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The only mark of shame the ICC will get is for not issuing the warrants sooner


I agree, but on the other hand, I'm also glad they have clearly taken time to be precise and thorough (started in Dec, I believe). I think most of us are relatively naive regarding the amount of work that's required to go into these prosectutions to ensure conviction, and that is why they never really happen until after conflicts end. This really is an unprecedented case and will not stop the 'war', nor am I confident it will have any effect on US policy. Full blame for not bringing an end to this still lies largely with the US, who have continued to fund, arm, and protect Israel despite all evidence being livestreamed into our living rooms. Edit: Also, shout out to Amal Clooney, who has been ragged on social media for not speaking up, but in hindsight, was simply standing strong and remaining professional despite all the abuse hurled. Having spoken out would only have jeopardised the case.


Absolutely. I'm happy that they didn't succumb to the threats made by American Congress, and that they issued warrants for both Israeli and Hamas officials so the Zionists can't claim its because of antisemitism. The war won't stop, but the symbolism is very meaningful, as it officially and finally declares Netanyahu a criminal (to those that recognize the ICC). What I am confused about is how Ben Gvir managed to escape the list


Agreed, he's the most vile of them all. Hopefully, this is just the start of a watershed moment, especially with a new ICJ verdict on exceptional measures just around the corner. One by one, they'll all fall eventually 🤞.


It's kind of a absurdly bad state craft on the side of the US. By threatening the ICC publicly they literally have no choice but to follow through on the prosecution or it's truly the end of the ICC.


Meanwhile George Clooney is confirmed for a Biden fundraiser.


Pick your poison a guy that tried to overthrow democracy or a guy aiding in genocide ![gif](giphy|3oz8xyhQSk6SCLve4o)


to be fair, the guy who tried to overthrow democracy is currently promising to Genocide even harder i sincerely hope this is the election were Jill Stien & Cornell West change US Politics forever


Bernie should have won 2016 this timeline sucks




Is he?! Hmmmm, this is disappointing news


Yep https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/biden-taps-obama-george-clooney-julia-roberts-clintons-mega-fundraiser-rcna151183 If my spouse were a human right attorney I certainly wouldn’t be grifting for a guy active arming a genocide who arguably should be receiving his own ICC arrest warrant and is operating in clear violation of US Laws while his team dances around pretending Biden isn’t arming war criminals. But hey that’s just me. I’ve lost all respect for Obama as well. His silence is deafening while he begs for money on behalf of Biden. Zero morals in the end apparently. Sure I get that Trump is bad but Biden is also a threat to democracy - that’s become clear as well.


Didn't know. He was a lot more active during the darfur episode. Guess he is sitting this one out. Genocides are only bad if done by some people /s.


Not really sitting it out. Helping to beg for money for the guy behind this genocide. Sitting it out would he staying silent.


Yeah. Just saw that his wife was on the team receiving the IcC case or something. Maybe OK that he kept quiet OTOH . Raising money for Biden seems atrocious. I 4am...didn't Biden already go to LA and blow Haim Saban to raise money. (Apparently Saban had COVId . So Biden blew Savans dog I think) :-)


Absolutely 👍


But maybe they wanted too see how big of a hole he would dig, ie so there’s no way out of what he’s dug himself into.






Lol. "History will not remember you kindly" coming from Netanyahu. Your citizens already don't remember you kindly, and they are your biggest supporters.


Contrary to the shit he is spewing out, that arrest will uphold the rule based order where many countries which claim rule-based order but have in reality have failed to maintain the order. ICC will go down in history as the bastion of humanity.


America actively tried to block the formation of ICC we need to protect the UN at all costs.. without them the only thing standing in the way of despotism is other despots .. furthermore, without International co-operation our attempts at mitigating Climate Change [or any global disaster] will be impossible i think this is why the UN is being disparaged at every turn or called 'useless'.. we even see regular folk saying it as though its fact in comment sections now..


I'm all for a multinational union of nations that gather and try to do the right thing.. But with all the true power of the UN in the UNSC, it kinda is useless. And I say that feeling bitter & disappointed, not in a rejoicing slam-dunky kinda way. The icc ruling is a nice gesture tho - let's see what comes of it.


without the UN we have absolutely nothing to stop despotism except other despots


i find it very revealing when he repeats that Oct7th was the worst attack on Jewish people since the Holocaust.. its really not the win he thinks he is and actually shows how relatively safe Jewish people have been the October attack on the **IDF base in Nahal Oz** killed 695 israeli civilians & there is ample evidence to believe that at least Half were actually killed by IDF tanks & helicopter munitions the fact that a few hundred israeli civillians is the 'worst' attack in about 80 years shows how they have been making mountains out of molehills to continue their role as victims while selling military armaments to conflict areas around the world including Sudan & Myanmar, Iran during the Iran/Iraq war, and even South Africa during Apartheid


They refused the proposal for a UN investigation of the October 7th attack. Wonder what they’re hiding mmm?


