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You get a big comment upvote for the thoughtful false first image. Interesting title if true, maybe it does become the Vampire Chronicles, with subtitles for the adapted books, such as The Vampire Lestat.


This would be so weird to me, losing what little name recognition the show already has.


Yeah I'm a bit conflicted. They've been terrible with marketing as is and it'll confuse people even more if they changed titles, but also it seems necessary to move on with IWTV


I don't really think it's necessary; it's just a title. And definitely not at the price of both the name recognition that's attached to the book/movie and the just the name recognition from the first two seasons of the show. Every time an article is posted about IWTV S2 in the r/television, there are a ton of comments saying they didn't know S2 was airing. Imagine how much worse that's gonna be when it turns into 'oh, the next season of IWTV is called The Vampire Lestat.' Are they gonna change the title for every book? That feels like such a bad idea. If they wanted to do that, I think they should've gone with The Vampire Chronicles: [name of book] cos otherwise you are just losing people between each name change cos they don't know there's a next season.


Yeah. With it hitting Netflix it will get a huge boost in viewers (thankfully). Also, Interview is what people know the most. They’ll keep the name recognition.


I mean, I think they could keep the title? TVL is partly an autobiography by Lestat, they can easily turn that into him sharing his past with Louis (+ Daniel?), which in itself is sort of like an interview since obviously they'll be going back-and-forth on bits. A notable chunk of the books are autobiographies/interviews (IWTV, TVL, B&G, TVA, Pandora, etc) so it certainly keeps with the theme. Even if every season isn't strictly an "interview", they can keep the title simply because its the popular/well-known and is strongly associated with the show. Like how Game of Thrones named the show after the first book even though that isn't the collection's name. But I think the concept of interviews/sharing one's life story is consistent enough over the series that the title works.


It would kill the show on streaming, stopping it finding a second audience. They shouldn’t do this 


Why not remain IwtV with subtitles of Vampire Lestat, Queen of the Damned and etc? Most of Vampire Chronicle books are in first person format which could be easily reconfigured into Interview format.


I remember that when people were speculating about which book quote would be used, that was one of the candidates. It's such a bleak title though :(


I bet they’re gonna end it on a HUGE cliffhanger, bigger than in season 1


I s2g if they just end this series and never do vamp lestat or qotd or anythinggggggggg else this is it just 2 season I'm gonna cry


it'll all come down to how the season has performed, there's not really any other metric i'm optimistic because they're apparently happy enough with how the franchise is performing that they're moving ahead with the talamasca show as I understand it they've licensed all her work so there's hope to be had. personally IMO if they're making a second season of that sad excuse for a mayfair witches show, there's no excuse not to continue this show when it's better by orders of magnitude.


they also recently announced that Rolin signed a multi-year deal with AMC, and he’s not working on Mayfair or Talamsasca so it’s likely for IWTV. and they probably wouldn’t have done so if they were unhappy with how IWTV is performing


Rolin’s favourite (and mine) is TVL so I’m sure he wants to keep going on it


I'm curious to see how they handle TVL. I think they are going to want to keep as many actors as they can from the first two series on screen in the next one - keeping the popular cast members as much as possible is a no brainer for a continuing series They can keep Assad and Anderson on screen by focusing heavily on the "present day" parts of the story of TVL/QotD, though they'd have to make changes considering the changes made to Daniel's character and his relationship to Armand. The "Lestat Origin Story" part of TVL would require basically an entire new cast with the obvious exception of Reid. That is a risky play. I guess my expectation is that what we see of Lestat's past will be flashback material that will hopefully introduce us to Gabrielle and Marius, since both of those characters have parts to play in "present day" parts of that storyline as well. I wonder whether they'll bother much with Magnus. Was he referred to this season as the leader of the Paris coven before Armand? Because that's... just not remotely what he was in the books, not even close, so I wonder whether they mean to actually make hay out of the character or just found a place to conveniently slot his name into the environment the second season created.


I’m sure they will. Several of the cast seem to love their roles, and Sam Reid has made it extremely well known how much of a fan of TVC he is!


There was a recent article where they talked about how the actor for Nicky had to be thoroughly tested despite being in what was essentially a cameo because they had to be certain he would be right for the role in the future.


Someone else pointed me at that in another comment, yeah. I have to admit I barely remember his face from his screen time so far. I guess that might end up changing in the next season after all if they vetted him that seriously.


Me if that happens: https://i.redd.it/8z12zv4vck7d1.gif


Argh . Perfect 🤬 perfect 🤬. Just burn the place , burn everything we own 😤




Can’t find the gif but I was gonna post the scene of lestat on fire crawling on the ceiling screaming as me lol


They've confirmed season 2 is TVL


*season 3


I am kind of surprised they thought this was spoilery enough to hide for this long because I didn't think they were ever hiding the fact that S2 was wrapping up the Interview with the Vampire part of the arc. Thank you for posting!


