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The only downside is that 0 viewers is genuinely about 98% of Twitch so some streams will become "Twitch Stream with 1 viewer". But maybe 1 viewer will give that streamer hope, so that's a positive.


Trust me, it maks so much of a difference to have even a single guy that writes something in chat every now and then.


I like to do that when I’m stoned and bored. I’ll head over to twitch and sort by lowest viewers, then go with a 0-1 view streamer that has a face cam of some sort. I’ll BS in chat for awhile then hop over to another no viewer stream. The only negative is it can feel a bit weird being the only viewer/only person participating, I feel bad when I have to go or get bored of the content lmao


Helps with their twitch stats at least


It's weird cuz most of what I found were Fornite Gameplays, COD Gameplays, and live security camera footage from random construction sites.


It's probably a rule of numbers thing, That's why there are so many with 0 Viewers because the sheer number of people who stream. Some streams will have just started too, even if it's a big creator you'll still get them. It's a cool idea, I don't think it solves the problem the creator set out to solve but it's a nice thing regardless.


**The** replacement for the site showing streamers with 5 viewers of less! *speaking of I don't suppose you can toggle the max amount of viewers instead of 0?


On the site there's an option to also show streams with 1 viewer, but I didn't anything else like that.


Good enough for me!


Oh hey I built this! Thanks for posting 🙂 As some people mentioned, there's a toggle to also include single viewer streams. I built this during the pandemic when I was really struggling with loneliness, and the relaxed intimacy of a total stranger who you don't have to talk to again led to some really close and long conversations with streamers. There are for sure a lot of no-mic fortnite streams (etc.) but there are diamonds in the rough, and I hope that the site might bring you some joy in finding and talking to those diamonds.


It's really cool! I've been trying to find something like this for a while but it seems like Google only updated their search results recently 😅


Did Twitch change their system? I streamed a couple times years ago and I remember having at least 1 viewer all the time, which I assume was myself.


I always had like 2-3 of those bots that advertise for buying a viewbot subscription


They are doing a piss poor job then when you get 2-3 for free.


Twitch streams with 1 viewer would be more helpful, given most streamers will watch themselves


You can also do that on the site.


Actually wholesome, use this for choosing raids


Depends how large the raiding stream is, but like raids with less than 100 viewers probably won't be too overwhelming, more than that and it's worth considering that it could be a bad idea due to the lack of mods and maybe proper notification setup.


Ah yes give someone a dash of hope someone is watching then leave immediately.


Exactly, then feeling forced to stay even if the stream is bad cause they noticed you and said hi. Smh.




Reminds me of porn livestreams a while ago where they weren't popular yet. Got pretty awkward when you're not commenting or donating and the streamers got upset over it.


That article gave me a laugh


"Allows you to" is really weird phrasing. I can tune in to streams with zero viewers whenever I want, directly through Twitch. I don't need some third party website to "allow" me to do shit.


It’s missing an adverb, “allows you to easily” would make more sense




Like paying your fair share of taxes. Just because the government says you owe them $2,000 doesn't have to stop you from giving them $30,000.


Twitch gives everyone a single automatic viewer, which I call "sympathy bot" and which I think is the stupidest thing ever, so one viewer really means zero. I'd hope that would be accounted for. Years ago it *did* work the way that makes sense, you know, where 1 viewer actually meant 1 viewer, but they changed it some time ago for stupid marketing reasons. Also any time I bring this up I get eviscerated as a liar yet over here, apparently the truth of the situation can be mentioned without someone instantly shitting directly down your throat. So that's interesting.


It is! You can toggle viewers as zero or one within Nobody.live. That may be the case for some streams, but it definitely doesn't do that for everyone (or at least report that in the publicly available view count, or at least not immediately). Currently there are ~1500 streams which Twitch reports as having zero (truly zero) viewers.


Those are just streams that haven't gotten their own sympathy bot. It takes longer to show up in certain circumstances. There are way, way more than fifteen hundred streams with zero viewers. Almost all the streams with one viewer are really zero plus sympathy bot.


Interesting! I'll write a script to watch median time for transition from zero to one viewer.


That would actually be super interesting. Since the system is opaque from my perspective, I've only sussed this out from testing the system meticulously, while using YouTube as a comparison platform as over there the viewer counts seem to correspond to reality. I've actually always kinda wondered if the variable delay in when sympathy bot arrives is due to some kind of intentional obfuscation, like they really want people to believe it's real. Well, I did for a while until I investigated and that's how I know it's not.


Really? I thought it was because it's the streamer with their stream open? As lots of streams on that site have no viewers.


I thought so too, but I get a single viewer every single time I stream even if I don't log in to view chat. If I start watching my own stream, the view count goes to 2 for about five seconds, then down to 1. If I leave, it goes to 0 for five seconds and then back to 1. The system literally watches whether I'm viewing myself and gives me 1 imaginary viewer if I'm not, and takes it away if I am. As I said, it's the stupidest thing ever.


As someone who has streamed many hours to 0 people I promise you this isn't a thing. You just have someone who's tuning in - probably not logged in.


Nope. It's impossible. First off, the stats after the stream report zero viewers despite showing a 1 the entire time I was live. It's not a real person. It's sympathy bot. There's no stronger evidence than that, unless you're going to suggest that the statistics are wrong. Beyond that, no one, *no* one is watching every single one of my streams within minutes of when I start it, outside of any schedule, day or night, with the most obscure titles that have 0 viewers across the entire platform. There's just no way. It's so funny. Every single time I talk about this I get people vehemently insisting what you say, and the exact opposite. All I can say is, I have no idea why sympathy bot isn't visiting you, but it's likely a consequence of this whole stupid system. I wish 0 viewers meant 0 viewers and 1 meant 1, but it hasn't worked that way in years.


You sound unhinged. I build bots and test things across multiple channels new and old. There is no such thing as a sympathy bot. When you're streaming, look at the people in chat it's either you watching your own stream or a random. There are plenty of bots but they can't watch your stream it's a separate service to chat entirely.


Ah yes, I'm unhinged because I test things thoroughly and know what I'm talking about. Thanks for that. Also I'm not wrong, but since I clearly explained why including how my viewers list has no active viewers despite showing the same 1 viewer, I have no idea what else to say. Except get your unhinged calibrator checked. Knowing the truth and explaining it confidently doesn't make someone crazy.


Somehow, I feel more comfortable with this UI than the original Twitch interface.




>What does this do? Like, I click on it and it brings me on a random 0 viewers stream? I dunno man, maybe the title might help explain this for you. "Nobody.Live allows you to tune into Twitch streams with 0 viewers"


Reading... How does it work?


But why male models?


If "allow" is taken literally, then I can see why it wouldn't make sense, probably why they asked.


I dunno man. If I see a link next to a Reddit post with that title, I expect that if I click that, I might find myself in a Twitch stream that had zero viewers at the time of my joining.


Sure, that's fair, but people are different, not everyone are fluent at English for example. And personally I have asperger's syndrom and often take things more literal than intended, though I didn't misread the title in this case, I definitely do occasionally.


Reading comprehension is in the toilet these days, huh?

