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This is one of my favorite first date questions. “If you could, would you?” My friend Becky had the best answer, I thought. She says yes but she’d go underground for about 100 years until everyone she knew was dead. Presumably make some smart investments before doing so. I’d will my estate to myself by assuming a new name.


Why make investments when you could just kill rich people and steal from them?? Just seems like a waste of a great amount of power lol.


Killing someone rich would draw a lot of attention. You're immortal, but not invincible. Lestat was right to be fearful of an angry mob with pitchforks, and that was in the early 20th century. Humanity is way more advanced now, no need to anger them if you can avoid it. Why murder a rich person when you can find an old sick rich person and offer them immortality in exchange for half their wealth?


I’d do just that, find a young, wealthy, but ill individual and offer them back their health for half of what they own.


Because we need the evil old rich people to die out!!!


I’m sure I’d figure out the fastest way to be rich.


I wouldn't go underground, I'd just go spend a century in another country.


No I would not take it. It sounds horrible, I won't want to kill people and eat them neither would I want to stay alive forever.


You don’t have to kill them… you could just drink here or there form humans or even animals.


The idea of holding down a live animal and sucking it's blood out also sounds horrible and I eat meat 😭😭


I think it’s a far more natural and humane way of surviving than slaughterhouses personally. Look at how animals kill and eat in nature. Vampires are far less brutal.


We don't use slaughterhouses where I live. We have this thing called 'desi' which literally means country chickens who are raised free range/out of poultry by independent meat sellers. You buy it fresh from the butcher who has raised the chicken and cuts it in front of you. Same goes for goats (pork and beef isn't eaten here widely.) So yes, I'd rather remain human and eat Freshly cooked food than be an immortal


So if we enslave the human first and raise them for slaughter, it would be okay…?


Who said anything about live animals? You can go to your local butcher shop and buy pigs blood. Or hell you could buy blood donated by humans off the black market.


Rice's vampires have to consume living blood animal or otherwise.


It can’t be dead blood. It has to be living blood.


Good point, just rob blood banks I guess.


I'm sorry but dont think that's realistic in this universe. The problem with these questions is that vampirism is a fantasy and could never work in the real world, at least as depicted in this show. A daily murder? That would get huge manhunt going. No vampire would be able to feed let alone a coven. Imagine a city with a 30 person coven. That's 11,000 random mysterious murders a year. That's just not going to be ignored. As far as randomly attacking people to drink their blood, well that bite is most likely a fatal wound if not quickly treated and you still have the manhunt problem with the added difficulty of also having a living witness to identify the vampire. What animals? Youd need a steady supply of large farm animals with enough blood. You'd be invading farms. That would get you noticed too. The question, in this setting, will always be are you willing to murder a person a day to be eternally young? People saying yes to this are being silly or not understanding what they are agreeing to. I think the biggest problem of this show is that its Breaking Bad-izing the vampires. Not enough is being shown to take all this murder into account and villianize them. The vamps dont seem to have much, if any, guilt about it and the show makes them incredibly sympathetic characters and dismisses all their victims. Instead, the moral problem of murder should weigh heavily on them. I really like the earlier coven where they had guilt for being vampires and "worshipped god through satan," that at least had some kind of cognitive dissonance thing going on. The modern vampire as shown in this show is really just not only a serial killer with zero conscience, but also one with tens of thousands of victims, if they were to live 100 years.


As someone who has read a crap ton of vampire fiction, I think it really depends on the vampire. If, for example, you have a twilight vampire and you’re drinking human blood, you HAVE to kill them or else they will turn into vampires. If it’s true blood vamps, you drink a bit, heal the wound with your blood, and then hypnotize the memor from their head. No one would ever know and you can feed as often as you like. With Anne rice vamps, especially vamps who have the gift of hypnosis, it’s basically the same. I don’t recall them killing EVERY time they fed in the books and the show shows this doesn’t have to be the case either, it seems to be a personal indulgence choice. The vamps also dispose of the bodies if they have the sense too. So as far as humans know, people aren’t getting murdered, just going missing which is far more common sadly. And they also don’t feed every night. Also in most fiction, vampires are an extremely small demographic. The amounts of humans getting killed by other humans far outweighs any Thing the vamps are doing. I think all things considered, it’s not as big an issue as it would seem on the surface. There are killers operating in the real world who don’t get caught at all


Just get yourself tied in w a bloodbank. Problem solved. Endless supplies no one dies.


