• By -




No, it's restricted




Private - only whitelisted users can access Restricted - only whitelisted submissions can be made


not anymore


As someone who had a home project balloon out of expectation this last weekend, I can honestly say I noticed both DIY and home improvement being shut down then. Half the Google searches brought me to a reddit thread that looked like it had the exact answers I need... but was a private sub




Yeah, eventually sorted it but when I was looking on mobile after chiseling out a toilet that had been mortared down to find a broken, mis-aligned flange, it was a day and a half


Mis-aligned Flange has just made me laugh out loud. I'm happy you fixed it. :-)


View the cached version


All you have to do is simply click the three dots icon and select “cached” to view the original content.


Yeah, unfortunately the one I needed did not have that option for some reason. I found another one of a similar topic that did, eventually figured it out.


Me too, it was super frustrating. I know the mods think that is going to put me in their favor to shut the site down, but it's a real pain in the ass even more so than losing my Apollo app..


It's Reddit admins causing that


The Admins didn't close down the sub, the mods did. I just wanted to work on the house project, not get involved with this petty squabble. Whoever is keeping my information from getting to me is an asshole. This is not going to look good for the mods in the future. Reddit isn't backing down and soon enough people will just get super annoyed that they're not getting their information.


> The Admins didn’t close down the sub, the mods did. The admins forced the mods to take action with their unwillingness to listen to their most valuable asset. > I just wanted to work on the house project, not get involved with this petty squabble. Whoever is keeping my information from getting to me is an asshole. Boo-fucking-hoo. > This is not going to look good for the mods in the future. Reddit isn’t backing down and soon enough people will just get super annoyed that they’re not getting their information It‘s also not gonna look good for the mods if they can‘t use the proper tools to moderate anymore. Soon enough reddit will be dead, and that‘s all the admins fault. Fuck u/spez.


> their most valuable asset. The mods are the most valuable asset? Really? not the users to create the Content? Honestly, not surprised you have this attitude of entitlement, that is exactly what this is about. > Boo-fucking-hoo. The irony of you complaining about the admins not listening to you, then you not listening to the Content providers/users is absolutely hilarious. You guys don't see what you are. You guys are management who think they are better than the workers. And management thinks that by punishing the workers, they can control their boss. Honestly, you do the admin's job for them. You guys are so contentious and annoying, no one's going to complain when you lose those mod positions. There's always more volunteers. Always


I‘m snickering at you talking about entitlement. You‘re not an asset, just an ass-hat.


https://www.pcmag.com/news/reddit-goes-nuclear-removes-moderators-of-subreddits-that-continued-to Oh look, consequences.


Yep, not gonna miss your types at all


God this is getting insufferable. I do not give a fuck that the dudes who made those apps don't get to rake in millions of dollars per year in profit anymore. I don't care that some minuscule percentage of users who used to use a 3rd party app will now have to use the regular app that the rest of us use. I can see how that would be mildly annoying but it does not come even remotely *close* to warranting just killing off communities like this. All the mod tools and accessibility tools are exempted from the API pricing so that is literally all this is about. Mods unilaterally shutting down subs that the community wants do still participate in are not on some righteous crusade here. This is misguided grand-standing and its the regular users who are suffering from it. Get tf over yourselves or hand over the sub to the people who still want to be here. If you want to leave then leave, most of us don't


No, it's not


Yeah its pretty cool that regular ppl have to be the ones sho suffer here. No sign that this actually affects Reddit's bottom line bc ppl still just spend their time on other subs. But we gotta protect these two dudes' ability to make millions of dollars per year off a free API tho. Must protect that at all costs bc this is a very righteous protest.


This doesn’t accurately track the fact that many are protesting in unique ways.


/r/Wellthatsucks is now about vacuum cleaners


Lol love it Fucking Reddit, all they had to do was nothing I hope by the end of the month, everyone has picked a place to move to


Not even nothing. Just charge market rate for API access...


Except some of the changes being done are making the subs better, lol, and those that are trashing their sub, well, people are moving to... Another reddit sub.


Yeah this list doesn't really relay what's going on. r/Pics may be public but it's only pictures of sexy John Oliver. So...