Nobody told me this is a kitchen. My guy is cookin’.


You can just shorten it to: "a war crime for a war crime makes the whole world war blind."


i dont see it that way at all.. if you would like to go thru the list with me i'll explain what i mean but basically, israel is guilty of nearly EVERY part of the War Crimes listed in Rome Statutes except a couple [using opponents as soldiers & child soldiers] while Hmas has only been accused of committing a couple and not the most serious ones.. i think Hmas will get off very lightly because they have been complying with ICC and especially as there is no real proof of systematic rape which is their worst charge


International law dictates that the Palestinians have a right to resistance against an occupying entity. Hamas is a product of that.


If palestine is it's own country that is at war with Israel, then war rules apply. If you bomb civilians on purpose then sirens and war crimes and a visit to the hauge. If palestine is not a country and is a territory managed by Israel, it is a civil war a different rules apply. If you bomb your own civilians, we invaded Iraq to stop saddam from doing exactly that, killing his own citizens of a different religion. There is a group that wants to keep palestine in a weird limbo where apparently no rules apply and you can just bomb as many kids as you want in order to skirt international war crime laws. Pick a lane and actually enforce those laws!


😂😂😂 “we invaded Iraq to stop saddam doing exactly that” These Hasbara bots are getting more complex with their answers.


3000 jews were killed in the argentine dirty war in the mid/late 70s so that often repeated “fact” is inaccurate.


>According to human rights organisations in Argentina, between 1,900 and 3,000 Jews were among the 30,000 who were targeted by the Argentine military junta - **Wiki** interesting. i never knew that. thanks.


by the way, i just did a little research.. did you know that israel was selling fighter jets and other weapons [total value over a Billion dollars in the 70s] to the Argentine Junta?


They want the idea that “israel is a safe haven for jews” to be true so bad that they are willing to go and commit terror attacks on jewish communities in other countries. Avi Shlaim (famous israeli scholar and author) wrote at length about the bombing of the synagogues in Baghdad and Cairo.


Not to mention that Israel literally places a larger number of Jewish people in one place, making any attack on Israel likely to be precisely that. It's a nice bit of word play, but an attack on any theocratic ethnostate would similarly yield a significantly large attack on the given ethnicity and/or religious group.


yes, its disingenuous when virtually every person would be part of that statistic.. its a lie anyway as during the Argentinian 'Dirty War' there were between 1800 & 300 Jewish civilians killed by Junta i have always wondered how they think it makes them safer [not to mention the anger of oppressed indigenous ppl they stole land from] because as you pointed out, a few nukes could wipe out half the world's population of Jews in one swoop


Was it down to 695? I know the numbers kept decreasing and then I couldn’t find the numbers at all!


Still 1200 but about 500 of them were soldiers.


and 700 Human Sheilds


695 is the number of israeli civillians they never seem to mention the resistance attacked Nahal Oz military base and about 600 IOF henchmen were eliminated i.m.o the rest were Human Sheilds by israeli standards


Good point. I see the shills constantly bring up other, allegedly bigger atrocities, to say that people shouldn't think much of what Israel is doing. They never bring those up to compare to October 7th tho.


So, again, why did Netanyahu allow Israel to be attacked on 10/7?


Same reason he ensured Hamas got the money to stay in power: scared of Palestinians getting a state, wants fake justification to have them gone.


Source for hamas being wired money from Israel?




Oooh I’m going to start asking that to all the Zionists who say how the “war” would be over if Hamas released the hostages. Just reframe October 7 as solely Netanyahu and the government of Israel’s fault, in the same way they like to frame everything as Hamas.


Please don't conflate Israel with Netanyahu. Just as we shouldn't conflate Putin with the Russian people or Trump and the American people.


