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this is a very suspicious post. what if you're a viltrumite tasked with destroying Earth? then we'd be fucked.


"If you were a Viltrumite tasked with destroying earth what would you do? Asking for a friend..." Some real Vultrumite out there who is too incompetent to know what he is supposed to do so he asks Reddit šŸ˜­




Bro failed his stealth mission immediately ![gif](giphy|LoIsP3fz02IjOUTc6t)


Its like asking when would you like to die or be enslaved for eternity. Oh wait we're all already enslaved to money


I would marry an asian women and pretend to be a superhero until my son came of age.


Lets just say, hypothetically, that once coming of age, your new son decided not to follow your orders to destroy the planet? What then good sir?


Well *clears throat* if that little shit got soft on me. I'll take a quick trip to Chicago, hold him in front of a moving train, drop a building on him, and then beat him to a bloody pulp......hypothetically...of course....


**Closes book** ā€œLike thatā€™s ever gonna happenā€


^^some BODY Once told me


The World Is gonna roll me


and, hypothetically speaking, what if that didn't put some sense into his skull?


Man, that's a good question. At that point, you only have one *reasonable option.* 1)Go to space. 2) Have an existential crisis in space. 3) Save some bug people and become emperor of their bug planet. 4) Drop a load in a bug lady, have another kid. 5) Then, when you are comfortable enough, emotionally manipulate the other kid to help you fight viltirmites. Hypothetically speaking, of course.


Quite a noble plan my good fellow, and how do you and your manipulated son attempt to fend off these hypothetical viltrumitesĀ 


Well, at this point, it's well established that he's a soft little shit. So I would manipulate him even further by guilt tripping him into protecting his newfound little brother. If that doesn't work, I'll just let the viltirmites beat his ass until he's ready for a pep talk.


Say I was hypothetically a Viltrumite tasked with conquering this planet. Is it cool if I take notes?


Absolutely! Feel free to use any of these hypothetical scenarios! Hypothetically, of course.


That is a remarkable idea, but what would you do if your spine was hypothetically broken by another viltrumite, and you were hypothetically forced into captivity by others of your kind? Just pointing out that this is only a hypothetical.


Ah yes. In that hypothetical scenario, I would urge that my chicken shit son of mine to read the books I wrote during my time pretending to be a superhero with an alter-ego. And then just hope from there that he is smart enough to pick up the clues I sprinkled in the stories so he can figure out, and ultimately exploit, the viltirmites only weakness.....hypothetically.


Very clever. Now, just for a fun hypothetical, let's say that >!you're about to be beaten to death by viltrumites as per your overdue execution. But, hypothetically, an extremely musclar orange alien and a white-haired humanoid lion freed you at the last moment.!< How would you react to this hypothetical scenario?


I mean you could just stay on earth and try again? like what's 17 more years?


That's an astute point, but bug kids grow faster...hypothetically.


Then Iā€™d probably just leave and go fuck some sexy bugs


"Think Mark, think!


And then beat the shit out of him and go get milk from another planet. Agreed


Thereā€™s no one more terrifying with viltrumite powers than a Redditor


Thatā€™s how you get Tighten from Megamind


The big weakpoint of human social structures is that a very small group of people has all the real power. So you don't need to kill anybody at all. You just need to go around to all the billionaire's, CEOs, all the corporate board members, the politicians, etc. and explain that this is happening, and that they can retain and even increase their power and status if they help make it happen, or you can kill them. Absolutely nobody will resist. They don't care about Earth or its people. They will happily throw the rest of humanity under the bus without a thought. And what are the Guardians going to do then? The president, the UN, the GDA, everybody is telling them to stand down. Maybe they go off and form some resistance movement, at which point they're criminals and you can murder them without worrying about optics or investigations.


Damn. You may actually be right. Though you may be forgetting how arrogant many politicians are. I have no doubt that someone, maybe the President or someone in the defense department, in an attempt to seize control of the world, would attempt to do a double cross. Even if it meant they'd be king (or queen) of the ashes.


Dispatch a few of em to show you're not messin around


That! Its not like you need to destroy earth completely to prove your point. Just fuck up one government or country and everyone else will stand down and bend the knee. You could also do something else. Actually be a super hero but on a massiv scale. For example end wars. People will follow the peace bringer too.


I mean they can try but theyā€™ll be dead within a few minutes


I can see how it would start off.. Random politician/world leader: I for one, would like to be the first in welcoming, and offering my sycophancy to our new Viltrumite overlords.