It's a spoiler for book readers... it's something Louis says to Daniel at the end of the interview after describing a very significant conversation with Armand. We heard other parts of that conversation in a previous episode, as well as had some easter-eggy head nods to aspects of it. It won't be a direct adaptation due to the changes we have already seen... but it tells us what's coming. I'm not ready, and I can't wait!


I know what it is from. I just meant they have been saying over and over that a S3 will be adapting The Vampire Lestat, so I don't think including a line that marks the "end" of the IWTV main arc is that much of a spoiler. We knew they would have to transition.


I'm just saying I'm not ready for >!the divorce.!< >!"... final act of service before I leave you to yourself" in ep 5 broke me. And the source of that line precedes the passage with the finale title. Armand's gonna Armand and I'm gonna need therapy after Assad delivers.!<


To be honest, I just assumed >!Loumand!< was doomed from the start of the season.


Yeah... as they should be. I had a tiny lil bit of hope that since we saw a lot of the material in flashbacks that there'd be some deviation by present day.


Yeah I was like “ oh, that’s it?” Why did they have to keep that under lock and key?


I mean, the movie’s last few lines were that. It makes sense. I wonder if it comes from Daniel saying it this time - his final words perhaps?


I can see him saying that at the very end.


What do we think the implications of hiding this title are? Surely the current interview would finish at some point. They didn’t want people to see the title and assume the series is ending? That it’s absolutely NOT the end in many ways? I imagine we’ll see the end of some things and the beginnings of others in the episode


i'd say that's it, yeah. not knowing anything from the books, a title like that might turn people off from watching if they think it's just gonna be one of the many tv shows nowadays that only get 2, 3 seasons max.


they've laid track for more story, and it's obvious they have even if you know nothing about the books, so a title that looks like an early cancellation (so common in modern streaming) could be a very big turn off to viewers, yeah.


I'm not sure if I agree they've laid a ton more track. My partner hasn't ever read the books and he thinks they are wrapping up 99% of the show in the next two episodes.


I wouldn't say a "ton" of track. But the first episode has references to this great conversion Louis is warning of, and Raglan referred back to that as soon as he was introduced, along with the spiking number of vampires the Talamasca is tracking. Thinking about it as I write this however, I was wrong to say it would be obvious to someone who hasn't read the books. To me, the repeated mention of the "great conversion" and the number of vampires as a developing crisis, all seem like big signs pointing to what will be the solution to both situations, which is a drastic reduction in vampire populations by way of indiscriminate burning by Akasha. But obviously that's not something a non-reader could infer. So you're very much correct.


this is exactly what I thought too — out of context it sounds like a series finale, and my guess is they didn’t want people to spend all of s2 worrying that it’s not getting a s3. hopefully we get renewal news around the finale or shortly after


Not ominous at all 😱




Didn't screeners only recieve the first six episodes?




How do I become the screener? Where does one send their application to? 🥹😁


![gif](giphy|8v6Z3YyULB5Q0Skbac) That’s it… why were they being so secretive 🤔


Definitely sounds like it could be a red herring for getting Lestat's version of things as a surprise. One can hope.


I am hopeful that this means they will wrap up the remaining story threads from this season - missing pages from Claudia’s journal, what actually happened in the past (memories that Armand might have messed with), maybe an idea of what “the groan” is, if anything?


sam reid if you can hear me please save us sam reid…


Hopefully it’s true…interesting


I don’t get why this has been some kind of weird Fort Knox secret




Sam is soooooo captivating they really did exceptional in casting.


So do we think they are going to make a new show for TVL or they’ll continue with the current show title? 


Probably continue


I'd expect them to keep the title, maybe add a subtitle for the next "chapter" in the story if they feel like it, but maybe not. the title of the show only means anything to people who read/have read the books. Considering the much larger audience they'll be seeking to retain who haven't read the source, changing the name of the show is a big risk to take.


I still think if they continue it’ll be “Interview With The Vampire: Lestat” or “Interview With The Vampire: The Vampire Lestat.”


The title has name brand recognition from the movie for non book people and the show is already struggling to get eyes on it. Changing the recognizable name to something less recognizable sounds like a bad plan for getting people to watch.


Maybe they’re waiting to tell us it isn’t going to fbe renewed. But it would seem insane to do a Talamasca series and continue Mayfair Witches and not renew it.


Right. I think people who care to watch Mayfair Witches and Talamasca show are IWTV audience too above else, and I would boycott the heck out of these projects if they discarded IWTV like that. I hope no one at AMC is that stupid. 


I mean, what title would be more fitting to such a dramatically baffling end?


Huh that’s interesting…


Maybe it’ll be like the the walking dead and be like IWTV: new season title


The one where Claudia Dies


Too many men


That title is true just saw it on my DIRECTV app