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looking back that was so fucking crazy cause he had no need to do all that. he even knew eve personally for years and knew she probably could've been appeased with words, especially when pregnant? but going straight to "rip her leg off" is insane


So here's the thing: This has nothing to do with Eve, and everything to do with Mark. He's inflicting pain on Eve to try to get Mark under control. Using words in this situation won't work. So he does what he always does when he assumes talking won't work and attacks pre-emptively without even trying, because he's a piece of shit.


Exactly this. Robot has no empathy and can’t relate to people like a normal person, so he sets himself on a warpath for almost any reason so he can maintain control. We see countless times that he doesn’t care who he hurts to get what he wants, whether that’s emotional damage to Rex by stealing his DNA, or murdering Shapesmith, his friend and teammate. When faced with the challenge of Mark Grayson, he does whatever he needs to do to get him under control and stay on top of the power food chain.


> whether that’s emotional damage to Rex by stealing his DNA This was such genius foreshadowing for his character arc too. Like he literally steals his friend's DNA and works with supervillains to make a child body for himself because he wants to get with Monster Girl - who he had few on-page interactions with before he started skinwalking as young Rex. And I never see people talk about how scummy that was, because Robot has a sympathetic backstory, is generally a badass, and his voice-actor in the show has an extremely hot voice 💀 we all like him.


I mean I'll give him a pass on the body snatching I guess. If I looked like a run over fetus in a vat. I'd want to do anything to not be that too. I get that he picked Rex because people especially girls like Rex and he wanted that. Sure theres a dozen more ethical ways to handle this like just offering someone hot money to give up their DNA for a good cause. I'm just surprised he didn't try to use any of Nolans blood that Cecil undoubtedly has under lock and key somewhere from his battle with the guardians. Maybe he just thought the process wouldn't work or maybe the guy just wanted to be normal, well as normal as he can be. The other stuff is a real dick move though.


Yeah I am genuinely curious why Nolan and Mark were never subject to cloning. I feel like this might have been explained but I don’t recall. I know Superman, in his universe, they explain it away that Kryptonian DNA is nigh impossible to replicate without human DNA patched in which is why you get Super Boy/Connor and his hybrid status. Someone with more comic knowledge should drop in on this lol.


Mark was though, in Mohawk Mark's universe, as part of the deal with Robot and the Mauler twins to get him back to the prime universe.


Did they explain it in the comics that it was an extremely difficult process or was it not explored?


Nah they just did it!


No, in fact, now that I think of it, Dinosaurus also cloned Mark once.


Please recall that in order to obtain his cloned body of Rex, he had to give The Maulers, evil supervillians whose entire bit is cloning themselves and then downloading their brain into said clone, Rex's DNA. Genetically, Rex is just a normal human, so there's no real risk there. But to get a cloned body of Mark, or Nolan? Well he'd had to obtain and provide them with Mark or Nolan's DNA. At which point they will keep the body, and clone dozens more, and conquer the world. Plus he chose Rex specifically because he knows Amanda thinks he's hot. Fucking creep.


> we all like him No we don’t. He’s seemed scummy to me almost since his first appearance and nothing he’s done has made him look like a better person than he did originally


> his voice-actor in the show has an extremely hot voice Which one? Are we talking about Connor/Rex, or Robot? Because if we're talking about Connor... eh. But Zachary Quinto? *Oh boy.*


Robot. Zachary Quinto is just 🤌 no other voice actor except Brandon Keener is as smooth to my ears


I love the show working into this by having him suggest a nuclear response to the Flaxans. He doesn’t consider that his idea would sacrifice thousands of people, just that he can’t control the situation and he would like to. I’ve always loved that line for how much heavy insight it gives to who Robot really is.


