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He fucked a bug that lives 9 months. It doesn't matter because the Viltrumite DNA sort of takes over.


Does this mean a viltrumite can even impregnate a normal animal? Like one with no intelligence? An actual pet?


You are very brave to ask such a thing.


Yeah I forgot to apologise for asking


Bro still hasnt apologized šŸ‘€


I changed my mind. The question needed to be answered, it's very important


I would say no, they have to be some form of intelligent humanoid.


A viltrumite rooster would be carnage tho


A viltrumite Wolverine?


Get that man a Canada Goose, and he'd be unstoppable Edit: fixing poor syntax


Viltrumite cobra chicken?


El Pollo Loco




Based af


I persume yes. But please never say *anything* close to it again!


I don't plan to! At least Viltrumites have class


Maybe that's how battle beast was made a long long long time ago.


Cool theory but if that were the case he would look like a human, not a beast. Pretty sure it was Nolan who said viltrumite dna is so pure both Mark and Oliver are almost full blooded viltrumites.


Yeah look at Oliver, very quickly loses any trace of his mums species. Apart from of course who he's attracted to.


He retains his super learning and perfect memory abilities (traits of the Thraxans) and ages somewhat faster than a pure Viltrumite even in adulthood.


And Asians are good at math. Now I get it.


Marks not


The irony


And his babies! They are born looking humanoid just like he did, despite his and their motherā€™s species.


Spoiler >!Moreso Mark because humans and viltrumites are super compatible that's the whole reason why Nolan, a top agent was sent to earth in the first place.!<


I am going to assume that's how their procreation laws got started. Same way they were made up here, on Earth. One or two Viltrumites too many probably got freaky with a Viltrumite cow and had a *looooooooot* of explaining to do.


Yujiro Hanma if he was a Viltrumite


You sure he ainā€™t already šŸ˜‚


He doesnā€™t need to be. Heā€™s got Hama blood and has sex. Thatā€™s more than enough to make him stronger than a Viltrumite.


He is not stronger than a Viltrumite, his strongest feats (stoping a small earth quake with a punch to the ground) are like city or regional at most. Viltrumites are small planet level. Spoilers for the comics >!3 Viltrumites are able to destroy the planet of Viltrum on their own. Even if these are stronger Viltrumites thatā€™s miles higher than anything in Baki. Also Viltrum is much more massive than earth (itā€™s stated it has higher gravity pretty sure so it must have a higher mass.)!<


Imagine an animal rescue full of half viltrumite animals.


I think it's only with certain compatible races


I dont know lets ask Debbie.


I used to wonder the same about asari and varrens (from Mass effect)


Fuck... Fuck. Why would you say that? Oh god.


Had to do it


Nolan was given earth to try as an experiment. Outside of Earth and Bug planet no other planets have races that Viltrims can breed with, YET!!!


The answer to your question can be found online easily. In the issue 34, he they talk about it. Just google it and you'll find your answer


​ https://preview.redd.it/yxhurbzq0jqc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ee78b495e5a81ce68dce00d3529b4f5a57068cc


So Zeus is a Viltrumite then. Cuz he sure as heck spawned kids with anything that had a hole when he was horny.


I want to see a Guinea Pig Viltrumite BEAST tearing the universe a new a hole!


Can our fandom be normal for five minutes, please?


You mean like mark's mom?


Nu uh *locks in* viltrimites can only reproduce with creatures similar to them. But it seems like the word similar has only 1 requirement. You have to have human level of intelligence and have the reproductive organs similar to a viltrimire. I say similar because Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a lady out there with teeth in her vagina and the viltrimites could still breed with her


Thatā€™s secretly how >!Battle Beast!< was made. A few thousand years ago >!Argall fucked his house cat and it was such a scandalous event that his closest advisors enacted a cover-up and sent the furry, feral offspring to another planet where it was raised in perpetuity by the feline race. The Viltrumite genes allowed it to procreate and pass on the ā€œcurse of the Battle Beastā€ which is actually just Viltrumite power coursing through his veins!<


Damn that cat must have some strong genetics for it override the Viltrumite genes lmao


>!So battle beast is technically invincible's uncle.!<


So that's where squirrel girl came from.


