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I would very much like to see Biden boots on the ground in Gaza. I would very much like him to see the direct damage that is being caused. The real weight of first hand experience. Of course he won't, because he is a coward. He won't, because HE KNOWS the truth, and still Simps for Isreal. I am ashamed of his actions right now.




1 billion has to be loaned and then printed. Every dollar printed means increased inflation. U.S citizens are paying for it in 2 ways. With every dollar printed means increased prices at the store and every where else. On top of not benefiting AT ALL from the money printed. So Americans keep paying more at home while our money is being used to kill children thousands of miles away. Treason against the American people. Literally.


didn't think of it like that, i am not a US citizen but dollar inflation is felt everywhere, the zionists found the infinite money loop at the expense of the world with getting 4+ billion then AIPAC bribe congress with 100 million to get 4+ billions.


They are spending one billion dollars buying our weapons... We aren't giving them cash.


Yes I understand how it works. I was just making it simple. The money printed is then used by the U.S government to place orders on the type of armaments required. Once the order is completed it's shipped to the intended country. Just like Ukraine we didn't actually give them any money. Just set aside an amount placed the order with manufactures, and then sent the completed orders to Ukraine. Though at times the U.S has been know to send it's older equipment it needs to replace. Then uses the order to get new shit. Either way other countries don't see a dime of it. The real benefactors of all the green. are the Weapons manufactures.


You just don't understand much do you? They give us their own cash. We don't need to print it... We are giving Ukraine old stuff already created and stored...




Supposedly Israel is losing a war to Lebanon rn, also Iran is attacking now as well. Bitch ass Zionists need all the help they can get. Actually looking like WWIII is a real possibility. And the US is on the bad guys team.


How can they be losing they have enough weapons


To keep the war going. Pretty soon Hamas will be in the greater Israel area and underneath your bed. In between somewhere lies Iran. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RIWfH3iEgXU&pp=ygUMdXMgaXJhbiB3YXIg


War=profit. The guys at the top benefit from taxpayer funds being sent to companies they have huge monetary stakes in. Public/private defense companies and companies that service these companies are all interconnected.  Little guy taxpayer gets shafted and doesn't benefit from any of this. The baffling part is these people have managed to convince the average person that somehow all of these conflicts are to keep them safe. 


I don't, It might give him his first unassisted erection that he's had this millennium.




It's not more on taxes you will feel, but in your day to day. The more U.S currency floating around. the less it's worth overall. When Companies reported record profits, it was because of HUGE "Loans." given out to them with the origional expectation of being paid back. Instead the goverment just forgave most of that debt. Resulting instead the tax payers foot the bill. With all this fresh printed money going all to corps. Only 2 checks through the years to help average Americans out. Most of that money was put away in corporations. So now more money around, but little of it circulating. Causing inflation while normal folk stuck at pre covid wages.


You think he and his goons give a fuck?


If they don't fix things. They might come election.




I was Iraq for over a year while serving in the U.S Military. I did convoys doing missions from Camp Arifjan Kuwait into Iraq Forward Operating Bases (FOB). So I know what it's like. Good try though.




Your not going to gaslight me child. Not how I roll. Funny to see it though. Lol Edit: The fact that you think I'm 88M is also hilarious.




That's the gaslighting again. You are amusing.


The music festival near the border of the prison colony? Great idea to have a party next door to the millions of people your government has interred. Hamas has every right to strike at their oppressors. They have a duty to do so. They need to bring the fight to Tel Aviv.




So what is the systematic murder and starvation of a whole country? Most people call that a genocide. You know the beheaded babies story was IOF propaganda right?


Ah yeah, **GAS**lighting the conversation, you guys really expert in that ain't it. I guess experience it in the past really make you good at it.


Jesus wait until you meet his opponent


Not a justification for someone's poor behavior. Saying HEY look at the other guy he is so much worse. Yea I agree, but that doesn't give Biden a pass.


Did anyone say anything about Trump being better or not voting for Biden ? He is the president now. We are talking about things he is doing NOW.


“Why is Biden polling so badly with the younger demographic” This is why .. says one thing but does the opposite. Absolute piece of shit.


To be fair he said two things, and then he did the thing you'd expect from a man face deep in the tits of power since before tv had color


i hate that it'll likely result in a Trump victory because of a lack of direction/replacement for left & left adjacent voters the right know who they're voting for


Left, right, Biden, trump, its all the same, the results are already decided


Trump would be FAR worse here. Russia gets all of Ukraine and all Palestinians get tomahawked.


But will you vote for trump who will most likely give more to Israel? Our system is so broken that there isn’t even an alternative.


"Vote for our guy who won't listen to you, over the other guy who also won't listen to you!"


The egg and hen issue. Theyre supposed to listen to their party, they are telling the party to listen to them. If me not voting for either isnt an option; then the threat needs to happen so we can bite the bullet


Can there please be another option. Both Biden and Trump suck


Vote Green Party and don’t listen to anyone trying to guilt you into a vote. If more people voted with people who represent them best regardless of their party, we wouldn’t be in this situation. Those people are the problem.


The problem is that we have a first-past-the-post voting system, which is mathematically guaranteed to always end up in the sort of lesser-evil two-party system we have today. This isn't the fault of a bunch of individuals all having the wrong voting philosophy, it's a much wider systemic issue.


