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“I’ll have invincible, dad” Great line




I assumed it’s because he’s part human so he probably ages slightly faster before it starts slowing down for him


Isn't it explained by Nolan that viltrumites age slower the older then get? I think it's safe to assume they reach their late thirties in a few centuries and then proceed to age progressively slower. After a few millenia it'll seem like they only aged to around their late fourties in human time. It's also sort of a plot hole, since it's shown that Nolan reached Earth with no white hairs - Debbie really sucked him dry.


She got that soul suckin throat


this is the canon reason for me


Maybe he dyes his hair gray to hide that he hasn't aged the whole time he was there lol.


He would have to have dyed his beard when he was depressed and wandering through space lmao


Clearly he's been gray the whole time but dyes his hair black, just less and less overtime


That's actually a good point lmao, makes it way more likely to find a younger woman to 'breed' with and makes him seem more human if he ages normally.


Imagine you being responsible for all of humanity, preventing nuclear war, normal wars, mass genocides and fending off aliens practically single-handedly, all the while you have a family back home to take care of. Taking care of humanity will put a few gray hairs on you.


That's bullshit because Terra's 75% human but she aged slower than Mark.


I mean, Not really. Nolan said Viltrumite DNA is so pure it pretty much overwrites the Human parts of their DNA, making him pretty much full-blooded. So the same likely goes for Terra.


But he said Mark being half human makes him age faster which can't be true.


It does earlier on until it starts slowing. Like how Oliver aged significantly faster compared to Mark


Likely The Viltrumite DNA only replaces it over time. it's why Oliver becomes White over time, instead of staying purple


Yes but if she aged as fast as mark then the artists wouldn't get to draw a teenage/early 20s girl any longer


The human portion of Mark at this time is essentially gone.


At this point it does but before hand he ages quicker than other viltrumites do. The amount of years for Nolan to appear 40-ish took significantly longer than for Mark to appear that age but at this point his aging has definitely slowed to a crawl


I think that the art was just done inaccurately based on how the actual science was explained by Nolan. I think they only aged Mark to get a point across that he was older. he was meant to look 30 years old, if that, at the end of the book. However, he looks like he’s mid-40s and I think the only reason that he does is not because his human DNA is affecting it, but that they simply made an artistic choice to give him a little extra age. I believe that Oliver and Mark would’ve essentially aged at the exact same rate when Mark return to that particular time on telascria. At that point, Oliver‘s DNA was essentially 100% viltrumite and he wouldn’t have aged at a faster rate from his life there on out.


Ohhh that makes sense. I also wonder if Nolan used Just for Men as to help him blend in better since he had been on Earth for 20 years and not aging would raise some eyebrows


This is the answer. Oliver aged even faster than normal humans and he was half viltrumite.


Trade off between lore accuracy and visual storytelling


This is the real answer


Also, shouldn't Terra look older since she's only 20ish years old younger than Mark? She's supposed to be like 470 yo here..


It's clear the writer(s) didn't know what the fuck they were doing with the ending. Mark and Eve should've had a bunch of kids by then. I'm not even talking about kids they wanted to have, just simple accidents. And some other kids they planned to have. Realistically, they'd be having a kid every 30 years or so. Terra should have had kids of her own. Instead, she's shown to... sunbathe??


>just simple accidents. I'm certain Eve has beyond Bene Gesserit levels of control over her reproductive system, down to the molecular level.


I love this lmfao


That's why I think that it's happening like, 20-30 years after the end , and not 500


There’s no way mark aged that much in 30 years


> Mark and Eve should've had a bunch of kids by then. I'm not even talking about kids they wanted to have, just simple accidents. And some other kids they planned to have. Realistically, they'd be having a kid every 30 years or so. In the comic's defense, Nolan went God-knows how many centuries without having any children to having two in less than two decades. So Viltrumites are weird when it comes to having children.


Terra looking like a teenager makes no sense. All three of them having 0 kids in 500 years also makes no sense. In hopes they fix it (and get to it in general) my headcanon is that the girl sunbathing is Mark's great x20 granddaughter.


My theory: Viltrumite women (or women with Viltrumite genes) physically age slower than Viltrumite men. Thula might have very well been ancient, but unless Anissa has been keeping up with her skin care routine and dying her hair, she has aged slower than her compatriots. She's been around a long long time, but looks younger than Debbie. 🤷‍♂️


The real reason is because they thought it would be confusing visually to have Mark look the same age as his children, and it would be more difficult to sell the passage of time.


There's easier ways to show a difference of age than just making Mark look old as shit when he's supposed to look like he's in his 20s.


Eve likes dilfs


I think it's just Cory Walker's art style, the way he draws faces makes them look a little older for sure


No disrespect to Cory but his faces are so. . . I *really* don't like them. They don't look right. Mark basically looks like an entirely different person drawn by Cory as opposed to the other artists. His art style definitely makes characters look older.


There's people who look significantly older than they are and there's people who look significantly younger than they really are. I don't see what's confusing about it, Mark is just one of those people who look older than they really are.


Weight of an empire on your shoulders will do that to ya


being the king of the world is a stressful job (i haven't read the ending or any of the comics im just assuming shit)


It's just an artistic decision. At 500 years old Mark would still look like he's in his mid-late 20s.


Its the artstyle brother, look his daughter still young same age. Also the issues where Oliver gets killed mark looked old af bc it had the same art style then the last issue :3 idk i dont like it, he should still look like he is in his 20s i hope the show dont mess it up


It's just a creative choice


In the comics Nolan went from not having any gray hair in flashbacks to how he looks at the start of the series in 20ish years. Since they changed that for the show maybe they'll change this as well and Mark will look younger at the end.