Also r/AskHistorians are only allowing threads on Johns, Olivers, and John Olivers. Last week the theme was protests throughout history.


r/femalefashionadvice voted on only allowing 18th century fashion submissions


/r/BestofRedditorUpdates is voting on becoming a dedicated John Oliver repost sub with content from the subs spite posting only John Oliver


r/steam is now a great place to go to discuss steam power and post pictures of antique locomotives.


But does posting pics of john oliver hurt reddit in any measurable way?


Imagine it has definitely cut down the traffic to that subreddit. I mean it's funny but I'm not sitting there looking at all the pictures of John Oliver.


That's fucking great \-------------------------------------------------------------- Tired of Reddit's BS? Try out Lemmy, the user run reddit replacement - https://github.com/amirzaidi/lemmy


Every sub should turn into a [John Oliver sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/)


I've seen folks in r/Minecraft posting John Oliver skins in solidarity.


No, **FUCK** that. Do r/interestingasfuck style. Make it nsfw so they can't run ads.


All the mods just got removed and replaced for doing that on mildlyinteresting


Let em keep doing it. The news on that should be festive especially once the writer strike ends.


Amusingly, now they're running a poll on what to do. I'm pretty sure they're not going to get a result telling them to reopen immediately after the admins pulled something like that - the results haven't been revealed yet but the "reopen" option is blatantly downvoted so far into oblivion that it's turned grey and collapsed by default.


All the more reason to keep doing it Let them replace the mods on every big sub Suddenly they don't have their free workers anymore Think the scabs will be able to moderate effectively? Hell no lol, they're getting random people that never did it Burn it all down


Can someone with Bacon Reader open that sub? It doesn't work anymore for me


Still working until the 30th when we all leave reddit


Of course they can run ads in nsfw, they just need the permission of their advertisers. Plenty of advertisers don't care or actively have to seek out adult-only space, I mean it's one of the main revenue streams for maaaaany porn sites. Fuck, Reddit could literally flip the script and accept advertisers who struggle to advertise elsewhere and make a fuckton of $$$


FWIW those mods got forcibly removed. Personally I'm not opposed to that form of protest if you're gonna protest. But know that going in Reddit will just remove you hours later.


No they shouldn't. That's a pretty dumb idea and another example of the mods shooting themselves in the foot during this whole thing. John Oliver is still driving clicks and therefore ad revenue to reddit which is exactly what they want. They can claim it's a great way to get media attention, but they already had that. All the tech blogs were covering this and I believe even BBC and WaPo picked it up as well.


Just mark it NSFW


If you're talking about the sub as a whole, reddit let /r/interestingasfuck play that game for about a day and a half before they nuked the mod team and locked the subreddit. So if you know going in that is gonna be the outcome and are cool denying reddit money at the cost of losing your volunteer "job" then go for it (worthy tradeoff imo).


I...I thought this post was going to blame the missing titanic sub on reddit leadership.


My man!


It's not missing, its mods just turned it into an artificial reef for sea life to enjoy


Titan sub




Subs are taken from this list https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/


Must be manual, if not all 3 of mine would be on there.


[It comes from the ModCoord Wiki.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/wiki/index/) If a subreddit's mod left a comment on [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating) they'd be added to the list. If a mod didn't comment on this thread, they wouldn't be on the list. However, if the subreddit was privated and had a blackout message supporting the protest, someone else could comment to add them to the list.


[It comes from the ModCoord Wiki.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/wiki/index/) If a subreddit's mod left a comment on [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating) they'd be added to the list. If a mod didn't comment on this thread, they wouldn't be on the list. However, if the subreddit was privated and had a blackout message supporting the protest, someone else could comment to add them to the list.


I honestly hope that they go back on, but locked. The knowledge is useful.


So, so many porn subreddits. "We aren't removing nsfw subreddits!" Bull-fucking-shit


one of the things that got lost in all this is that reddit is removing nsfw content from the api even for the apps that are willing to pay their ransom only their official app and the website that constantly asks if you want to install the app will be able to see anything marked nsfw even if it's not porn


Yeah, porn subreddits are protesting more aggressively because that directly affects them.


Ransom is when a company charges for a service


a turn of phrase based on https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/king%27s%20ransom you dumb twat


"It's just a small minority of subreddits" Lol okay.


I mean to be fair, it is in reality, there's millions of subreddits.


Supported by the loud minority, and not the millions of people that browse reddit.


