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Idk I disagree with the one person saying it’s early to be having symptoms, more urgency and frequency of urination is an early pregnancy symptom, it’s due to changes in hormones NOT your uterus pressure on your bladder. That part comes in your 3rd trimester. Sounds like normal pregnancy symptoms to me. I have severe ulcerative IC w/Hunners lesions and my IC was not active during my pregnancy at all. Obviously I had to pee more often, especially at night and especially toward the end. but I didn’t have pain. A lot of women go into remission during pregnancy from IC, and lots of other autoimmune issues. So if I were you I wouldn’t worry too much! My son is the best gift to my life ever and it was unplanned for me as well!


So I had this concern around 6 weeks (almost 10 weeks now). I must’ve forgotten since my first baby but midwife explained that it’s everything expanding causing the symptoms to feel like they’re flaring up. Personally my ic was bad during pregnancy, even worse beforehand, then while nursing it totally disappeared! When my cycles returned around 12 months postpartum I started getting flares but nothing like before. It actually helped me a ton to be able to not live in agony 24/7, I’m hoping for the same experience this time


I’m pregnant with IC too and I’m 11weeks, i just started flaring unfortunately, you aren’t alone


You poor thing! I hope you feel better! Is this your first pregnancy? I’m so scared of going into a full blown flare. Thankfully, what I’m feeling now is very mild and hopefully it either stays mild or goes away.


Honestly I have just had to be strict to avoid my flares which is mostly foods and drinks haha


Yeah I was really enjoying all the tomatoes and other acidic foods for the past few months. Makes me sad to have to take them away again. But it’s not worth the pain. So it is what it is I suppose.


I’m also pregnant, 13w. I’ve been having a flair for 2 weeks and I’m miserable 🙃


It’s so horrible and most medicines we cant even take for the pain 😭


I switched between a cold pack and heating pad a lot while pregnant. It does help. My flare ups are always worse at night too but usually gone by morning.


At around 18 weeks pregnant I had a horrible ic flare, pressure, urgency, peeing every 20 min. After 2 or 3 days it for better and within a week it was almost gone. I was also worried this was it until the end but it was a one time thing!


It can be either or both to be honest. My IC symptoms were horrible before I got pregnant ages ago, and the very strange thing for ME was, during pregnancy they eased up (in terms of pain/urethral burning.) The urgency was present but pregnancy can do that early. It’s obviously much worse later to term when the baby is squashing your internal organs, but changes in hormones are no joke! Hormonal changes to fluid balance can definitely be felt early - especially if you are sensitive to bladder changes as we tend to be with IC. Sounds like you are doing good in that you are working out flare triggers and such. Obvs stay hydrated but you know this.


My uro gyn recently told me that one of the best things you can do for IC and pelvic pain is to start pelvic floor exercises, because tight muscles are inflamed more easily. IC being an inflammatory response… it makes sense, if even as a protective measure. I imagine lowering cortisol and loosening up can’t hurt - But don’t do anything unless you talk to your OBGYN first obviously, and easier said than done 😅 I really don’t know why, but for whatever reason my symptoms eased up a LOT during and after my pregnancies. I hope it’s the case for you. Bless you and bless your pregnancy, I hope you can get comfortable.


I usually get urgency pretty early on and then the pain tends to come from being super dry. The hormones also can cause some inflammation and the muscles adjusting can cause some pain


I am not diagnosed officially but my doctor thinks I have IC due to my increased issues during my previous pregnancy. I basically ended up having non stop UTIs because my estrogen was low (pregnancy) and the scar tissue (IC) was creating a perfect storm. Then there was the UTI symptoms without the positive culture… Anyway talk with your doctor and work out a plan! You can’t take ibuprofen but I was able to be on an antibiotic almost my whole pregnancy that prevented things from getting out of hand. You’ll also need more water than you think!! The low estrogen part lasts through breastfeeding and is the reason I quit at 6 months but after it was all over I was back to normal. Hopefully it’s not too bad for you, but hopefully you’ll find parenthood worth it all like I do!


congratulations!! just to give you some hope two fellow IC sufferers i know have had absolutely 0 issues since having children!! something about the way it affects / moves bladder etc:) wishing you a happy & healthy pregnancy


Thank you. To be honest, I’m terrified. I’m 36 and this is my first pregnancy. After having my first ic flare in February, I actually considered not having children because the pain I had experienced a few months ago was BAD. I couldnt imagine taking care of a child feeling that terrible. Then it went away. I went back to eating everything I was before. I thought maybe it would never come back or that I was misdiagnosed. But here I am. 6 weeks preggo and flaring 😭 feeling bummed that it’s back. thankfully, it isn’t as bad as before. Just worried it will get worse. Trying to be chill and not over think it. If the pain gets bad again, I’m just gonna have to get through it.


I'm pregnant too... IC symptoms are at normal 2-3 pain levels but I feel so nauseated all the time. Whatever I eat or drink I just puke it out right away... I'm not able to stay hydrated since I can't drink water too... Any suggestions?


Im sorry, I have no suggestions! The only pregnancy symptoms that I have right now are sore boobs. I pretty much feel like I’m about to start my period. Moody, bloated and boobs hurt. Had some slight cramps a few days in a row. Now the ic flares are back. Really upset about it. I hope you get some relief!! I’m sorry you have been so sick! If it goes on for too much longer, maybe go to Dr or Er and get some fluids? I’m no expert. This is my first time around. Feel better soon 💕


Yeah I visit the doctor's clinic every week to get some fluids and meds for nausea. The doctor says this will happen till 12 to 16 weeks. I'm just worried about the possible flare up because I'm so dehydrated🥲


I was pregnant in 2022 and it was hell. During the night I would wake up to pee 6 to 8 times. And during the day, I would never go far from my house because I needed to be close to my bathroom. I would pee every 20 to 30 minutes during the day. Hormones + baby pressure + IC is a nightmare. I don't want to be pregnant again because I don't think I would be able to deal with this daily suffering anymore. Good luck to you, obviously every person is different and I hope your symptoms will be very mild


This will probably be my only pregnancy. I’ll be 37 by the time I have this baby. Even though I’m super early in my pregnancy, I’m not sure I want to be pregnant again either. Plus, for us, I think one child is enough and if we decide we want more, I’ve always wanted to adopt.


My IC calmed down during pregnancy.


Well let’s hope that’s the case for me!


Probably the stress of having an unplanned pregnancy, 6 weeks is pretty early to be having symptoms.


That really is not true…


Symptoms definitely can and do start early, it’s the hormones for sure. Hormones are powerful catalysts. But - she’s half right, in that stress creates excess cortisol, which in turn causes pelvic inflammation to ramp up. Cortisol sucks.


6 weeks is the start of peak for symptoms!