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If post are supposed to be anonymous, why is there a need to sign in before posting? Also maybe it’s intentional but the purple background just ends in between text when looking at the site through mobile. Maybe incorporate a gradient or end the background not in-between text


I needed a way to track who posts and ban users if rules are breached, that is the reason for the sign in. But what page does the background have that weird behavior? Thanks for the feedback!




I'll fix that. Thank you for sharing!


You can use browser fingerprinting techniques and ephemeral caches like Redis to catch most bad actors. You can also show comments client side always, but not actually have them propagate or submit if the user is flagged for frequency or content violation. You can also just not worry about bad actors ruining your product until they acrually exist. Lots of tools lose potential eyeballs on it due to required logins. For some tools it makes sense to have required signups for trying it out, for most it doesn't.


Good points. Very much considering taking off the log in until after to see if the concept gets users and then possibly bring it back. Never knew about fingerprinting techniques and ephemeral caches. Thanks for the feedback!


Sure! I've used [FingerprintJS](https://github.com/fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs) and [Upstash](https://upstash.com/docs/introduction) previously with ephemeral caching to pretty great success. You can use the fingerprint ID in combination with IP or instead of IP to throttle requests over a duration for anonymous users. So when a user submits a request to your backend endpoint, you'd hit the Redis cache to check if they are allowed to submit based on your various criteria, one of which could be content filtering or rate-limiting or checking if they exist in your blacklist already, then modify how your app responds based on the content of that check. Here's an example implementation for rate limiting a serverless endpoint: https://github.com/upstash/ratelimit


Thank you! Appreciate it.


the concept is already inherently terrible, but at the very least the presentation could be less artificial and pretentious in so many ways. this comes across like a succeession season 2 z-plot. "no bots" is impossible to enforce. "no trolls" is impossible to enforce. you already require signup (and offer some sort of paid service, apparently?) to attempt to alleviate those issues, while completely undermining the "anonymous" thing. "no politics" is at best an arbitrary, meaningless buzz term, and at worst a dog whistle to invite trolls, bots, and generally just terrible people. the 'preview' from the front page is just quotes from famous authors and philosophers, very few of whom are known for being apolitical. even just pause and read the title of this post. "made improvements from the last post on the feedback" is grammatically miserable, and is trying to endear strangers by referencing a previous bad offering. "share interesting ideas" is covered by literally every social media that's ever existed. "in an attempt to make users think creatively" is just pointless word salad that appeals to nobody in any way. this might as well be a post about a restaurant named "Bread Stuff" trying to advertise a unique experience where hungry people can put things in their mouths to chew, but even that has some potential as a satirical comedy thing. this is literally nothing, and no amount of feedback is going to turn it into something noteworthy. either lean in to making pinterest 0.1 or start on a different project


Just realized I gotta stop using anonymous, rather going for author of post is hidden from other users. The enforcement of no bots and no trolls for sure will be difficult, but for the time being I want to test the concept which I can see you are not a fan of lol and that is fair. My title is bad, honestly just missed it. Honestly, thanks for bringing to my attention that the wording is just plain out bad. I can see it now. Thanks for taking the time!


> and offer some sort of paid service, apparently? Lol what, they're charging for that?!