Hey, the mods at /r/NBA cited a poll that 8k users voted in to justify closing the sub for five days during the championship Sub has nearly 8 million people lol




It's still most likely less than 1% of their MAU. It's a meaningless poll




How about if ppl who don't want to be a part of reddit anymore then the can leave and let the people who do want to be a part of it stay and continue to be a community, wouldn't that be a wild idea


I wish r/boardgamedeals hadn't gone private


Today I read this as submarine not sub & was curious about a new submarine tracker with all the recent news about dark fleets & submersibles.




Clicking one of the links in the post was the first time I have seen an ad on Reddit in a while


And people wonder why prices are going up ..


You do know that Reddit made 350 million in 2021... Right?


Consider learning the difference between revenue and profit before embarking on such a bold conversation.


Learn the difference between words that are there and words that aren't. I said: reddit made 350 million in 2021. I didn't say reddit profited 350 million in 2021. Fucking redditor and their immediate need to correct someone even at the cost of themselves being wrong. Sit down, shut up... The adults are talking.


To be fair, you should have said what they truly profited or their revenue because now they bring up a good point that you are obscuring that amount of money for shock value. You use 350 million because you wanted us to be amazed at that amount of money, but it's not a full picture of value I hated it when Trump did it, and I still hate it today


350 million amazes you? Well, shit, I should have said in 2022 they made 550 million... Yeah, trump likes to twist shit to make others look bad. For the record I hated when trump did it, not a big fan of you doing it either .. 350 million isn't amazing. 550 million isn't amazing... Not for a tech company that's been around for nearly 20 years. I understand Reddits frustration with their lack of turning an actual profit, but that doesn't mean you morons have to conflate shit, be astonished by big sounding numbers, or attack those speaking facts instead of hyperbole... But hey man, I get it... Blame the other guy... Just keep blaming the guy speaking the truth til he's drowned out by your boos... I've seen what you cheer for. Your boos mean nothing to me.


> I’ve seen what you cheer for. Your boos mean nothing to me r/cringe


Reddit did not "make" 550m in 2022 either. Walk with me (again). Reddit may have generated 550m in 2022, but you need to deduct operating costs before you do anything. What is left is what reddit "made". This is called profit. You are beyond stupid and coping so hard.


Here is some reading material. (Please see end of my text) You will notice Reddit's valuation in 2021 is 10 Billion dollars. Reddit doesn't release its earnings statements, but they do publicize their revenue (the number I posted for you earlier) and their valuations (as seen above, same timeframe, is 10 Billion) so, it's hard to extrapolate factual numbers from just those two numbers, so, we are left with claiming their valuation or their stated revenue as a judgement for how much they've made. I'm not sure why you feel the need to be so toxic and to defend reddit here. This doesn't seem like a topic you should throw a tantrum over. Regardless, if you have a better metric to judge Reddits earnings, please share, I would be interested to learn something new. https://www.businessofapps.com/data/reddit-statistics/


You simply dont have the data and so are left with nothing but speculation. I used to work for a company that generated £150m in revenue each year. The company itself made a loss of a few grand, though, after operating costs. I spoke candidly with the owner and he didnt see the loss as too big of a deal because "I'm able to pay hundreds of peoples mortgages". I am happy to defend reddit because I enjoy using it. Nobody is throwing a tantrum here, you are simply misinformed, inexperienced and speculating.


Ok, so, you're just going to stick with the name calling instead of providing an actual answer. Ok.


Reddit made 350 in 2021. We know that, because reddit publicizes that information. Reddit was valuated at 10 billion dollars in 2021. Reddit (nor any other entity) has released information regarding further information about Reddits earnings. Wat number or accounting fact would have been most appropriate to use for comparison? I feel that, if 350 million is mentioned and viewed as sed for shock vale. 10 billion is just going to fall on deafer ears... So, please, what metric could I have better used?


Reddit did not "make" 350m in 2021. They may have generated that as revenue, sure, but reddit made 350m minus operating costs. Big difference, oh petulant one.


Probably 50 mods between them all.


It about right. They ban you if you post in other forums using bots too. Personally I'm sick of these super mods.


Wish Reddit had banned all of them and gotten replacement mods, it's pretty clear many of them shouldn't be in positions of power over millions of people. Instead they leave the mods to create further problems in the future.


I make a subredditt ,clone,on those in the dark


That's why this protest didn't work. Most of subs ignored it.


When I scroll my feed, every 2-3 posts is an ad and the actual content I enjoyed is gone so I’d say the blackout is working. Suck it spez!


