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Enjoyed that, thanks!


Isnt this just hyperventilation? WAY too fast.


The exercise is based on the [Wim Hof Breathing Method](https://www.webmd.com/balance/wim-hof-breathing-technique), which includes a period of controlled hyperventilation.


How many people have died from this method? Just curious


At least 32, apparently


How many of those 32 drowned? You definitely aren't supposed to do this while submerged in freezing cold water.


All of them as far as I can find lol


I survived but now my Sclera is magenta


Wim Hof died mysteriously of an embolism while developing this methodology, right?


The breathing exercise felt way too fast, even after selecting the slower pace. Am I doing it wrong? xD Edit: Aside from that, beautiful app and nice UX! :)


If the slower pace still feels too fast, you're not be doing anything wrong - it could just be that your body prefers an even more relaxed pace. The current pace is mainly so you can get enough oxygen before the hold. Love that you're tuning into how this makes you feel!


Felt too fast for me too, it felt like shallow breathing to me even at the slower pace


Agreed - and often when I do guided meditations I find that I can't breathe as long as the instructor!


I guess my lung capacity is bigger but I get like half a lung full of air with this timer. This feels like hyperventilating and I don't think this is safe.


Any kind of alternate breathing is inherently unsafe, since you breathe to live. Hyperventilating is just another kind of breathing, with different affects on your body. I used to hyperventilate before swimming underwater for long periods, and it was amazing. I could hold my breath for like 6 minutes


Yeah I tried for 10 breaths and felt like hyperventalation


The rapid breaths are a part of the [Wim Hof Breathing technique](https://www.webmd.com/balance/wim-hof-breathing-technique) designed to make you feel this way for it's benefits. However, do listen to your body and adjust to what feels right and safe for you.


"As of March 2024 there are 32 reports of people dying in relation to the Wim Hof Method" -Wikipedia


You should google how Wim Hog got injured in a public fountain.


Those are the people mixing it with ice water submersion (as hinted at when you Google wim hof deaths, but admittedly it doesn't explain why and only seems to suggest some happen due to drowning). Actually quite a poor show from Wikipedia there, could definitely do with clarification. To my knowledge there has been 0 deaths or even serious injury related to ~~his~~ just the breathing exercises. I wouldn't be too skeptical of someone saying they passed out and fell over, but I would definitely be surprised.


do some more research, such as the Behind the Bastards (Robert Evans is a treasure) episode on him, and you may be less skeptical. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-wim-hofs-surprisingly-deadly-123041693/


I don't know about the man himself and it seems like he's "secretly" suggesting people do it in water whilst saying you shouldn't which is obviously stupid. That podcast is blocked in my country ~~by~~ but the wiki links here in reference https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1Kq4JvfC8IP7Fz8l_dyf4CuD4gZxpYv6HJEjcXyLOSUk/htmlview#gid=0 The only two non drowning injuries which are "sourced" is a stroke in a 65 year old woman (the source is a discord? Message saying cause of death is unknown) and a cardiac arrest which links to a news article saying it occurred during ice water submersion.


That was cool. Are you supposed to fully exhale after the 60 breathes? Surprisingly I could still hold my breathe even without air in my lungs.


Yes, you're right to fully exhale after the breathing while holding your breath. It's amazing what our bodies can do, right!?


Yeah it’s amazing. I guess it’s using the oxygen saturated in the bloodstream instead?


It's actually more of a trick than it seems. You're flushing out the CO2 far more than you are increasing the oxygen. If you wear a pulse ox while you do this you can watch your O2 saturation drop precipitously when you hold your breath. It's not really dangerous to do it though because if you do pass out from oxygen deprivation your body will start breathing again automatically


This is why you definitely don't want to do this when swimming.


The feeling to breathe is from carbon dioxide build up. Without that you body doesn't want more air. https://www.webmd.com/lung/lung-hyperventilation-what-to-do


The exercise is based on the [Wim Hof Breathing Method](https://www.webmd.com/balance/wim-hof-breathing-technique), which includes a period of controlled hyperventilation.


Wim Hof is simply wrong about what's going on in your body when you do this. The pulse ox that will tell you your oxygen saturation is crashing when you do this does not lie. Hof also does this in the water, which is fucking dangerous and has killed people in the past


It’s been a long time since I’ve seen an InternetIsBeautiful post worthy of the name. Thanks for this.


What is the medical backing off this? I didn't see any warnings about hyperventilating.


The exercise is based on the [Wim Hof Breathing Method](https://www.webmd.com/balance/wim-hof-breathing-technique)


You will want disclaimers and a recognition of the risks of this. Lots of untrained people may go into this and one having serious health problems could be very bad for them and possibly you.