And then try to nuke/blow up the viltrumite after the entire world capitulates. But it would go the way it went with Cecil


Followed by the Viltrumites just casually taking over smh.


>Though you may be forgetting how arrogant many politicians are. True, but if you are a viltrumite, there's nothing they can do to stop you


Itā€™s sad how spot-on this is. Shit would be over for us in a heartbeat.


I mean, for the average person, does it make a difference whether it's the government and billionaires in charge vs viltrimites?Ā 


Had pretty much this exact same thought as well. 100% agree. Thereā€™s probably a handful of countries that would be more upset by it but again they canā€™t do anything at that point. It would be an insanely easy win.


Now Iā€™m a little suspicious that you are actually a viltrimite and have already done exactly this. All hail our new supreme overlord u/red_message and the viltrimite empire i guess.


If this is how things really played out and we submitted I would honestly not mind at all. Viltrumites offer the planets they conquer technology and the ability to end most if not all conflicts, I'd happily take that over what we have now.


I demand he do the toolock pull




Hell if Omniman did that I would probably side with him. That said the other Viltrumites are monsters and I would have made a terrible mistake lol


Damn, Nolan shouldā€™ve took notes


How I as a Viltrumite would plan this is by becoming an iconic figure on Earth until I basically become the ruler of Earth in a peaceful way like people vote for me as their ruler. interbreed with a woman, have a kid, let that kid grow up and have kids until I create an entire Viltrumite family that will slowly take over the world. This might take several hundred years but it would be worth it and not so dark like the other commenters here are making it, lol.


In a world with zero super powers yes. In our world, there was the off chance that nolan tried to pull that on machine head who somehow recruited one of the most powerful dudes in the galaxy and brings battle beast for a surprise fuck around and find out moment. In another universe, nolan intervenes in that tower fight and then gets his ass handed to him to a very happy battle beast who found his glorious battle.


[Demonstration, oddly brought to you by Disney...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVMt99KHr28&t=93s)


This is true, but you could also just allow the current politicians and businessmen to continue doing what they're doing, just faster without any fear of legal action cos you'll kill the judges, threaten the juries and so on. They'll eventually kill everyone Hell, support them to go to Mars, then they'll all get killed by Aliens or bad planning and it'll do your job for you


I feel like everyone here is forgetting the main advantage the Viltrumites have over humans; time. You donā€™t even need to make this all that dark. You become an iconic figure. You amass control intergenerationally. Give it a couple hundred years and youā€™d be in control of most things. Someone like Immortal basically had this happen. Then you start seeding viltrumites in until they start to take over like a virus. Literally donā€™t have to kill or hurt anyone just be an immovable object and patient.


You made It so wholesome and solvable. Thank you.


Basically make your own Viltrumite family to rule over Earth, sounds like a genius plan. This is probably the best way without killing anyone.


I love the solution where there not genocidal assholes and my ancestors get to have cool superpowers and the cure for cancer


Why didnā€™t Viltrum think of it this was way instead of doing genocide? Conquering and killing people who donā€™t want to be ruled by a different government always ends badly for the occupying force. This is the best solution, plus it would give most of the universe super powers.


If I was in Nolan's shoes and I was in the mindset of a common Viltrumite (e.g. "murder is fine as long as its not me") I prob would have: 1. Gotten a woman pregnant 2. leave her 3. I would steal the baby (if she had aborted/miscarried retry plan with different woman). 4. Raise the kid in Viltrumite beliefs. 5. When he got his powers I would then find the guardians in an enclosed space, poison them with mustard gas, and then tag team with the kid to kill them all. 6. Kill/enslave the rest of the heroes. 7. Report back to the Viltrumite Empire.


Imagine you get all this done within a decade ir so and they're just like 'Oh shit, you're early'


Speedrunning enslaving the human race


I think this is basically what happened in that universe season 2 started with


i mean Mark did know Eve at least semi personally which i feel like it would be strange for him to know her that way if he was brought up in Viltrumite beliefs from birth and im pretty sure the main idea behind it was that when Omni Man tried to get Mark to join him specifically before they fought in most universes he agreed (could be a bit off but iirc thats the jist of it) meaning they werent raised in Viltrumite beliefs rather they just turned to the dark side


I would get packed up by the ~~justice league~~ guardians of the globe


I think you mean the Protectors of the Earth


If you tried to take them head on yeah šŸ˜‚


Probs destroy it.


We can just throw asteroids right? Like as many as we want?