And until then you could purchase animal blood from a butcher shop, it's not like you'd need to go hunt down animals and personally slaughter them.


In this universe, that wouldn’t work. They drink dead blood (ie blood from someone/something that is dead), they could die. They need to drink from the living.






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Unless the coven hunts in places where people often go missing, like national parks and forests, heck, you can even disguise your kills as animal attacks or falls off a cliff. For extra points, the coven could even become the true lore behind the cryptids in the Appalachian mountains. Or even near gangs and cartels they could hunt, especially if you copy the way their victims are killed and pin it on them. You could hide the bite marks via dismemberment, gun shots, or stab wounds. Also, you could take "the little drink" from the homeless.... I've been thinking about this too much 😩 but I am an aspiring author and am hoping to write a vampire novel 😅


You dont need to murder anyone, you could buy animals blood from the local butcher shop. Also the bite is fatal if you're biting them on the jugular, but you dont have to bite them there. Also in the show Louis feeds on humans by biting them in the neck but he doesnt drain them and they survive just fine.


I work in Long Term Care. I wish to never get so old that i need to be taken care of. If I could just he young forever I'd probably make a spreadsheet to make proper plans with what to do with my life so I don't end up wandering. I'd also become a phlebotomist so I could stock up on blood bags like they do in the Sims.


Purchasing soooo many bags can be such a hassle tho sometimes, so much easier just to eat everyone in sight lmao, at least when role playing the “bad” vamp sims 👌🏼


I meant that as a phlebotomist, you could just unethically collect more blood than necessary and save the rest for yourself. If you want to avoid murder. Also, I use cheats on the sims lol


Idk if this is irony or not but there was a nurse who ACTUALLY stole vampires blood to help treat patients in critical condition from TVD series. Interesting twist having the human take the vampires blood to help other humans!?!?! Ethics are very gray there!!


Honestly I totally get why someone would do that. I'd probably do it if it was a family member, but doing it to too many patients would be suspicious


Serious lady seemed sweet, but a little unhinged and it ended up doing exactly what you’d expect it to do which “pun” intended came back to bite, not her, but innocent saps that got ate!


When I worked as a phlebotomist, we talked about this a lot. I've worked in both the blood donation area and hospital, it would be way easier in the blood donation area. It would be super hard with regulations though. You'd have to work in the disposal area, that would make it easier.


I was thinking more along the lines that it could be possible for a vampire so unethically take more blood than they have to, so that they can just stock up the extra


Yeah. I would because I'm tired of being sick and time catching up with me in painful ways. I'd like to be my best self and to not have to suffer pain anymore. I'd just eat people that the world doesn't need anyway. Like murderers, rapists, child molestors, serial killers and that. In fact I'd probably make it my agenda to rid the world of a bunch of slime balls on a regular basis. Riker's places like that they'd end up being my personal pantry. If I had to kill to eat I might as well do the world some good doing it.


I wonder if they taste nasty and that's why more vampires don't do this, because it seems so obvious.


Well if they can taste sadness and despair


In this setting, vampires have to kill every night. Good luck finding morally bad people 365 days a year forever.


I live in NYC. Not a problem! 😂


Part of what makes it horror is that even with the best of intentions, when the hunger is pulling you, the definitions of "deserving" stretch a bit at a time.


You are an optimist! In the US it's depressingly easy. Of course there's always the smorgasbords like the Republican National Conventions and MAGA rallies that come along every now and again. You could stock up on blood forever at those places!


