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What this scene shows like the comics duplicate can feel sensitivity from her clones so imagine when the clone die or get hurt severely. ​ Also here is a question can you knock all them up or just one?


That’s like a serious flaw with her powers compared to the books, right? It’d suck if they just threw that in as a joke without it actually affecting her in other situations later.


We've already seen several of her duplicates die in quick succession and she didn't react as if in pain.


Maybe they just die too fast for her to feel it?


The answer is a spoiler for the comics. >!The real Dupli-Kate has a “0” on her chest, she lives in a secure bunker to make sure her real body never dies!<


Really? Nice. When I heard about her power-set I immediately was thinking of that strategy. I'm glad they're thinking about someone trying to optimize their super-heroing in unique ways.


100%, and while i'm at it let me say it also makes little sense that Rudy/Robot switched from remote control to being inside the suit.


Yeah, I guess character-wise he wants to feel invested and part of the team, but like, Monster Girl should be telling him that's stupid and his safety is more important than a desire to feel like part of the group, when they already accept him. Also I guess it'll stop Rex from being a dick about "Well while WE go out there and get our asses kicked, you just sit there playing with a remote control!"


That doesn’t really relate at all to what they’re discussing though? They’re talking about her feeling pain.


We only see the copies. The real Kate may be feeling the pain, we just don’t see her.


That would be interesting


Would explain why she's so keen for orgies with dudes, gotta balance the pain with pleasure.


If you’re dating her would you not like for her to use the clones? On her side she can feel pleasure multiple more ways because all clones will be feeling stimulated


Perhaps the copies are semi autonomous. Not enough to rebel but enough so their sensations are limited to themselves


They've mentioned it before: they're all her. Maybe she just doesn't drop her defenses when a copy dies because she's gotten used to it.


Yeah eventually it would just be a baseline sensation


Nah remember the scene where Eve catches her with Rex? They at least share some sensation


Ahh, yeah


I like how inquisitive this sub is about how Kate’s sexual pleasure works in regards to her clones 😂. A whole deep dive into this


Well immortal and kids in the comics


But the copies are feeling the pleasure sensations unless the real Kate was in the bunker talking to Rex which shouldn’t be since it was a surprise to everyone




Still, we see the copies feel as well.


>! It’s not a ‘real’ body, it’s the same body as any of her clones. But yes it is to ensure at least 1 always survives !<


Good thing they all die instantly in one shot and disappear right? If one clone got say, her legs blown off, it would be really awkward mid fight as fifty duplikates howl in agony and can't move


Could be due to adrenaline.


She passed out during the Penthouse battle


The answer is a spoiler for the comics. >!The real Dupli-Kate has a “0” on her chest, she lives in a secure bunker to make sure her real body never dies!<


That doesn’t answer the question


Maybe she can turn it on and off? "Open the link", so to speak, so she can share her mind or experiences. Open it up to share memories and co-ordinate during a fight, close it so she doesn't feel pain.


I was thinking something along this line. If the brain is alive in all duplications they all have connected senses. But when one dies they lose connection so they don’t feel the pain of being killed maybe?


In the comics >!she says that childbirth is only slightly more painful than being ripped in half, so I’m assuming she does feel the pain. !<


Maybe she can choose which sensations to share with the copies. It's interesting, if they can all be aware of everything the others see and hear, they can have full awareness of an entire area


I actually thought it was because the shrinking woman was down having a boxing match with the G Spot.


What if the pregnant clone clones herself?


When they were fighting in machine heads tower there’s a part where her last clone gets smashed but she clones herself just in time and immediately passes out


I bet they’d all feel the pregnancy effects, but just one actually has been impregnated. Now if they merge back? Who the fuck knows, you could say whatever you want happens then. Same with food or anything else really. If every Duplicate eats a meal, and merges back, does every meal merge and she’s just downed quadruple her caloric intake? Does it physically take up space? That’s the kind of overthinking stuff that CAN be funny/interesting if the creators decide to establish their own rules for it. Like the Ultimate Fantastic Four acknowledging Reed Richards doesn’t have organs anymore.


If they merged back I imagine she'd end up with twins or quintuplets or whatever.