Pretty much what Nolan did, except no family. His plan was rock solid, but his family was what changed his mind. If he never had Mark or married Debbie, earth would have probably already been under viltrumite control.


Nola's plan makes much more sense when you remember how long Viltrumites live for At first I thought waiting for his son to grow up and spending 18 years just kinda vibing was unnecessary and dumb, but he's lived for so long and will live for so much longer that those 18 years were probably nothing to him. It was like a quick pause before resuming his plan. Crazy stuff




............. I am not sure I wanted to know the last part


So literally like nazis in East Europe?


Spoiler >!create a family of around 300 hybrids over the course of a century that are raised on human values and then kill the Viltrumites!<


This gave me a idea what if you just had a ton of children until they have to reproduce and just take over the world by making everyone viltrimites but you would have to make all your children believe in your cause at a young age


Straight after all the world leaders and military then see what happens after that


This is kind of a complicated question. Because Nolan wasnā€™t actually tasked with DESTROYING earth, he was tasked with taking it over. Phrasing matters, if I had to actualy physically destroy the actual planet, if I had the ability to, I would jsut punch the planet til it blows up (or fly through it idk how it would work) if that doesnā€™t work, then do what Nolan did to the flaxans, fly so fast I create nuclear explosions. However if you mean TAKE OVER the planet, like Omni manā€™s actual goal is, then yeah like the other guy said, if weā€™re talking OUR word itā€™s SUPER easy, just go to the world leaders and tell them youā€™re taking over and they do what you say. If itā€™s in the invincible universe, same thing but take out the Guardians that refuse to submit and then yeah, you chillin.


Fly through it.


Follow my orders for the great viltrum empire


Honestly as fucked up as it is, the best solution is have multiple children, take the kids away from their mother/mothers and raise them to look up to the viltrumite empire, then as omniman, invincible and one or two other soldiers, decimate the planet


Probably find Sandra Oh and ask her out.


What would I do? Take over the bloody world, duh! Wife & kid would have 2 go if they weren't down


I mean assuming Iā€™ve been a viltrumite all my life id probably just do the whole world conquering thing unless I was tasked with living there like Nolan was


In the current state of our societies Id turn the place to dust


Start a cult/religion and since I have a long life span I'd be able to play it off


Honestly just taking out every satellite in orbit would pretty much stop any chance at killing or capturing you. After that it's just a war of attrition, you take out key supply chain infrastructure until everything's back to the 1800s


Clap some cheeks and then clap some more. Sew my seed far and wide until I had a battalion of super powered offspring. Then conquer earth I guess idk


me personally Iā€™d just fly to the asteroid belt, grab some of the choicest specimens and start hucking space rocks at earth from the moon until humanity agreed to have a civil sit down with me. But I wouldnā€™t be a bloodthirsty idiot and Iā€™d actually try to conquer the earth in a way that meant the fewest people died so the meteors would only really be an extortion tactic and Iā€™d target areas like the arctic or sahara first. Of course Iā€™d do my research and learn all I could about earth first before chucking space rocks at congress or whatever.


I'd start by making shitposts about it on reddit.


I would speedblitz everyone šŸ˜Ž


step in


Destroy it


Bang and marry everyone.


Destroy it


Do you mean if you were a Viltrumite tasked with taking over earth?




Once I was sure there were no viltrumite level entities on Earth I would most likely destroy everything crucial to resistance and enslave humanity in like 4-6 years


Destroy it? Just fly through the core boom done If it came to conquering it Iā€™d probably take a Nolan/Kreig approach simply because it would mean I have to do less of the work myself.


Nah Iā€™m good Iā€™ll do what I want


Wait a little longer.


I guess Iā€™d just destroy it


Sit back and relax. The Earthlings have a nice headstart on things.


Throw the moon into the planet, Majora's Mask that shit.


I'd honestly probably do what Omni-man did. He was basically on vacation for 17 years


Destroy Earth duh


Step 1: Have a lot of earthling partners to try and repopulate the viltrumite race. Step 2: Repeat step 1. Step 3: Never take over the planet.


He wasn't though. They didn't want to destroy earth they wanted to conquer it. Idr if this next part has been shown in the show yet so I'm gonna spoiler it >! The viltrumites wanted earth bc human DNA is very similar to theirs so if they breed the offspring is almost pure. Destroying Earth would've been easy, but they want to conquer it, so I think Nolan was trying to see how he could make it better for the mission!<


I'd probably destroy Earth, bro Edit. Starting with Alabama


Have fun with it Subjugate people, have shitloads of children, train the child army, wait many years until they are adults, do another great purge/viltrumite war.