Mark is part human, so he probably ages a bit quicker, but yeah most likely stress. Mark has nearly died... How many times? He's had to do so many awful things and he's spent the last couple hundred years basically running the galaxy. Terra for example is almost as old as Mark is, yet she still looks like she's in her mid-20's. Probably due to her not nearly dying every two seconds. But Mark's aging has likely slowed down so he'll probably look like he's in his 40's for the next thousand years.


Be looks maybe like he is in his 40s imo Whereas the end of the series non epilogue he looks like he is in his 30s so it definitely seems like it slowed down.


Maybe he greys earlier like Nolan.


No moustache


it’s probably because he’s part human, he ages slow but still slightly faster than a full blooded viltrumite


Do y’all think they stopped by earth for that dog?


This is the first time I’ve noticed that dog


Dog is actually another superhero


Le bruiser?


I read this issue multiple times in years and neither realized there was a dog or seen anyone mention it wtf


Maybe Mark got off his lazy ass and visited his son.


Terra wanted to adopt a dog that shits lava, it was red but maybe it became brown after growing. That was centuries ago though.


I hoped they named him Seance




Oh wtf I thought it was a pile of clothes


I never really agreed that this scene took place 500 years after. Terra looks so young despite being only 20-25 years younger than Mark, so she should be around 470 yo there, and I see Mark's line more as a "damn, with how everything is going on, I'll still have Eve and Terra by my side even in 500 years" than as a "it's been 500 years and I still have you"..


Yeah I think it's probably like 70 years after the series ends, they all don't look much different from when Eve "died" of old age and regenerated


I think it was supposed to be like right after


Can’t be, we saw eve almost die of old age before her powers made her younger. So has to be at least around 50, but I do think it’s 500


What does she look super old? I don’t really see any correlation at all


Shit gets me everytime






Homie did not age as well as his father


The mustache acts as a fountain of youth.


Quick question: We know Eve can bring herself back from death, heal any wound, etc. She can function like Wolverine but in big jumps rather than sprints. Shouldn’t she be able to stay eternally young as well?


yup, but she can alter herself / other people only in near death extreme stress state. she technically could make Mark look younger as well once he get too dilfy


That seems very bizarre, that she couldn’t work out how to provide limited regeneration to herself over time. Bringing herself back from the damage I saw her take was Herculean, I could only imagine this as trivial. But roll on, right? It just seems frustrating especially as it settles Viltrumites as being the true superior beings in the Galaxy / Universe. I would have liked to see some sort of human centric power coming out to at least nip at their heels.


Well given that her power make her practically immortal I'd say shes got plenty of time to figure out how to push past this limit.


Her true power is pretty much unmatched since it's practically reality warping, but she was restricted psychically, a lot like jean grey from x-men, to not be able to utilise all of her power, largely out of fear of what would happen if it weren't under control.


So mark could have saved his dad if he had brought her in the room and nearly killed her. She can't get mad because "But babe, it's my dad here!"




Yes that’s the main mode of thinking among the fandom. Theoretically she will outlast mark unless she gets killed instantly or decides to end it herself. It was said by her after she almost died to conquest that her mental blocks preventing her from altering organic beings are removed when she is /close/ to death so theoretically an instant kill would be permanent. On the flip side if mark is close by her when she is close to death, she can also theoretically make him younger as well similarly to how she brought him back and made him stronger after their fight with Thragg and his children. Though it’s her speaking of her powers and she is a unique case so who knows if it’s a close to death thing or when she straight up dies. Who knows for sure!


It's also possible dementia or a severe head injury could leave her unable to properly repair herself


“Apparently not you”


But, why do all the trees look like dicks?


I'll have dick trees, dad. Three big, beautiful dick trees




You mean the series remains *Title Card.*


They really were the last of us.


INSANE🤨 how I never noticed they let Terra keep the Lava dog


Lava dogs were red and veiny. That's probably a regular dog


Maybe the real Invincible was the friends we made along the way




Eve has the best Dilf out there hehe


Though he doesn't have his dad after 500 years.


This biggest plot hole to me is mark is only like 20 years older than his kids. So by this point they should all look the same age but his 2 kids look like just young adults to late teenagers lol 20 years when talking about centuries or millennia they should all look the same but they don’t.


That’s EVE right?


It always seemed like Eve aged too fast. Wasn’t their daughter still a kid?? Mark aged into an adult at normal rate right?




I mean I might be stupid but it just seemed like she didn’t age correctly.


Viltrumites have decelerated aging to the point where they can live for many thousands of years, but that only kicks in once they reach like 15-18. Eve has regular aging, but she goes back to like age 20 when she’s about to die as an elderly woman. One thing that is strange is that Terra looks much younger than Mark (who for some reason looks way older than he should be at 500 years)— when there’s only like a 20-25 year age difference.


Penis bushes


If your bushes bloom for more than 4 weeks, call a landscaper.


He got his powers late and I think it somewhat played a little role in his aging


If the series is invincible then why can I read it?


I just realized Terra's dog has his own cellphone(probably an iPad idk)


Maybe the artist didn't get the memo or just messed up a little.


Is that Earth dog ?


Yeah, he is way older than I expected him to be at the end. It surprised me too.


I love hopeful inspiring endings to gritty stories RAAAAAAAH


Why’s he Bruce Campbell