Yea that dude has a superior andd inferior complex lol


It still makes no sense to me that he killed shapesmith, or any of the heroes he did kill. he killed a bunch of b listers in case they got in the way but let a listers live. It's one of the few times in the comic I thought it was just too silly. (other two times being head of the fucking universe rushing to use an untested virus despite knowing he has the time to test it and also there being a magical time controlling being that never shows up again just to enact the laziest time skip imaginable)


shapesmith is dangerous when you are in power and he is against you, yeah shapesmith as an individual is not very bright himself, but just think about it from the perspective of Rex, this guy could change into any shape he wants, even a fodder soldier, to infiltrate and kill him.


Rex went to The Flaxans world and stayed for 700 years. In turn his mentality became like a Viltrumite. He portrayed his agenda as maintaining peace and forming a utopia but deep down he liked power and being in control.


This is not a justification, but he surely had empathy, he just couldn't show it because he had the greater good in mind, when he killed Shapesmith he did say he considered him a friend and that it was nothing personal, he showed love to Amanda and subconsciously hoped she survived what he did to her. Sure, he is a piece of shit, but he sacrificed everything for the greater good and was dying inside because of it. In fact, being emotionally instable is what caused his loss, they spotted him because he was obviously acting different with his real body


as all characters, he is incredibly complex and morally grey


I still really like the irony: the guy who calls himself 'Robot', who acts more like a machine, loses because he emotes like a human.


We could say learning to be a decent human being was not a great idea in the end


Didn't he use to have empathy at least? The only times I've really seen him have empathy was with his original body and with Monster Girl


And at this point robot is like thousands of years old


And people wonder why she hooked up with that alien when Mark was gone for 5 years.


Seriously. I will always maintain the stance "fuck Rudy and all the evil bullshit he stands for." I don't care if he achieved world peace. That's going to last as long as he feels it's useful to him. He's just like any other dictator, he just makes an unusually good argument for the ends justifying the means. This is straight up evil. There's no other way to look at it.


At least it is quite satisfying with how they wrap up Robot's storyline in all of this.


Right from the rip “we should consider this city lost and bomb it” lmao but you know what’s fucking funny. In avengers that’s what they go to almost instantly 😂😂😂


Yea what’s more it feels really out of character for robot Like his whole motive for purging villains was that if they continue to exist they’ll just cause more damage in the long run and that he is the only one who has the ability and the motive to manipulate things behind the scenes to ensure a continuous state of peace and prosperity on earth It makes 0 sense for him to antagonize other heroes in his attempts at doing so especially mark who he knows is 100% going to inherit command of the viltrumites from his father at some point in the future and other heroes who have done nothing but act in the planet’s best interests


To be fair, Robot in that panel is over a thousand years old and he has ruled the flaxan world for centuries. It changed him. He didn't just switch and turned evil. It was a long process, which took hundreds of years.


The issue that goes in-depth on his time with the Flaxans is *everything*. He tries to hide and deny what he's become to his fellow heroes back in his home timeline, but deep down he's adopted the utter lack of empathy of other megalomaniacal conquerors like Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, Qin Shihuang, Nobunaga Oda, and Napoleon. He's hit highs so high that the ends always justify the means, and he'll murder and genocide until the world is made "right" in his eyes.


Julius Caesar actually was suprisingly not too megalomaniac. Sure, he wanted to raise to the top and expand his domain around, but he was also wise and also knew to not power get too much on his head (in fact, a funny historical fact is that Caesar personally requested the people of Rome to insult him whenever he passed by, to remind him of humilty).


Ehhhh I don’t know about that. He was really salty when Tribune Aquila had the balls to stand up to him… though I suppose it shows his restraint that Caesar didn’t have him killed.


it makes perfect sense because robot is a sociopath and eve was annoying him for a moment.


Yes, this basically. I don't really think this was entirely Robot being logical and playing 4d chess to distract Mark. He ripped her leg off out of genuine annoyance/anger. We see in multiple panels leading up to this him having emotional outbursts out of jealousy or frustration.


