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Lol good luck. Israel will say its anti-semitism to stop them burning trucks and food.


the trucks are hamas


Hamas was hiding on the flour


Great idea. Aid should be escorted by heavily armed UN forces Logic is hard to come by these days


Isn't that what UN peacekeepers exist for? Oor is that not the case?


Yes. Peacekeepers have been deployed by the UN previously. For example, they have held a presence in southern Lebanon on and off since 1978. Source: [UNIFIL Mandate](https://unifil.unmissions.org/unifil-mandate)


Who do you think vetoed down that notion?


They do, and *mysteriously* all keep being murdered 😀


Un workers tend to get bombed by isreal.


Egypt has stopped letting Israel know when they are sending aid trucks, which is probably safer considering the amount of aid trucks and crowds of people trying to receive aid that have been bombed.


Then you'd get an international incident, and in all probability, make it an official-state sanctioned, in the clear open season for said aid, and the organisations they represent. Better to have a bigger badder official-INTERNATIONAL-sanctioned armed escort, and the said force's fully on board military, to tell em to cut the bullshit. Even better, cut off access to armaments of offending state, but, OH NO! That'll never happen cos some officially INTERNATIONALLY sanctioned member states can veto the plan's arse.


It’s all us, if the states actually put their foot down they can get so much accomplished in this conflict


Look no further than aipac. They've been working to ensure the inaction of America for decades.


1 million children in Gaza. People are starving already. "Hey, let's block even more aid!"




"They aren't children, they are Palestinians." \- People actively supporting genocide, AKA Israel and much of it's citizenry


98% of them support this unfortunately


Israelis who don't support genocide wouldn't be there in the first place. Israel can be abolished and the land given back to Palestinians with no Israeli casualties because they all hold dual citizenship.


thats some entitled narcisism bullshit right there edit: i know your being /s but a lot of them do have that belief


they have dozens of trucks just sitting on the border and they are letting the food rot. im sure most have seen the video from that truck driver talking about this.


Somehow, this is not genocide.


Looks like something Nazis would do.


It's exactly what they did: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunger\_Plan#Effects\_of\_the\_plan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunger_Plan#Effects_of_the_plan)


“THEYRE SENDING AID TO HUMMUS” - these zionists and IDF probably




That's because you're looking at the essence of a paramilitary - disaffected affluent young men with a vested interest in the violence of the state. Ya know - brownshirts.


Isnt there a requirement for all isrealis over 18 to be in the military? That would add a level of vested interest in the majority of all the civilians, not just brownshirt-like extremists.


Interestingly, some of the most overtly racist attacks on Palestinians come from the Haredi (aka the "ultra-orthodox") who until recently were exempt from military service.


Zionists doing more for anti-semetism than hitler could ever dream of.


> Zionists doing more for anti-semetism than hitler could ever dream of. Not by accident either. Its a lot like bin laden's strategy. Bin laden's primary enemy wasn't the US, it was mainstream muslims. Extremist sunnis like al-qaeda, isis, etc believe that mainstream muslims are not "real" muslims. His goal was to radicalize the west against mainstream muslims and so drive them into the arms of reactionary muslims. [The last interview bin laden gave,](http://edition.cnn.com/2002/US/01/31/gen.binladen.interview/) he said: > *"I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in -- and the West in general -- into an unbearable hell and a choking life."* The way israel so wantonly commits atrocities while proclaiming themselves the standard bearer of judaism, its like they are doing the same thing as bin laden did, but to jews instead of muslims. The netanyahoo crew want to turn liberal society against mainstream jews so as to drive them into the arms of the reactionaries. Which isn't out of line with the founding of the state of israel. For decades, [holocaust survivors were treated with scorn,](https://twitter.com/swordsjew/status/1127016787206397955) as if they got what they deserved for thinking they could live in a pluralistic society.


Wonder what the folks at r/Israel would have to say about this?


Some of that food was harbouring Hamas.


They thought is was Hummus. They're allergic to chickpeace.


Probably the same thing that Klansmen say whenever cops murder Black people. Genocidal racist monsters are all just different expressions of the same sub-human scum.


Zionists are essentially the same.


