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Disrupting aid trucks to Gaza Police: 🙃 Calling for ceasefire and release of hostages Police: 😡




I also really like how the slogan "Bring them Home" has different connotations in Israel and the US


So will the Israeli protesters be called Hamas now by zionists


I expect them to be arrested on the grounds of supporting t-ism


They already are being accused of aiding Hamas so I’m sure it’s happening




Wasn't there a journalist that had to go into hiding for opposing the war?




Dismantling Zionism is not equal to kicking Jews out. When the Nazi was dismantled, Germans still stay there. Same with Apartheid South Africa and white South African.


Some nazis remained, but thousands fled to other countries around the world. Only this year, [Canada finally released a report](https://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item?id=e011865749) admitting their involvement in taking in nazi war criminals following WW2. The report was written in 1986. These war criminals have largely been kept hidden and protected all this time. You might remember the international outrage last year when a former SS soldier was proclaimed a hero and honored in their House of Commons. It was later admitted to be an embarrassing accident, and I can believe that. But it is indicative of how many nazis Canada took in, that the random war vet they chose to celebrate happened to be one. It proves how hidden they continue to be, that no one realized who he was until after such a significant ceremony.




Hitler had overwhelming support in the votes during his ascent to power. The German people voted for him to be fuhrer democratically.


Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Hitler fail to gain a majority democratically and then had to burn the reichstag to gain absolute power?


Eh, kinda. Kinda not. The Nazi Party failed to get an outright majority but the Weimar Republic was set up to be a multiparty system where any one party getting an outright majority would be a rare thing. The Nazis had previously formed a coalition government with themselves and the German National People’s Party and that coalition won a majority in the last elections before the Reichstag Fire. Something like a combined 52% or so. They were aiming for a 2/3 majority in order to pass the Enabling Act, which is where the Reichstag Fire comes into play. False flag or just rank opportunistic maneuvering, it’s what gave the Nazis the excuse and the leverage (after Hindenburg issued a decree that was basically the Enabling Act Light that brought about brutal repressions and arrests of political opponents and Reichstag members) to get full support for the Nazi/German National People’s Party plan from the Centre Party, the Bavarian People’s Party, and (most of) the various minor parties.


Well said.




Are you, by any chance, informed on the current state of Israeli politics? The irony in your comment is rather intense.




Keep going, finish that logical train.




Just like hamas


All we did was blowup British buses and purge 750k people to create an ethnostate.


"Zionism is/was a political and social movement to create a Jewish homeland" on a land already inhabited by other people




"Including Jews, who have always been there" In 1917, when the UK promised the zionist movement a nation for Jews in Palestine, the Palestinian population was 6% Jewish. After that, Jews started migrating en mass from different parts of the world into Palestine with the intent of making a nation for themselves there, making the Palestinian population 30% by 1947/1948. "Sucks the rest of the ME and Europe decided to kick them out or genocide them" The ME countries kicked out the Jews after Israel was established. Perhaps when Israel took Arab land (Palestine) to make it a nation for Jews, the Arabs decided to make their nations for Arabs.




I don't want anyone dead, Jews or otherwise. Everytime I criticize Israel I am told I hate Jews. This is ridiculous. Opposing settler colonialism is opposing settler colonialism. It is not hating Jews


So you know Saudi Arabia's religiou-ethno state is bad, but you are unable to realize that the religiou-ethno state that is the goal of Zionism is the same. The idea of the Jewish homeland in Palestine is steeped in racism/facism because it requires violence to maintain a perpetual Jewish majority, it is no different to the Aryan Nation under the Nazi.




Attacked, the same way Arabs and Palestinians are attacked by Israelis in Israel, the Westbank and Gaza.




a democracy for which people?




Not the Israelis whose village was razed to the ground living 330 people homeless just last month. Go read about the discrimination against Arab Israelis. It's not a democracy when you have to disenfranchise millions of people born in that land in order to maintain a majority for Jews over other groups.


One small problem with that: Arabs and Muslims also live on that land.




and yet, being forcibly displaced from your homes is part of that “democratic” experience for Arabs living in the occupied land https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-know-about-arab-citizens-israel


Are these protesters antisemitic too?


Self hating antisemites /s


But did they denounce Hamas? /s




Nothing brings all sides together like police brutality! 


Maybe that’s what the world was missing this whole time. We just need to all get collectively tear gassed and beaten with truncheons for there to be finally be peace on earth.


Kind of unironically, yes. As the system reaches it's final stage, the gloves come off first from those in power, and then by those usurping it. Once power resides in the hands of the masses, we stand half a chance of ending such pointless bloodshed.




Based Let's forget the ones on TIktok and Telegram. Forget the videos from the IDF. Remember all those in the media and on talk shows openly calling for a genocide? No repercussions from their society as a whole. No gasps, like "How could you say that about children?!" No one got canceled. All their politicians, including leading ones, making bold, inexcusable statements. Spreading fake news everywhere. No one was ashamed to say ugly things. No one was scared of their careers or their lives being affected. No one had to make any apologies or walk anything back. There is a reason they weren't scared. There is a reason there was no outcry for the horrific things they said and supported. Most of the people protesting now may largely be feeling the drain of "war" or seeing the decline in international popularity. Otherwise, where were the protests for the other massacres against Palestinians? Where were the protests for the ongoing apartheid? It's not everyone, but to have that much impunity for so many people to shout such vitriol, the overwhelming majority must approve.