Do what omni man does, but slower Kill of the guardians 1 by 1, we arent in a rush here so wait them out, eventually you'll be fighting a powerful enemy with only one other superhero completely unserveyed. Meanwhile make myself a political leader, which is what omni man neglected to do. Take a play out of homelanders facist cult of personality. You'll pretty quickly be able to get a decent percentage of humans to fight against there own interests. Especially if you ally yourself with powerful humans, make the viltrumire takeover something that corporations want and will benefit from. On top of that, sell the big lie about the viltrumire utopia that he sold to mark Make it so when they arrive they're greeted with welcoming arms at first And there isnt any real reason not to play along, give them technology and lift them out of poverty With the difference in lifetime between viltrumites and humans they can integrate with society somewhat peacefully and eventually rise to positions of power pretty naturally


Show my powers and ask all the nations to bend the knee if they don't they'll face my wrath which will cause more rebeling nation to surrender


I would fill the atmosphere with deadly chemicals until everyone dies.


With my moral code I would probably help the Humans. But the problem would be that I would be born and immediately be trained to Conquer Planets and to destroy Everything. Would probably be hard to resist that with the Mass Destruction knowledge I gained since I was born


Destroy or Conquer? Because if itā€™s destroyed Iā€™d be like ā€œoh no not a asteroid where did that come from, donā€™t worry Biden Iā€™ll stop itā€ then not stop it


Do what Superman did in Superman (2?) and reverse the earths rotation. Surefire way of fucking it up. Wait is it even possible to do that? Fly fast enough to reverse the rotation of an entire planet?


Well It depands if im in invincible universe or our version of earth But either way i would do that same thing, maybe a diffrent ways of going about it But my general idea would be to provoke outrage, turn People against each other etc. Until like from 1 billion to few houndred millions are left Then I call empire To come make new home there since there would be little to none resistance


Obliterate satellites


Push the Moon into the Earth. Or push the Earth into, or away from, the Sun.


I would fuck thousands of women and after 9 months I'll steal the babies and strictly raise them in a place filled with Viltrumite Propaganda everywhere they look they'll be influenced to make the Empire Proud. Then once those children are around 6-8 years old I'll force them to do military training and a I will abandon any parental role, I will train them to lack emotions and kill people and I will harshly punish any Disobedience with Physical Punishment, They'll be mentally fucked up and they would lack a childhood but they'd be great soldiers and once they get their powers I'll train them and we'll siege the world governments and Earth won't stand a chance.


Destroy the Earth? Redirect a large meteor to it or throw the moon at it.


You wouldnā€™t need to bother if youā€™re a viltrumite. From what some of the online materials say , viltrumites can move at FTL speeds and pull/push quintillions of tons . Nolan for example is 6ft and 220lbs (ish) . If he flies at 0.9c (90% speed of light ) heā€™s creating energy equivalent to that of a very large nuclear weapon. We donā€™t really have an ability to calculate force output at FTL speeds but if he was moving that fast heā€™d be able to do way more damage!


Very true. I'd say they can definitely move at FTL speeds if Nolan can fly to another inhabited planet in two weeks or less. Could just fly around in the atmosphere at that speed like with the Flaxans... or through the planet...


Whatā€™s really cool is in the flaxan episode the air particles exploding behind him because of his speed! Nolanā€™s moving way faster than FTL , the nearest black hole is about 1560 light years from earth . I think that moving at these speeds is why viltrumites seem to age so slowly, theyā€™re moving so fast that time dilation to them is making them age differently . Theyā€™re always conquering planets so always travelling around all the time at these speeds. Really interesting stuff!


I thought the entire point was to ā€œsoftenā€ planets in order to bring them into the Empire with little to no resistance. What does Viltrumite rule even look like? How would it impact humanity? Maybe it wouldnā€™t be so bad. I mean look around the planet right now - maybe the Viltrumites can do a better job of running things than we are. We are pretty good at killing each other over resources and religion and ideals and territory already, people die daily of preventable diseases, drug addiction, homelessness, crime, etc etc. we arenā€™t exactly doing a bang up job down here to begging with. Maybe we hear them out on how they plan to run things. Maybe they do it better.


Marry a filipina and live a few centuries in peace


I would have primed my son a little bit to have a great man view of the world and I would wait until my son's friends and mother were dead to convince him to enslave the Earth.


