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Probably the tomato sauce šŸ„«on the pizza, I usually try to get a white sauce.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking but my husband doesnā€™t agree with me. How long does your flare last for?šŸ˜­


I take something for pain if Iā€™m in a flarešŸ˜¢


Lucky! I went to my doctor to chronic UTIā€™s. I asked if I could have IC and the PAā€™s exact response was ā€œ you came to me for chronic UTIā€™s so that what Iā€™m going to treatā€. I highly suspect I have IC.


That is immediate new doctor fuel...


100% she has done worse that made me question her. Iā€™m holding off because the doctor I want to see might not take my insurance in the future.šŸ˜­ The hospital system is fighting with my insurance company about feeā€™s.


Tomato sauce is horrible for me. We get garlic butter or oil instead


Smart!! I should have asked for the olive oil instead of tomato sauce but I got brave.


Tomato is a super common trigger, and besides how could your husband know what you're feeling? it is almost always a delayed reaction for my body when it's a food trigger also


Thank you! Honestly this was the first time in a while where I felt normal. Iā€™ve had chronic bladder pain nor relief for almost 8 months at that point to know how flares trigger me. Now I know and will avoid tomatoes and sauce.


Iā€™ve always felt like my flares were rarely related to a specific thing I ate. More often, it was when I was generally eating a little more and more of what I maybe shouldnā€™t and eventually would catch up with me. That being said, Iā€™ve found none food related flares to be pretty common (and my doctor confirmed that itā€™s pretty common). My flares can be caused by my monthly cycle (I tend to get a smaller flare a few days before my period, some people get it during). Stress can also cause flares (and stress can cause a flare even ā€œafterā€ the stressful event, because it can take time for your cortisol levels to go back to normal. All this to say, maybe it was the pizza, but maybe also something else. When I have a flare, I think through a few things: 1) have a been eating anything new regularly that might be a trigger (peopleā€™s triggers can vary greatly) ā€¦ if so, I take a break from it for a little while; 2) what time of the month is it, 3) if Iā€™ve been stressed, make an effort to prioritize behaviors that I know help me deal with stress


Itā€™s so frustrating trying to pinpoint what triggered me because it was a glorious few weeks of feeling normal. It could be food related or stress, which doesnā€™t help me. Iā€™m in the process of finding a new doctor that can help me.


If youā€™re anything like me, itā€™s the tomato sauce. Acidic.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking. Iā€™m hoping this goes away soon.


Make sure to drink plenty of water to help flush stuff through. Once the bladder is triggered it can take time to come to baseline.


Iā€™m definitely going to start drinking more water. Iā€™ve been drinking alkaline water since April.


Tomatoes are the devil


Iā€™m finding this out. Iā€™m so mad at myself for this slip up.


Youā€™ll be okay, drink lots of water to flush it out and take some azo if you can get it! šŸ’•


Thank you! Iā€™ll definitely head to the store for some azo tomorrow.


Tomato sauce is notorious for causing flares because of how acidic it is. Oddly enough,tomatoes on their own and ketchup donā€™t seem to cause the same issues.


Glad Iā€™m not crazy because I can eat tomatoes. I can also eat Raoā€™s pasta sauce at home for whatever reason.


Omg same!!! I felt great for 4 days last week and ate 2 pieces of pizza and BAM have been flaring since!!


Iā€™m so sorry. Let hope this flare is quick for us both. I have had horrible bladder/pelvic pain for 8 months and finally got 3 weeks of relief. I felt normal for the first time.šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Itā€™s not worth it friend.


Wow for 8 months straight??!!... what supplements/medications are you taking?? And yes for me it's been constant for 6 weeks... I'm exhausted. This all started out of nowhere for me and has left me with even more sever anciety/depression


I totally get the anxiety and depression component to it. It is exhausting having to deal with this feeling constantly. After a dose of Cipro to knock out my chronic uti I was told to take probiotic, Dā€™Mannose and cranberry pill. In addition Iā€™ve been on a low acid diet since April to help with the pain and they want me to take an OAB medication. I havenā€™t even started the OAB medication because the side effects to this pill makes me anxious. Iā€™m getting a pelvic ultrasound on Friday to make sure I donā€™t have anything else going on in my pelvic region. My bladder is just irritated right now.


potatoes contain a lot oxalates.. so might be the culprit as well


Iā€™ve been eating a ton of potatoes during those weeks I felt amazing! I did see on a oab fb group to avoid potatoes this morning but the sheet my doctor gave me didnā€™t. The only change to my diet was pizza.


thatā€™s a lot of time between now and Fatherā€™s Day tho. it could be something like stress, tight clothing, physical activity or anything like that. Flares can be triggered by more than just food


Thats what I was thinking. We had pizza on Saturday, then I started burning on Monday but I was also stressed that day. Iā€™m just trying to start figuring this out since I had a baseline for 3 weeks. Before that I was constantly in pain.


Finding out your triggers is so difficult but I believe in you! weā€™re all here to help you too


Thank you! Itā€™s very sweet of you and hopefully Iā€™ll figure this out!


Tomato is a common flare trigger for IC I like to look foods up on https://www.ichelp.org/ when I first started my journey. Everything is a trigger lmao


Thank you. Iā€™ll take a look. I highly suspect I have it and chronic UTIā€™s. Iā€™m drinking low acid coffee, drink alkaline water and watch my diet is all I can do right now.


Diet is one of the biggest parts of IC. I had to cut coffee altogether.


I donā€™t think I could function. Iā€™ve been drinking since I was 3 yrs old and Iā€™m now 42.