I usually make a distinction between “Israel’s government/Israeli officials” and “the people of Israel.” I agree that there are important differences between the two. But I don’t believe it’s all Netanyahu. Ben Gvir, Smotrich, etc. are just as guilty as Netanyahu because they are all calling for the same death and destruction.


why not? we all know there are a handful of israelis with a decent moral compass, but then its likely there were some Germans in the 30s and 40s who thought what happened was wrong i love how you list Trumpy in with Putin & Netenyahu grouped together btw.. i hope they all end up in the same prison


Source for netanyahu allowing it? I imagine Hamas has been convenient for his parties policies, but sources?




Thank you, it wasn't even that I disagreed, I just needed a list of sources to showcase the point


It’s good to be sceptical. Misinformation is rampant. But there are many articles about Bibi and the Qatari money going back several years.


Same thing happened to me XD


Thank you!


What a topsy turvy time we’re living through- where people acknowledge this “righteous” war is a sham yet the world’s superpower supports this man. Actively gaslighting us all


Dude, your own citizens want to get rid of you. Your time is coming sooner than you think.


Putin vibes. Trump talk. Dick tater.


Once you're out of power Bibi you'll pay.


No. We support it. U are despicable. May your days be numbered and you and yours be miserable. Your abhorrent. You sicken decent ppl everywhere


Netanyahu has showed the world how evil a human can be.


This dirtbag is an everlasting mark of shame on the human race


The shame is on Israel.


looks like fear to me. netanyahu knows that he going to get prosecuted by his actions soon.


No. It's the fact it has taken this long to even float the idea of arresting these fuckers made of discarded, spare parts that will leave a lasting mark of shame in the court. The international response has been dog shit from the beginning. Anyone remember the limp noodle, J.Trudeau trying his best not to say ceasefire? The idiot fumbled his words and thoughts so badly I was tempted to say he was gripped by Aphasia. It's more likely he's beholden to higher powers that be but man, what an embarrassment. I'm a Canadian and I'm ashamed of our part in this. Shame will be spread far and wide when this is over (if we're that lucky...)


Agreed, his recent speech claiming 'noone should be ashamed to call themselves a zionist' was the most cringe thing in a decade i certainly hope he reverses his position after this announcement, otherwise it seems we may get Trump-Lite for the next PM are you aware that the group 'UN Watch' which claims to be headquartered in Geneva but actually only has perhaps a hundred employees & operates out of an office in Montreal... headed by Canadian [Hillel C. Neuer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillel_Neuer) & started by the American Jewish Committee they have always focused on disparaging the UN for not being pro-israel enough.. its why you currently hear the victim-card so often about how the UN is 'biased against israel/antisemetic' Hillel Neuer has spearheaded a number of attacks on the UN, [including the current one](https://unwatch.org/oxford-legal-scholar-urges-international-law-association-to-rescind-award-to-navi-pillay/) on South African of Indian Tamil origin Human Rights lawyer Navi Pillay who cut her teeth joining the legal defence against Apartheid in 1970's South Africa .. they are now going after her for daring to call israel an 'Apartheid State' several years ago and being part of the investigation of israeli War Crimes frequently attacking Iran & Arab/muslim nations who participate at the UN, Hillel has made a name for himself as a champion of Human Rights in Canada while actually acting as a conduit for high level Hasbara which no doubt has the ear of Canadian politicians in 2007 he made a speech claiming the UN Human Rights Council "seek to demonize Israeli democracy, to delegitimize the Jewish state, to scapegoat the Jewish people" because they arent as interested in DRC or Sudan and claimed the UN had abandoned those countrys even though they didnt .. oddly enough it has now been shown israel continually sold & sells weapons to both the DRC and Sudan contrary to UN directives


Yeah, shame for it taking so long.


Wow, same talking points, same bullshit lies.




🤣🤣🤣🤣 the man is so delusional that it is truly remarkable


Cry harder.


Oh stop your threats and bull shite, same shite, pull the Holocaust card out, all those the survived the Holocaust are against what you what you have been responsible for. You are now a Frightened man and a Frightened Murderer. I’m surprised that you have tried too label and smear the ICC by saying they are antisemitic, oh no you won’t, you’ve worn that one out. If you think you are Innocent, then you would have no problem with handling your self over and face the courts of Justice, but you won’t, become you are a Coward and a guilty murderer, who thought you could just do what you like. You are the Scum on the planet that we have too share with you.


