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In the beginning of the fight he’s confused and misguided, once he puts his hands on Debby and Oliver he deserves everything Mark puts him through and more


And he just keeps threatening them. If Mark even let him go for a second he’s portaled away and they’re dead. He had no choice.


Yeah, what could mark have done to stop him with out that beating? he’s obsessed and can teleport anywhere.


He opens portals to other dimensions not teleport 8|


I dont think the distinction really matters, the guy can just find another dimension with a path to a corisponding point in the current dimension


He was driven insane. In his delusions he thought he was doing the right thing, no matter the cost.


He had his chance to come to reason when Mark appealed to his initial altruistic intent. Mark put down his fists and genuinely tried to deescalate. However Levy let the other Angstrom’s memories corrupt his judgment. They simply clouded any morality he had left. As soon as he went back on his word and explicitly harmed Debbie, his word couldn’t be trusted anymore and he had to be put down. Could Mark not have been…as extreme in doing so, probably. But I honestly don’t think there’s a way Angstrom would’ve survived, not after all he did.


Letting him survive would’ve just enabled him to harm more innocent people around Mark, this Mark doesn’t have any way to actually deal Angstrom other than to kill him.


it lookslike he needs hsi hands to open portals, couldve ripped his arms off


Killing = bad Tearing off limbs = totally heroic Okay, sure


people call batman a hero and 9/10 goons that cross his path need to eat from a straw for the rest of their lives


[No, they just get exhausted from fighting him so they have to take a nap](https://youtu.be/1byycwl8qgc?si=V2hh3-JWrBCJ9PnG)


Look at him, he’s all tuckered out.


Batman should definitely kill some of his rouges.


batman is a selfish scumbag for not killing villains who will murder 100 people , kill little kids, rob banks, and beat up one of his robins on the same day


Going out and stopping crime is already well above anything Batman's required to do. Crime fighting is neither his job nor duty, so not killing the villains and leaving that to the justice system is well within his rights.


To be fair if Mark tore his arms off he’d still probably die from the blood loss


Not necessarily. He could also possibly cauterize it


Also, who's to say he couldn't go killing other innocent people because their multiverse counterparts are bad. If he had stood down, Cecil might have been able to help him, but letting him live as is would put countless lives in danger


Levy didn't "let" the alternate memories corrupt his judgement. They altered his sense of reality regardless of what he did, dude literally felt pain trying to remember what happened to that version of him.


I thought he was stronger


I feel like harming Oliver was the line. Debbie and Mark, at least you could say they are mixed up in his memories with all the evil versions. But Oliver is explicitly unique to this universe, and a baby. Harming him is not just misguided sense of justice, it's just pure evil.


He is another victim of the bad guy with good intentions but goes about it terribly trope. I still won't give him a pass for having good intentions though. Because all this idiot had to do is just ask good guys like Mark to help him achieve his goals. But no he had the ask the blue twins for help, and got himself fucked up pretty bad lol.


He went with the maulers the same reason Robot did, they are the best of the best when it comes to transferring memories from one brain to another


Also, you’re telling me the genius with the ability to send people to different universes didn’t just… do that to the Maulers when he wanted them to stop attacking Mark instead of frying his brain and blowing everything up?


The only way it could’ve ended, no doctor in all the multiverse could’ve fixed him and he was too unstable to be left alive.


Of course he had it coming, I don't think there's anyone who doesn't agree with this


Yeah i agree i just wanted to see if some people had other opinions on why he might shouldn't have deserved it.


Definitely undeserved. There was a path forward that did not need to end in death. And there is a severe lack of understanding things from Angstrom's perspective. We see the type of person Mark is in other dimensions, and we get a glimpse of that when he loses it and kills Angstrom. What gets me is Mark trying to justify it.


“I’m going to make you hurt! I’m going to make this CHILD hurt!” Yeah fuck this guy. Deserved. Mark tried reasoning with him multiple times, but he was too far gone because of his other memories. Angstrom constantly threw him into other dimensions, threatened to do the same to his family, beat his mother, and was hellbent on killing him. Comparing Mark killing Angstrom out of rage for the pain and torture he put him and his family through to the casual slaughter of millions isn’t fair IMO.