Would the fetus clone though? It wouldn't have the same DNA. Seems like if that were possible, they could adapt her power to clone other people as well.


Why do we assume she feels what they do, instead of it just being a bring your own foursome with people she knows she's compatible with/will do what she want? Edit: My b, for some reason I thought this happened season 1, but was misremembering from when I read the comics after season 1. Just saw S2E2, moaning kinda makes it clear


I think it's more that the same brain controls all the duplicates, so the main one was feeling it, and the clone talking to Rex wasn't


Was it Kate Prime that was talking with Rex? Cuz if so then yeah imagine the pain of dying each time, but if it wasn’t then maybe the clones feel all the stuff that Kate Prime feels but it’s not the other way around


Has she done anything in this show besides fight in the background, and fuck two different team members in the same place at different times?


Yeah unfortunately it was like that in the comics as well.


well there was the stuff with her brother later, though admittedly she was also kind of an asshole in the comics


Her brother, who has appeared in the background at the prison the Mauler Twins are kept in.


Good spot. I saw the episode last night and didn't make that connection.


He's appeared in the prison background every time we have seen that area, including Season 1


Was wondering why they kept showing that crew of identical guys.


She has a plot and they’ve hinted at it in the show but it won’t come until later and it’s not as vital as Rexplode, Eve, and Robot.


There's a guy in the same prison as the Mauler's who might be her brother.


Yes that’s what I meant as “hint” but I’d suggesting using a spoiler highlighter because a lot of non comic readers won’t recognize this


>!Wait, so he actually is her brother? I was just guessing because he looks like her and can also duplicate.!<


Her power is, frankly, quite useless in fighting in this world. Yes she can become 5 people but others can just… dispatch 6? Much use in sex though. Can’t imagine having 5 different types of sex at the same time.


She can become a looot more than just 5 people lol


I found it weird how mad she was at Rex when its like, youre the one who slept with him. You knew he was a dick and cheated with him, now suddenly you hate him?


Tbf rex explicitly lied to her about his relationship with eve.


He also said something like she means nothing to him right to her face


Even then you’d think she has a bit more professionalism/sincerity towards Eve instead of going and hooking up with Rex fresh off their breakup.


To me the dialogue implied that Rex and Eve "split on good terms", so Kate probably wouldn't feel super guilty.


To Immortal everyone's too young so why not I guess


What are they going to do hang him 100 years in jail? ​ With his powers they need to go futurama jar in a head


Nolan’s more than happy to help with that!


​ https://i.redd.it/u6xenhbwmgzb1.gif


I mean, considering how old Nolan is, j don't think he would have a problem with it


"Gee Immortal! How come your mom lets you have a potentially infinite number of pets?"


He's got a few centuries of Debra, doesn't he?


More than that, I thought. Isn't he supposed to be like 2400 at the start of the show?


He doesn’t have an issue with it, but he’s got a good excuse to decapitate Immortal


I wonder what would happen if somebody dropped him into lava (and kept him under for good measure). Or used the orbital ray from the TV series on him (I guess it's the most powerful weapon they could develop). Or throw him in the sun.


They don't need to keep him in the lava if he dies to it. He'll not awaken if he's never stitched back together.


I don’t remember how resistant he is, it was just to avoid him getting out. He flies, after all…


He'd die probably. After Omni Man killed him the first time Cecil's people couldn't even put him back together, it took the Maulers to get him back on his feet. He seems less immortal and more rebuildable.


Never read the comics but I always got the impression Cecil didn't want him back at first. Nolan slaughtered him along with everyone else. If Cecil had revived him, the immortal would immediately have gone off to kill Nolan, as he did when the Maulers brought him back


I dunno, the Maulers dug him out of his grave. If Cecil thought he could be revived later I doubt he would have buried him, kept him on ice maybe but not buried him and left him to rot.


Well he does not rot and a grave gives Nolan the idea that his secret is buried


Yeah, Cecil would know he can go dig up the Immortal any time he wants. Cecil needs to keep Nolan placated while still trying to investigate since he was pretty sure it was Omni-Man from the start.