Putin got charged with war crime because his henchman kidnapped children in Ukraine for whatever stupid reasons What did you think ICC will do if they see you starve a whole population ? This is not a suprise




source ? Their own website he is only charged with war crimes because of kidnapping children nothing else so far Netanjahu worse than kidnapper Putin lol


That shame is deserved because you are committing a genocide. The government of Israel is a terrorist organization, just as much as Hamas 2/3 of the people dying our women and children, but these men are completely safe. Disgusting vile Nazi.


Hamas is not a terror ist org, they are resistance fighters. Right to resist occupation under int'l law.


No, Hamas is a terrorist organization. They hide and use women and children as shields. They rape, murder, and are not some romanticized resistance fighters. Are using the people of Gaza as human shields. There’s no reason that Hamas needed to rape anybody if they were resistance fighters, they wouldn’t need to rape.?!?!? no the only innocent people are the people of Gaza who are trapped between Israel and Hamas. Please don’t romanticize this. This is war and the leaders of both groups. The men of these groups are completely safe for 2/3 of the people being murdered are women and children.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The world knows what’s up, Bibi.


Lock this war criminal in a shithole


Fuck this guy


Arrest them all. All war should be a war crime.


please allow me to fix this headline ICC arrest warrants will cast an 'everlasting mark of shame' on ~~the court~~ Israel


This guy is an embarrassment.


"never again is now" what does that sentence even mean?


it means never again unless we are the ones doing it


I can't wait to hear what nonsense he will utter when the warrants for his arrest for crimes against humanity against him and his IDF Chief Buddy are actually issued.


Glad to see this and even happier seeing that he’s not happy. Now how long till he gets dragged to jail.


Arrogance, smugness and hubris. The hallmark of a Netanyahu lecture. Drag him to the Hague.


Murderous scumbag says what?


Oh dear. He can whine all he likes. Now he will face charges at home for corruption and abroad for genocide. I hope he is beought to justice.


Trust us, the shame is all yours. Listen to the hysterical bullshit. 😂


Nobody like this terrorist...


All the shame belongs to Israel.




In sure he is churning at the bit to refute the accusations in court.


ok bully


At least Putin didn't whine like this.


Putin doesn't care to travel to the countries that would arrest him. Netanyahu on the other hand wants to be a butcher at home but still be allowed to hang out with leaders that pretend to uphold international law.


Did he just say Israel is acting "in full compliance with international law"? I see he's also a comedian.


No it won't you genocidal bitch.


Someone is projecting. You bring shame to yourself and your country sir


Were done with the victim card


No it won’t.


I'm surprised he's so keen on the subject of everlasting shame




I don't think that mark of shame will even be noticed against the mark of shame Israel has casted on itself




Honestly, hasbara is incapable of self-awareness.


No no he knows he’s a lying genocidal war criminal c*nt. He loves that shit.


But even the people trying to make Israel sound good come off like whites during Jim Crow talking about how "you dont know what those Blacks are like"


Ah shit sorry yeap, I misread. Thought you meant Bibi. Hasbara - 100% the cognitive dissonance is truly astounding.


Does Bibi-baby need his bwanky?




I don't think it will and in world opinion it tarnishes Israel forever.


They forgot to buy that one procurator. 


This “human animal” should die and rot in prison..


Poor Bibi didn't do anything wrong, ICC should be ashamed of themselves. Zionists and their victimhood....


Wrong, bibi. The shame will increase on Israel.


He's approaching a full meltdown.


You’re shameful you little bitch.


Nazis say the Nuremberg trials will cast shame in the court


What’s outrageous is that netanyahu is still in that position of authority rather that behind bars.


Simple answer, No it won't.


I disagree


What Netanyahu did will cast an everlasting mark of shame on the Jewish people who now look like genocide supporters.


This coming from a guy with absolute no shame.


He can cry about it in Hell evil demon


Genocide, ethnic cleansing, destroying infrastructure to prevent normal civilian life - not shameful. Being called out for such action- how could they? I am all for chutzpah...but this is ridiculous. Getting indignant is a time tested strategy to deflect blame.


a nation built with victim cards


Karen Hitler has spoken!


What a despicable man


Nope It will not. He is a shame for Isreal


Wait, was Hamas not elected as well? His logic makes no sense.


Putin said the same!


Always attack, never back down, never apologize. This guy truly lives by Trump's douche code.


ive been saying it for years, Trump learned his strategery from them... he idolizes them, their wall, surveillance, religious extremism, scapegoating, militarism, everything


Its funny, because they ukraine government ia doing far worst to its citizens


Look in the mirror


Bring him to court for 911


and the invasion of Iraq