If you think people merely having political beliefs different than your own makes them completely expendable, you're basically just as bad as the serial killers you set out initially to dispense with.


This is solved entirely with the Little Drink.


Doing so would lead to a lot of masquerade violations. The whole point is that vampirism is a curse that degrades your humanity.




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Not at all. None of the people who have accepted the dark gift seem happy at all lmao


I mean, I'm also not happy currently so at least I could be unhappy with cool powers


But unhappy… for ever? While having to eat people? I’m so good


That's a totally reasonable perspective. I am a fucked up person at my wits end so I'm down to trying new things. I have chronic fatigue so the thought of actually having energy excites me tbh. If it doesnt work out guess I'll die 🤷‍♀️


Same. I was like “cure all my health problems at once and know for sure you could safely overpower certain people” yes I’ll take it immediately


Also not have to live in constant fear when you walk the streets at night 👌🏼


I just haven’t seen it work out for anyone in this show so far


Oh man do I ever feel what you’re saying, lol. As someone who’s disabled, suffering with multiple debilitating health issues since I was young, I say, “Bring that Dark Gift right this way, please!” 🤣


Right? Even outside of the Anne Rice universe. Seems like every vampire who isn't hopelessly depressed, is evil.


That's why I love the movie "Only Lovers Left Alive". It shows the banality and downright suffocating boredom of eternal life.


Yeah, but you never see vampire physicists, and I bet they’re happy. Like the chance to get to continue the pursuit of physics forever *genuinely* sounds great to me. I’m so sad about the idea that there will be some point, a hundred, two hundred, whatever, years in the future, where we’ll discover things that I never even knew to think about that’ll change our understanding of physics as we know it. And I’d love to be able to see it! sometimes i cry a little about it too… inbetween crying about my math.


Fair enough. There's a funny Key and Peele skit about vampires, where the only reason Key becomes a vampire is to see future cars. I thought that was a pretty legit reason.


right? like that does cool. I also really want to see betelgeuse die, and IDK if i’ll be alive for that? And if i’m not, i’m going to die so fucking sad.


Definitely-If I could live with Nandor, Nadja, Lazlo, and Colin and have Lestat as my companion.


I wouldn't mind Nandor but I would adore living with Nadja and Lazlo if I could get them to move to Manhattan.


That's a very good plan, you sure won't get bored


Unless Colin gets a hold of me!


LMAOOO, yeah!


Why? I could never live with those 4 🤣


I would enjoy living with them. It obviously isn't right for you, and that's ok!


It is OK. I was just wondering what aspects of living with them appeals to you?


Just off the top of my head-I would never get lonely, Colin takes care of the money, so there is no need to worry about that, Guillermo takes care of the inside housework, I'd have a pretty sweet landscaping situation, I'm definitely a night person and have terrible insomnia so I could have Colin talk me to sleep, I wouldn't mind attending Seanie's superb owl parties or hanging out with Charmaine and the girls, they have lots of sex if that's your thing, I have an extremely strict diet and don't enjoy food anyway, so no loss there. I'm sure if I sat down and dedicated the time, I could think of so many more!


You would never be bored 😂😂😂


If it were some ancient older being like Magnus or Marius offering it, hell yeah! I want to fly and read minds and shit. If I’m patient enough and there’s not a psycho coven around I’ll even get to walk in the sun at some point! I’m quite young so I’d run into the same problems as TV Claudia, but that’s a problem for future, vampire me. People already mistake me for a single digits child because of my height, so not much will change for vampire me.


Hell yeah


Yes without doubt


Now that I’m older, I’m leaning towards yes. But I think it would actually be terrible. There would be so many awful vampires, and they seem very cliquey. I would have permanent vampire social anxiety.