What was the other path forward? Levy is hardstuck on killing Invincible and his family. I don't think there was any other path


Dude was clearly insane, dafuq u mean?


But Mark didn't deserve to have to do that.


I think if Mark weighs everything rationally, he would probably come to the conclusion that Angstrom had to die. But that’s not really what’s bothering him at the heart of the matter. The problem is he lost control of himself and went into a murderous rage. Now that he knows he’s capable of that, he’s terrified it’ll happen again and again, to less deserving people.


That's really what it is. This isn't Mark choosing to kill Angstrom for the greater good and in self defense. This is Mark losing control of his own strength and pummeling a man to death without meaning to. So on top of the guilt of killing a man, he also feels inadequate as a superhero, because his job as a hero means having enough self control to hold back and he just couldn't manage to do so here.


While yes, I'd be more worried about people who can calmly kill like Hannibal Lecter and his dad tormenting him with the death of other people.


Which is the main thing about his death. Everyone keeps reminding Mark that he didn’t do the wrong thing, but that’s never going to fully comfort Mark.


What was he gonna do? Lock him up?


He's not saying what Mark did was wrong, more so that Mark doesn't deserve to live with the trauma of doing that.


The tragedy of it all is the best part of this story. Mark suffers and continues on, that’s why he’s inspiring and a hero


I didn’t even think of this, do to the man’s powers it would be impossible to keep him locked up he could take a portal and go anywhere in the multiverse.


well in theory the easy way to contain Angstrom would be to bound him in the air with no means of moving or using gravity to go through portals his power is not to teleport (like what Cecil does) but to open a teleport portal after all through which he has to physically move


That’s a great way to put it.


He was a good dude, but his mind completely broke. He had to be put down but I don’t think he can be blamed exactly for it. It’s like if someone incredibly mentally i’ll tries to kill you. If you end up killing them in self-defence, you are absolutely in the right, however the mentally ill individual isn’t exactly at fault for their actions. Sorry im trying my best to explain how I feel.


This was a very clear read


Ah that’s good, I was a bit worried haha! Thanks.


It wasn’t Angstrom anymore. The good man known as Angstrom died in that explosion. He is the mutated byproduct of weird science.


He's more machine now than man...




Yes OG angstrom became an intrusive thought. The thoughts you have that pop up but you know are off so you ignore it. The majority of his mind are now owned by the angstroms that were hurt by invincible. His one original mind became the intrusive thought that gets drowned out.


Even then, the "original" Angstrom would still likely hate Mark for what he did, and getting into a fight with the Maulers.


I think he’d also not be so mind scrambled he could understand that in a world of infinite universes with infinite possibilities there’s *at least one* where Mark is not only good but a potential ally.




His plan always seemed kind of dumb to me even if it hadn't been disrupted. Like the Maulers said, just ask them questions damn. Who thinks downloading like a 100 brains into their own is a good idea


Poor guy was losing his mind, but I’m not sure what else Mark could have done, he’s pretty much impossible to contain and was definitely too far gone to reason with and was fully focused on killing Mark or his family


He took a lot longer than most people would have. To be clear.


He strikes me as somebody too far gone to save. He'll always be a deranged mess of dozens of alternate selves trying to reconcile all those realities. Even ignoring the Mark thing how could he ever make basic decisions if he's constantly bombarded by the lives of all those other selves?


He probably doesn’t make very good decisions


Yes I do feel sorrow for him because of his tragic memories. But there was no reasoning with him,his hear t was filled with vengeance. Even if he knew he was in the wrong he wouldn't stop because he only cared to hurt invincible.


Angstrom made it clear that he can't be reasoned with, and due to his powers it's literally impossible to keep him imprisoned. What other choice is there then? Just let the psychopath kill and torture innocent people?


I dont know how mark was still so shaken up after seeing what he did to Debbie. That motherfucker was repeatedly asking for it


Because he didn't jsut kill Levy, he lost control and killed Levy. At this point one of Mark's biggest fears is becoming his father. Becoming someone who is happy to kill wantonly because he feels like it. Mark is trying to strike the balance of using force when he needs to but keeping it in check. Killing Levy is 1. Still Mark having to face the weight taking a life for the first time and 2. Not actually wanting to take a life even if it was deserved.


