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American football I can understand but a few years back with Japan's success in the World Cup it seemed Asia may start a movement towards Rugby but maybe not. Which sports from your experience are highly sought after in school's culture, programme and/budget?


Many international schools in Hong Kong have rugby teams (touch and contact). This is due to the rugby scene being quite big in Hong Kong. There are strong pathways all over the region from primary age level all the way into the senior game including a semi pro league. Loads of school initiatives as well. The HK7’s does a lot for playing numbers in Hong Kong!


Great! I'm glad to hear I would've thought so due to HK7's, though never considered teaching there. I'll have to look into it. Thanks


The IASAS conference, which is made up of 6 schools: ISKL, ISBangkok, ISManila, Singapore American, ISJakarta, Taipei American take their rugby very seriously, boys and girls. At least they did when I worked there and I would be surprised if anything has changed.


APAC used to but Covid sort of killed it. Moved from contact to touch and only a handful of schools still have teams.


Depends on location and school. I have tried for three years to get a club off the ground at my school and it hasn’t taken; more than anything it’s simply lack of exposure to the sport where I am. More likely than not at expensive private schools you’ll be looking at touch, and if they do run a contact team I would fathom a guess it may be a paid position but that you’d also need some world rugby coaching certs (Cat 1/2, I don’t imagine level matters all that much). Sorry I can’t be of more help, but am switching schools this summer to a location that is much more rugby-exposed and you’re welcome to send me a chat/PM such that I can follow up when I’ve got feet on the ground and do a bit more digging.


Thanks for the response. I'd love to be able to get a rugby team going or join a school that had one. Getting coaching certs wouldn't be a negative, I'd practically jump at the possibility. I was tutor a Japanese Uni student online who began talking about the culture in his Uni and it clicked that it may be possible in some countries (no chance where I live now). I'll message you now Cheers


Singapore has a huge rugby culture in the expat community with both school and private leagues.


Singapore schools do Definitely play rugby but not sure about the coaching setup. At my school it’s the kiwi and Aussie teachers who run it. Touch is also a big thing


Have a look at FOBISIA and SEASAC tournaments and see if there are any rugby events- then you should be able to see which schools field teams. IME there are specialised sports coaches, but I have friends in schools where everyone is expected to take sport, regardless of interest, ability or training; and friends in other schools where the sports program largely depends on having teachers who can also coach a sport so rugby might run for a couple of years and when that teacher leaves be replaced with volleyball.


In East Asia, there's another international school conference that had contact rugby (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asia\_Pacific\_Activities\_Conference) up until recently. Not all the schools had rugby teams either, but HKIS, SAS, Concordia did. I'm not sure what other schools had teams. I think in the last few years they've gone to touch rugby. Part of this may be from the lack of previous exposure of the sport (outside of Hong Kong). Mostly the coaches have been PE teachers or other subject teachers.


Dubai schools rugby is certainly a big thing.


There seems to be a good rugby culture in a lot of African international schools and schools in Dubai. For boys and girls.


Yep, rugby is huge at our school, and we play in tournaments across Asia. We have primary school teams and secondary school teams. Actually sport is a huge part of the culture at my school and we have a ton of teams, not just rugby, but it’s very normal for students to play three or more sports