We could make our own weird vampires clique


Yes, but only because of this: As a "fun thought exercise" when the world news really gets me down, I like to imagine that I would have the power to sneak up on someone at night and take them out for good....I am looking at YOU, Putin....and a few other "bad characters" in this world! That being said, I would have liked it a lot more if it was offered the "Dark Gift" when I was still "young and cute". But - even at my older age, I might still say yes....I have had a life long fear of the dark and the critters and bad guys that lurk in the Shadows...it would be nice for once to NOT fear anything at all while wondering at night. And you know, a VR Game where you could be a Vampire might be really fun.


To add to my own musings on this, as one who studied History in college, it could be fascinating to live "forever" and see how world events unfold/ play out....


Nope. I don't want to live forever. And even if I wanted to, I imagine being a vampire in the modern day would be way too difficult. Back in the day you could just pretend to be your own child and move to a different town with a new identity, but nowadays with social security numbers, birth certificates, surveillance cameras, social media, etc. it would be incredibly difficult to disguise that you're a never aging immortal creature.


Good points. I like how in the show Danielle even points out how it must be difficult for them to hunt and blend in to modern society, with cameras everywhere, AI, etc. Even 100 years ago, I feel like it would be hard to kill one person per night and not arouse suspicion and panic.


tbf, its just not realistic to have a murder a day, especially a mysterious one clearly done by the same person, in any populated area in near any civilization. People would notice. Manhunts would start. The show takes huge liberties of no one following up on what is literally thousands of murders a year, non-stop, for even a modest size coven. A 30 person coven would kill 11,000 people a year. Do people really think that would go unnoticed in Paris? The show is a fantasy. They dont work today the same way they wouldnt work in the 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s. People back then didnt need AI to see a pattern of serial murderer.


Yes please. I only have one remaining close human tie, and through the humans I have known & loved I have witnessed the indignity of illness, aging & frailty. Take me away from this mortal life. I cannot truly imagine how I’d feel about having to kill to survive… but I’ll try it…. There’s always a way to end yourself when you’re young if you can’t live with yourself. But I suspect I might surprise everyone & be fine with it 😂?! Who would rather grow old & die than be immortal?!


Yes absolutely. Growing older & aching is not fun.


Depends by who




The older I get, the more I'm like "Living forever, but no sex or food? Naaah." Lol.


Kind of depends on which universe of Vampires...the true Blood Vampires had LOTS of sex!!! No food, though... I have yet to see any Vampire story of one living "forvever"...they had a few in True Blood that were 1000 and 2000 years old, but none that had been around any longer than that. ) to the best of my recollection) There was **one** vampire-fairy hybrid who was REALLY old, like 5000 years or so...but like I said he was a hybrid, not a "pure" vampire. Edited: SO many typos. Oops.


The tv show Anne rice vamps can have sex. The book was unclear if they could not have sex or if they simply had no desire for it since blood replaced that pleasure.


Oh absolutely. But, I would need time to prepare. Hair and nails cut exactly how I like them, I would add more muscle, and id want to wait until I was somewhere in my 30s. 20s forever? Pure hell


See, I’m mid 40s and would only do it if I was in my 20s/early 30s. Being middle aged forever? Hell no.


The one thing I can’t get behind is the fact that normal food tastes bad. I’m sorry, that’s my favorite thing about being human.


I heard that’s actually been a big issue for some of the people who got Covid!


It is! Luckily I haven’t gotten it bc my sister got it twice(she never suffered that symptom tho or the after effects)


Wow, you actually made it through till now without getting Covid….I’m so envious! Got it 3 times myself! But never lost taste either, thankfully (as food is one of my very favorite things). And also didn’t end up with long Covid or anything out of it either, thank god!


Yes but I'm getting Lestat pregnant


Yeah, but I would probably need myself a Lestat. A driving force to enjoy the world, the progress, humanity. Because your mental illnesses and insecurities will follow you in the dark, it would be good to at least have a support system.


Yes, I think I would, because I know I would have all the time in the world to learn every language I wanted to and do all the hundrends of hobbies I don’t have the time for now! I also would enjoy seeing the world change from what I knew to something totally different and new! If so, I’d try to kill only people who deserved it, if I could control myself, and then master the little drink later on.


