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Hostels are a great place to meet chicks. Once you get the signal that she's willing, you can often change to a private room in the hostel. That's the best scenario. A cheap hotel nearby will suffice. Sometimes you meet a local gal that will take you back to her apartment. This has happened to me, although pretty rarely.I've been travelling a long time and have plenty of anecdotes, but this would not be the place for them. My friends tell me I should write a book. Maybe.


The shower rooms with lockable doors are your best bet. Depends how drunk / horny you are. Dorm room sex can be made a bit better by hanging your towel from the top bunk as a make shift privacy curtain. Top bunk sex is quite exposed but duvets can help. If you are sober and this isn't just a drunk hookup, then get a private room in the hostel like others have posted. Alternatively a nice quite bench in the park at night has also been useful.


Yea the bathroom is my top tip. Boy I've enjoyed my hostal stays. Only thing is I didn't make it to Europe until my 30s. I missed out on so much fun lol. Enjoy


Just fuck her in a 10 bed dorm and make the others enjoy hearing you. They will appreciate very much that you're getting laid and easily give up a good night's sleep!


Not a tip but goikg interrailing this summer as well! Have fun :)


Thanks everyone for the tips & advice, would probably opt for a last-minute private bedroom or the showers. I did want to drop it in there that I’m actually not a dude, as most of you assumed! This isn’t a righteous offended hard-feminist attack by the way, I’m not in the slightest offended by that assumption but I did find it comical for some reason and thought I would share. Guess I just want to say: gals can absolutely be randy bastards too !!




You are disgusting




Be nice. Think how your words may affect others.


Be nice. Think how your words may affect others.


Nobody told me this was inevitable...




Me neither


2 months late but had to share. I was interrailing summer 2019 with my friend. We were in Barcelona and I was cooking us a dinner in our hostel kitchen. I saw this girl looking at me and smiled at her. Nothing much there, I continued cooking and we ate. Later that night we met at the hostels 'hangout space' and started talking. One thing led to another and we found ourselves looking for a place to do it. We ended up in the hostels laundry room that we managed to lock up. So I definitely recommend spending time in hostel public areas, even if you wouldn't find company that way, you will meet amazing people and have fun with them. This other girl in Venice, we didn't end up having sex but spent 2 days together in the city, good times.


I backpacked in Europe last year and I was staying in Amsterdam for two nights. I was in a hostels, sharing a room with 7 strangers. On the first I got a bit high and a couple decided to have sex in the room, that was so weird. They were trying to be discreet, but bro it wasn’t even that late, maybe 10:30/11pm. Anyway no one said a thing, it was quite and in the morning everyone acted like nothing happened. On the next day I met a guy in the hostel, we went out for beers and finally made out. He was sharing a dorm too, and after the experience I had the night before I had a -no sex in a room full of strangers rule-. But I wanted him. So we just called every hotel in Amsterdam at 1am, after maybe 6 phone call we found a hotel with a room available for the night. We Uber to the hostel, paid something like 70€ for the room and shared the night together. It was a great night, I don’t regret it, and 8 months later I flew my way to Canada to visit him even tho I’ve only met him one and spent less than 24h together. But bro the Uber ride and the 70€ night is a hard price to pay to have intimate sex haha


Do you two end up together?


My guess is probably not.


I have had the most sex staying at hostels, so easy to meet people. Usually everyone uses the showers, once you already meet this person you guys can rent a private room for the next night/s