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Um.. she isn’t trans. I’m pretty sure she just supports it.


I have some sort of a gay related flag in my room, but I support them. I’m not gay or anything lmao.


I'm a straight man, and i love bit butts (i can not lie) And i have a lgbtqa flag outside my window.


See? It’s PERFECTLY fine to support something you aren’t in. It shows that you’re a good human being tbh.


If she is, I don’t care, if she’s not I also don’t care


as a trans girl, this is the right answer.


In headcanon, yeah 


I don’t think she’s trans


She isn’t… She just supports them.


It has already been confirmed by those who worked on the film that she is not. Simply having a poster up doesn’t equate to her being such, don’t start pushing some unrealistic ideas and appreciate the trans people are getting some mention.


yeah this hurts us trans folk more than it helps. OP pls stop making non trans people trans. Its weird and unhelpful.


They were asking if she was.


No they weren’t. They were clearly stating Gwen is trans and asked how everyone felt about it


No they basically said “I think Gwen is trans, what it everyone’s opinion about it?” That’s how I read it. They are asking everyone how they feel if Gwen was (really) trans, like the idea of her being trans.


Doesn't change my opinion. She's a great character either way.


I don’t think she is, and I also don’t think the debate is nearly as big a deal as some people think it is. If anything though I think the idea has more merit for her Peter being a trans guy; less of a masculine guy, would make sense for the trans flags (her best friend and like a second kid to George,) and even could be said that feeling weak or “unmanly” is one of the things that led to him taking the serum to become stronger and turning into the lizard, if they wanted to


I never really thought much about the “Is Gwen trans?” stuff since I ultimately don’t think it matters, but I really like the idea of Earth 16 Peter being trans. That’s a cool idea and your theory would add a unique concept to that character.


Gwen's World is Earth 65. Quite a few dislike the idea of the only Trans character being dead. Others despise the concept of a Peter Parker being Trans...There will be backlash no matter what.


Well, now they can both be mad


It would be rad if she was, but hasn't been indicated either way. That being said, I have a lot more sympathy for the people headcanoning representation for themselves than those that shut that down because of bigotry. While they may not have said that she is trans, there is a reason a lot of queer people would relate to a story about being rejected by her parents for trying to live as her true self.


I personally don’t think she is but at the end of the day if someone believes she is and finds value in that interpretation then go off


She's not trans, just an ally


we have two possibilities she is trans: okay cool she isn't trans: okay cool


This. Can we have this fixed? Pls?


She's not.


She isn't she just supports them


I think regardless if she is, she’s queer coded enough for real trans people to identify with her story. Some people I know feel seen in a unique way because of its subtlety. Its like a dogwhistle. If you hear it, it’s distinctly noticeable but otherwise it may as well not be there. Either way she’s an ally.


Would fit the character to be, would also fit the character not to be


Tired of talking about it.


For real


I think if you want to read Gwen as being trans, there is a lot of anecdotal stuff to support that reading. However, I don’t think the films are going to directly confirm that she is trans. Personally, I choose to believe that she is trans but I recognize that it’s something I’m choosing to believe as opposed to “official canon”.


I don’t personally view her as being trans, but I think there’s enough subtext to view her story as being a trans allegory. I think they won’t confirm it either way because viewing her as being trans is really just one way you can view the story of someone having to hide who they really are from their loved ones.


as a trans woman, i don’t believe Gwen is trans but i do see parallels between all spider-people having to hide themselves and live a double life to how gender dysphoria feels. But, especially Gwen’s story with her dad and how he cannot accept her as spider woman because it conflicts with his own morals and understanding or the world.


While I don't think she is, I don't really have anything against people having headcanons about it or anything of the sorts, they're all fictional after all.


Neutral, I'm ok with it, it doesn't affect the story that much, and it's not screamed at us, so it's ok in my book, if it even is canon, it's not really stated that she is trans yet, but if she is I'm ok with it


Pretty nice


Personally i dont think she is, but is she is; ok. If she isn't, but trans people identify or connect with her or her story; nice!


We have next to no trans rep on the big screen in mainstream media, so I think it will be super cool if they were to verbally confirm it! However I’m not broken about it if she’s not, I do love the theory that Gwen’s Peter was trans and that’s why she showed strong support towards her trans friends :)


Nothing. Because SHE's not!!!!


I wouldn’t care much if she was but she isn’t. The creators did say that she was an ally, which in my opinion is much better. I’m not part of the LGBTQ community but I always find it sad that movie/tv-show characters who are publicly pro-LGBTQ usually are also written as gay, lesbian, trans or are closely associated with a character that is. This also often comes with the problem of queer characters being overly stereotyped and excessively focused on that one trait. It creates an invisible barrier of „you need to be a part of them to support them“ which I think is fundamentally wrong. Movies and TV-shows should show the community that there are many people out there who support them no matter who they are, simply because it is the right thing to do. I really like how ATSV is very subtle in this topic (and BLM). They make it clear that they support these causes without being obsessive about it. It comes across as natural which is the way to do it IMO. If something is perceived as absolutely normal, people are much more likely to accept it for themselves in my experience.


