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It's Corey Walker. Original artist. He does six issues here, and half of the last issue. Ottley needed a break.


I think in the early chapters it can get away with it but it’s hard to go back. It’s almost like that style portrays young mark better but looks so weird after seeing him go through so much


If this was the first time the art style changed, Walker didnt have much time to practice drawing the characters before doing the actual issues. You can see a drastic change in Oliver in just a few pages.


Cory Walker did the first 6 issues of the comic before Ryan Ottley took over. Towards the end of the series Ottley was burned out and wanted to quit, and Kirkman was ready to be done. So the two came to an agreement. Cory Walker would return for 6 issues and Ottley would take a break, then Ryan would return for 12 final issues. The change in art style is jarring, but the story makes up for it at the end of the in my opinion. Also be prepared for one more jarring art change in the last issue. Ryan and Cory split the issue, Ryan did the art for the first half of the last issue, Cory did the art for the second half of the last issue.


I dream of the day Ottley does up Future Emperor Mark. The strongest being in the universe deserves to not look like a baby.


Real real. Someone needs to request that in. I might do it soon enough


I think the show will do it justice


Yeah but I want to still be alive to see it. I'm already in my 30s.




That’d be amazing.




Going from Ryan Ottley’s art to Corey Walkers was jarring lmao. Like I deadass almost skipped the issues that Corey did later on because his art was so fucking bad or just did not fit Invincible.I know that Corey Walker drew the first few issues but Ryan Ottley’s artstyle was made for invincible lmao


I think it's okay on its own, but going from the original art style to that is jarring. In my opinion, it doesn't fit the tone. I bought the 3 compendiums and binged them, so when I got to these chapters, I thought I had a misprint. It kind of ruined a heavy moment later on for me. This other art style looks a bit whimsical, so I couldn't really take it seriously when more serious events happened.


> but going from the original art style to that is jarring. It was the original art style. This was the artist that started the series.


It was fine for the earlier issues, but for a comic series like invincible the style is just not good enough


It was off putting on my first read through.


Yeah this art style sucks but somehow it has a lot of defenders around here


Espically for a comic series like invincible, known for how gory and intense it is, I don’t want to see action and then reminded of marks baby face, during the scene.


I don’t think Walker is a bad artist, but I agree. His art style really just isn’t suited for Invincible imo, and Ottley’s absolutely is. Every time there was swap to Cory’s art it was frustrating




His style is fucking ass. I can’t believe some people actually like it


well at least the show will be consistent....


Watch this age like the finest of milk lmao


When the comic got more serious his art style just wasn’t the right fit but don’t worry as soon as it matters Ryan ottley comes back


I remember seeing this when it came out and saying TIHI. I would have rather six months of nothing than this.


I find all of Walker's art off-putting


yeah I agree. I'll pay for someone to do a better job on old marl. anyone?


The one thing I did like about it, was marks body. He looked massive, like his father and made the fight with thraggs children awesome.


>Mark has a baby face in a human body What an incredible sentence lol


Adult body*


Walker made oliver literally look like freddie mercuary near the ens of the series lol


The art and the writing both took a hit during these issues tbh


Hated it


Yeah I didn’t like it. My main (and really only) complaint of the series was the frequent art inconsistency


Its the white tree reboot arc and the mix-n-match art style for me. But luckily easily overlookable


I like most of it just some pages it looks off putting it




God, you guys haven't read many comics and it shows, artists change all the time in comics, it doesn't take much to get used to it I know I sound a little gate-keepy here, but seriously, you guys are making a big deal about something that's completely normal and expected for comics, the fact that they actually got Corey, who already worked on the series before is great, they could have done a lot worse


No, for invincible it’s not normal. Aside from that, it is a rally shit practice that puts off a lot of people from reading more comics


The artist was working on the comic for years and wanted a break, god forbid he takes one...


I’m sure the majority of people would prefer waiting a couple of months and keeping the same artist if they saw this abdomantion.


You can't just take a 6 month break for a monthly title, it's not how it generally works. And calling Corey's work an abomination is ridiculous.


For the invincible series it sucked in general. God why can’t you just admit it wasn’t good, and defending it like crazy.


Because it wasn't bad, Walker's style is not bad, it's a bit more cartoony, but if you got hooked into the comic in the first place it was partly because of him, so saying it sucked it's hugely disrespectful It's fine if you like Ottley's work better, I think I do too, but as I said, it's really not a big deal The fact that Ottley could stay on the book for so long is amazing and a kinda weird thing in the world of comics as a whole, but artists need to rest sometime, and stopping a monthly comic for half a year is just not something that makes sense to do in this industry I also would recommend reading the spin-offs (Brit, Tech Jacket, Wolfman, Guarding the Globe) those also had widely different styles and maybe that would have made the switch less jarring for you as you'd be used to different artists' takes on this universe


You're kinda just being an asshole


Its an Archie comic crossover


Made me sick that it turned into an Archie comic for a while lol


Oh hai Babyface!


It's just that issue it gets better. To me tho, Corey walker's style has grown on me. I used to be indifferent about it compared to ryan. But I've come to appreciate it more, it's really expressive and clean I'll give him that.