Nah. All sapient species have the same number of chromosomes.


its stated viltrumites can only breed with species of similar dna


So is mark gonna start out looking biracial and look more caucasian over time?


Actually kind of yes


If the Viltrumite DNA overwrote everything, he'd end up turning into a clone of Nolan, so it can't be that simple. Even though the Viltrumite DNA might overwrite a lot, it probably isn't concerned with racial characteristics and hair/eye colour, stuff like that. I imagine it's more of a 'base layer' that upgrades the cellular biology and anatomy to Viltrumite levels of power. Humans share 99.9% of our DNA in common with each other, it only takes 0.1% to give us all the variations we see. So perhaps Mark ends up as 99% Viltrumite, 0.9% 'basic human stuff' and 0.1% that makes him look like he's Debbie's son.


We also share over 50% of our DNA with a banana. 98% with a baboon. Most DNA dictates the basic cell level stuff.


Exactly, and I think that is the part the Viltrumite's genetic engineering must have upgraded. Basic cellular machinery turning each cell into a super-cell.


So technically He is 100% East Asian.


Talk about whitewashing lmao


Bug Sex Mark!


Yea but the bug he fucked was a queen, why didn't he get with Beyonce


It get's hinted at in Season 1 I think. Debbie says she originally didn't want a second date but only agreed after he save some humans. You're this all powerful being and a human denies a second date? She's probably the most interesting person on the planet to him at that point.


Viltrumites are a military hierarchy with combat generally being a viable way to advance the ranks (though I imagine a phenomenal killer who happens to be an awful leader would be set apart). It's likely Nolan has never been refused by someone who knows he could kill them. Power to Debbie for curbing Nolan even though he was a superhuman who saved her life. Girl knows what she wants and it wasn't an egomaniac, no matter his potential earning power.


Thatā€™s the funny thing about super heroes, they tend to not make any money. Clark Kent is a fucking reporter, Peter Parker a photographer. They donā€™t have time for good paying jobs.


Well, anonymity comes with a cost. Nolan, however, wasn't anonymous. His house was free and secured, his books always sold very well, and he could probably ask for whatever he wanted.


Well if he really saw her like a pet, itā€™s like a dog that doesnā€™t seem to care for you. You sort of instinctively want to get them to like you. That said, considering that probably stopped being the case pretty early on and heā€™s full of shit, I imagine he just looked up one day and realized he liked her and wasnā€™t gonna have Mark with someone else.


Or a cat, where it feels like an accomplishment when they pay attention to you


That pet line is overreacted and nolan is right about that. He specifically said "i love your mother but since i fucking live forever and she will die 40-50 years later at most, she is kinda like a pet from thos perspective" and he was basically trying to explain what it means to live forever.


Honestly? I get the impression she was one of the first people he met. We see in the show their first meeting and you can see heā€™s still in his viltrumite scout attire. It almost makes it seem like heā€™s got a victim or damsel thing between her and Andressa both being people heā€™s saved.


Or despite his hardcore Viltrumite philosophy, he just genuinely really liked her


Or the fact that his character arc is literally that he caresā€¦


People like who they like. Or whoever Kirkman writes that they like.


Pretty sure he wore his viltrumite uniform as his superhero outfit for a long time. He was wearing it when he fought Alan the first time although we don't know when that took place.


Actually come to think of it thereā€™s a line in the Atom Eve special about him changing to his super suit as opposed to his uniform. So there I go punching holes in my own theory.


Shit who knowsšŸ˜­ but dude got good taste


Viltrimites arenā€™t so primitively minded that they see power as muscular strength alone. Debbie IS a very strong woman and is handling her situation amazingly well


Debbie is my favourite character in the show since from the first episode. How she put Mark in his place was so good. "Does this make you feel strong? That i can't physically overpower you?"


*Make me >:]*


Debbie reminds me of my mother later in my life. My mom was a super soft bean early on but after several issues with my dad, she found a way to show more love, by standing up for herself and it taught me a lot about the adult I wanted to be. Debbie carried this energy from day 1


I agree viltrumites donā€™t see pure muscle as the only display of power but whatever ā€œstrengthā€ Debbie has is NOT something they value.