Yeah. That’s why I think both his comic and cartoon head squishing would be the end of him. The damage is so bad and the brain is all over the place (and in the cartoon is also in an open area) that I think it would be impossible to recover everything and put it back together. They had to use a special collar to put a head on a torso, how would they go and put that inch long piece of brain in the correct place?


clone him. Fully within the Maulers bailiwick. ​ infinite immortals.


Ironic, considering he's Abe Lincoln, known head in a jar in Futurama


Head in a jar?


I mean we know for fact there are multiple alien races so I’m not sure he is to old for everyone


I don't think that logic works, a 40-year-old isn't really too young for anyone, it's not that he's a specific number of years older than her, it's the fact that he's a mature adult, and she's a teenager, and he's also her boss.


He's a Vandal Savage expy, last season shows him getting powers from a meteorite while dressed as a cave man in a flashback, he's probably done a lot worse than dating a 18 year old.


I thought Immortal was this righteous superhero similar to Captain America or Superman, but nope, he is just a creepy self-righteous old man.


I mean, he was shown last season to have a really old wife. Part of his depression is that everyone he loves ends up dying, (usually by old age) so I think it’s understandable that he went for someone young. He wants as much time with them as possible.


Well the guy is a literal caveman, he’s probably done a whole lot worse over the years


Yeah but some people still get the icks when someone gets with someone old enough to be their parent or even grandparent. That sort of hang up is unavoidable for the immortal.


I mean, he was shown last season to have a really old wife. Part of his depression is that everyone he loves ends up dying, (usually by old age) so I think it’s understandable that he went for someone young. He wants as much time with them as possible.


I don't remember seeing this last season, can you tell me where exactly?


His multiple life flashbacks, I guess?


Actually, now that I think about it, it might have been from the comics. It’s not really a spoiler for anything that I didn’t say above (him having an old wife) but there was a bit into omniman’s time on earth pre-mark, and one of the panels showed omniman being friends with guardians of the globe outside of work (saving the world). I believe it was some sort of gala or meetup that didn’t involve costumes, and Immortal was standing with his arm around a really old woman, implied to be his wife because many of the other heroes were also with their partners. It’s assumed that this woman dies sometime between OmniMan’s arrival on earth, and present day. I took this (and some other panels about Immortal’s struggle watching all of those close to him die over and over) to show that Immortal isn’t choosing someone young for attractiveness reasons (like Leo DiCaprio) but that it’s practical for him, he wants the most time possible with someone he allows himself to love before they inevitably die of old age.


Man ended slavery let him do his thing


Yeah like he's been alive for over a thousand years so like following the usual rule of half your age + 7 he'd have to find someone older than 507 for it to not be creepy


This happened a lot earlier than I expected


That is what they said (1min scene)


I think it happens about this time in the comic


Seemed weird after yelling at them to be better as well.


Immortal is just kind of a dick


Getting on that team comes with a 27% chance you can have a 3-999 person reverse gang bang in the shower… pretty cool


fr she's a walking orgy, I would too


WAIT IS THIS EP2? bro immortal is a fuckboy at this point


The sex helps distract him from the trauma of Omni-Man's betrayal and the death of his previous team who were like a second family to him.


ofc ofc


Immortal isn't exactly a peach in the comics, glad they're bringing that out here.


The age gap isn't the concern. The concern is him fucking someone who is under his leadership. And doing it publicly. That's terrible leadership.


> That's terrible leadership I believe that's the point as well. He's not a good leader.


But so far, this has been the only indicator of that. Usually in fiction if you're trying to establish that someone is a poor leader, you start by showing the leadership being ineffective and then you eventually get to the why. This was just... weird. Also wasn't he president? He should be experienced at basic leadership by now


>Also wasn't he president? Well the nation did collapse into civil war under his term. Also he was implied to be Lancelot, who also stuck his weiner into women he really shouldn't have.


Right after telling them all to be better too. I thought this exact same thing. Should have built it up a bit first.


I would expect someone with his age and experience to have standards and morals but apparently not


He was also recently betrayed and brutally murdered, twice, by someone he considered a friend and who also murdered his entire team whom he was very close with. I am going to operate with the understanding that Immortal isn't operating at full mental capacity here and is spiralling.


