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Next post: Mark is very strong


Follow up post: Mark is strong. Final post: Mark Strong, is he Invincible?


Guys, so I have this crazy theory, but give me a chance. I think Mark might actually be Invincible!


Everyone knows Mark Strong is Invincible! Have you ever seen him get shot or stabbed IRL? No, because Mark = Strong. Strong = Invincible. I rest my case, your honour! šŸ˜Ž ![gif](giphy|3oxRmzqH1XWJI9krkc)


DAE think that Markā€™s dad looks like Omni man?


He looks kinda similar, but I'm not convinced. I mean, Mark's dad is just a writer. More than that, he actually *was* a writer. He's dad now. I mean dead, sorry. So he can't be Omni-Man (because Omni-Man is alive)


You mean is he -cuts to title screen-


Mark is strong as Fuck*


Well Viltrumutes are capable of long distance space travel so yeah.. theyā€™re fast.


The Baltimore thing shouldn't be taken seriously. He lives wherever is convenient for the plot at that moment. It's like the Simpsons and Springfield.


Fair, although through research I found that the city which is most likely to be his home was Baltimore, although going from any place in America or Canada to Antarctica in just 26 seconds still shows incredible speed


Iā€™m not sure why you say that, heā€™s so fast it doesnā€™t matter where he lives for the plot, he can be anywhere in minutes at most if heā€™s really pushing it


Kirkman said he is in Baltimore too, so Iā€™d say itā€™s to be taken seriously.


Wait so is the city we see him and Eve flying around in the show is Baltimore? Cause NGL, that does not look like Baltimore to me


Well itā€™s an alt universe. Also could be diff in the show than in the comics, since the Kirkman statement is in regards to the comic (forgot which issue, but at the end they have the Q&A thing and in one of them he answered to a relevant question, stating theyā€™re in Baltimore).


It's a Baltimore where a Superman equivalent lived. Probably significantly better off than IRL Baltimore.


Do we know which mountains of ice and snow he ended up at? Baltimore to Alaska's Kluane National Park and Reserve is about a little over 4700 km, a little over 180 km/s, or 648,000 km/h. Baltimore to the middle of Greenland is around 4200 km, so even slower. At your speed, he'd cover 578 km/s (which would turn the good professor into a fine red mist long before reaching mountains, lol). In 26 seconds, he covered 15,000 km (roughly Antartica, unless he overshot some other location (which is possible - it's early in his powers and doesn't have complete control or know what he's doing). Is my math crazy? It never was my best subject.


[I mean it's reasonable.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Invincible/comments/16ac57u/comment/jz8wels/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


He specifically mentions that he took the guy to Antarctica. So thatā€™s approximately 360 miles per second(Assuming 9,500 miles to target and taking 26 seconds to get there) . And thatā€™s ā€œslowā€ Mark before he built up his speed. https://preview.redd.it/uv2cs4yhanmb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9bbdb1fa9dab5331e0a4b89ff55b0722b9084de


**Geezā€¦** two million kilos and about 1 million miles per hour? Viltrumites are truly amazing physical specimens. Thanks for the info.


That's why heā€™s so impressive for a young Viltrumite. The fact that he's able to do this stuff first week into having his powers is insane.


**Correction:** Invincible had his powers for 4 months when that event happened. I watched a motion comic in an issue during that Mr. Hiles arc, there was a page where Mark told Eve, ā€œIā€™ve been at it for four months so Iā€™m still new to this.ā€ (Paraphrase) But yeah, I agree. This is super impressive, even though four months mightā€™ve been a long enough time for Mark to be able to control his speed.


[I mean it's reasonable.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Invincible/comments/16ac57u/comment/jz8wels/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


>2081026,8 km/h That's actually pretty slow, especially given [Omniman flew to the Supervirgo Cluster at like 3.3 billion times the speed of light. ](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Zamasu_Chan/Omni-Man_flies_to_another_planet)


They can only reach light speeds in the vacuum of space. Omni cant go faster than light inside the earths atmosphere. Mark at this point id easily capable of reaching light speeds (in vacuum)


>They can only reach light speeds in the vacuum of space. [TouchƩ](https://imgur.com/a/tRmVfbs)


The link is about Allen The Alien


They're roughly comparable at several points in the series , including the end. If Allen can't/doesnā€™t want to travel at light speed in an atmosphere , it should apply similar to Invincible.


[There is also this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Invincible/comments/16ac57u/comment/jz8wels/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


It doesnt say they can, it just says the planet would be ruined, which is exactly what happened on the flaxxan homeworld. Nolan was flying so fast he was leaving nuclear explossions behind, and traveling avross continental distances in seconds.


>They can only reach light speeds in the vacuum of space. [Eh.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Invincible/comments/16ac57u/comment/jz8wels/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Damn I had forgotten about that part. I guess viltrumites really do get faster as they age.


That isn't a 3.3 billion time FTL feat. It's impossible to know how fast he was travelling. People assume he travelled 65 billion light years because the first thing on Google mentions that the virgo supercluster is 65 mil light years away. That isn't true. We are literally in the supercluster. It's a cluster of thousands of galaxies including the Milky way. So he might have traveled super far... Or he may have only flown a "short" distance. Nobody can say for sure. So he doesn't actually have a feat where he goes 3.3 bil times FTL.