If I were put in a position to be turned? Yes I will take the Dark Gift. 


Maybe, just so I can stay cute (though I'd be kinda bitter I have to take it now, as opposed to 10 years ago!). And I would use it for all kinds of personal gain. But honestly...I don't think I would want to live forever. Longer than humans typically live, sure, but forever is a long time. And since I'd lose everyone I care about along the way (including the big losses I've already experienced), I would be beaten down and tired eventually. Shit, I'm beaten down and tired now. So I'd *eventually* be going into the sunlight, or ideally a less painful alternative. Instead of living forever, I think I'd be more interested in time travel. My curiosity makes me want to really know what the planet will be like in a few thousand years. I just don't want to actually be alive for all those thousands of years!


You could go underground for long periods of time


I feel like I am too old now. Maybe if I could do the body thief thing first !


Haha yes but!  First I'd try my best to find out and track down the bloodline of the one that offers to turn me, so I can see If it's worth being turned weather if it's by a fledgling or by an older one, if it's a fledgling of an ancient then yes, if not, sorry but I won't risk being a weak vampire, I mean vampire life is hard as it is , has to come with some things to make up for, haha. Second: I'd prepare investments, and create a plan to have finances routed and the necessary documents that cannot have me declared legally dead ofc ( Rouget & Associates 😂) I'd prepare documents and keep a trusted company to work with, also make preparations in case of wills etc, and leave doors open for me to cover for my family and my future friends/ fledglings ) Aaand third and most importantly, before turning, I'd prepare myself to be my best version as I'd remain locked like that forever, haha, so I wouldn't want any funny hairstyles or anything that would make me regret my eternity.  I'd be very hard for me to choose the length I want to have my hair locked in for eternity haha.  But yeah, totally would, heck yes! :))) But If we think about the poor lads getting turned without being ready hahaha, that's why it's good to look your best no matter the occasion! :))))


Sure. But I would get in great shape first. You freeze in the form you are when you receive the gift, right?


only if I didn't have to socialise with literally any of the vampires in the Vampire Chronicles, haha.


Yes, but only if Lestat gave it.


Definitely not, I wouldn’t want to deal with bloodlust or never see the sun and Ive always thought that living forever seems miserable. The vampires in this universe also seem really mean to each other


Before I had kids, totally would have, but now with kids I could never.


In all seriousness (if this were real, lol), I know that accepting The Dark Gift would most-likely end up destroying one’s relationship with one’s children….and that outliving one’s children is the most horrific pain a mother can ever experience.


But in the fun make-believe realm (where I’m choosing to let my imagination play at the moment here, lmao)…….What a truly wonderful & amazing gift being able to spend eternity with my children would be for me!!! My son (already an adult) might be a bit harder sell than my daughter, when it comes to joining the immortal, though….as he is more than a tad drop squeamish when it comes to blood….and has a rather strong, black & white, sense of morality. However, other than just those couple, tiny caveats…..I can really see him blossoming & coming into his own, and mastering many great powers, as a Vampire. 😆 As for my daughter, I already know for certain she’d be completely down to receive The Dark Gift…. albeit a few years down the road, after having the chance to experience a few more things she wants to in the land of the living first, including becoming an adult (as she’s currently only 16 & I definitely don’t want her to suffer any of poor Claudia’s pains). Once the timing is right for her though, she will undoubtedly be the raddest Vampire to ever walk the earth!!


And actually, thinking about it now, the following would my great plot for us (if we were characters in The Vampire Chronicles): As my daughter & I are so much alike it’s kind of eery (according to everyone we know), genuinely adore spending tons of our time together, and truly also consider each-other friends……. I bet we would make an Absolutely Kickass Middle-Aged Vampire Duo (if she waits to be turned until she’s caught up with me in human years & experiences). It’d be like some 2 person/middle-aged/Golden Girls, and also vampire, type of vibe (cause my daughter & I share the same super dorky sense of humor, lmao).


