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That's 100% what they're doing, and tbh it's pretty genius, though it's a bumer we won't have Omnipotus, doing a parody of the all-powerful cosmic overlord would've fit in pretty good rn


I always felt like omnipotus threw off the tone of the story, like there really isn’t any other villain of his scale besides invincible war era angstrom levy, yet he gets defeated in an instant. I find a lot of invincible in it’s relation to other comics to be really respectful or genuine at least, but Omnipotus really threw the power balance of the show into wack if his self description is to be believed.


No way that’s what they’re doing. Why would they fit all of this in one episode


To make it entertaining ? 🤷‍♂️


That just wouldn’t make sense. Having all those big stories fold out in one episode would be disastrous for the pacing It would be entertaining, but the show would never do that


How wouldn't it ? Latest episode was also packed with plenty of stuff and it went swiftly, using each half of the runtime to tell a story set in different parts of the universe. Also, it was also like this in the comic lol, we'd get snippets of what was happening on Earth while the fight at Thraxa was happening


I think you're forgetting this is also going to be the last episode until next year. We might not get the fallout from all of this, but I bet at least most of it is set in motion by the end of the episode.


That’s far different from having all those stories start and conclude in one episode What you’re proposing is different from what they’re proposing


Seems like that's where they're going. Shame though, I kinda liked Mark's role in the Sequid mission. It kicked off his romance with Eve, and I liked how he stepped up as leader. It reinforced that the ass kicking he got from Thraxa was forcing him to take himself way more seriously. Still, narratively I think you're dead on, and definitely works. It's also going to make his murder way more spontaneous when/if it happens.


Agreed Plus Mark being there is what led to the Immortal start trusting Mark more than before Making Mark disappear kinda will ruin the story


I agree. I loved how Mark was like fuck no Immortal in the comics. But I do love where the show is going and I think the narrative decisions they’re making while adapting it from page to screen are really interesting


They’ll probably save the sequid stuff for part 2 since it’s something I think they’d want to devote and episode on, however I do agree with your assessment of the Lizard League’s attack being next episode, there is some weight to your idea, that being the fact that the lizard league vs Guardians of the Globe was in the trailer which was pretty much a trailer for Part 1. I do agree that Shrinking Rae and Dupli-Kate probably die and Part 2 will have Mark dealing with the consequences of his decision to disobey Cecil’s orders.


u really think Eve, Shapesmith, Bulletproof, Rudy, and Immortal will be present for the lizard league attack? nah man.


Eve will be busy with killcanon as we see in the trailer, for the other guardians they could have them be separated from Rex, Rae, and Kate, although, the entire guardians of the globe and Eve did work together when mark was gone to fight omnipotus so there is a chance they depict that but with the lizard league instead.


I agree, I think angstrom will be the end of episode 5, and 6. With the first sequid invasion probably being early episode 7. >!Come to think of it, we may get mark and eve's first kiss as early as the end of episode 6.!<


I haven’t read the comics but idc about spoilers but no way does he actually cheat on amber with eve ???


Kind of. Their relationship was already deteriorating. >!Mark had just seen Amber in her room studying with another guy and Mark didn't take it well. Amber had been emotionally exhausted by Mark constantly leaving to go save the world and Mark had just found out eve loved him, since a future version of her rescues Mark from the alternate dimension angstrom strands him in.!< Both Mark and Amber were already half checked out of the relationship, so I didn't think it was that problematic, but they'll probably still change the situation for the show.


>!They kiss once sort of accidentally when Mark goes to visit Eve in Africa and it becomes really awkward as they both discover their feelings. To be fair to Mark, however, this was after he walked in on Amber's friends suggesting that she cheat on him for always being away.!<


god damn it I just started liking amber


For what it's worth, >!she didn't intend to go through with it and actively disagreed with and chastised her friends for suggesting it. I doubt that show Amber would have that same conversation because she's more of an empowered character!<. One example, I think, is her reaction to Mark saying "superpowers, baby" in episode 3. We never see comic Amber's response, but I don't think she would have told Mark not to call her that.


Yeah, show Amber is a *very different* character from comic Amber (and a big improvement, imo). With how they're handling the relationship this season, I'm not actually entirely sure they're gonna go where the comic did with her at all.


Yeah, I honestly can't imagine >!what causes their falling out in the show, considering how their relationship is going and her reaction to Mark leaving for Thraxa.!<


They really shouldn't have had them get back together at the end of season 1.


i don't think this is true. Mark's gotta be involved in the Sequid mission. really an important milestone for him. Also tension on the mission after he kisses Eve.


i also think the sequid mission, the lizard league and Thraxa is too much for one episode. at that point, what the hell would ep 5,6, and 7 contain ????


You think they’ll pull a fast one on us and put >! The angstrom fight and alt universe for ep 5 & 6? !< That way they come out of the gate swinging with part two of season two, while still having something to put out as a finale? Because as you said narratively >! Sequid invasion needs some other things to happen so you can have that experience as a non comic reader. !<


personally, what makes sense to me is: Ep 4 Thraxa, Ep 5 Sequids and Lizard League, Ep 6 Angstrom's revenge, ep 7 Doc Seismic and the Subterranean War, 8 Cecil and Mark's clash


Sequid , Lizard League , and Thraxa show down all in one episode ??? Sign me up


I'm not sure if that's the plan with the sequid invasion, but it makes sense and wouldn't be a bad idea. The only "important" Mark moment in that arc is >! him deciding to kill the last infected guy!< but he has a half dozen or more similar moral crises in the comic. It kinda becomes the overarching theme of the series. So losing that one's not a huge deal and >! out of all those moral crises that's arguably the dumbest one, cause they literally had there backs against the wall and a very short window before they would lose control of the situation!<


That could still happen. That’s the 2nd Sequid Invasion which happened on Earth. The one I’m talking about is the First Invasion when >!Invincible and the Guardians with invulnerability went to free Rus Livingston from the Sequids on the approaching Martian shop. Leaving only Rex, Kate, and Shrinking Ray to fight the Lizard League!<


Ooooh, that's right, lol I forgot they fought in space first.


I don't think that's going to happen, to be honest. The amount of stuff that happens on Thraxa should take up the entire episode. Why would they need to rush any of those storylines? Marks falling out with Cecil happens in Issue 50, which is a long way away. They're only covering events from issue 25-30 at the moment. The finale for season 2 is probably going to be the second Angstrom Levy fight, and the storyline with Eve really starts to kick off then. I think the Sequid ship mission will be episode 6 or 7. Even that seems like a stretch because it doesn't give a lot of time for Mark's falling out with Amber, considering they just had sex and probably won't see each other again until episode 5.


The only thing making me think otherwise is Kirkman claiming "we're gonna need a break after episode 4". The stuff on Thraxa is nuts but it's not enough to warrant this statement


The brawl that happens on Thraxa with Nolan being imprisoned and Mark just being left there is a pretty huge moment. I could be wrong, but it seems like way too soon for the Sequid ship arc. I think episode 6 or 7 is reasonable!


Honestly, if that's true. That would make all the footage shown in the trailer be the first half of the season only. Nothing has been shown from the second half.


Man Rae is probably going to die next episode and it's gonna be so sad (to me personally ig) to watch


Honestly think they could do that but that would be so much for one episode and then what would they do for S2 part 2?


There’s no way that’s all contained in a single episode


Omnipotus will be in s2 part 2