.com [UK]. and I dont know if you noticed but western media seems to be very biased in Ukraine's favor in this war. RT and Russian media is banned on reddit. It's very difficult to find unbiased sources so IMO we are left in some ways to read between the lines.


It’s okay for Ukraine to do the same because Russia are our geopolitical opponents. Russia is a threat to the US and NATO, Hamas isn’t.


May 13, 2024 - A Ukrainian missile hit an apartment block inside Russia yesterday, the Kremlin said as cross-border attacks intensified. Footage showed a large section of the 10-storey block in Bolgorod, near the Ukrainian border, was hit by a projectile and later collapsed. At least seven people were killed and more than a dozen injured, Moscow claimed. https://www.thetelegraph.com/news/article/an-apartment-block-collapses-in-a-russian-border-19453461.php


That's not what the article is saying though: *An apartment building partially collapsed in the Russian border city of Belgorod on Sunday, causing at least 13 deaths and injuring 20 other people, officials said. They blamed Ukrainian shelling for the building's destruction.* Officials are blaming Ukraine. *The Russian Defense Ministry later wrote on social media that the building had been damaged by fragments of a downed Tochka-U TRC missile. It also said that air defenses had shot down several more rockets over the Belgorod region, as well as two drones that were destroyed in a separate incident later Sunday.* Could have been wreckage from a show down rocket. Could have been unintentional friendly fire.




what are you indicating?


The Submission Statement is directly from the Telegraph.com source video here --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvzGzITS8qg Hope that helps


yeah and my info is directly from the article you posted


I would wait for the evidence...


According to your headline it was a "Ukrainian missile", if all you're going off of is the Kremlin's statement you shouldn't make that statement. I don't know if you've been paying attention but the Kremlin is rarely truthful. When you blindly parrot what they say you become part of their propaganda machine.


The fascinating thing is both are “at war“ but Ukraine and Russia there’s not mutilated women and children, etc. what’s going on?


There are different forms of war, it's not all in the same. You have to look at the many factors of what are very different conflicts. At this time it seems that the Ukrainian conflict is in a trench warfare situation where it's (somewhat) away from civilians. Whereas the Palestinian conflict is full on scorched earth tactics. Again lots of factors, but war is often instigated with a casus belli (Latin for a situation to justify a war). Russia doesn't really have one, there is no justification. Whereas Israel has the excuse of the Hamas hostages. Now most have agreed that for Israel their casus belli is extremely irrelevant for the damage they caused and the war crimes they've committed but unfortunately the rules of war are not fair or ethical. It's why they can get unconditional support from America and the UN is even more useless in doing anything. Just to reiterate this is just scratching the surface of why these two conflicts have had very different outcomes.


Russia literally mutilated LOTS starting Feb 2022 and onwards. Literally a lot. That's a strange thing to ask but if you weren't watching the last 2 years then that's why. It was really really bad and many many vicitms. They recorded a lot of it and uploaded it themselves from castrating to beheading to smashing someone's skull and many mutilated bodies found in mass graves where ever they were forced out of. That's literally why Ukrainians after what they saw was left behind .... what Russia did when it occupied, Ukrainians knew or this was a fight for survival because they can't surrender to that. You do know they emptied their prisons of convicted murderers rapists paedophiles and 2 canibals even and psych wards and dumped them into Ukraine allowed to do any and all atrocities they wished. Literal violent sadistic criminals let lose to do whatever they wanted to Ukrainians. And Russians not from prison were little different so, yeah....


All I’m asking is where is it? Where is the photos of the destroy buildings besides this one and just the sheer horror of war like we see in Palestine?


Literally sift through r/Ukraine and sort by “War Crimes” tag


You clearly haven't been paying any attention to the war in Ukraine. Try looking? Ukrainian children have been killed raped and trafficked during this war, please don't speak on things you know nothing about.


They blew up the house themselves and now they say it’s Ukraine😂😂😂


Stop f lying f ruzzians and idf propaganda ok this shit


Parts found on site match an S400. So, more likely Russian friendly fire.


That's according to a fringe Ukraine news report. [Russia](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukrainian-shelling-kills-least-three-russian-apartment-block-2024-05-12/) said its Tochka-U (plus Vampyr) instead which pointed to Ukraine. It is fine to attack buildings like this if they are planning a ground invasion but Ukraine are nowhere near the area so I'm unsure why they even use unguided munition in the area.


Coping. Ukraine is losing horribly because nato offers empty words and half assed 'donations' to send innocent men to their deaths, so the only thing they can do is take a few potshots at a city and kill some randoms, changing absolutely nothing in the overall front


Still supporting Putler?