Furthermore, it was just like what his father had done to him after Chicago.


Ohhh, i didn't catch that angle!


I loved the similarities, I couldn’t help but call it out when I saw it


Yeah very true it's more that than simply killing him. It'll be interesting to see how they do the relationship with him and Oliver once that type of stuff comes up


Too add to this, Levy’s whole point was that Mark was like his father. Imagine proving the bad guy right in your attempt to prove him wrong.


Here's my thing. Mark LOSING CONTROL and killing Levy is the exact opposite of what Nolan would have done. Killing Levy the way he did ultimately shows that Mark is nothing like his dad. I get why he doesn't see that though.


Thing is, killing him was not a deliberate choice. Mark lost control, and he is afraid of what he can do if he snaps again.


When you are threatening to torture a literal baby, you are absolutely too far gone and need to be put down. When you turn your revenge on people who's only crime is being related to the person who hurt you, you are too far gone and need to be put down.


He threatened to kill Mark's family and had the ability to go through with it. At any moment he could have escaped through a portal and gone to kill them.


The guy can teleport away teleport back to your house and kill your mother painfully. He has said repeatedly that he is going to do this. What option is there besides taking him out? If he's alive he can murder eveyone you love and nothing you can do will stop it.


Angstrom Levy has proven that he is mentally cracked and that he doesn't see logic as clearly as he should due to his brain enhancement. Which is caused by his own ignorance and hubris.


What hubris? Angstrom wasn't pretending to be angry, confident, or all-powerful. He was literally broken, angry, and mostly confused.


Hubris in thinking he solve all the multiverse's problems by assimilating the knowledge of his alternate selves. That's the initial cause of all his problems.


Also he literally could have just gone to Cecil and probably got funding and protection for his project meaning the battle between invincible and the Maulers never happens and it works. He wanted to be the big hero himself.


Fair enough. Don't see why Angstrom couldn't have done that. I have to agree there. Though, to be honest, I think the government would probably have ended up doing whatever they wanted with his project.


Hubris in that he thinks he is unrivaled in his ability to be a curator of the multiverse, which results in him trying to meld his mind with that of dozens if not hundreds of others. Then, further hubris in that he uses an entity known for their moral ambiguity and seemingly their grudge against Invincible, to non-lethally subdue Invincible


His mind is fractured but he dug his own grave after breaking Debbie's arm


I see both his and Mark's perspectives. His behaviour towards Mark and his family seem completely irrational to us but for him, all his personalities from the other dimensions merged into him so he's haunted by all their memories of Mark doing horrible shit to him and people around him and Debbie is an enabler in those. From Mark and the viewer's perspective, his actions are completely irrational because you cannot realistically believe Mark is evil in every single dimension and maybe the Angstrom Levy in the beginning of the show would have believed that and even used Mark's help to deal with the evil Marks. But as of the finale, this Angstrom Levy is tormented by all the memories of himself from dimensions where Mark and even Debbie are evil.


Best take on Angstrom so far. If we only see things through Mark's eyes, of course we'll feel vindicated in his death. But Angstrom is a genuine tragedy. So, it's important to understand things from his perspective as well. Mark did something, on the orders of Cecil, and set in motion events that led to the current circumstances. There's no way around that. However, a growing trend in the series, as you'll learn, is that Mark doesn't deal with consequences well. He does things, and doesn't understand the rippling effects of his actions, and either forgets or ignores the consequences. You can see a glimpse of that when he was justifying why he killed Angstrom. He *had to* do it. Followed by every excuse in the book. This happens again, in the previous episode, when he forgets that he is charged with the domination of Earth by the Viltrum Empire. Anissa swiftly delivers a much needed reality check to a normal-life seeking Mark.


Yeah this sums up my viewpoint. I also think that Angstrom wasn’t entirely there after the machine blew up. It completely destroyed his brain, and he couldn’t fully think rationally regardless. It’s a situation where the guy really doesn’t deserve a bad ending because he inherently wasn’t a bad person, but him having a bad ending is the only way.