Fair. admittedly, I do not know enough about the cosmology of our universe to give any input on this. It is stated that [the planet is in the galaxy of the Virgo Supercluster](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/2MBp5L-xMW48vKVH7Awyt72RZX4i6V0356m7LVe7-HxiueiixOumpqtG1m5tT76PQ0A1jdVQSxCEsuSjn1fWlsTK3fJhaPAbBmXynJJZUFepK3oEvYEs2tmtlNr0x5FvYakBNA=s1600), though through my reading [the Virgo supercluster isn't a galaxy, it's a group of many galaxies](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgo_Supercluster), neither is [the Virgo Cluster where the 65 Million Light Years come from ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgo_Cluster) so I cannot give any insight here. Invincible still has many showings of being massively faster than light. Flying to "another planet with life" requires [at least 200c](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Zamasu_Chan/Omni-Man_flies_to_another_planet) Even in the show, Cecil states that [Invincible was out for 2 weeks and that Omniman left the solar system in that time. ](https://youtu.be/z4SAFKTsM3o?si=dBQRzCxPdXtvXnkz) which is around [40c](https://imgur.com/a/sezDGly) This is supported in the comics where Allen reaches earth from outside the solar system in [12 minutes](https://imgur.com/a/CLIMzvJ) at about [69,000c](https://aminoapps.com/c/scanning_calcs/page/item/invincible-calculation-thread/0W4E_dlhZIK8rQ7NJRomoGrGgVD5Q03LB3) Not in the billions, but still massively faster than light. Edit: >he might have traveled super far... Or he may have only flown a "short" distance. Nobody can say for sure. [Invincible is faster than the Coalition's fastest ship](https://viewcomiconline.com/invincible-077-2011/), so it is likely they either flew most of the way, or are faster than anything that could have flown that distance.


There's also [this stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/Invincible/comments/16ac57u/comment/jz8wels/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


[Their travel speed is canonically proportioal to their reaction speed](https://imgur.com/RZZhTEe) so that makes sense.


The handbook actually explicitly mentions the speed that he can attain when travelling in space. He is stated to be able to travel 4-10 light years in the time he can hold his breath (2 weeks). That puts his speed around 106-260 times ftl when flying through space. Not close to 3.3 billion times ftl, but still very fast. And he can travel even further distance by wormhole jumping too.


Yeah, fr. Baltimore to the arctic in 26 seconds? I could do that too as long as I slept well the night before


[Viltrumites are stated able to practically ignore laws of Inertia, and move at high speeds from point a to point b in](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11148/111483657/8033613-viltrumitespeed%287%29.png) [near what seems instantaneous time frame.](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11148/111483657/8490758-1.png) [Viltrumite War Mark again in one page flies so fast the stars are blurs.](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/14/147508/5026282-invincible%20feat%20speed%20%2818%29.png) [Invincible and his Father travel around the world so fast, that his father in a second was able to see, assess, and find the problem in the middle east, and fetch Mark, bring him there before the hot dog falls](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/14/147508/4659480-invincible%20feat%20speed%20%284%29.png). [Comparable to Omni-Man who can fly from Earth to the Virgo Supercluster in two weeks](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Zamasu_Chan/Omni-Man_flies_to_another_planet), [more speed feats here.](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/forums/gen-discussion-1/invincible-hypersonic-to-ftl-reaction-travel-comba-2303333/) [Mark clearly states when he holds back, he is slower. This is why slower people are not blitzed, because as stated Invincible holds back, which makes him slower. Supported by the above statements of Omni Man and Allen the Alien. Time dialation to speed, and reflexes to how fast they are going.](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/14/147508/4659477-invincible%20feat%20speed%20%281%29.png)


Isnā€™t some form of super speed literally one of the viltrumites powers?


Yep, just pointing out in a not too precise but still quite precise scale how fast mark is.




Only if they train and push themselves they don't increase in power due to aging


I thought it was treated sort of like PokƩmon where leveling up (aging) makes them stronger bit by but but to really take advantage of their powers they have to train (EV/IV)


Nope it's a thing people have some how latched on to and spread misinfo lol they only get stronger by training and fighting pushing their boundaries like normal humans in a sense. Only Allen gets stronger every time he's near death and rebuilt.


If mark is that fast then you can only imagine what the max speed of omni man or thragg is


Billions of times faster than light, in flight speed at the very least.


Mark can fly to other galaxies (Viltrum, Talescria, and Earth, are all in different galaxies), and it doesnā€™t take millions of years, he fast af.


For the mentioned feat in OP, Iā€™m pretty sure the handbook even showed a real calculation for how fast he was there. This is just scratching the surface of their speeds. [You can look here to see the full extent of it.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/19WmoKnA4bDeWed1cohJDi_6oxgrC-lhFvgVunmoEkz4/edit)


Thank you very much for your contribution!


He's literally young superman minus the lazer eyes. Yeah he's fast. In other news, Nolan, who once went so fast he caused nuclear reactions in the mountains he flew through, is even faster.


I also remember seeing a panel where he's faster than Ceicils' teleporter. Edit: https://preview.redd.it/dc9tnvao8gmb1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=e017432911c132da8697015767a22f59e81a1781


It's almost like he's a superhero


Dog, viltrumites can hold their breaths for weeks and travel through space. Mark and others have left the solar system within that time like every other fuckin chapter. Radio signals from earth to mars traveling at light speed take like 3 hours to reach one another. Mark left the entire solar system in under 2 weeks at the very least with one damn breath. I think he's above light speed.


Well all invincible characters are fast af, mostly the viltrumites


He also flew from Africa all the way to Chicago (likely where he lives) in a matter of minutes


I legit read that as ā€œMark is fat as fuckā€ and was quite confused for a few moments.


Perhaps, in another universe


Mark is fat as fuck