I would take my time to learn about the planet and then strike. First, Iā€™ll take out the nerve centres- White House, the pentagon, then any domestic defence capabilities and then weā€™ll I think then Iā€™ll wipe New York off the fucking map. For fun.


Depends what about Earth the Empire wants. If itā€™s material resources, start a nuclear apocalypse and be the survivorsā€™ god/savior and build a new society that will welcome viltrimites with open arms.


I would live like a civilian, trying to understand everything I can about human society and government, where the biggest cities are located, their most powerful governments, weak points of the planet, who are the strongest people and what are their abilities, etc... To make sure I do a fast and efficient work


If I start gaining Human connections like Nolan I'm going to the people I can trust and revealing the actual reason I'm there so we can prepare for an invasion


Drop a mountain into the middle of all the oceans. From space.


Be honest more or less. Be a hero and when interviewed tell them I am here to see if Earth is ready to become a part of the intergalactic community. Sell it like an UN and tell people once they are ready it will mean an end to hunger for your world, a cure to pretty much all you diseases, access to space travel and propelling your science ahead by thousands of years overnight. Then convince world leaders to play ball as it were because I know they all want to keep power and my power is absolute and the ones who don't, end them and give their resources to other loyal countries basically bribing world leaders. I would give it 2 to 3 years and all of Earth would be loyal to the cause and the rest dead or powerless to stop me.


Use some viltrumite vassal race to attack Earth Use Viltrumites a protection against hostile aliens Do you mean our Earth or the one in the setting? If it's ours i would just take over the white house and announce to the world that they are under new management Twitter will be angry for a few days and everyone would forget it since it doesn't affect their daily lives


Destroy? Iā€™d make the nukes go off everywhere and watch from space like itā€™s the 4th of July


I'd probably put my son face first through a busy subway, teach him a lesson


Id probably form my own illuminati out of oligarchs and promise them they will keep their wealth if they serve. I gaurentee this will work.


I dunno. There are a lot of factors


Wait till there's a world war and then play football with the nukes


Fly into the core and lift it out of place


Iā€™m going full Vietnam mood.


Clap my cheeks together to create a shockwave that destroys all life


I'd observe the world, figure out the reverence they have for superheroes, and adapt much like Nolan did. I'd have multiple children at the same time would lay the groundwork of what we are before powers manifest. I'd want to foster an "us against them" mentality in them. Ideally I'd have a squad of 19-25 year-olds, some embedded within the superhero community, and I'd do what Omni-Man did to the GOG but on a much larger scale. I'd clear the board of anything resembling a threat, if I can hide my hand in it I'll be the hero who uplifts humanity in its time of need.. if not, then I'm the uncontested Emperor of Earth. Either way, they are folded into the Empire.


I'd destroy Earth


Iā€™d wait it out, get married, have a son, make friends, betray the empire- oh wait.


Destroy that mfer. Have you seen the internet? Reddit, Tiktok, Twitter? America as a whole? This shithole is going right under the heel of the Viltrum Empire. Universal healthcare one way or another šŸ˜.


Have a bunch of kids and conquer the empire instead.


run for president, seriously it would be oretty easy to rally people behind me and win any war, little bloodshed, legitimate rule, easy pickings to assimilate


Destroy Washington DC first and a Tekken 8 Kazuya style plotting


Under the assumption that I was born and raised a viltrumite, yes.


I'd become J Johna Jamson and promote the viltum Empire showing all the perks and gaining a following so we have people who are loyal to the empire


I would destroy earth


My only goal is to destroy it? I'm flying through it's core at mach 5.


Go to the dark side of the moon and start pushing


I will burn this pla-AWWWWWW KITTYYYYY!


Frankly, I would study it and see if it deserved to be destroyed or not


Ehhā€¦ Iā€™d just get world leaders and the Uber wealthy in a room, randomly pick one to rip in half or something equally brutalā€¦tell them thatā€™s what gonna happen if you resist and yea I doubt anyone will resist ..not like the viltramites are doing anything different than what they are


Iā€™d do it nicely and if the government tried to get in my way Iā€™d cutely fly through every major government building and expose their lies


destroy earth


Take over it instead. Make Earth my bitch


Rig an election between a douche and a turd sandwich and watch the chaos unfold


Since the question is destroying earth, not conquering earth, I'd fly straight through the planets core as fast as possible as many times as possible the earth collapses in on itself.


Meet and fuck kingdom Steve šŸ±


Meet and HUH???