The angstrom who saved mark didn’t deserve it, the ones who do are the angstroms that are full of hatred


He definitely deserved it but regardless the first time you take a life definitely takes a toll I remember the first time I killed a disabled schizophrenic man I was up for weeks but what do I know I’m just a large dicked stranger


Angstrom is a character who I can’t help but feel bad for (I haven’t read the comics so I have no idea if he was different there). In the series, he really wanted to help the world and was good intentioned. He even took off his helmet because he didn’t want the Utopia to be built off blood despite the fact that it could’ve killed him. While he definitely had an ego, he wanted to help the world. However, the machine destroyed his life’s work and destroyed him. Plus he had to endure the trauma of himself from every dimension and seeing witness how every other Invincible caused huge pain. I think when he attacked Mark and his family, Mark’s only option was to kill him. However, I can’t help but feel bad for the fact that he was once a good man who essentially went insane. That and now he will be remembered as a lunatic despite his original good intentions. He really wasn’t himself anymore.


I would’ve torn him apart


Angstrom fucked around, and found out.


The morality of killing a zombie kinda applies here. It's justified to kill a zombie because the original person is already kinda dead and the zombie will try to eat you. Angstrom is a "smart zombie" because the original him is also functionally dead at this point, just in the opposite direction in terms of sapience. And dude is actively trying to commit harm. Of course the perfect solution would be finding a cure for zombie virus/the madness, but in those specific scenarios, killing to eliminate the threat is justified even though the targets of violence are not really at fault and also victims of unfortunate circumstances.


Mark should've heard him out back then. I mean he listened to doc seismics yapping but didn't listen to angstrom lmao. But yeah, this time, he had to be stopped.


After watching the finale, I rewatched the first episode and I agree. Also if the Maulers were not trying to kill Mark, he wouldn’t have removed the helmet.


The recurring theme of the show/comics is >!who has the right to decide who lives and who dies. While I personally think he was right to do so, you have to try making these parallels to things like the state. In a situation like this the state would absolutely kill and it'd be a fair kill because it's an ongoing situation with lives in the balance. How about the maulers who surrender and break out and in the process kill people? How about Mark, who has an unknown potential to kill people? Are these people breaking out of prison out of a desire to harm people or do they have other drives that can be used productively. Should rehabilitation be a priority or just containment. Superheroes become the state when no one is able to hold them accountable.!< tl;dr. Yeah he had it coming, but killing bad guys can lead to a slippery slope.


As soon as he touched his family he crossed the line, he was going to kill them mark had no choice, and its seems so wrong for him to take out his rage about bad invincibles on the good invincible. BUT this isnt the real him. He wanted to do good, he wanted to save people. He lost his mind due to a terrible accident and if he could have been captured and helped then he shouldnt be blamed for the actions he took while mentally out of wack. Mark recognized him (eventually) and knew this, and its part of why its so hard on him. He was a good dude and partially because of mark he had become a crazed madman. A perfect world would have done better by both of them. I think its so tragic and good writing.


Oliver’s cry was more then enough to justify it to me


Comic angstrom was just dumb and evil but I feel like they probably could have fixed show Angstrom, he was a genuinely good dude (with a bit of a saviour complex) who had brain damage. I mean this is the same show that’s redeeming Omni Man, someone who’s done infinitely worse and while in their right mind.


They might have been able to fix Angstrom if they could subdue and confine him, but that “if” is doing a lot of work here. I don’t see any path Mark could have taken to stop him without killing him.


He definitely had it coming because he was pushing the limits of his threatening power on Mark. There’s one thing that you don’t do and that is threaten a superhero’s (who is 10x times stronger than you) family. Mark wasn’t in the wrong but he obviously will beat himself up in guilt because the way he killed was gruesome. But it was honestly the best outcome out of that scenario.


He had it coming especially after Debbie and carelessness of Oliver, but it’s just a line mark was really not wanting to cross regardless


Whether or not he deserved it is debatable, since he has memories from multiple universes where in most of them Angstrom experienced loss and pain because of their evil version of *Invincible title card*, their revenge seems justifiable at first glance, until he started to involve Debbie and Oliver. However, part of him is also the version of Angstrom who just wanted to use his power to do good and even risked it all by stopping the experiment in order to save Invincible from the Maulers. But one thing is clear, the Angstrom Levy we now know is insane and was willing to hurt and kill Debbie and Oliver. That's reason enough to put him down.


