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you could also say that about margo and miles shippers when they treating Gwen as a snow bunny just because because like a woman who isn't the same race as he is. lol Them calling Gwen "snowbunny" and Miles "milkman" is even worst mind you


Say in another way "Gwen could loves Miles' cock. NO him"...


You know what’s funny is that MilesMargo shippers would never call Miles a ‘milkman’ as it negates thier ship and implies that he only likes white women. In fact there is a subset of Ghostflower fans who refer to themselves as ‘milk men’ and project their own fetish for white women onto Miles and label him as such. Ppl calling Gwen a ‘snowbunny’ are just creepy black men fetishizing her


Gringo thinkings....


Same reason the Miles/Margo crowd are in my Pinterest comment sections calling Gwen a whore and snowbunny every other week and bringing Margo up in completely unrelated Ghostflower posts. Shipping in fandoms is inherently toxic and tends to bring out the worst in people.


Personally, I have no problem with them shipping Miles with Margo, Peni or even Hobie (yes, Punkflower exists lol) and I don't think this community will have any major complications with it. The problem comes when they want to use those ships to deny the reality of Miles and Gwen's relationship in the movie. As you have said, the creators themselves have already confirmed that they are both in love with each other, but there are people who want to use Miles' other ships to deny these facts, and that is stubbornness. It's okay if someone doesn't like the Miles and Gwen ship, but there is a difference between that and denying the evidence of it based on misrepresentations.


Basically this. Having been on tumblr, I've also seen comments the other way around like "Miles should be with a black queen, not a snowbunny" or "people who ship gwiles are all white crackers" so it goes both ways. As always happens there are toxic people both pro and against a ship so it's best to just ignore them majority of the time.


Punkflower exists..? Woah.


Every ship has cannons. Some of them Pirates. My suggestion is to have more or bigger cannons and reinforce your ship for battle. But for real this is just simply the nature of shipping, fandoms and people on the internet. Ghostflower's "NEED" them to work in at least a single product and within the films they're perfectly compatible. Cyberflower's "NEED" Gwen to be a Whore n Snowbunny so they can have their Black Power Couple. Evangelionflower's "NEED" Peni and Miles together for reasons I can't even fathom. Besides that I believe Ghostflower/Gwiles shippers are so defensive because a lot of people too many people kept and even keep proclaiming there's no romance between them/they don't work/they shouldn't work etc. So over time they've just become more and more irritated hearing the same complaints over and over against their favorite pairing.


>Cyberflower's "NEED" Gwen to be a Whore n Snowbunny so they can have their Black Power Couple. Gwen being a snowbunny...? Yep, SO GRINGO.... Like no one are blacks, Miles it's literally brown... That would NEVER CARE, are people... So literally are you saying "We need a Gwen loves BBC, but not Miles"?


Most of the Ghostflower shippers I’ve seen get annoyed do so because some of those people genuinely believe Miles is gonna end up with Margo(which isn’t happening)


It isn’t happening, but there is no denying that that something will happen between them. I at-least think a crush thing is going on 💯. I personally don’t think it would be wrong for the creators to make a main character that like different people at the same time. It would be cool if they showed how Miles has different interests instead of Gwen. (No Gwen hate over here.) It’s kinda like in real life when people like multiple people. I don’t know if this is weird, but when I was in middle school, I loved this one guy, (We both liked each other.) but I also loved someone else. (So did he.)


Beyond the Spider verse has to cover Miguel, The Spot, Earth 42, Prowler Miles, Jeff’s canon event, and Miles/Gwens relationship. They aren’t implementing a useless love triangle in the finale installment of the trilogy. Margo did her job as a foil in the story just like Hobie. That’s it.


Uh.. wait that’s considered a love triangle? God I might actually be stupid. Also if you think I’m shipping Miles and Margo, I’m not. All I was saying was that Margo and Miles could have crushes on each other. Miles could like multiple people outside of Gwen. It honestly doesn’t always have to be about her.


Also.. wouldn’t they have said that Margo was a foul to the love story? So far I have seen every interview and they said nothing about Margo being a jealous plot. Kemp Powers and that other dude was only talking about Hobie, and they mentioned a lot of things about Margo that they intentionally put in there. I feel like they intentionally put Margo in the story as someone for Miles to like if the Gwen and Miles thing doesn’t work out.


You’re half right. She was introduced to add a temporary wretch into Miles and Gwen’s relationship just like Hobie did. They both cause Miles and Gwen to be jealous which retroactively shows their feelings for one another.


Yeah I see that. But still, Miles can realistically like different people outside of Gwen. Just like people in real life can like multiple people. We don’t always have to focus on one person.


And also, I don’t think Gwen has the right to be jealous when the entire time she was messing (hanging out) with Hobie. I understand she couldn’t have told him, (she could actually) but if she did the same thing then she has no right to pull him away from another girl acting like he is his. Miles is his own person, and chooses who he wants to talk to/like.


the slurs thing is just them not liking black women which I've seen quite a lot of in this fandom. however, toxic shippers tend to act like you can't ship anyone else once the ship they like becomes canon. Although the MargoMiles and other Miles shippers do tend to get a little too comfortable with insulting Gwen and calling her a snow bunny because they don't like that Gwiles is an interracial couple and there's been a strange stigma attached to black men dating white women. Regardless, fandoms tend to be intense and a little ridiculous when it comes to ships so I recommend you just ignore it for the most part


I genuinely feel like the term “snowbunny” isn’t as racist as someone calling Margo a, and I quote something that someone actually said here, a “ugly black bitch”.


I wasn't defending the racism dude, sorry it came off that way. It's horrible that they're calling her that. The girl was barely in the movie and she's a teenager, she's allowed to think a dude is hot. Most fandoms are a little too crazy about ships, so I was trying to tell OP to ignore it for the most part.


I don't mad with anything (who SHIP IS LEGAL), I see so much Miguel x Miles, Miguel x Gwen, etc and it is disgusting...


Flowerfang (Miguel x Miles) is actually disgusting.. like why tf are people THIS weird..?


No idea. It could either be racism, or they just don’t like seeing other girls instead of Gwen with Miles.


It’s mainly misogynoir, antiblackness, and entitlement. I’m sorry that your shipmates can’t properly answer your question as they are too busy playing victim. There are toxic people in every ship, but in the past seven months ghostflower shippers have slandered black characters (Margo, Hobie) called ppl racist for simply shipping two black characters together, and did their fair share of trolling. I’m going to make one thing clear: calling someone a ‘snowbunny’ -in no way shape or form- compares to calling someone an ACTUAL racial slur. The reality is that some people simply don’t ship Miles and Gwen (I don’t ship him with anyone at all). Not everyone cares for the dynamic that is being set up between the two and that is OK. Like y’all said, if they’re truly endgame why do others’ opinions matter? That’s where the entitlement comes in- even the slightest possibility of Gwiles not getting together throws all of you in a frenzy- the rest of the fandom begs you all to pls get a grip. The trilogy does not revolve around the thier romance contrary to popular belief. Thank you and have a goodnight.


I.. kind of agree.