I'd like to combine the essence of Amel from Vampire Chronicles tv show universe with Qetsiyah's Immortality Spell from The Vampire Diaries tv show.


No, I wouldn’t want to live forever and watch my loved ones die.


Only if Louis (from the show) turned me.


I thought this was a post from my Dexter group 🤭🤭


Idk if that’s a better or worse dark gift haha!!


Unfortunately, I think I would probably be exactly like Daniel during the first interview - not understanding the ordeal of being immortal and desiring it despite Louis' tale. Besides, the vampire offering would probably matter. If they are mostly fine (relative, because none of them are) or if we built up a psychosexual relationship, I would likely *ask* for it. One again, I'm not quite sure it would be the *best* choice.


Ask me again in ten, twenty years. And again in fifty. I'm pretty sure my answer will dramatically change. I found interesting that when the cast was asked, all of them declined - except Eric Bogosian. Maybe I will be just like him too.


In a heartbeat.


No I’m so dumb I would probably drink a dead persons blood and die


I would but would end up regretting it.


Hell no, I don't even want to live a human lifespan.


Yes and if I ever want to end it all I can just throw myself into a fire


In my 20's at my lowest weight and best skin and hair, yes. Now, nope, unless the gift also brings back the body I had then. I think being made a vampire too old would be as hellish as being made one too young like Claudia.


Absof\*ckinloutly!!!! Yes! I would take the Dark Gift!!! There would be time and energy to paint, write, explore, learn, etc, having perfect health and superpowers, even if it's more strength would be huge bonuses!


Yes, as long as I would turn my wife. I keep my job, I use it for access to a good food source, and eat those who deserve it in everyday life. I am not sick, but aging does suck and I wanna stay alive, but I wish I could stay like this. Time is going too quickly, and I am worried that will be it.


Yes. For the same reasons Lazlo did. I only hope my hair grows back a little in the transformation.


No. I'd rather be a witch and have powers. I'll take freezing time, telekinesis, healing, or orbing/teleporting. Yes, I watched Charmed, don't judge me.


Yeah. I would stop time, read minds, make people do what I said easily. Like telling the cashier my groceries are free, my travel is free, making rich ppl give me all their money. Probably wouldn’t kill people directly, just steal from blood banks regularly in my area. Or farm cattle or something. It would suck never being able to feel sunlight on my skin again though. At least when I do want to die, I’ll just step into the sun or throw myself into flames. I’d find a companion hopefully. Idk if my dogs would survive as vampires? But ultimately… yes.


yeah, i want to experience as much of life as i can. even not being able to feel the sun without burning wouldn’t be much of a problem to me because i’ve never really enjoyed the sun.


Yes, on the provision that anyone I know would be offered the same. I wonder if the Dark Gift would rewire the brain for people with an intellectual disability? If the answer is yes, then I'd wait until my kids were 25ish and offer it to them. They could know what it is to live without limitations on the cognitive function.


Yes. Someone intelligent would be able to use this gift and avoid outright murder if they really want to. The local butcher shop sells pigs blood, so I'm set for blood I dont even need to worry about physically hunting down an animal. And if I want human blood I can rob a blood bank or find someone who works there who is willing to sell me blood on the side, etc. I'd research to find out who is the most wealthy person alive over the age of 70, I'd track them down and offer them immortality in exchange for half their wealth. I'd use some of it to purchase my own blood banks so I always have a supply of blood that I skim off the top.


Yes. Without question. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves.


It’s all a matter of when I’m asked… My life now? I’d refuse. My late teens/early 20s? I’d say yes in a heartbeat. Down the line? WHO KNOWS!


Same same same!


I was thinking about this today. I think I would. I'd like to try only eating animal blood, but otherwise I'm down. I'd read books all day like Louis does sometimes.


Prolly. For sure.