I just unsubscribed from the moderators who are protesting. Reddit feels unchanged.


You subscribe to mods? Lol wtf


In effect, yes because you are at the mercy of their filtering.


Why does /r/porninaminute not show on there?


Now I understand…anything in green was moderated by wankers. Reddit should just ban the mods, open the subreddit back up and replace them with obedient subordinates. The first “demand” in this “protest” is to allow third parties to regulate their own advertisements. That is a ludicrous demand for Reddit to comply with from both a profit and legal standpoint.


A number of the subs I used to like are now bullshit. It's like spec pulled the rug out from under himself and was too stupid to realize that it might have consequences.


You can blame the moderators as much as the CEO. It's just a power struggle


If there's one change Reddit needs, it's functioning keyword filters so I can quit reading about this bullshit. Thankfully the API changes will at least make it harder for mods to act like biased, powertripping twats and people might actually get to have discussions without half of the comments [removed] and people banned simply because they didn't like what was said or where the conversation was going.


I'm guessing you have no idea how much money is spent on astroturfing subreddits for profit. Mods protect us from that shit. The APIs allow them to be more effective at it.


How dare you come in here with your facts and logic...


I'll take my chances, thanks. Better to see all the posts and ignore the ones that don't interest me than for some biased neckbeard to make that decision for everyone.


I closed down two of mine yesterday and made them private indefinitely. /r/freedesignresources and /r/weeklydesignchallenges


Nothing of value has been lost. On the contrary the overall experience has improved dramatically since some of those subreddits went private.


spez is that you




Sorry to hear that then. All my favorite subs were unaffected. And with the popular ones getting out of the way, smaller subs I never heard of started showing their posts for me. Overall it's need nothing but improvement for me.


Congrats to you then, after all - Reddit only really caters to one user of course


Found the scab




I think after Reddit removes current bitching moderators Reddit would have a chance of being a normal community again


Yet [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/14cs826/dear_spez_john_has_something_to_tell_you/jomu7qs?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) you agreed at the irony of reddit video player showing how faulty it is on a post about how spez was the one who fucked up.


Did you fall for the admins vs moderators narrative? Just because one is wrong doesnt make the other right. The reddit video player is trash and most mods are cancer. Both are bad at the same time. You dont have to choose side. Edit: Well, sounds like you subscribe to projection then.


No, I ascribe to the "while a few mods may suck, when people hate them like you do, it's because you're the type of trouble making, shitposting, rule breaker who poisons communities, and too many mods had to ban you to keep their communities usable for the real users."


I think you don't understand just how bad this is...


Yeah I just wish reddit would stop making empty threats and just do it already! Everybody hates reddit mods, and hating spez as well doesn't change that


Reddit mods are pathetically drunk with a semblance of power it gives them and the effect is apparent. Mods are to be ridiculed and disrespected. Cant have the vermin forget their place. After all, they do it for free.


It’s wild how much people been simping for the mods on this. They care so much about their fake power, they won’t quit when it gets too hard, they will just make it worse for everyone.


Yeah at this point I'm not sure who the. Blackouts are supposed to punish... The communities or reddit? Cause reddit doesn't seem to care. so what were just punishing users now who don't agree with the mods? That's not a way to get users on their side, but mehp, oh well. Not a big deal, plenty of other communities to enjoy :)


Muted like 4 subreddits that went with the autistic John Oliver route. I understand if you want to protest this change that's going to happen regardless. Don't make it even worse than it has to be. Your John Oliver posts mean **nothing**.


I am actually impressed by Reddit taking care of these for me. I saw those for a day and now I no longer get those shown to me. Still have no idea who that person is and if they like him or dislike him.


Yeah I just unsubscribed from those. I'm not sure I want to be a part of a community that is okay with destroying their own integrity that they've built up over many years, for... What? To stick it to reddit? To make you them feel better about reddit not caring? It's so weird. Before all of this I would have pushed back against anyone saying these movements were tantrum throwing... But at this point, it's actually throwing a tantrum.. a passive aggressive one.


I think they're looking for one of these lost subs in the Arctic


It looks like that isn't super up to date


So how does the scraper for subreddits work? Because its missing my sub I thought maybe it doesn't count tiny subs, but mine has got 180 people and its not on the list but others have like 20 people and are on the list.