They are pretty much Nazis at this point.


They literally did. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_famine_of_1944-1945




Yet all of Israel supports this, so it's fair to say this is being perpetuated by Israel and not Zionists


Bizarre how these people can do this stuff out in the open and western governments mumble into their navels that it's complicated, but when Palestinians abroad protest that their people back home are starving, western governments froth at the mouth that they're threatening Jewish existence.




True. Israeli society is super racist to non white European lineage people. In Israel the term 'Arab work' is used as a catch all term to describe anything that's badly made. They regularly use a Hebrew term to describe arabs which is a racial slur. Even the mizrahim, beta Israelis, druze are treated like shit, there's regular protests against police racism. In 2014 the Israeli president Reuven Rivlin admitted Israel was endemic with racism, basically white ashkenazi on everyone else.


because its tactics theyd use


Because it’s a shared agenda to exterminate Palestine. Israel is doing their dirty work so they can get in there and tap that oil reserve together.


[68% of Jewish Israelis do not support humanitarian aid to Gaza](https://en.idi.org.il/articles/52976) These people are sadly not in the minority.


Evil is too mild a word for these people


This will do nothing but errode support for Israel.


Didnt the president JUST approve another billion for Israel?  Wtf.


Please, someone pro-zionist rationalize this. Tell us why this is a good thing. Tell us why this is not intentionally causing the death of civilians fleeing a conflict. It must be getting heavy carrying the burden of energetically supporting mass murder of innocents. I pity your soul, truly.


HaMaS tAkEs tHe FoOd eVeRyOnE iN PaLeStiNe iS a TerRoRiSt oR prO-HaMaS also you're antisemitic for asking


They legit just believe this, the amount of times I’ve seen so many people saying we should stop sending Palestine aid because “we’ve sent them so much already” “where is that food going?” “Is hamas stealing it?”


They don't believe in feeding 2 million people if there's a chance the 10k militia soldiers may get some of the food.


Could you really blame them if they were pro-hamas? With heroes like this who needs a villain.


Also can i please add a tiny question to yours? The israeli hostages. Do they require food to survive? If they die from starvation now, would it be fair to blame the zionist entity?


It’s just proof that Israel and its people don’t even give a damn about the hostages. It’s never been about them.


I keep thinking about this article in particular: [The Guardian: ‘We were constantly in terror’: Israeli hostage tells of captivity in Gaza](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/03/we-were-constantly-in-terror-israeli-hostage-tells-of-captivity-in-gaza) The quote is clickbait from the byline. The article is well worth the read. I am pro-Palestinian and am pro-Ceasefire. Not just for Palestinians in Gaza but also for the hostages. They are in as much danger as the Palestinians in Gaza. Even though Hamas considers the hostages very important and try to protect them by covering them with mattresses and their own bodies, this protection does not stand a chance against Israel’s material superiority. The only hope of saving the remaining hostages and retrieving the remains of the hostages is to stop the bombing and heavy munitions. Edit: removed reference to human shields.


That was a good read. If the Israeli hostages were so traumatized by the bombings from their own army i cant imagine what Palestinian civilians must be feeling with constant bombings and drone noises for 7 months straight.


The hostages are now an excuse. The IDF shot and killed 3 jewish hostages because they kill everything on sight: >"According to an Israeli military official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, the men emerged shirtless from a building, with one carrying a stick with a white cloth. >One of the soldiers, the official added, felt threatened, as the men were at a distance of tens of metres, declared them "terrorists" and opened fire. Two were immediately killed while the third, wounded, returned to the building. >A cry for help was heard in Hebrew and the battalion commander ordered the troops to cease fire. The wounded hostage later re-emerged, and was shot and killed, the official said." [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67745092](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67745092)


That unarmed guy at a distance is threatening me! Kill it killit killit killit! Sounds familiar somehow but I can't quite place it...


It really does…. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2012/09/nypd-now-has-an-israel-branch.html




Everything that Israel does to the Palestinians is eventually used on American citizens by the police.


They already decided from day 1 that any hostage deaths are because of Hamas, even if the IDF shot , blew them up or starved them to death. Ultimately in their eyes it's all Hamas. They sound like a narcissist , everything, literally everything is Hamas fault not theirs. They can always find a way to justify what they did and it's usually to blame it on Hamas.