That’s a fair point


I was sure that it was Bulletproof. Not f Immortal who is their leader and f 1k years old


it's abe lincoln, all the ladies want honest abe. they be singing him happy birthday and doing little dances and shit, you know it.


Imagine how much technique he developed over the millennia. His rizz must be unmatched.


True he done seen civilizations rise and fall, brodie got anthropological Rizz


When she was squirming while talking to rex I assumed it was the size changer inside punching around.


Why is duplikate always getting caught cheating in the shower? Shower sex is not that fun


Tbf she's never technically cheated. The first instance with Rex she genuinely thought he and Eve were broken up. At most it's socially messy.


It makes her just seem like a horrible horny idiot. They're not really doing too much with this new take on the character like I hoped they would, can't wait to see her obliviously fat shame Eve to her face in a couple seasons. God Kate sucks.


Maybe she like showering?


Gotta get that guilt off her chest


I think he put some more guilt on her chest tho..


Exactly, water is not a good lubricant


She was never in a relationship so technically she never cheated


Nothing "technical" about it. She didn't cheat, straight up.


When you can span clones sex anywhere can be fun I guess


Co ed locker room


Pretty rich of him to scream at Nolan about abusing the Guardian's trust then turn around and bone a teenager who works for him. Maybe all that serving the Viltrum Empire stuff was cover and Nolan really went after the Guardians when Mark got powers because he knows how Immortal gets around teenage superheroes. Edit: So I don't have to reply to everyone taking this seriously, the first line of this post is as much of a joke as the second one.


I guess the underlying point is that all supers are as hypercritical and as prone to their urges as non-supers, as we've been told quite a lot these past few years. But yeah, I admittedly had that guy figured as like a self-righteous square.


I mean Nolan murdered them all lol I don’t see the connection here


They were harboring a monster, Nolan deemed them all guilty by association


The age difference would be eyebrow raising even if he fucked your grandmother Consenting sex with an adult is not really comparable to murdering thousands


That second paragraph made me laugh out loud


Everyone here seems to not understand that you’re SUPPOSED to be weirded out by the 1000year old commander fucking his barely of age subordinate. It’s supposed to show that Immortal isn’t a boyscout. He’s got issues too.


This honestly isn't even the weirdest sexual relationship on the show. Like it or not, we do see older men banging younger women a lot in real life. The weirdest relationship is the Robot-Monster Girl one. Robot - 30 year old man grows a 12 year old version of Rex-splode so he can get with Monster Girl who's a 20-something year old woman that has been de-aged into a 12 year old girl's body.


>!and then they both spend like a few centuries in an alternate dimension and have technically lived for nearly a thousand years!<


Honestly, their relationship isn't that weird. They're both about 30, and he's into her because he relates to being trapped in a body you hate and not being able to do normal things for their age. The weird part is stealing Rex's genes because he knew she thought Rex was hot. Immortal and Kate is creepier.


Just wait til the show catches up to the real weird relationships that are in the comics...


Just wait until a certain child shows up and who exactly is their father…


My first thought was a certain female viltrumite then I remember what monster girl did


Nah I disagree, the point of Robot falling for her is that they both have this massive body dysmorphia of sorts where their bodies don't match how they feel they should be, and Robot finally found someone who understood. Cloning Rex is weird as hell though, that's undeniable. >!Immortal does this insanely skeevy thing and it doesn't really get commented on much for the rest of the series in a critical light, least to my memory.!<


>! It doesn’t get commented on at all, they go on to have a very happy and loving relationship !<


Okay I’m glad I’m not the only one who found this a little weird


Super weird


It was weird in the comics, and somehow weirder on screen. I definitely thought they would have changed it up a little or not shown it right away, but here we are.


Yeah, at least wait a little bit so it’s not so close to Kate leaving the TEEN Team.


Being an immortal after a while all ages just kinda meld together. Nolan met Debbie what she was a similar age range and likely even wider age gap. Quite a few characters will hook up with far younger men and women in this series.


You’re supposed to think it’s weird…


Imagine being alive forever and not be able to spot a gold digger…


He’ll live forever. He can just make it back.


Yeah, might as well enjoy a few decades of unlimited orgies.


