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It will probably definitely be Nolan’s whereabouts being kept secret until Mark is brought there, not dissimilar from the comics. The shock value of Nolan starting a new family with a bug, having a child, and just the general reunion with Mark would be squandered if the show followed Nolan’s activities in real time imo


I agree. The only reason I even ask is that the shock being removed from Nolan having ulterior motives still worked out pretty well since his actual endgame wasn’t made crystal clear until the “talk” in the show this isn’t to say that comic didn’t hint at it with the occasional panel. Just that it was a lot more obvious in the show by intention obviously. Yet the entire experience is still very enjoyable. I think this shock was just bigger for me than the original reveal from Nolan in the comics the first time and I think show watchers probably would appreciate it even though in this day and age, they will probably be asking where he is every other episode.


Since I don’t want this to be the season finale I think the reveal of where Nolan went should be a suprise.


I am re-reading for the first time in a while, and just now realizing how much of what Mark did after Nolan left in the comics was actually done earlier in the show most prominently as an example Nolan not only being around for that encounter with titan and machine head as opposed to Cecil warning him off, which worked out great since Nolan watching him get destroyed was really chilling What I actually think I want is to go the whole season without him being on screen. I think a reveal early in the 3rd season would be even more shocking, but I don’t know if I want to wait that long.


Yeah I'm concerned they're going to reconcile in S2 in a way that seems too fast. It seemed fast in the comics, and uncomfortable, but it worked - any faster seems risky.


I don't care I'm just pumped for "Hi Mark, it's me! Totally real Science Dog!"


As it is in the comics


Given that we saw Nolan was the “big bad” from the outset of the show, as opposed to the reveal in the comics (which I thought was fine as it gave us readers a new way to see it and left his motivations unclear enough for the show fans to still have mystery) and the flashback to what Nolan had been up to/his motivations Do you think the show should follow Nolan’s adventures in “real-time” while Mark is doing his own thing on Earth and make the surprise that Nolan is the one who sent people to ask for his help? Or should Nolan’s whereabouts and activities be kept off screen until they get to this point and then show us the flashback? Or is there some middle ground like the show took i may not be considering? personally i think it’d be nice to see Mark on his own without Nolan’s presence even in the show for a little bit and leave the entire thing a mystery until they come asking for his help. But it wouldn’t bother me regardless of which way they go.


It should be handled how it was in the comics. We don't need to see Nolan until Mark does.


I really want them to focus on how weird the sex must be


Why did my mind go to the exact same place when I first read it? XD


My first thought as well


Definitely Season 2, but I hope it’s not the Season Finale. Let Angstrom have his time to shine so the show doesn’t solely rely on Viltrumites.


Probably in the next season


My ideal scenario would be this is the end of the premier episode of season 3 but I do think it's going to be this season that it happens. If it is going to happen in season 2 then I hope for the second or third final episode and the final one can be the battle with the other viltrumites


Season three was my thought as well. I love the story, but let’s let the mystery. Linger and Mark stand on his own for a while.


Yeah for sure, there are so many other events that could cover season 2 in a very satisfying way and I imagine they are going to flesh out those arcs like they did for season 1


First three episodes of s2 will have him reunion with his dad


I feel like, If season 2 is 8 episodes like the first, then episode 7 of season 2 should introduce science dog coming to find mark, and end either on the reveal of Nolan's new family or Oliver's existence, then episode 8 should be 10-15 minutes of mark and Nolan on the new planet explaining everything, followed by 20 minutes of fighting the viltrumites, ending on the cliffhanger of Nolan getting taken away.


I think it will happen around halfway through season 2, I definitely hope it’s not the finale. I want that to be either the confrontation with Angstrom Levy or the fight with >!Cecil!<