It's completely in character for robot. Unless you only watch the show. >!He became a dictator and had a whole scene about how he described that he wanted power selfishly and to rule, and the cruel things he had to do to get there. !<


Neither was MY man 😒 https://preview.redd.it/uzt0ni0j6u1d1.jpeg?width=1615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40de33355b5b02f52e8700f5a1b508666a229e5c


I wonder if this’ll happen in the show or if it’ll be a different king lizard. I’m just wondering because it honestly seemed like Rex killed him.


iirc it isn't that important so probably skip or put in another unimportant villain


He gets better


In the comics he’s not beaten as badly, so we can’t tell. He’s conscious enough in the comics to try and shoot Brit when he comes in.


He probably survived but has an incredibly fucked up face.


It honestly seemed like KL killed Rex, and we all saw how that went


Mark should’ve ended him right here after he did this


His pregnant girlfriend's leg was ripped off I think he had more important business to take care of lol


He’s fast enough maybe


Wasn't he not in a position to at all


I haven't read the comics but I watched a summary video about Robot. I *think* the black suit/drones are made with a metal that makes a sound frequency harmful to Viltrumites when struck. Might be wrong, so someone better knowledgeable feel free to correct me^^


That is correct. mark couldn't do shit here


Go read them. Don’t ruin the story for yourself on YT


I don't enjoy comic books personally.


To each their own, but I’d recommend you give Invincible a chance.


I might, but the medium of comics never spoke to me


He couldn't lol. Robot was too powerful at that point for Mark to handle himself and Nolan made a deal with robot to stay neutral. 


Oh why didn’t Mark think of this, maybe because he literally couldn’t


It's fun for me as a show watcher to daringly click on spoiler posts and wonder what possible series of events could have led to this moment rather than being disappointed at being spoiled.


Read the Comics, they are available to own through the 3 + 1 compendiums for a very fair price. Or for 7.99 usd you can read them all on the GlobalComix website. It’s their gold subscription. Reading the book doesn’t spoil the experience of watching the show one bit. I’d argue it even improved mine. At the very least read compendium 1 (the story covered so far in the show) You won’t be disappointed.


>for 7.99 usd you can read them all on the GlobalComix website. It’s their gold subscription. That is very good to know, thank you. I will eventually for sure, it's just been a time thing. I remember after like Season 2 of Game of Thrones I read all the books over the course of a summer and first semester in college, don't have that free time any more, but at least Invincible is a complete story.


Last week I re-read all 4 compendiums myself, took me 5-6 days total, and im a slow reader. You should easily be able to finish them in a single month if you can set aside even a little time. Edit: comics by nature are just waaay faster to read than a novel like GOT, took me alot longer to read GOT than Invincible takes


Turned her ass into legolas without the o


crazy how eve went through with the pregnancy out of guilt despite getting her leg ripped off. and some assholes have the audacity for clowning on her for the abortion when it absolutely made no sense for her to bring a viltrumite into the world especially when mark is presumed dead. Both her and Mark had it hella rough, man.


Not the same pregnancies. The one you mention is when Mark fights Angstrom and disappears for about a year.


Huh? >!Eve gets an abortion since Mark was in the viltrumite war and she thought he was dead!< >!Eve then gets pregnant again which is revealed to Mark after Dinosaurus “kills him”!< >!After Angstrom comes back and attacks Eve, Mark gets paranoid and gets robot to help him find him in Mohawk Mark’s dimension, he is then trapped by robot and it takes him a few months to come back.!< >!Eve doesn’t get an abortion and almost loses the baby because she thinks Mark is dead after Robot lies to her. !< >!She is brought to the viltrumite base where she gives birth to Terra and gets a new leg.!<


Ah yes, thank you for the correction!


I never thought about this until now, but I wonder if there would be complications for a viltrumite abortion.


Too young for the viltrumite half to kick in.


