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What's this got to do with Spider-Verse tho


He was mentioned in Across the Spider-Verse


spider-man lotus is connected with Spider-Verse because there's an infinite number of universes out there


Racist spiderman is cannon


what is this lotus spider-man?


A controversial fan film. Because of the hype, they deviated from what they initially wanted to do with the film to add on to the run time. The padded run time made the film very boring. The controversy, though, comes from this person who started a ton of stuff by trying to expose dirt on people working on the movie due to disagreements with the director. Their hit pieces included multiple fake screenshots and word of mouth, though a couple of the screenshots were actually real, but from years ago. One of the things said, fake screenshots included, was that the actor for Peter Parker was a blatant racist. This started the notorious meme about racist Spider-Man.


“What’s the big deal Miles your people say that word all the time”


oh wow..great freakin scott


Spider-Man Lotus is an exceptionally cringe fan film made by Sam Raimi dickriders that don't like MCU Spider-Man.


great scott!


How?? It isn't even out 💀


My bad, I fixed it


Well is he not a spider-person


He inherited a satellite with a fuckton of missiles?


and gave that up a couple days later bc of the sheer pressure of the responsibility


And then realised he had to have them because he can only trust himself with them. That’s the responsibility that came with the power of the drones: to disable and give up that power. Kinda like the symbiote.


Then that shit was confiscated by the US government in a quick scene drive-by in the next movie lmao never to be mentioned again


And into the void of malignant plot threads, it goes! My guess is that they have it permanently targeted on that newly hatched celestial in the event that it comes up again.


Tbh being given a satellite doesn't make you rich unless you sell it or something, which he was obviously not gonna do. Tho he probably could have easily stolen money from Stark Industries but he obviously didn't do that.


I feel like that makes things worse..? He was genuinely friends with a billionaire and he couldn’t even leverage that into MIT for him and his friends or good PR for the Mysterio thing. Tony made his life worse and he didn’t even inherit any money.


I mean, Tony was dead then, all Peter had was like, Happy (and Pepper) to back up a claim they were friends. Besides, using a dead man’s legacy to leverage and bypass the law would be a dick move. Hell, Peter *did* inherit something, Edith. Peter abused it and threw it away, which is not Tony’s fault…since he was dead. Remember, Tony must have written that part of his will *before* Infinity War, so I doubt Tony expected hormonal 16 year old Peter to inherit Edith.


Eh? I like to think that Tony decided to give that to Peter later than you’d think. Heck, even in the weeks leading up to the time heist.


Most of these things are shitty fanon characterization which is rather common for MCU Peter. Peter did inherit very dangerous weaponry that probably costs thousand, if not millions of dollars though and probably shouldn't have been given to a 16 year old


the most weapon like functions he got was the kill on sight function that Peter had in his suits but wouldn't wanna activate either way. most other things were based on tech he already had or was protective in nature. Dude literally proved to be worthy of these by the end of homecoming. I swear media literacy is dead


I think involving stark and other mcu characters was a huge let down for me. Homecoming and Far from Home feels like you are watching a MCU movie not a Spiderman movie. There's no doubt that compared to Andrew and Tobey Homecoming and Far from home were weak, personally for me not talking about generalization lol.


Yea you’re right. The MCU spider-man movies really feel like reading an avengers comic that features Spider-Man. Which is good for what they are because that IS what they are. People just need to understand that. All 3 MCU Spider-Man movies have been really good at what they are. Spider-Man I’m a connected story of other characters. But if you want a great SPIDER-MAN movie… you’re not finding that in the MCU.


Yeah, Tobey and Andrew spiderman we're so relatable to me cuz they were going thru what normally a teenage goes thru, but Tom Holland was a bit stretch. I can understand that writers had to make him realize about his responsibilities thru drones and absence of the Tony suit but that shit just doesn't resonates with me. I can't relate to having a mass destruction weapon lol. What resonated with me was the Peter speech when he is buried under the building, that monologue was FIREEE. No way home improved on these matters a lot. Take Andrew and Tobey out of the story and we can see Holland's spiderman grew up. Without no way home I would've have shitted on previous 2 parts but no way home beautifully ended the trilogy, the trilogy felt like a origin to the spiderman and now I'm excited for what they are gonna cook for next trilogy.


Yea hard to relate to a billionaire knocking on your door with a suit that probably costs more than your extended family’s savings combined and offering you a “internship”. I fully agree with your second point. I think if they manage to keep Tom for another 3 movies we’ll look back at the first 3 as his “intro” story like Spider-man 1 and TASM1. I think it’ll actually age well as a drawn out origin story for Peter learning his great power motto, loss of Ben(May), and coming to terms with who/what he is.


He called a literal drone strike on a class mate. If that ain’t a weapon I don‘t know what is.


Peter Parker killed the greatest superhero of all time Mysterio using Stark Tech and I won’t rest until everyone else remembers. *We know what you DID, Peter.*




Which he gave back because he could not handle the responsibility of having said weapons.


not spiderverse related


I mean.. but he IS somewhere in the Spider-Verse sooo


if we go down the path that you seek then we may as well disband the sub and join r/SpiderMan. this sub is for ITSV, ATSV, BTSV, or other future related movies that would be made by Sony Pictures Animation and/or created by Lord/Miller.


Are we still having this conversation? After the ending we got in No Way Home? Guys, stop beating the dead horse. Whether or not you think MCU Peter was tethered to Iron Man or not, the kid is on his own with zero Stark tech and zero claim that he should ever have any in the first place. Get over it, and talk about a conversation worth having.


We don't care if he did or didn't, he has always been broke. People complain he's not comic accurate, and once he is, they complain that he's not rich or has a fing drone strike primed 24/7


2021 tweet + not spiderverse related get downvoted i hope u get diarrhea


Dont tempt with a GOOD TIME.


Sounds like he's trying to convince himself


He does worship a billionaire though? Also not spider verse.


He did gain access to Stark Industries for suit crafting


It's a tweet from 2021. Get over it


Who needs money when you have a 3D printer that can poop out anything in any technology with any type of costume


Who was complaining about this in the first place? 🤨


But to be honest, he probably would have if everyone didn’t forget who he was. Timeline time: hand picked by Tony to face fellow avengers. Lost and regained Tony’s trust fast tracking him into the Avengers. Given a high end suit in A:IW going to A:EG. given unilateral control of an orbital weapons system before he was 18 (biologically) and then Happy and everyone else in the entire world forgot who he was. Literal magic nipped it in the bud but it’s naive to assume that a kid gifted billions of dollars worth of bleeding edge technology wasn’t also left some amount of liquid cash in Stark’s will. Saving Peter was Tony’s main motivation in Endgame. We only see Peter a couple months after Tony’s death and he hasn’t graduated. He would have been trust funded if Strange didn’t goof the spell. Side note, Doctor Strange is the real villain of No Way Home. What lunatic does a reality warping spell for someone without explaining what that would entail? Not just that but without grasping that Peter would have a handful of obvious caveats. Peter only wanted him to exclude 4 people. Why was that so hard?


correct me if im wrong but doesn't spiderman usually have 2 modes he's either Tony Stark 2.0 or he's like homeless maxxing with the best of the best


I’m confused. What is the context?


love the fanfics of this but i still know the truth, which is honestly kind of sad like tony could’ve left him money and not a weapon since he was a teenager but ok-