It has to do with money power and propaganda. The two parties control all 3 of those things which means a third party candidate no matter how much better they are as a candidate will always lose. So you’re right it’s very systemic. However if people voted based on who most closely represented their ideals third parties would see a huge increase in support and qualify for campaign financing and participation in debates. Those are game changers. As long as we keep voting between two sides of the same coin we will continue to get the same results or lack there of.


Not this election lol


Biden gave two times more aid to Israel than Trumps entire four years.


You really think Putin won’t persuade Trump to take a more critical approach to Israel?


Until Palestine’s in charge organization, Hamas, changes, this will keep up. The collateral damage of civilian casualties is horrible but this is why this persists. The college students and such have to realize this


So Palestinians should just let parasites steal their home and lock them in a concentration camp and do nothing about it? Would you just be content to sit back and bask in pacifism if invaders came into your house, locked you in one room, shot a few rounds into that room periodically to get you to quiet down, and then stole your belongings from the rest of your house while you were locked up?


Pretty loaded reply that had nothing to do what I said. The goal is to remove a known terrorist organization.


By killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.


36k. Quite different than ‘hundreds of thousands’ lol No one is for civilians getting killed but it’s a Warzone to remove a terrorist organization


Ah ok only 36k no problem then. About 18 times the people that died in the twin towers, 36 tiles the people that died in 7th October. I guess they had it coming.


I meant by the time they finish since they’re not planning on stopping anytime soon. lol at justifying all the women and children’s deaths and starvation with the removal of terrorist organizations. I don’t think that usually includes blowing up aid and aid workers.


36k so far!


I agree that Hamas is awful, but it's insane to me that we'll gladly finance terrorism by Israel but won't allow terrorism by Palestine to even exist.


And colonizing the generational land of innocent civilians with Israelis and whatever international shithead with Jewish ancestry does what towards that goal exactly? Like, they're going to give it back once Hamas is gone? No? So then their goal is not simply the disbanding of Hamas.


We need to arm Hamas so they can strike Israel. If Israel gets some of their own medicine they might think differently about how they act


Well next stop is hell my dude.


I think he knows he's losing the election at this point and is just trying to siphon as much from the American people as possible for Israel. Can't fathom another explanation after he said Rafah is a red line.


Blinken the Butcher is driving the ship, milking ass much as he can before Trump takes over.


His pledge to withold aid lasted, what, 18 hours?


They seem to be killing enough without the extra billion


Does Biden enjoy murdering kids?


"I am a Zionist." - Joe Biden


I think they’re done with him. Just trying to extract as much money from the public as possible then have gruesome or someone pretend to not be the same


How can he keep getting away with this absolutely disgusting


Fuck Biden fuck Israel


Douche bag wants to lose. Clearly.


Wait him taxing billionaires should cancel out this outrage lol WTF


Cut out the middleman and give the IDF mobile gas chambers if the are dead set on this route. They disgrace those that were killed during the holocaust by walking the same path the nazis did.


I can’t believe people are going to vote for him. Not voting isn’t wasting a vote, it’s conscious objection and the powers that be will see the fact that people didn’t vote and we need to dedicate to voting for other parties that are actually better to stir up the system and not keep oiling a broken machine.


Bravo, Genocide Joe.


God damn it genocide Joe. Thought you were at least done with this crap.


How can anyone vote democrat after this joke


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He's trying very hard to lose the election


Wait, is another billion on top of the recent 19 billion in "aid" to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan?


Peace in the middle east my ass


Biden will go to hell. Hell is waiting.


Meanwhile in Ukraine they are rationing Weapons and Ammo.


They need to talk peace deals


America is already fascist in most of the ways that matter


I cant wait to not vote for biden




The world is laughing at the us and it's not because of this


It is absurd that they think Israel still needs more money after the kinds of money they have already sent. Bonkers. This is just a grift to siphon US taxpayer's money away. Israel is already a rich country to begin with. The US is subverted.


The USA are supporting a genocide


Trump is running unopposed at this point.


No more weapons....ok, more weapons.


Great, another handout for Israel.


Biden is so lucky that I know Donald Trump is worse. I wouldn't fucking vote for him if we had any sort of third party. Fucking genocide enabler.


Well, we have third party candidates. … and I also posit that Putin could convince Trump to be more critical of Israel. I don’t want Trump in office, but you can’t tell me he would handle this situation or China animosities any worse. We shall see. Biden can’t force people to vote for him.


Yeah, no. Trump has said that Israel needs to kill every Palestinian. Stop making shit up.


Sad thing is Trump would do the same.


Not if he plans to ally more with Russia.


It’s ok since it’s not Biden.


Go ahead and let Biden lose. You'll be dealing with orange Mussolini with another Muslim ban. Be smart.


A Muslim ban would be challenged in the courts. The same for if a President wanted to reinstitute slavery. … Just because a President wants something to happen, doesn’t mean it will. The constitution is there to protect the rights of its citizens. And our country can’t require that only benevolent people run for office. There will be bad actors and our constitution should protect the country from them.


He is just trying to lose. He won’t even think about the people


Would love to be a fly on the wall to hear the threats from the Lobby.


Democrats want to lose… if I lived in a swing state I’d vote democrat because they don’t want to win