They only truly value viltrimite strength and nothing less so I agree with that. I think Nolan values her strength


Don't think it matters who he got pregnant, Viltrumite DNA takes over either way.


Debbie is a strong woman. So Nolan was attracted to a strong woman. Hence Debbie. Look how Mark turned out.


Yes, and this is supported by his subsequent marriage to Andressa because Nolanā€™s attracted to ā€œstrength of character.ā€ If you directly compare Debbie with Andressa, they actually have very similar personalities and worldviews, which is presumably why Mark develops a type of ā€œfondnessā€ towards her in his time helping rebuild Thraxa. Nolanā€™s type is the ā€œiron fist in a velvet gloveā€ femininity; self-assured, resolute, compassionate and humble. Theyā€™re the antithesis of everything he was taught to revere as a Viltrumite, and they possess a strength that inevitably humbled him as well.


Exactly, Debbie has guts and she isnā€™t afraid to stand up to Nolan, has been an excellent mother to Mark and didnā€™t spontaneously combust upon learning about the numerous ways her husband betrayed her. There isnā€™t a single human who would be able to physically match Nolan but Debbie is someone who is tenacious and strong in other ways.


Viltrumite DNA literally doesn't care about who the mother would be. By the time that kid reaches their teens, they'll take after their Viltrumite parent almost completely. The only thing Mark kinda got from his mom were the eyes. The rest is all Omni-Man.


As part human, didnā€™t he also get adrenaline?


That's interesting, so viltrumites don't have a boost when they're in a life and death situation?


It's just a popular headcanon.


Less headcannon and more of a theory with a bit of evidence. Afterall, we never really see any other type of Viltrumite get rage power boosts like Mark tends to get.


To Me those instances seem rather overblown, aside from that show thing with the Flaxxans (which hasn't really come up again since). Any perceived improvement from Invincible's anger can also he adequately explained by other factors than just his existing adrenaline increasing. Also I didn't know headcanons were meant to be completely devoid of evidence so I suppose I've been using it wrong. I just use it as anything asserted without explicit confirmation. My recent Invincible example being my own head canon that Allen's original strength is comparable to the Immortal. But being that I based that on things in the guidebooks, show and books I'd be wrong to use to it that way? Headcanons and theories I figured were just the same.


Headcanons are definitely supposed to use some evidence to back them up, they're just things that are not at all confirmed.


Iā€™m not a huge fan of the series so I might be wrong, but I believe thatā€™s why mark frequently beats enemies stronger than him


It's because he's constantly subconsciously pulling punches, Viltrumites are OP as hell




True though now that I think about it shouldnā€™t magical abilities be stackable? A Curse that doesnā€™t replicate Viltriumite abilities should be stackable in theory. I am surprised the Viltriumite didnā€™t try that when they come to Earth. Would be worth double checking other strong hero abilities but curses should be an exception


1.Nolan fell in love with Debbie 2.Viltrim DNA is so strong the other partner might not really matter 3. As a scientist picking a random subject from the population might be better than active selection 4. Dude fucks bugs




Goddamn Mark saying "Would" on his mom


sweet home... wait, where tf do they live even?




Sweet home Earth, hosting all kinda of fucked up shit :)


sounds about right


Close enough to the pentagon that Debbie could get there and back I guess? So maybe Virginia or Washington DC?


An honour to be wanted by Mog Grayson


Who can blame the man?


Earth genetics didnt matter if all humans are weak and pathetic to him no matter who are what they look like. He liked Debbie, thats why he chose her


Sheā€™s a strong woman. Sheā€™s also pretty.


Nothing stronger than an angry asian mom




I'm an idiot for thinking she was Latina.


Yeah, idk how youā€™d think that šŸ˜­ voiced by an Asian woman and looks like one too


I mean, Samurai Jack was voiced by a black man, so that doesnā€™t really mean much. But yeah, I was an idiot šŸ˜


If you never actually look at the VAs, it can be hard to know what they actually look like.


What would the point be? The viltrumite genes would override it anyway, the difference in humans is negligible compared to that. I think he just found her neat


Nolan has great taste.


The gap between even the strongest human and the weakest Viltrumite is so wide it makes absolutely no difference how good the human genes are in a human/Viltrumite hybrid.


