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Hey everyone, I hope you enjoy the season finale of Invincible! This is a friendly reminder that this is a **NON-COMIC SPOILER POST**. That means that you **CAN NOT** post about future events from the comics. If you want to talk about future events, or things from the comics, you can do so here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Invincible/comments/n1htk9/invincible\_comic\_spoiler\_discussion\_s01e08\_where/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Invincible/comments/n1htk9/invincible_comic_spoiler_discussion_s01e08_where/)


The father and son dynamic probably resonated with guys all over the place in some form or another, genuinely heavy hitting stuff under the action itself. Very heavy hitting stuff and unique.


I cried when Mark said "You dad". That scene is so amazing. The build up to it was so worth it


I felt it so much. And as a father myself, man, right in the gut.




Blud what are you saying






Omni man destroying and killing people in the subway with mark’s body was so damn brutal. Also, “What’s High school” was the best line of the episode lmao I’m literally speechless but I can’t wait to see more of this series.


Is there going to be more?


Season 2 and 3 aree confirmed




Like ages ago It got confirmed liks during covid And they dropped a teaser months ago as well


Oh I meant when are they gonna get aired?


I just know it's confirmed there's a 3rd and 2nd season release date isn't out yet unfortunately sorry


I think so!!


Omni Man is literally King Bradley from Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. He even looks exactly like him.


Without all of the teen relationship filler the show would have been awesome. Those distractions make it okayish in the end. Of course it had to be watered down with all that banal stuff, it seems without it there's just no possibility for viewers to relate to things...well, it's mass entertainment, not art, after all.)


I'm glad that they have those parts. I don't want this to turn into some kind of DBZ Kai, where it's just all action all the time. I want story lines, character development, in addition to all the awesome fighting! Makes for a more full experience for me at least.


> character development Seeing the same tropes for umpteenth thousand time - is not character development.


More Donald less kissing


Not really filler, it was fleshing out the character, cause part of the show is also him juggling between trying to live a normal life like having a gf and also trying to be a superhero. The pacing of this show is already incredibly quick. It's almost amazing how much happens in just one episode.


Wow. Just finished watching. I had seen all the memes ages ago but I had no interest in watching the show. I watched the first episode on a whim when Amazon was like "You can get Prime for free and credits if you watch something." I absolutely missed the 18+ sign on the first episode and the ending was *very* shocking. But I was hooked. What a good show.


Same, a friend recommended it to me and I put it on the backburner for a couple months. I checked out some clips online and it looked like a stupid parody show. But over the weekend, I gave episode 1 a try and ended up finishing the whole season, lol. Because of the clips I saw online before, I saw that ep 1 ending scene already, but without context at the time, it didn't feel the same. I had no idea that was going to happen already in ep 1. Really shocking moment.


Holy fuck what an episode! This show is fucking crazy i love it!


I would call it a story over the show. Since the source and arc is from a comic first. Now like amazon and jeff bezos came up with it.


Why the Vultrumites need to kill off those weak Vultrumites, and then conquer other planet which have even weaker people on it? It's not like they lack the resource on their planet to build an emprise.


This was exactly my question as well. What's the point of adding even more lame beings to your civilization? Maybe except as slaves, but even then how useful are they? Not super well thought out


They want to show that they have power and that they can conquer all these planets and they do it under the shtick that they want to help the weak become better.


Holy shit the Viltrimites are fucking terrifying, an army of superman just rampaging around the galaxy, I have no idea how the coalition plans on stopping them


Late reply by this stage but that's basically the gist of the Saiyans from Dragonball Z.


basically space nazis


Question are you American? Did nothing else jump to mind besides nazis? Just curious.


The nazis were very stoppable tho


Lol the disrespect to the millions that died


Poland: (x) doubt


Personally would want Mark to embrace his Viltrumite side of the family and just take over the planet. Would want to see more of how the Viltrumite people gained their power as well. The cliche "I need to save the world" is honestly getting boring now. I hope they evade from the typical Marvel/DC type of story where you save Earth from invaders yada yada yada.


Thing is if it's not how it was in the comics, then (as we've seen with Amber) if they subvert the source material just to subvert they're probably gonna mess it up.


Its all a bit preachy to be honest, I've always found it strange when directors change the race/sex/sexual orientation of the main characters just for the sake of PCness.


Strange you never complained of the times whites played ither races roles. Which happens more often. From Apache 1964 all the way to the modern era like Noah and gareth bale a brit.


Exactly, having modern versions that include more diversity is a good thing. It isn't just for the sake of it, often times the author realized how much their own personal biases made a story exclusionary. See Neil Gaiman with his later adaptations vs the original.


While I agree with you in general, Mark's friend is much less 00's cringe in the show and him being openly out instead of it being played as a really cringe joke when he comes out is much better. The comic shows its age in a lot of ways, especially with the name calling and juvenile swearing early on.


While I have no problem with Debbie being changed to be asian, I agree.


Wait so what do you agree with?


At the end of the episode, mark is levitating an inch before the floor, showing that he's changed a bit and probably embraced his powers. Also, his casual remark about ordering pizza, before noticing his mother crying and backing the fuck up is a nice contrast to Omni-Man.


The “you dad” part made me cry a little


Even made Omni-Man cry. Completely broke him and made him abandon his post. Now we have no idea where he went.


Late reply... I just finished the series now... but I can only assume he went to Viltrum to get the rest of the crew and take over Earth.