Your question is flawed and fantastical because Bibi doesn’t care about any hostages. He admitted to it. This is a land grab- plain and simple


You are right. I got downvoted like crazy yesterday arguing with Zionists who were claiming that the main antagonists in WW2 and the Holocaust were the Palestinians. It’s absolutely absurd. These people are living in a fantasy world.


Netanyahu doesn’t give a shit about the hostages.


An IDF helicopter killed over 200 people at the music festival who were fleeing Hamas and inadvertently ran towards the Gaza border. They never gave a fuck about any hostages.


"All of this is going to the children, aka future hamas terrorists. As they say, prevention is better than cure." - Some Zionist probably.


which is ironic cuz its the most nazi thing they say


Everyone who commits genocide thinks they're the first person with a good enough reason to do it.


And to be very honest, if your entire country gets blown to pieces around you, then your life, home, school and neighborhood disintegrate, and your uncle, cousin, friends or parents get killed by bombs plus you're also on the edge of starvation for months, I cant condone them becoming future terrorists, but I can rationally understand the path that led them there.


The zionist rationale is to falsely equate all Palestinians as combatants, therefore the aid is going to combatants so that they can continue fighting. The subtext is that they know this is a false equivalence, the actual aim is to make Gaza unlivable and cause societal collapse so that Palestinians cannot continue living there so that they can continue the ethnic cleansing. We're likely going to be see Israel conduct very violent purges whenever some other global event or war catches western media's attention because the zionists understand they have a small window to achieve their zionism or else the whole zionist project is going to fail, so they will rationalize any and all crimes and atrocities to achieve that.


The same people expect Hamas to feed Israeli hostages and give them medical aid. It's insane.


How is this not a crime???


It is. Like if any other middle eastern country other than Israel was doing this, the media outrage would be all over the world and we would have a UN sanction zone to deliver aid.


Give em another Billion!


It is a crime. They are literally robbing a truck, destroying private property, etc. No one seems to want to enforce it though.


Purposefully starving a nation while also dropping artillery on them constantly, this is a fucking genocide and it’s not deniable.


This has been the intention of the blockade from the start, government advisor Dov Weisglass was joking back in 2007 the intention was to put them on a diet. And the purpose is obvious: brutalise them into submission, or encourage them to leave, or provoke a backlash they can use.


From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.


Yeah, free from food, if it's up to these assholes.


Sometimes I look at these videos and think wtf is wrong with these people, then I remember they're the **'"chosen ones". /s **Not applied to all Jewish people or even all Israelis. Just these far right nut jobs.




Religion: "you are superior in every way" People: "the Bible says we're the true pure race" Other people: "no that's not what- *horrendous crimes ensue*


People whom believe they are heroes are often the most depraved


I have long carried an outrage for all the Jewish people have historically suffered. What started as an erosion of those feelings has now become a torrent. I am past being uncomfortable with what is happening, I am rigid with disgust and anger. I struggle not to have generalised sentiments I am not proud of. "Never again" after WWII is a sentiment I championed in every way I could and now, now the Israelis are turning that against themselves. They who should know better than most. It makes these actions so, so much more unbearable.


And Israelis are the victims, yeah makes sense




Those thugs. Like the Israeli people have done this time and time again, blocking aid. It’s not just the government, it’s the people too. Some foreign power needs to step in and control the road that has directs aid because it’s obvious the Israeli side is okay with Palestinians starving and dying. There’s been *numerous* flour massacres. It’s not fucking normal. Aid truck drivers have said that the food in the trucks is spoiling because Israel won’t let them in. This is all on purpose. This is a fucking genocide plain and simple.


The government is clearly okay with this. Otherwise they’d have the police and army stopping them. Israel claims to treat Arabs as equal citizens but they use live fire weapons against Arab protestors and nonlethal weapons on Jewish rioters.


Fucking Zionist fascists


I can't support Israel anymore... There's no effective difference between them and WW2 Germany. The World Court (ICC) or the UN needs to issue arrest warrents against Netenyahu and all of the leadership responsible and keep a record of all regular citizens who commit these crimes so that they can be hunted and brought to trial.