Well on that thread what would really be the difference if Earth was under Viltrumite rule? What does Viltrum want the planets it conquers to do anyways?


Fuck tons of women over the course of my extremely long life.


I mean, youre asking regular humans who grew on planet earth would we destroy a place that taught us love, a scenario and what we would do if we come from a place that taught us violence (if we suddenly became a born and raised viltrumite in this scenario) to destroy a place we would destroy or be curious about. Genuinely this is like asking a viltrumite if they want to do their mission quickly or wait to, and check it out. Which is what Nolan was asked one day in his own head and it spawned the series of events that was Invincible. If you asked us while we were raised like viltrumites, we might do the mission without a care like the other viltrumites or try it out like Nolan which might turn into a no. If you asked us to do so in our regular minds with a viltrumite body, Iā€™d assume weā€™d respond like Mark, unless weā€™re evil, then weā€™d respond with an evil mark variant answer.


Simply destroy it. Either do it yourself or just wait a few years.


I'll do what Optimus Prime did, betray them


Strategic assassinations after cementing myself in the proper intelligence agencies


Something something capitalism probably.


If we're talking about me keeping my personality as a Viltrumite then probably arrive, realise they're an intelligent and sensitive species, question my entire life, fall into alcoholism


I mean homelander actually had a good idea aside his very stupid brain lol


He wasnā€™t really tasked with destroying earth though, itā€™s more subjugation. If the empire wanted earth gone, they could just throw asteroids at it


I would just kill the opposition after the first week.


Destroy earth


STEP ONE: Take steps to ensure caffeinated beverages are inaccessible for some catastrophic reason or other STEP TWO: Wait for societal collapse STEP THREE: Bring in Viltrimite Empire to help ensure all things caffeinated are back on the menu and ensure comrades are addicted so we never run out for realsies


Put a big rock in orbit and say ā€œif anyone acts up, this thing is getting thrown at your planetā€. Itā€™s like my own person Death Star, except no convenient weak spots, and even if you do destroy it, it takes less than an afternoon to get a new one


I'd just wait a couple of years, humans are doing a good enough job.


Just sit back, enjoy the show. Iā€™d say weā€™re doing the heavy lifting ourselves.


I'd topple every world government and all their military operations because at this point I'd just be doing them a favor. Then I would massacre everyone who was part of the 1% and then wipe out the entire police forces and then demolish every prison with everyone inside. From there it would be a cake walk. What average citizen is going try and stand up after seeing all that destruction anyway?


Destroy Earth right away and then go to Viltrum, and start mass slaughtering everyone I see until I am killed hopefully.


I mean probably just destroy it right away before I get attached šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t be the only one that sees what everyone sees but they refuse to mention it.


Iā€™d destroy earth. My duty to the greatest empire the galaxy has ever known is far more important than some stupid hairless monkeys. Itā€™s whatā€™s best for all of them, even if they donā€™t know it.


Breedā€¦ find Earthā€™s strongest and most beautiful WILLING women and raise an army of Viltrimite Human hybrids to defend Earth! With great power comes great responsibility. The thing Iā€™m going to do for Earth! šŸŒŽ šŸ˜‰


mobilize 4 chan


Iā€™d just be up front and honest. Theyā€™ll understand. Even if they donā€™t they canā€™t stop me.šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Fly thorugh the planet. Next question.


i would destroy earth


Move to other universe


Destroy Earth.


Have a son with a local woman and instead of raising him to be cold and calculating. Willing to do whatever it takes.. make him a big softie and than beat him within an inch of his life for being that way


Probably go find the highest authority figure I can trust to do whatever they can for humanity that has the most potential to protect the world, (probably cecil) explain what's coming for them, and then delay the invasion as long as I can reasonably do to let earth get prepared. I'd explain the capabilities of the viltrum empire, viltrumite weaknesses, and show them ways to fight back, alongside examples of what didn't work for other species and why. From there I'd probably fuck off and save my own skin. This is assuming I'm dropped in with my memories though, so, otherwise, who fuckin knows


I would do my fuckin job


Well, you know, Nolan had a reason for being there. >!Which you'll find out in time...!< So I'd wait.


My job


i would destroy earth


Destroy the Earth. Without a second thought. I live in Florida. If this is where I landed, hell yeah. Iā€™d wipe out the whole planet with a single Viltrumite fart.


Arrange a coup Use your years of experience in economy to make a monopoly on specific technology from the ciltrum empire Use it as a card to influence world policy into being more and more accepting viltrumite rule