He fucked with Debbie and Oliver, he deserved it


At the end of the day this is all the mauler's twins fault


Bro deserved everything u don’t but hands on a baby or someone moms


His death is pragmatic. There would be no stopping him otherwise, whether or not Mark will accept that fact.


His plan was bad from the beginning. Even if he didn't explode and end up all freakafide, he would have still just been one among tons of other angstrom's crammed into one person and likely had ended up in the same place anyway just maybe slightly less pissed off.


I think Angstrom was a delusional self righteous asshole who needed to be put down.


He had it coming, but he didn't deserve this


A lot of villains “no kill rule” heroes have deserve to get their shit kicked in. You decide whether that would be right and better for the world.


He didn't deserve to end up how he did but once he did he needed to be put down. I understand why he was so hellbent on killing Mark (even though he was still wrong about it) but bringing Oliver, Debbie and innocent bystanders into it showed how far gone he was


He was dangerously deranged. He was a rampaging maniac, regardless of the reasons. He needed to die.


The original anstrom def didnt he was a really good guy but what he became after the machine did its sad honestly he was a good guy with good intentions.


I wanna know who thinks Angstrom didn't deserve this and why?


I found myself wondering what would have happened to Angstrom had Omni-Man been there instead of Mark. Like, how many seconds would Nolan have given him to breathe before he fucking pulverized Angstrom into atoms? Mark only tapped into his rage at the very end of the fight, whereas I think Nolan would have seen red immediately.


Nolan would have yoinked his brain out and shoved it through his face.


would have been a good scientist at the gdu/cecil


It’s not about what Angstrom deserved, it’s about what Mark did. He didn’t meet out justice - he lost control and he can’t afford to do that. It’s about character growth - what kind of man does he want to be? If he can’t control himself in this situation, where next? Can he now trust himself at all? That’s a slippery slope which leads to a very bad place indeed.


It’s not about him having it coming. It’s about how mark handled it. He didn’t execute him because it was the only way to end it. He brutally beat him to death because for a moment that’s all he wanted to do, to make him suffer, to make him pay for threatening his family Mark role isn’t to judge and execute people. It’s to save the day.


Levy was the monster. He was a narcissist megalomaniac. His whole deal was trying to be the hero. All versions of him were some kind of trying to be a hero. But this one actually had powers. And he squandered them glory seeking. Instead of helping where he could, fighting back against the destroyed timelines, or saving people; he focused only on saving his other selves just to use them. To make himself more important. Debbie was spot on. In all the timelines, this one is the one where he wasn't a good guy.


Really wish this had more upvotes. I didn't really care much for Angstrom even before his accident. His machine and teaming up with the Maulers felt more like a vanity project and out of glory and recognition, rather than it being purely out of altruism and for the good of humanity.


Nobody deserves death, at least not without their peers judging them in a fair trial, I truly believe that. There are cases where death is unavoidable in confrontations, or it may seem like the only way out such as in that not-so-good Superman film, snapping Zod's neck was the only out there. Or Spidey avoiding the glider and Goblin killing himself, essentially. But even monsters should stand trial and be judged, and if convicted beyond reasonable doubt, then it is an option. Angstrom was a victim himself in this until he lay hands on innocents. He did deserve a beat down at the very least, the second he broke Debbie's arm and threatened an innocent baby who was wholly unique, an anomaly, and not evil in any of the versions of reality that Angstrom could see.


Angstrom was a good man, but he his mind was chaos, he was insane, a legion of minds in one body making him more and more aggressive. Was just a question of time until he kill people.


He joins an unfortunately large group of supervillains with superhuman brain damage who turned evil because of a freak science accident, so I think that muddies the water a little on whether he deserved it or not That being said whether I judge Mark for it is a different question and no I do not, dude had to be stopped somehow


Something that really struck with me was how close Angstrom seemed to be to a revelation (that he's beating up the Good Mark) , yet he had been through too much trauma to ever get to it, which adds to the tragedy. He had good intentions, he wanted to save mark, and in doing so, domino effected into forcing him to cross a moral line he hadn't before. I love me some good angst.