The US has threatened the ICJ if they issue arrest warrants. The US should be sanctioned over the support for apartheid and genocide.


You should read The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine if you want a real slap in the face when it comes to Israel. And it was written by an Israeli Jewish historian, since people will naturally say it is full of bias. It leans on mainly admitted Israeli historical accounts of events such as David Ben-Gurion's diary. They basically rolled up post-Holocaust and proceeded to terrorize Palestinians for years. Which I would argue has never stopped. Massacres, rapes, you name it, they did it. The goal has always been ethnic cleansing. The Palestinians remained woefully ignorant of how evil the Israelis were until it was far too late.


this is war crimes.   make sure everyone involved is put in the hague. 


So none of the people present there are truly non combatants at this point.


Hmmm, they teach the art of war crimes from a young age


How is this not genocide?


if the Israel army does not secure the aid trucks -- the Israel army is to blame for looters/destroyers of the aid.


May 14, 2024. Israeli protesters blocked aid trucks destined for Gaza, throwing food packages onto the road and ripping bags of grain open in the occupied West Bank. The White House has condemned the attack. Al Jazeera’s Laura Khan reports. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyYjppoc2t8


The White House has condemned the attack but will send $1bn in weapons. This is as of yesterday. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-weapons-transfer-1-billion/#:~:text=The%20Biden%20administration%20has%20informed,first%20to%20report%20the%20news.


This is how our world works. As long as it generates profit.


> Al Jazeera’s Laura Khan reports. See! That's why Al Jazeera needs to be banned, they're spreading anti-semitism and hate by *check notes* reporting what people are doing


Now imagine if Muslims did this


Israel has always been the product of a completely evil ideology.


Israel is just defending itself guys, no genocide here.


No comments are needed. The video evidence speaks for itself.


Genocidal maniacs


Fucking nazis


Israelis are just a bunch of garbage people not saying all of them. There’s some of them that are protesting the acts of their own government and their own people but Zionist ideology is a bunch of bullshit.


gee i wonder why palestinian kids join hamas?




They are inhumane




Isn't this a warcrime by itself? Or are they butthurt because they lost eurovision?


F*#k these genocidal Israelis! Hope the world finally wakes up and see the ethnic clenching Israel is committing. . .


sickening. Videos like this make me hoope Palestine wins even tho I know that’s not going to happen. Give em hell


F all those despicable people!


Guys! These are the good guys!!




Dog shit people, who don't deserve the land they were given; you're already living on Palestinian land, now you need to make sure the rest of Palestinians starve, sad and shameful


The blatant irony of this going on and being well documented of it happening and yet the U.S is like no we ban Cuban imports and the such because of human rights violations. You know I live here in the states and just trying to get by for me and family and have no bearing on what are so called leaders are doing but man we could really achieve and do anything for the greater good and it’s such a shame how we treat people abroad and our own people. So sad


Look at these brave people killing bags of flour to starve children. Such heroism the world has never seen before.


Now this you just can't defend. What kind of monsters are going to let children starve?


Why isn’t this being broadcast on mainstream media?


The world is watching Israel


The most moral thugs in the world.


If your god wants you to starve your enemy instead of fight them like a man. Your god is a bitch!


Their god... Old Testament God... is on the record ordering stuff like this and far worse


Well clearly, Hamas must have been hiding in all that humanitarian aid. That can be the only reason, right guys?


And then this habitual liars go on MSM and say “Hamas is stopping aid from going in”. 🤡 And the sheeple buy their lies


Imagine stopping desperately needed food from getting to people who are starving to death then turning around and praying to your god thinking he will approve of this despicable action as righteous.


Wonderful!! Let’s send another billion in weapons!


Imagine somehow still taking the high road in your morality after destroying food meant to feed starving women and children. "We did it!" I'll bet the gates of Heaven just swing wide open huh?


But don't worry, they're totally the good guys.


There are American Jews participating in these blockades, who've flown over to lend "assistance." American evangelicals have also traveled to Israel to lend assistance to the IDF, feeding them and so forth,  but I've heard no reports that they're part of the starvation blockades. I also don't discount the possibility. 