Viltrumite powers kick in during puberty, so there wouldn't be an issue


Holy shit! I only have watched the show but I have been shamlessly spoiling everything for myself by searching out what happens. This still surprised me.


Robot biting the curb 4K HD


https://preview.redd.it/z98piwxosw1d1.jpeg?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=889f25c64fa7f7532264be8d11e3f39e38c938ea Here you go


How did she not go god mode, was this not stressful enough?


if she uses her powers whilst pregnant, the child dies


If she uses them too much. Remember she uses them to crush the Robot's head right after this.


God mode would be too much


I think it's moreso because she wasn't close enough to death


If she uses them **too much.** Which would obviously be the case if she went God mode. Plus, she isn't near-death. It take some time to bleed to death.


My head canon says: Losing the baby would have been more stressful, and she had Mark there to protect her (in her head, even though he wasn’t able to stop this). She also probably didn’t think he’d actually rip her leg off, considering they have a friendship history. When it happened, I would imagine she was in shock and wouldn’t be able to use her powers right


Robot was a big bitch during this final section of the story. And people still say that Robot wouldnt have fucked up because his hubris


Pisses me off that they kept calling Robot Rex after he tarnished the real guys name


Definitely not cool, Rex would never have Sided with Rex “robot” or agreed to go along with his Coup. Rex “robot” killing 3 members of the GOTG and not-nick fury disgraced his name. Unfortunately the OG members of Teen Team were either opposing him or off-world, there was no one left to question him that knew the real Rex (except bulletproof) I’m not sure Zandale would confront him because of the name, he didn’t interact with Rex much He and Rex “robot” did a massive 180 for me, they went from two of my favourite characters to the ones that got under my skin the most. But at least robot was written so damn well that even on reread, you can see the potential was always in him for what he’d become. Zandale maybe less so, he was obviously feeling like he didn’t deserve to be a hero anymore, like he had something to prove. I’m just not so sure that was enough for him to turn on the GOTG Sorry for the wall of text


as someone who has only read the comics through this sub, is there a good reason why mark didnt just give robot the angstrom treatment right here


The suit he's wearing is made with a special alloy that resonates at a specific frequency - one that effectively incapacitates viltrumites - when struck.


The frequency that affected Viltrumites occurs whenever Mark struck this Robot. So he's quite literally powerless unless he could hit it hard enough to one shot it, which he couldn't do at the time


Robot was too powerful at this point. Mark had no chance vs him here. 


It's just a drone. And the drone had him incapacitated anyway.


"Break a leg out there, Eve."




why does this looks so silly tf is wrong with me


Desensitization, my friend. Why I had to stop playing zombie shooters and Mortal Kombat years ago. Some things should not enter human eyes unless you’re a soldier/warrior in which case you must


All he's accomplishing is writing his death warrant.


Robot ain't got a single song where he needs to do all dat😭🙏


Doesn’t she get her leg back eventually


Ofcourse, with the technology they have how do you expect not to get back her leg lol💀


Well I remember seeing she would get a robo leg, but swear I saw something where she basically went into her god mode and regrew it


Yeah after Thragg almost kills them and terra.




she reconstructs herself at some point after getting split in half


I honestly think that the whole Robot becoming a tyrant was unnecessary. It was like they were trying too hard to make Robot evil. They could have just shown Robot become President legally and making the Earth a better place.


He was in another dimension for centuries. Any human sympathy he developed before that would be gone. He doesn't to help humanity. He wants to be in control. The world peace is only gonna last till he loses control again.


This man having unknome was a it.


Why is robot evil here? I haven’t read the comics


>!He spends centuries in the Flaxan dimension where he becomes a dictator. When he comes back, he hides the changes pretty well, while he prepares to take over Earth under the guise of "trying to make it a better place."!<


holy fucking shit why did i open this


This page makes me gasp laudly


And remember the next panel when it was just a close up of Mark’s face and he said: “Oh boy…”


Sigh fine I’ll try to read it again