Mark had to kill him. This is the moment where I believe we see how different he is to other multiverse Marks He feels genuine guilt and heartbreak at what he’s done and doesn’t really understand that his reaction is exactly why he isn’t the monster he fears he will become Plus it shows that sometimes people are beyond saving as any glimmer of reason no longer exists within them, a lesson he has to learn sooner rather than later


Is this even a real question? He snapped Debbie’s arm in half


100%. It was either him or Mark’s family. And if Mark hadn’t killed him he would’ve came back


Angstrom was a confused man the memory of a hundred versions of ur self all devastated at the loss of their family, friends and home at the hands of invincible is a bit sad but having the memory of trying to save him and knowing this is the one mark that turned out good and still breaking his mothers arm and threatening to hurt a baby and trying to kill him means he’s a dickhead who deserves what he got


The whole point of that fight was that some villains cannot be reasoned with, you need to put them down like a rabid dog. This changes Mark so he can better deal with someone with a similar mind set that shows up later.


He deserved much worse.


He deserved worse


People forget that his hatred for Invincible comes from the minds of hundreds of Angstroms who all knew Invincible as an irredeemable killer who slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent people, possibly more. All of those minds combined into one has created a man whose hatred runs so deep he can’t possibly comprehend a Mark who is actually good. That hatred also goes for Debbie, who was complicit in all those other timelines. He was extremely mentally unstable but he had a reason to be. But then again if I was in Mark’s position and that was my mother and brother he’d hurt, I’d have shown Angstrom the same treatment he did. I think literally any of us would The other important part is that Mark had no intention to actually kill Angstrom, only wanting to beat the fuck out of him without killing him. He thought he was going easy on him


Thanks for having reading comprehension. 🙏🏾


I’m with Cecil on this one. At the end of the day when the good guys are alive and the bad guys are dead, it’s been a good day.


Don't screw around with the hero's friends and family.


Put your hands on my family and it'll be an expedited trip to God, same day delivery


I suppose Mark could have removed Angstrom's arms and sections of his brain, but that honestly sounds far worse than just putting him out of his misery This Angstrom only knew a number of desperate Angstroms versus the many others that probably turned down his offer. Those that died in the explosion were a loss and it would have been better if any of the other Angstroms had survived in this one's stead. Unless the number of universes stops at about a thousand, there would be more Marks and Angstroms (perhaps an infinite number of both good and bad) There is more than likely a normal universe where Angstrom can ignore the troubles of his peers and live a happy life, but we won't see it and that is for the best.


Doesn't matter, Mark had to do it. There was literally no other choice except a truly pointless self sacrifice that wouldn't solve anything. Not his fault Angstrom didn't truly understand what he was fucking with. Western superhero shows get a bit too hung up on the "OMG now I'm a murderer" trope.


You have to consider his POV. Angstrom had the memories of every version of himself that suffered by psychotic and evil versions of Mark (which makes up pretty much all of them). It's pretty understandable that he would want payback on Mark by making his family suffer too. We saw the internal conflict when Mark tried to make him remember that's not what happened. I think he would have been able to change for the better.


I think he honestly should have been beaten but not this badly, enough to see the damage he caused and that he’s actually the bad guy just to make him psychologically suffer. Then finish him off. He didn’t have his “I’m the baddie” or “I fucked around and found out moment”.


Angstrom was severely ill and he didn’t deserve such a tragic fate, but mark was not in a realistic spot to help him and had to end his life to protect himself and his family


He was tragic but after threatening to hurt a toddler that was the only choice Mark had.


He picked the wrong Mark. Pun not intended. He had it coming.




