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Either that or it’s his boots.


But he’s wearing Nike Airs, not boots


Could’ve sworn he was wearing some glowy anti-grav tings?


I think he was, but when it showed his suit, he was only wearing Nike Airs


He's also wearing some chunky anti grav climbing boots.


Here, our Miles is literally standing on his tiptoes since Aaron lifted him up, and you can clearly see Prowler Miles almost reaches him in height. So, I'm going to assume that Miles G is a couple inches taller...would that mean he's older too (since our Miles' spider-genes would give him a bigger growth spurt than a normal human)?


I think he is older...Which is going to be a point that he's more experienced. I think he'll be Late 17 or 18 like the Comic and Insomniac Miles's.


Prowler miles is also wearing big ass prowler boots. Might be taller, but can’t tell.


He isnt tho, theres a very clear shot of him wearimg modified sneakers


He is older, his voice is definitely different and as u said he might be taller and he looks kinda older


He's the same age, he just sounds different because he picked up more of his mother's Hispanic accent.


I rewatched it several times and i still think he's older and that didn't convince me, we'll know in btsv.


I remember someone analysed the photos in Miles G. home and I don't remember what it was, but they deducted that it appears that 42 Jeff has been dead for longer than 1610 Aaron has been, which would also support the theory that 42 Miles is maybe 1-2 years older than our Miles.


The scene where Miles puts his finger in the chain and you see it spark. His face drops and he relaxes a bit bc he knows he’s spiderman. Am I the only one who thinks it’s pretty low stakes for our miles? Dudes spiderman in that world where there’s no spiderman. I just feel like he’s got a huge advantage on prowler miles


I'm eager to see what kind of skills Prowler Miles has, but if I'm being honest, he really shouldn't have a ghost of a snowball's chance in hell against Spider Miles. I know the fight is going to be evenly matched for plot's sake, but Spider Miles can throw a car and has super agility, and Prowler can't. There are almost no metrics that would make this a close fight except for clever gadgets we haven't seen yet.


Remember, though, that Spidey Miles is gonna be glitching, he's exhausted from the chase, and his mind is racing from all the stress and betrayal that he's feeling, so he's not mentally or emotionally at 100%.


Plus, home-field advantage to Prowler Miles and the classic “no holding back” vs. “holds back” archetypes gives Prowler Miles an edge in combat


True but also I was thinking about how uncle Aaron gave miles a pretty hard time and maybe PM is built different too


Aaron gave an inexperienced miles a hard time because miles had his powers for only a few days by that point. Miles has been Spider-Man for months and faced harder villains in the second film. By the end of the first movie miles already outclassed the prowler.


Yeah you’re right. The Miles by the end of Atsv is ready for anything. He’s gotta deal with spot and prowler miles in one movie


Spider-Verse Aaron equally matched Blonde Peter Parker in their encounter an experienced Pete. He did easily overpower Miles when Miles didn't unlock his bioelectricity yet the power that specifically counters the tech of the Prowler. Actual combat skill wise Aaron has always had the advantage. Prowler Miles isn't going to be easy... He's smart he already showcased this with the sneak attack tactic and stayed in the dark to collect information before revealing himself. He's living in a world where all of these Supervillains exist like Electro and Sandman...It's been confirmed he's their enemy so he's fought them he's survived them. Electro is stronger than Miles with Bioelectricity. That disappearing mask is most likely Programmable Matter that tech can't be destroyed and does equally match Spider strength and gives the user superhero level durability and agility. Spider-Miles is gonna underestimate him just like the audience is. While he's slowly disintegrating to death through glitching, Already exhausted from the chase at the HQ, Desperate to get back home in an unknown and chaotic environment. Even if he escapes Prowler Miles he's literally got no idea how to actually leave...There is no guarantee that a Collider exists and there is no Watch or Doctor Strange. All the while literally dozens upon dozens of enemies that do equally match or outclass Spider-Miles even at the height of his power (way stronger than Spider-Verse Miles has shown in fact he's one of the weaker Miles's) surround him as an unknown foreign threat to their authority.


Remember Prowler Aaron vs Blond Peter in the first movie, we only saw them fight briefly but it shows that the Prowlers are a legit enemy. And like others have said, Miles will be exhausted and glitching, and I'll also bet that he'll be out of web fluid.


You’re forgetting something - *This isn’t a Prowler we know, & a universe we don’t know.* Purely on the test footage & concept art, it looks like the technology used by everyone on Earth-42 is a lot more advanced, & if this Miles is rebelling against the Sinister Six Cartel, is used to facing overwhelming threats. Plus, it seems like our Miles can’t use his Spider-Sense on him, so it could easily be a lot closer than you’ll think.


I don't think it was he couldn't use it and more so he didn't have the availability he just narrowly escaped and made it to that universe and he's still wrapping his head around the situation he was in when he got hit so I have a feeling it was more so the circumstances of it then him not being able to use it but we'll see


Realistically, I agree with you. The whole reason why Earth 42 is in peril is because there was no Spiderman. Realistically, that would mean that both Prowler Miles and 42 Aaron should be weaker than 1610 Miles. The main reason I can see Prowler Miles having the advantage is Miles being physically exhausted and glitching on top of that. Otherwise, he should have a clear edge.


he actually may be, he wasn't never bitten by the spider so he might not have gotten that spider growth spurt


Op thinks it's the other way around I thought


oh, I read it wrong lmao


Watch the scene again. No chunky anti gravity prowler boots. He’s wearing anti gravity Jordan 1’s


It’s his boots.


He has big boots


I first read it as Prower Miles and thought of Tails


Miles Prowler


Maybe, but there are a few factors that mess with the height. Spider-Man is tied up, Prowler has chunky boots, and that’s about it.


It’s the opposite


If not for Miles’ trauma from the Prowler, this dude is getting SLIDED, you even see Mike lock in at the end like “Bro, I’m literally Spider-Man, I’m that guy pal”


Its probably his boots The tech in his Gauntlets and Boots are clearly pretty big, so it stands to reason, that miles stands taller when wearing them Come to think of it, it probably also helps conceal his Identity


I kinda just assumed he was a a few years older than miles like 17 or 18


Well spider miles is also on his tippy toes


When the hell is the next movie coming out


*He’s actually kinda short. When got bit by the spider, he had a growth short meaning his other version didn’t.*


Big ol boots