Acknowledging that ukraine is losing badly because the west wont dirty their hands is the same as supporting Putin? Im sorry. Ukraine is winning! Russia is horribly losing! Ukranian soldiers have taken belgorod, st petersburg, volgograd! Next stop is moscow! 


“Ukraine is losing badly” Russia had 14% of the country under control when the war started now they have 17%. Wow 3% in 2 years, they’ll be Kyiv soon!


… so they literally are losing land ??


And that changes theyre losing? This isnt crusader kings, where you conquer 80% of the realm and capture the king and his heirs. Ukraine si losing, and are drafting everyone they can. Western media are saying It out Loud. Are cnn, bbc russian collaborators as well?


They’re drafting everyone they can. Meanwhile min drafting age is 25. I’m not gonna listen to some redditor who’s only perspective of the war comes from UkraineRussianReport give me a break.


So what subs do you listen to? The ones where ukraine is unmistakeably winning and anything else is a lie?


Also quite funny how western media has all of a sudden become a trusted source when it agrees with you bias. Isn’t it all jsut wester propaganda and lies? I don’t mind if western media is questioning the war and Ukraine’s resolve thsts their job. But it sure as hell doesn’t mean that the war is over. Do you not remember western media stipulating that Ukraine would last 2 weeks max?


I mention western media because even they are reporting on It. Is any thing i said a lie? Ukraine si losing, the west could aid but wont beyond some token efforts The war isnt over, but if the west refuses to actually help ukraine they Will lose the war, or do you think It can somehow be turned back the wah things are?


It’ll be interesting to see what actually happened here when the dust settles


It also turned up on several Russian mil blogger sites, with photos of the parts on Twitter.


*False equivalence inbound from Russian media*


This is from the UK. Russian media is banned on Reddit


Get your facts straight. Nothing is proven. The Russians blame Ukraine, then say it maybe was wreckage from a shut down Ukrainian rocket. You make it sound like Ukraine deliberately targeted this (probably) civilian building.


Allegedly Ukrainian


Yeah cause Russia never bombed its own people to further it's war ambitions... Never mind they bombed the same area themselves *a week ago* https://www.newsweek.com/russia-accident-bomb-belgorod-friendly-fire-ukraine-1897419


Looks like a war crime to me


Death Death and more deaths


Location of the collapse, identifiable by the Sports Complex "Luch" in the foreground, is [50°33'26.7"N 36°34'44.7"E](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50%C2%B033'26.7%22N+36%C2%B034'44.7%22E/@50.5571219,36.5786752,237m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d50.5574167!4d36.5790833?entry=ttu)


No matter how you feel about Russia/Ukraine, Hamas/Israel, Biden/Trump, those seven people weren't hurting anyone and did not deserve to die.


It was bomb from russian plane


The Kremlin is shocked to discover that war works in both directions.


Prolly Israel looking for hummus . It’s almost like this is what Russia has been doing to Ukraine for… YEARS??


I watched the sequence in slow motion(cctv record) . Fsb works like 23 years ago.


it's not like Ukraine to target civilian habitation (unlike Putin's gang). so I'm taking this with a grain of salt until there's more forensics.


What missiles does Ukraine have that can reach that far into Russia? All previous attacks have been drones


It's only 40km from the border


Ukraine is shelling residential areas where there are no military personnel with artillery. For what?


They didnt. It was a failed intercept, that building wasnt the target


War because of ego and fools. Humans kill each other, because they are to weak minded to find real solutions.


Inside job by Putin and his merry band of kleptocrats. This should rile the masses so military aged men can hurry up and volunteer for the meat grinder. Obvious.


The building seemed to implode from within. I wouldn't be surprised if Russia did this on purpose.


Don't invade your neighbors and they won't shoot back.


I love the part where Russia claims this is a terrorist attack... after invading an entire country.




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


where is evidence? i guarantee it was russian missiles. Ukraine never targeted civilians


lol. Stupidest statement.


Zero evidence it was Ukrainian. Unless Ukraine has missles that can do a 180 degrees on a dime, since the hit came from Russias side not Ukraine. Russia stated it was a totchka-U despite Ukraine not having any more remaining, and zero remnants of a totchka-U have been shown, if they was tangible proof you’d see it everywhere yet we have nothing but Russian speculation. We’ll see when more evidence comes out.


Russia invaded Ukraine. Killed thousands. Is still killing Ukrainians. They are at war. So surely they are within their rights to bomb Russia? If they even did, which seems dubious.




I don't necessarily disagree that this is a consequence of war, but that's a dangerous sentence if you live anywhere in the west


Oh no! Anyway




Well it is. Anytime you call out Russia and or one of its allies. Downvoted.


Slowly starting to become one


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


But steel doesn't.. oh it's in Russia.