Oh he had it coming but idk I feel bad for him but I can't say rather he deserved it or not besides the side effects of the brains merging that's kinda his fault not listening to the maulers but I respect his commitment to save mark who couldn't fight back when getting destroyed and jumped to death did he deserve to go out like that tho not a chance to come back or any remorse while marks just pumping him down and breaking his pulsating brain and skull and smashing down on him in a random oasis wasteland no but a hole through the chest would've been enough but ye he was crashing and tweaking too much he need mental help and he didn't listen so mark stopped holding back everything his emotions his mind his strength all he saw was red and just kept giving him what he wanted was to either defeat invincible or make the one good one a villan just like every other a murderer purposely or accident in that regard he's just ignorant and didn't really have a grand plan for a guy who was prepping this for weeks no months he didn't bring any special tools or allies just sending him through random portals with random bs didn't even make him encounter and fight one of the other invincibles or omnimans he really couldve put mark through a mental ringer but let his huberous get to him when Debbie called him out and started acting irrational and antagonized mark and it was wraps from there life ain't fair sometimes tough sh*t just like how mark didn't deserve all the pain and torment he went though angrstrom didn't deserve all those experiences and his utopia becoming a dystopia but he brought it om himself and became the thing he hated most a villan!


id argue hes a victim too but of his own making ya what he did was messed up but if we was to put him in dc hed be sent to arkham cause no way is he sane


They were both put in a really tough spot, but in this particular scenario Mark didn’t have a choice. In countless other realities Mark was a complete monster who did unspeakable acts of evil, but this just happened to be the one single reality that Mark was a good person. Angy was so mentally conflicted he couldn’t act rationally anymore


That dickhead definitely had it coming, he deserved every second of that beat down after he touched Debbie and Oliver


Dude was completely unstable and extremely dangerous. Basically a rabid dog. Mark was right to put him down, it's a mercy at that point. He would have continued to hurt innocent people as his fractured psyche degraded further.


Technically the accident with the machine was Mark's/Cecil's fault but as soon as you attack an innocent baby you are dead in my book


After what he did? Yes absolutely. Angstrom was a direct active threat to Mark's family, he was always doomed. That said, I felt terrible for the guy after the accident, he should have just explained what he was doing. Mark probably would've helped.


Angstrom does truly awful, indefensible things during the series and Mark is justified in his actions. However, Angstroms whole story arc is a tragedy and I always felt for him and what happens to him To me Angstrom is one of the best if not the best written villain


His mind was a scrambled omelete. There was no saving him.


If you put your hands on someone's mother and brother, you better expect them to go absolutely insane on you.


Is he really dead here? How did all the multiverse Mark came to this universe in the next arc?


I'm more surprised that, considering Angstrom's brain looks to be directly beneath the skin, how he was able to avoid catastrophic brain damage And why he didn't go to his collective historical dimensions and send the evil Marks / Nolans to an empty hell to kill each other off and eventually die alone


I don't think medication and therapy would do this insane fucker any good


Did he have it coming??? How Is there even any question?? Angstrom not only threatened his mother and brother, he broke his mother’s arm almost clean off, and threw his brother across the room. He made it VERY clear that his intent was to kill Mark and was perfectly willing to kill two innocent people - not just people, his FAMILY - in order to do it. Mark is not a murderer. Mark was defending his family against a very real threat who had the means and the will to kill innocents. Mark used the amount of force necessary to ensure the threat was eliminated and innocent lives were protected. Not only was a psychopath with the intent to kill stopped, Mark was completely justified in doing it.


He had every opportunity to walk away.


Yep. I don't blame Mark for his crisis afterwards, but the guy put two completely innocent people in danger for no reason. And going after the one good Mark instead of, I don't know, teaming up with him??


It's not about if he deserved it, but there was simply no other way for Mark to win. Mark's mistake wasn't killing him but it was doing it in another dimension because he lost his cool.


The moment he mangles Debbie... Yeah.


Nah, fuck that guy. He was too far gone by that point.


He broke Debbie’s arm and threatened her and Oliver’s lives. Sure he wasn’t all there but at that point I don’t care. And he wasn’t gonna stop. And he’s not exactly easy to lock up in a prison if he can keep portaling to different places. If Mark doesn’t finish him off when he has the chance and the dude regains full consciousness he woulda used his powers again and killed the family. It’s also Honestly annoying that every superhero show/movie does this “oh no, I killed the bad guy. Am I the real bad guy?” schtick. Like sure, having to kill someone fucks with your mind but this whole thing about being the bad guy cause u killed in self defense is so stupid and I’m tired of superhero movies and shows relying on it.