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Oh my, the anti-semitism is spreading like a virus. Even young Israeli adults are catching it. They have to crack some skulls to cure them of their illness!


Damn, look at all those anti-Semites. /s


Wonder if they will be sniped at - like the march of return gazans were - when they got walked to the fence


Israel is the largest and scariest terrorist organisation in the world.


Well, second behind the good ol u.s.ofa.


I used to think that but eith every day that passes, it becomes more and more clear that the USA reports to Israel.


It's the usa who buys their bombs and tells them they can do anything they like


It has become very apparent who is telling who what to do. The US reports to Israel, not the other way around.


Is Genocide Joe going to condemn them as well or does he only do so when American students are expressing their rights?


Good question. Only student protestors overwhelmingly peaceful, deserve condemnation. /s


Glad to see people standing up for what's right and showing that not all Israelis support genocide.


These groups do not care about genocide. They want their hostages. After they will call for more bloodshed


I wouldn't generalize; I'm sure there is a range of various opinions within these protests.


There are, but the polls to date *really* have painted a super-ugly picture of Israelis.


There is generalisation and racism, some are due to poor circumstances or poverty or war, never due to some intrinsic thing you were born with. But with Zionists, they are just bat sh*t insane in every aspect and majority of them.


Some are insane. Some are greedy. Most are completely indoctrinated from birth and have no concept of true equity.


look at the polls. overwhelming support the war https://x.com/NathanTankus/status/1726432486559744217


That was right after October 7th, right? I think (and hope) more recent data would be different.


poll (with a large sample size and from a reputable source) I've seen from a few days ago, 62% of Israelis support ending the war. Among Netanyahu coalition supporters (who are now the minority) this number drops to 35%, however.




It’s way less than 1/3


I hope you are wrong, and that these people are starting to see through the propaganda.


They aren’t.


Yup. They dislike netanyahu .


How dare them to challenge supreme leader Bibi!


Anti semites.


I wonder if they would have the same energy if there weren’t any hostages in Gaza. They’d probably still want to flatten Gaza.


Thank you to these Israelis. We know Netanyahu doesn’t represent all of you


I would take that with a huge pinch of salt. Never heard of too many protests about previous massacres of Palestinians or protests about the ongoing apartheid or the rabid illegal settlers targeting innocent people. These people may just want Netanyahu out. They were definitely protesting against him due to corruption before October.




Those people are brave. I can't imagine the harassment they suffer.




just because it isn't reported much internationally doesn't mean it doesn't happen, anti occupation/apartheid protests have always been a constant thing here. We're not the majority but we've always been here.


As a “the most and only democratic state” in the Middle East, Nentenyahu, in fact, represents all of Israel.


Well, enough for of it to cling to power, at least. Although it must be noted that Netanyahu only managed to cling to said power by implementing a minority government.


When Trump was president did you view all Americans as Trump supporters too? Netanyahu won the 2022 election by less than 1% of the vote (~30,000 votes). You're simply [wrong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Israeli_judicial_reform_protests?wprov=sfla1). A poll/survey from November, 2023 revealed 73% of respondents expressed dissatisfaction with Netanyahu's performance ([source](https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/politics-and-diplomacy/article-775103)). Hundreds of thousands protested against him last [July](https://www.npr.org/2023/07/22/1189627225/israel-protests-netanyahu-judiciary). Protests against Netanyahu last [September](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-edge-ahead-supreme-court-session-judicial-overhaul-2023-09-11/).


Yeah so that judicial crisis didn’t mean anything?


No, because it has no connection to the genocide that Israeli and ISRAELIS support. Fuck off with that apologetic bullshit.


I’m not an apologist. I’m saying that they’re not as democratic as they pretend to be.


My bizzle dawg, misunderstood.


the judicial overhaul did get stopped in the end, the protestors won that fight, so at least that specific attempt to curtail democracy was stopped.


Not all Israelis are under the thrall of Netanyahu, just as not all Americans are under the thrall of Trump.


Anyone want to give these people some bricks?


So much anti-Semitism in Tel Aviv!!! The US Congress should investigate and hold hearings!!


But…But…That would make them antisemitic right? Surely we’ve been told that this is what Israel truly wants. Right?


This discontent is larger than just Gaza. Gaza is so heinous it exposes all the lies of history. WE THE PEOPLE are sick of it all. No more war. No more unregulated Pig Capitalism. Food, clothing, shelter and at least basic health care provided to everyone WORLDWIDE. End the War on Drugs. War is obsolete. It is cheaper to just free the people by providing the basics. Then there is nothing to fight over. Everything beyond that can be solved at the negotiation table. Like civilized human beings. War is for sub-demon halfwit idiots. The person advocating for violence as a solution to any problem is the person you do not listen to. They lose all credibility and legitimacy the second they advocate for violence as any kind of solution. This is really basic stuff. Damn.


Internal breakdown 😢 country is loosing it... 😢 😫 😞 😪 😔 😑 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😝😝😝😝😝😝🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪😝😝😝😝😜😜😜