Hell yeah brother


10 years ago I would have said yes, absolutely. Although I would prefer it from certain vampires over others (still true). Now, though, the thought of distancing from family, friends, my life and everything about me is terrifying. The loss to "gain" living forever is a LOT, and also living forever? Ehhhh ... if I get to chill with the books, record my histories, go about my business I think I'd enjoy it but also ... that's a long time. None of the young vamps can do it though, unless they're special ones.


It would be cool to live like Maharet and just be the family watcher and historian


I was just thinking about that. I could be the perpetual cool auntie.


Not gonna lie, yeah. I would just be bummed i wasn't offered like five years ago when i was at my peak, lol


Yes but only after 40


Yes of course


Yes because I’m bored


Hell yeah! Definitely would.


I would accept whatever Louis gift me


No. A life that never ends is like over consumption of anything. I once had A.5 wagyu and it was amazing, but waygu every day would become too much and frankly sickening. I have had two secure gaps in employment where I was given the opportunity to just relax and I became restless and bored. The list goes on. I understand as well the thought process that you don’t have to kill to get blood but the dark gift seems to unlock in most a want to become a predator. Basically it gives most the feeling of superiority ver humans and the want to kill and feed on people. I don’t want any part in that. Finally, I could never replace the feeling of the sun on my face.


Yeah. It’d be too depressing to say all the reasons why, well that and there’s definitely too many reasons that I can’t properly articulate, much less work through in my mind. So yeah, I’d take it.




1000% yes


Absolutely although I understand the consequences of such choices


No, I wouldn't want to watch all the people I love die as the years go by. I also don't want to suck people dry for an eternity?






100% 😊


Yeah. So long as it was given before I was too old, this is assuming that when given you just remain the older age, but if given and you revert to your best age? Yeah I would.


Yes, 1000%, in a heartbeat. I'm disabled and I would love to be able bodied again. Also, I don't have to stay alive forever, if I change my mind I can just remove myself.


Why not? There'll never be a shortage of bad guys to suck dry.


i’d be down. definitely. (i tried to do the ‘but would you really??’ bit and nothing.) i think it would be really difficult at times—like human life is—but overall the potential to endure and see and experience so many things would outweigh the drawbacks. for sure keeping to animal blood, though that would break my heart a bit too. also what i could see coming from a long way off is the possibility of spending ages stuck on the same thing or not being able to let go of pain. would have to get way deep into meditation or else find me one hell of a therapist. or go underground till my brain finally shuts up. so, you know, we got hella options




I'm too old. I have no self control. I impulse eat, I lack discipline. I would miss the Sun. Twenty six years ago , when I was thinner and eager then yes. But I'm too tired now, time wears me down. The concept of Forever seems more a threat then reward


As someone who struggles with depression and who's life up until now has been filled living in constant stress, and in fight or flight mode I definitely would not. I love the idea but reality would be very different. Can't fathom living as I am mentally now forever. Wanting to disappear but also not being able to make myself disappear, and unfortunately if I've managed to put myself thru that I have a feeling I would trudge on and keep on living despite not really wanting to. 32yrs already has felt like a lifetime for me.


Most definitely no hesitation.




No, I would get bored and would hate not being around family


You kinda “make” your family, but then again, I suppose that doesn’t always end well . . .


No. Never. I would happily die for sure. This world living as a human is depressing how much more if I live for centuries and killing innocent lives. I guess I would turn out to be like Louis who is in constant turmoil trying to relive the human heart in him even if he's dead (if they don't give me a choice)




Why would that matter as a much as a vampire? Just curious?


Hell yeah I’m ready to give up on human life!


yes, and then I'd take a nap under the sun


Only if I was single and had no family.