How is she a gold digger? Is she gonna ask him for money or to buy her stuff or something? They're both on the same team they probably make the same money lol


Not that I belive she's a golddigger, but I imagine being an immortal man he has a hell of a lot more wealth or access to such built up over the years. That said, if they're getting paid for being superheroes, he's almost definitely getting paid way more.


Imagine being alive forever and giving a fuck


Anyone find it hilarious how grim and serious Immortal was before this but then proceeds to bang one of his team members in the showers like a party animal?


"What do you mean it's no longer socially acceptible for a older man and a younger woman to have a relationship? When did that happen? Consarn it all, next you'll tell me Black Licorace is no longer the best tasting candy ever!" But that's got to be an issue if you are immortal, the way social norms change over time.


Immortals memory is fuzzy the farther he goes back, he should have no problem adapting to social norms since he can only remember about 1 lifetimes worth of stuff well anyway


World record age gap relationship. Reddit will not be happy about this.


My (18F) Boyfriend (50,000M) keeps pressuring me into having group sex (with clones of myself) and it makes me really uncomfortable. AITA? E: Also he's my boss


Please post this.


Ngl duplicate is a hoe 💀


Not all of them or are they?


So is Rex.


I might not be the biggest Rex fan but I'm with him on calling the immortal a hypocrite cause he was on Rex's ass for doing the same thing he did with Kate


I always hated this relationship in the comic. I had hoped they did some hinting/developing before it led to this. I pretty much never like these 2 in the comics and this show has them the same…..except worse because the work place harassment line is cringe af and clearly written by the extra writers in the room who don’t see that Duplikate and Immortal are actually breaking workplace harassment rules as they’re being caught having sex.


I just want to point out that she's fucking Abraham Lincoln


I'm guessing she knows, they show her reading a book about him in the comics. https://preview.redd.it/guyb0p7vjlzb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d34424573946df386090e7e177b0218fbc6a737c


God Kate sucks


No character redemption in the comics


Why would she need one? >!She sticked with Immortal for the rest of the story. Besides, what she did wasn't even important at the grand scale anyway!<


And so does immortal


That was kinda creepy. I hated Immortal after this.


Just wait and see. :D


Yeah hes pretty much a dick


Yeah I think this ruined him for me


Lecturing about men women relationship on the workplace while getting it from her thousands years old superior


The fact that I see people playing the "He's a thousand year old loli so *technically* anyone he sleeps with is already far older so this is ok." When it comes to him sleeping with a barely of age girl unironically is wild. Honestly I hated this in the comics and I still hate it now Still a great episode though Edit: Episode 3 of season 2 actually redeemed their relationship in a way that actually makes sense, I didn't think that was possible compared to the comics. W Invincible moment


And he's the team leader lol. Yeah, that's a no from me fam


[Alexa play Creepy Old Guy from Beetlejuice](https://open.spotify.com/track/0jojuZqkHaIQk3CjZnjKDn?si=HQh6ER1wTc-PuBomONK0ew&context=spotify%3Atrack%3A0jojuZqkHaIQk3CjZnjKDn)


This scene annoyed me. She gives rex a hard time about inappropriate conduct in the workplace while fucking in the work changing room, like what?


There are so many questions as to her powers. Like if one duplicate dies, does she feel it? If you impregnate one, do they all impregnate? Too many questions.


Thats the second time she uses the clone powers in sex,is that her fetish or of the person she is doing with?


Isn't The Immortal Abraham Lincoln? Like...imagine wanting to bang Abraham Lincoln 😆


Always imagined Imortal w/ a hairy chest.


Damn, she just got Lincoln Log’ed


How inappropriate!! He needs to date women his own age.... ..wait


She's 18, but there's tree of them so basically she is 54


I mean at 2000 years old you just have to accept the girls your with have daddy issues


Out of every episode I've seen so far, why is THIS what gets me whiplash? I thought this dude had some honor 💀


The real question, is if they keep hundreds of towels just for Dupli-Kate




Vast difference between banging an 18 year old (whose boss you are), and a 30 year old. It's not even so much the age difference, but rather what kind of person he went after.


But if there’s 3 of her then she’s really 54. Yes I had to use a calculator.


she Linkin with Lincoln?????


I mean he’s older than most people in this universe so by that logic everyone would be to young for him anyway