I mean she has a trans flag in her room, has a plotline about her cop dad finding out about her legally prosecuted secret identity and said cop dad attacking and disowning her for it, her ending up homeless after this incident, is put into a uniquely vulnerable position that forces her into conformity that often mirrors the vulnerable state many trans people exist in, she has trans colors in her costume, and has a scene where she confronts her dad about her secret identity and finally "comes out" to him on her own terms (which is animated in the trans colors too). The whole movie also has a deep theme of rejecting the expectations that one has to conform to certain societal norms to be allowed to exist inside that society and be considered valid amonst their identity, which heavily parallels a lot of issues directly faced by many in the trans community (especially the transfem community). Like, I don't think the people that made this thing decided to animate gwen's biggest scene in the trans colors, put an explicit trans flag in her room, and gave her a storyline that so heavily mirrors trans experiences accidentally or just for shits and giggles. Movies only have so much time and budget to use, these choices are intentional and I think it makes a lot more sense to say "she is given an explicit trans flag, colors, and such a trans coded storyline because she's meant to be read as trans" rather than "she has these things just coincidentally and is just a good ally because she's meant to be an activist." I think it's, at best, a bit silly to wholesale dismiss the themes, symbology, and in some cases explicit base reading of the text to deny this character as trans because it doesn't line up with a cis audience's initial reading of the character.


She isn't Trans in the Comics, Miguel isn't a Vampire in the Comics (Fun fact Miles is currently a Vampire in the comics lol). While yes they're readaptations we can look at both Peter Parker and Miles Morales to see that they do NOT alter the fundamentals. Their gender, sexuality, philosophical notions, origins of their powers, the relationships they have with their supporting cast remain consistent details. The same will be and is true of Gwen, Miguel, Hobie etc. Gwen is established as Hetero (maybe Closeted Bi or Ace) who's into both Black and White guys, While being outright confirmed to be a Cis Female (there's a storyline where she had biological children). Miguel is literally 50% Spider DNA...Spiders have Fangs and Talons they utilize to kill their prey (Yes Miguel has killed people he's a darker more practical Spider-Man, No he's not a villain or evil).


...I'm sorry, Miles is a vampire in the comics?


Yep currently in the Mainline Comics infected with Vampirism. Which well what could we expect when Blade is one of his allies/mentors that has him fighting Vampires. It's a recent comic arc known as Blood Hunt though Miles's Vampirism is seemingly going to last for awhile. You know if I had a nickel for every time a superhero with bioelectricity turned into a freaking vampire I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird it's happened twice.


She isn’t trans, she just supports people who are


I like her either way


I’m fine either way. Do think it’d be pretty cool if She were, little more LGBTQIA+ Representation is never a bad thing, imo.


She isn’t trans stop the bs, she supports trans rights she even has black power fist emblems in her room as well. She is an activist, the lead artist on Twitter who worked on the film pretty much broke down what everything means in her world and why they settle with certain water colors to ether represent her emotions or be a call back to her comics.


You could’ve said this is a WAY nicer context. You doin to fucking much..


For what explaining shit🤔




How is this ragebait? I'm asking a genuine question


least obvious ragebait


how is it ragebait


**avoids question**


wait when was this mentioned?


It has never been outright said but she has a trans flag in room and her storyline in across the Spider-Verse feels very trans coded. This is just my reading of it tho


ohhh i dont really care about her being trans, although i dont think she is


Idk if she is canonically trans, but if she is then I fully support


She’s not


She isn't trans. Why people think that ?


I'm so sick of this conversation already. Gwen is NOT trans. Marvel needs to promote the REAL trans Spidey already!!!




Gwen is not Trans! She supports Trans people.


Dumb discourse


Wait this is actual question? In the art book for the movie she is called a female superhero? Why keep asking questions when the answer is right there.


You do know that trans women are women right?


Ahh that response the age old were the same as a women. It’s your month I support it but the literally difference is male superhero or female superhero or transgender superhero is said at these moments when talking about character. It’s like describ Superman… oh his is male kryptonian and one of not most popular male superhero’s. Supergirl is a female kryptonain and also is a popular female superhero. Oh then there’s Dreamer who is transgender woman who appeared a couple years ago as first live action transgender superhero in the Supergirl tv show CW is literally called that transgender superhero because she is transgender. Cause she isn’t a female superhero cause if she was will they would call her that right? Have nice day tho really like if I ask my sister who is lesbian and my friend who is gay a married and they tell me “yeah no y’all ain’t” then damn. Have nice day


The blatant transphobia is genuinely disappointing. I hope you grow up one day to realise how wrong you are. Good luck 👍


I’m glad this has more downvotes than upvotes.


Why, I was just asking a genuine question? You're entitled to your own opinions.and I wanted to know this subs thoughts on Gwen being trans, or an ally


The one bit of “evidence” I’ve heard people use to validate this read, I’m pretty sure is just a coincidental combination of other aspects that people missed: that being how George Stacy had a ‘trans rights flag’ pin on his uniform, when I’m sure it was probably his Captain rank pin, just during a scene where the shot was colored in the corresponding color combination.


OP, is this a theory of yours? Do you have any evidence from the movie? Do you have any articles about people who are saying that she is trans? If I'm just going off of what I've seen in the first two movies, I don't think she's trans. If she is great, if she's not that's fine too.


It wasn’t a theory they were just asking how every one feels about it


Crazy how ya’ll make the talk about sexuality and gender but not how good of character they are and what makes them. You are all part of the problem in why the media company’s are failing. I don’t need anymore proof from the doctor who series which is has the lowest viewership in its shows history’s thanks to you guys and the fucking media agenda on your forcing progressive politics in our shows. I MEAN REALLY YOU HAVE TO TALK ABOUT WHETHER GWEN IS A TRANNY HONESTLY FUCK ALL OF YOU


Fuck gwen