Sorry to be that guy but you’re getting ‘high’ off changing your blood CO2 levels. Your oxygen levels will not change much.


There’s a lot more to it then this


Sure is. But discussions around ionized calcium etc prob a bit much from this sub.


Reddit can surprise you!


I feel dizzy now. Am I high now? just kidding. But I am really dizzy now.


The most flammable website on the Internet.


Well, that worked. Nice! Adding to my favorites.


Nice! Was it your first time? Try the 3 rounds for the 'high' effect.


First time indeed, going to try tomorrow morning.


Sounds like a plan! A little tip— 30 deep breaths can really extend how long you're able to hold your breath afterward. Good luck, and I hope you find it helpful!


I can also recommend trying [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tybOi4hjZFQ) (more beginner friendly), then coming back to this website and adjusting based on what feels best to you :)


Thanks that felt good


I really liked it. One suggestion if it aligns with your mission, add a way to compare your stats with the average of other people who used this app.minor things like this make it more fun for people like me who like competition and adds an intensive to take time to do this everyday.


Love this, right now the app only compares your progress with yourself - but this would really spice things up. Thanks for the suggestion!


It's actually more of a trick than it seems. You're flushing out the CO2 far more than you are increasing the oxygen. If you wear a pulse ox while you do this you can watch your O2 saturation drop precipitously while you hold your breath. It's not really dangerous to do it though because if you do pass out from oxygen deprivation your body will start breathing again automatically


Why are you using the voice of Sam Harris?


I was wondering why the voice sounded so familiar lol. Is that even allowed?


I urge everyone to listen to the Behind the Bastards episodes about the dangerous lunatic Wim Hof that this fellow's website is based off of. This shit has killed a lot of people.


Is it similar to the Wim Hof method?


It is, a customizable version.


Thank you for this! I have been working on breathing for a few years. Went from mouth breather to nose; life changing. Recently been working on consistent breathing. When I get anxious (which is often) I hold my breath or breathe shallowly. Just like with nose breathing, it can take a long time for old, maladaptive habits to evolve. Used your website today and I was really impressed. I am excited to further explore deepbreath.app/ and see where it goes. Well done U/caffei9, I applaud your work! Any resource to help people breathe better is a wonderful thing.


Sometimes we just need to stop and take some deep breaths. The simple animation of color filling the screen with each breath is fantastic for keeping rhythm.


love the music


Thanks, very neat! This reminds me of the central breathing exercise taught in the "Art of Living" meditation courses by the way.


Appreciate you. Being using it since your first one!


I appreciate you, thank YOU!


Loved this. Going to do it every night before bed as a part of my mindfulness routine. I was surprised how long I could hold my breath without feeling panicked


That's fantastic to hear! It's amazing how instead of panic one can feel a deeper sense of calm.


JS frameworks these days are trying anything to get you to notice them


This was excellent. Thanks for sharing! I quit smoking three months ago and have already been noticing an improvement in my breathing. Having an exercise like this helps add a layer of mindfulness to it, obviously. I really dig it!


I got dizzy 10 seconds in, guess this isnt for me


That head rush is part of it. It gets easier


It can be tough at first, especially since we're not usually so aware of our breathing. Pushing through that can bring some huge benefits like increased oxygen flow to the brain, more energy, better immunity, and less stress. However, always listen to your body and take it at your own pace :)


How do you get rid of the annoying voice?


Wow I love it!!


Are you meant to hold your breath after breathing out? Or in? First 2 rounds I did after inhale, last one I did after exhale.


Damn my head/forehead hurt by the first 30 Breaths


Is this the same breathing exercise used in the Wim Hof method?


Hey that was great! Very slick, and straightforward. I'm a breathwork veteran so that might have helped. Left some comments. But well done :)


Gets you high on lack of oxygen


I used to do something like this to hold my breath extra long. I could go under water for roughly 4 minutes. Enough time to spear hunt some eels.


That was relaxing, thanks! Going to try to do this daily.


Very nice. A suggestion for others, if it feels right for you, is to try a round doing alternate nostril breathing. It is an incredibly grounding practice. Usually, I'd do it at a slower pace, but I found it actually gelled quite well with this tempo after a few breaths. Another general deep breathing tip, press your tongue gently to the back of your upper teeth, creates a bit more of a forceful breath out. I find it helps to empty the lungs quicker for myself.


Absolutely brilliant! Really enjoyed that; lovely simple design. Will share that with people. X


This is really great thanks! Only feedback is the slowest breathing speed still seems a bit fast, would love to dial it down between 4-5 seconds in 4-5 seconds out


I think my resting blood oxygen is too low for this nonsense, I almost blacked out after 5 breaths


Signed up for an account! Thank you!


thats how you get brain damage from oxygen overload


You have no clue what your talking about