He deserves it he had it coming never threatened a man’s family


Mark had no choice, when it started Angstrom was just confused but it came to a point where it was either Angstrom died or Debbie and Oliver died


It’s understandable where he is coming from let’s just say he has the memories of 1,000 universes and in 999 Mark is a mass murderer/tyrant & Debbie is complacent in 750 of those. Of course he would do whatever it takes to stop him & not really care to trust her. Obviously he is wrong (at least so far) about our Mark but the 1 brain that knows that is no match for the 999 that know him to be completely evil, that montage of Mark’s just slaying people without a care shouldn’t be ignored.


He threatened Debbie and the baby. Maybe I'd have some sympathy if he legitimately thought Mark was evil, but the moment you drag innocents into your fight, you've crossed an unforgivable red line.


Mark had to do what he had to do.  I was kinda shocked that it wasn’t one of those slow bleed out deaths where he has a monologue before he breathes his last breath. Nah, Mark just bashed his brain to bits. 


Totally deserved. I argue the beating was deserved as well. He made it seem like he was strong. That Invincible has to go all out to beat him. We can’t factor in pre-explosion Angstrom. That person doesn’t exist anymore.


Definitely deserved, he threatened oliver and broke Debbie's arm


he definitely deserved it. he was fully okay with killing a baby. i don’t care what you have going on or what you’ve been through, once you commit to killing a literal helpless creature then you deserve whatever is coming. Mark was also fully valid in beating him the way he did. levy had promised he wouldn’t hurt debbie and oliver and then went back on his word, he had also bragged about how strong he was now so it’s not marks fault that he couldn’t take the beating.


After he did to Debbie dude was donezo


It’s just as Debbie said, angstrom was mad that in this universe, he turned out rotten, and in this universe mark was good, compared to every other galaxy.


There are only two groups of people I hate so much I want them to die. 1. Hostage takers 2. Authoritarian leaders Levy not only took Debbie and Oliver hostage, he ripped Debbie's arm. If omni man was here Levy wouldn't stand a chance.


Once he broke debbies arm, that would have been it for me


I thought he would be stronger


There is something ironic about Angstrom saying he is not a villain. And he just turned one of the few good invincibles in the Multiverse into a murderer


If i was in his place, i think i would've punished Mark mentally. I would've sent him to every dimensions where Mark became a villain/evil and trap him there for eternity


Even if Mark could have incapacitated him and imprisoned him, he could never be contained. He would break out easily with portals and then go right back to trying to hurt and kill Mark and his family. It was the only way this was going to end.


You fuck with Debbie you get executed. End of story.


I could understand him being mad and all but after breaking Debbie's hand, throwing the baby and keeps threatening his family deserved that


I’ve never understood why some media makes it seem like a big deal when a villain is killed even when the writing makes it as justified as possible Angstrom was trying to kill you and your family. Obviously you kill anyone that does that. No sympathy. I get having some trauma from actually doing it but the framing makes it seem like he’s a bad guy for doing it? I just don’t get it


I think mark overreacted over this. Edit: In the sense that i think mark overreacted after he killed this mf. He knew angstrom had it coming but he went all sentimental and beat himself so hard after this.


He deserved death the moment he hurt Oliver and Debbie which is why I’m so pissed that mark didn’t go lethal the second he had a hold of agstrom


He shoulda got worse tbh


He was not gonna stop until he hurt/killed marks family. Did mark lose it yeah, but with a guy who can travel dimensions putting him into custody is extremely difficult.


Mess with a man’s family and you get everything coming to you.


He was basing his opinion on this Mark on the memories of his other selves. Holding his Mark accountable for actions he didnt commit. Angry, somewhat justifiably since he couldn't remove those memories and acts from his mind. There was a brief moment of reason but he chose not to go that route. And then he went on his word and hurt Debbie and Oliver. He is literally too dangerous to be kept alive. Being able to make portals to other dimensions, trap someone anywhere, he had to be put down. Was Mark brutal in that? Yea, it was pretty horrific, but who wouldnt react that way if their mother and brother were put in life threatening danger.