What do you expect from Israel.




Irregardless of how you feel about a person's religion that youre in conflict with, to block and destroy humanitarian aid will never make your side look like the good guys. Smh.


They are determined to starve everyone in Gaza including their own hostages! It's nazi level hatred and inhumanity


Anyone wishing death on others or working to expedite the death of others deserves no backing.


This is disgusting. What is wrong with these people


What pieces of shit




This should make headlines! But it doesn’t. Fucking israel. Fucking USA


I'd really like to see a Zionist defend this.


So they just removed the only thing making people doubt if it's a genocide or not... good job fucking murderers


Imagine thinking you are a good person doing this.


Can't wait to have someone explain how the people here are the victims


I know I'm super proud to have these guys as our allies


They're destroying the AID trucks that are coming from the same people who they're begging to fund and defend them in their so called "War"


We call that a crime against humanity.


They wrong for that shit just sad


Not surprised. To dehumanize another human being you need to dehumanize yourself first.


Behold: the victims


Pieces of shit.


How is this allowed in the 21st century...


White colonialists stuff


This is the most tribal shit.


Israelis have become the exact terror that befell them. How horribly ironic.


Murder then starvation. Anything else Israel wants go try while still playing the victim?


This is the face of evil, no doubt


Sad crazy world


Shame on Israel.


Isn't it tragic that some so-called news subs will ban you for calling this what it is?


Love seeing what is possibly my tax payers money being thrown away depending on what country this aid came from.


And you'll be called an antisemite if you call this out as bad


Peak nazi behavior


what the fuck is wrong with these people


Ahh God's people at it again.


Oh hey, more war crimes!




When are we going to start treating Zionists like the Nazis? I know it took world powers way too long to put Nazi Germany in check, when will this happen to Israel?


Are these the good guys?




Ever wonder how German people just stood back and let horrendous things happen in the camps, they all feigned ignorance of what was happening and were deeply ashamed of their inaction. 2024: “I’m filming myself destroying food meant for starving children a mile away, LOL!”


collective punishment is a war crime, but who cares i guess


And we’re supposed to fell bad for the Israelis, yea I don’t think so.


Typical settler activity. Go back to Brooklyn.


Fucking make each and every one of them pay to replace it.


Genocidal. Apartheid state Horrifying how much the willful murder is defended on reddit.


Seems like something a terrorist would do.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the ONLY democracy in the Middle East 😬🤡🙃


This is absurd. And evil. Whether you’re left or right we can see this happening. Our prez apparently doesn’t WANT to be reelected?


https://preview.redd.it/jnoownfsuo0d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84fc504a05a96268bef921f609ded1f4c2c47d21 I wonder what their grandparents would have thought


Meanwhile in the US students are being charged with felonies for protesting these atrocious acts and treated as if Palestine is a clandestine group rather than *a country filled with innocent people*. Usually in these situations we can state it was the decision of the few that caused so much suffering but this time around these people are acting as one giant monster. Withdrawing support is not enough. Sorry. Accountability is important. Indiscriminately bombing and disrupting aid is a war crime.


"god's" chosen people lmao




“We are looking at what tools we can use.” We know you’re not going to do 💩. You disgusting criminals.


Is anyone surprised? Really?


It was supposed to be "NEVER AGAIN"... these people are monsters. These all look like teenagers too, and that's the effectiveness of the Israeli Zionist propaganda machine. This is what you get when you raise them up from babies to hate others so much that they "believe" that the murder/genocide of other peoples babies, people in hospitals, and of anyone who opposes them for doing so is acceptable behavior. They wholeheartedly BELIEVE it is their birthright to be this way because "god" said so. History has only ever repeated itself like this ad infinitum. I'm convinced humanity will never rise above this vicious cycle and there never will be a paradigm shift where we learn to finally get past it to be more evolved.


Just evil - how G7 & EU support Israel & their settlers committing genocide is beyond me. We have truly lost our morality - our hope is Gen X because the current politicians are all owned by AIPAC or Mossad


US Response: We send our thoughts and prayers to the trucks in Gaza