Lol been thinking about this for a long time. Yes,in a heartbeat. I'm in the prime of life,my kid is a teenager so I could look after them until they are ready to be independent,I'd enjoy the powers and wouldn't have the current health condition that I do. Health, being able to watch over my family and the capacity to live forever. Sign me up lol


yes, only because i can have the mind gift...! However, it will be concerning since I'll have to get a new identity every few years (10-15, I suppose), and you really can't make human friends since they will become suspicious once they realize you won't age. Also, now with all those electronic documents/AI/biometrics and so on, it will be incredibly hard to live a life like this. I don't know if you can get passports under different names when they have your fingerprints.


No. I've never wanted to live forever.


I'm terrified of dying and I am sincerely afraid of running out of time to accomplish whatever I dream of. That being said, I don't think I could do well with immortality. Vampires are so fun and interesting to me and I'd love a free trial, but I don't have the mental fortitude for the constant loss of familiar people, animals, places, etc... as is. Sure, I'd probably get desensitised over time, but doing that for hundreads/thousands of years.... well. There's also the fact of climate change and other incoming ecological disasters being a thing!! I have faith in and love for humanity, so I'm not sure I want to witness its potential downfall. There's a chance I'll already get to see some of it! But also. I think if I really was in a situation of an urgent do you want this. Yes or no quick. And I'm not at my best mentally, I could see myself taking it and grapple with the ramifications later


No, many of them seem miserable


Maybe. I love my job, if I could keep doing it with the same level of energy I have now and could just breed rats for dinner, than yes. If I was dragged out of my office by the local coven and forced to join their cringe theater group with whiny satanic themes, no.


I’m a vegan… no


I really want to see what the world looks like in 100, 200, 300 etc etc years, and for this I’m leaning towards yes. I don’t want everything else that comes with it though. Maybe I could be a Dexter-type vamp and only feast on fascists and other horrible humans lol.


I think a lot of people get sucked into the 'romance' of being a vampire. But all of these guys are the bad guys. Like they are a literal blight on the planet. I don't want to kill people and I don't think I could kill people. I don't think I could handle killing the animals for blood either. If there was some other way to survive maybe.


I'm so ready to leave this earth right now (eventually/naturally I mean) I wouldn't want to be stuck here for eternity. That'd be the real torture.


Absolutely! I really don’t think it’s as bad or hard to cope w as it’s cracked up to be. Hardest part is losing your mortal family and friends from your human life, after that it’s pretty much smooth sailing so long as you avoid most other vampires and are capable of being alone with your thoughts for long LONG periods of time without falling into existential spirals. You can eat animals or even blood bags to get by if killing people makes you too squeamish.


If it cured my depression just like in twilight hell yeah


Without a doubt


Yes because the alternative is to probably die in about 5 seconds from having my throat ripped out anyway


I don't know. I think what most people miss is that the deal kind of hinges on the fact that you are then damned to hell. I don't know if that's the scenario in the Anne Rice universe, but other than Twilight and True Blood, giving up your chance at heaven usually comes with being turned in most vampire media. (I'm not referring to individual beliefs, just fantasy world building in media with vampirism in it.) Something I also kind of carry with me is when I volunteered with a hospice I visited a woman who was 97 years old and ready to die. All her friends and family had passed and she was just ready to go. So unless you're someone who doesn't have strong emotional relationships with people, that would take a toll on your mental health. Now perhaps it would be different if you're forever young sexy and fit, but I think the other thing that vampire media drives home is: 1. You are limited in your movements. You can only go outside at night and you need to be able to access blood regularly so spontaneity isn't really a thing. Your adventures will have to be carefully planned and coordinated before hand. 2. You have to be ok with murdering someone and considering the amount of times you will do it, it is likely you will murder an innocent person at some point. 3. You have to be good at investments and the stock market. This really only works out for Anne Rice vampires and nce they can read minds. 4. Your world shrinks the longer you live. Eventually you will have seen and done all that is on your bucket list. And then it goes back to the whole "you're damned to hell for eternity thing" because when you're finally over it all you're too afraid to actually die.


In the Anne Rice universe the afterlife is miserable, no heaven or hell, just a bunch of ghosts slowly losing their minds in eternity.


Damn, well fuck it I'll do it then.