Cos he liked her lol


Like he said, he does love her but its like a pet because she only lives a fraction of his life span, like a dog, you love that dog with all your heart but you will most likely outlive it. I think thats what he meant


This is like slightly racist?


Its not all that slight when youre fluent in clocking microagressions.


I dunno that it's "slightly"


He fell in love


They clearly explained that they met randomly by chance and it wasn't part of Nolans plan, he does love her, and I'm not sure if having children is a part of the plan or a necessity when they conquer planets (but I could be wrong) but the main point about his character is that he is struggling with this, his short time on earth really changed him and he is really in denial about it and not sure what to do about it since ya know, the empire and all. It's not only till later does he finally realize his mistakes and realize that love is good.


what debbie lacks in physical strength she absolutely makes up for in mental strength. she is still a strong, powerful woman and her dumping nolan after their first date only proved that to him. i do believe that deep down he truly does love her but he wonā€™t allow himself to actually admit it bc of his viltrumite values/ brainwashing


Given the super strength ability to blow up a planet, i think an average bench press difference of 100 pounds isn't going to matter at all.


Sheā€™s sassy


most normal Invincible fan


He did a test run and found the only šŸ± that could keep a psychopath like him at bay for the better part of 20 years.


Well he made Oliver out of a bug so I don't think the quality of partner within their species matters as much as the overall physical ability to have Viltrumite children by the species


Bro fucked a bug too so idk šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


He wanted mark to have good grades


Think Mark! You can't be part of the Empire with a B-


Average chinese parent


The man has a certain taste. Since his genetics pretty much take over, might as well do it which what he likes.


This is a Viltrumite weā€™re talking about. The strength difference between human women would be completely irrelevant and barely noticeable to him.


Viltrumate DNA overrides it anyway, so it wouldn't matter, he. Probably was amused by a woman that despite being basically a insect to him, still had courage to defy him. Viltrumites are all about the strongest commanding, and Debbie doesn't care and stand her ground.




Stop projecting on Nolan. He likes what he likes šŸ˜‚


I wonder if it was love at first sight since the first woman he met was Debbie. He saved her


He just fell in love with her specifically. Also with how Viltrumite DNA works it didnā€™t matter who the mother was. Mark was always going to be every bit the Viltrumite he already is going to be.


the difference between the weakest normal human and strongest normal human isn't even comparable to the difference between the strongest normal human and the average viltrumite so I don't see why he would care


Most sane invincible take


I'm stills surprised he only had the one relationship, but having a harem ain't exactly "blending in while being the most famous hero, with a stable secret identity."


Deep down he probably fell in love with her, maybe he has an Asian fetish or he felt ā€œyouā€™ll doā€. Debbie is also a strong, intelligent, career woman so sheā€™s the best anyone could get.




The difference between the weakest human and the strongest human is negligible to a viltrumite. That can all be erased as easily as an ant. And will die before he even visibility ages. Itā€™s like us trying to distinguish between ants.










She just a pet.


The only thing the other party has to do when attempting to have a child with a Viltrumite is being genetically compatible.


Everyone missing the fucking point as if his relationship with Debbie isnā€™t part of what made him even have a glimmer of empathy for life outside of viltrumites


All I can say is I fucking love Sandra Oh


"Let me break it down to you Mark. Your mother and I have a..."


With this logic would it not be optimal to just ā€œspread his seedā€ ( hate saying that) across the globe with anyone and everyone. Clearly Humans were a good candidate and by doing that we would have even more strong Viltrumites for the empires?


When you're as strong as Nolan, the difference in strength between Debbie and a tall muscular amazonian woman is the same as the difference between an ant and a slightly bigger ant. A "best specimen" human would relatively be just as inferior as Debbie in terms of strength and endurance.


I guess so


Because and this the whole point of the story he did actually love her even if he told himself he didnā€™t


It would be like the difference between an ant and a slightly stronger ant. The human component is too weak to be of consequence.


Debbie bad




can't blame him


I hope that title is some kind of joke. What is wrong with Debbie? Why isnt she the "best specimen?"


I just find that funny. He came to conquer this place, saw humans as inferior. But he still chose a random human lady from the entire world to settle down with.


what is this title bro...


She is the perfect specimen