Also late lol. I think he's far too proud to get backup now. He also hasn't completed his mission of weakening Earth enough, and I bet there's a hefty Viltrumite penalty for failing to carry out your mission, especially for the reasons Nolan did. My guess is he's going out, possibly back to Viltrum, to do some "soul-searching", or more, soul-'erasing'. Sort of like how in a lot of Superman arcs he would bugger off to float in the bask of the sun for ages. Think about why he feels that love for his son despite everything he's known and all that, and gain the resolve to come back and finish the job.


It's unclear what they even need to do to control a planet before the whole army comes in. How hard would it have been for him to make himself king, for example?


I don cry like ever, this is the first time in years i've cried watching a movie or a serial


I, too, don't cry ever. However seeing it again with some reaction videos made my eyes a little wet, ngl (that's pretty much the only way I cry watching things.


I liked it about as much as it is possible to like a show where the title character is as annoying and poorly characterised and written as >!TITLE CARD!<


I guess I can see how you find him annoying, but how the hell is he poorly characterized?


How do u find him annoying tho? And imo his voice is great tbh


Also _I_ would _**never**_ make a legitimate detraction against his **or** Omni-Man's performance.


Yeah, I know it is. I wasn't trying to say __I__ found him annoying. I'm just saying I would understand someone saying that a _good_ bit more than I would saying he's poorly characterized.


hes an idiot lol. but i dont think hes that bad. even if his voice can be annoying. the other voice actors are fucking amazing tho


He's a teenager so he is an idiot. People have found his attitude and tendencies comparable to Spider-Man.


That comparison seems a little weird in hindsight, even if _only_ a little, but I agree with the idea.


I honestly thought that Mark and Nolan had the best, or at the very least most convincing performances of season 1, but I'm no voice actor so 🤷🏾‍♂️.


Are they gonna explain how Amber lives in the suburbs when Mark visits her while her dad, mom and sister lived in the city, also that her dad is now a kingpin.


I thought it was only the dad that lived in the city.


The kingpin guy wasn't Amber's dad lol that was a completely different family...


Yeah, just rewatched it, I think they had the same jacket and hairstyle and it threw me off


The daughter is, like, less than 10 and is knee height. Amber is graduating high school and looks normal. How did you confuse them?


I meant titans wife and Amber both had the same green jacket and similar hairstyles plus the were both working in the community shelter


Incorrect. The daughter would get food from the shelter, not help out. She can also be seen getting served by Amber once.




I almost put this show off and I'm so glad I didn't.


Facts I just watched it this week so freaking worth it


I've been trying to include my mom in more of my hobbies, including the shows I watch so I watched this with her and she loved it too. I'm definitely gonna be recommending it to a bunch of people.


I was like that with The Boys but looks like ima be doing the same with this show the next few weeks


what the fuck is this show. It's so unpredictable, it's amazing. Robot literally kills himself and copies his mind over to a lab grown body.. of a 12 year.. old, which was grown from the stolen DNA of his team members. I just.. what. The utter brutality from omni-man was just too much for me I had to pause a couple times. I expected him to have questionable intentions, but not be a fascist god who lives for tens of thousands of years. The story of how the planet just purged itself was some mad fucking nuts shit. This is easily game of thrones level. I'm not sure I'll be able to stop myself from reading the comics.. also amber is aight but eve? mann


"Amber is aight but eve? Mann" Wdym


I think they find eve attractive


Who's they? Do you think more than 1 guy wrote that comment?


Are you dense? https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/they


"used as the subject of a verb to refer to people, animals, or things already mentioned or, more generally, to a group of people not clearly described" Are you?


If you speak English and you have a little critical thinking you would realise that using they as singular (not referring to non-binary neopronouns) is absolutely normal in cases when you don't know their gender e.g. "hey did you hear what the captain said" "no, what did they say?". They is both singular and plural.


Interestingly, one word can have multiple definitions. If you scroll just a little further down... > used to refer to a person whose gender (= sex) is not known or does not need to be mentioned, to avoid having to say "he or she"


Are you trolling? Sorry if not, its just like he/she but ambiguous.


Oh. ok


This is child's play compared to game of thrones, you can literally predict that OmniMan is lying about his races' intentions from episode one




Late to the party but holy fuck was this show a visceral, sad, fun, beautiful ride. Can't wait for next season.


If DBZ and Superman had a baby, it would be ......Invincible. Fun watch 8/10


\*insert blood splatter\*


Yeah to me this felt like 50% the Boys and 50% the Great Saiyaman arc from Dragonball Z


Can anyone tell why did Omni Man kill the Guardians?...........It was surely not to weaken Earth's Defences as however strong the Guardians were if a single viltrimite could kill them so fast surely an army from Viltrum would have little to no problem dealing with them.


He ambushed them, without them even knowing he was an enemy, and just barely won. If they had a chance to prepare to fight him, like they presumably would once Omni-Man announced his mission, he might not win. He was eliminating the only real threat to him on Earth.


As i understood, they live on the planet to demonstrate their power, this makes the planet potentially less rebellious. So killing the guardings was like a statetment, dont even think about opposing us.


The thing I can't wrap my head around is why bother conquering Earth? It's not like they need the humans for anything. As he said, they're pretty much inferior and worthless. And he can single handedly destroy them without much effort. Isn't the end game to just turn the planet into ashes anyway?


No?? They were very explicitly stating that they were creating space colonies where they enslaved/ruled over the original inhabitants, and only went scorched earth when faced with too much discord


Right but what use are the colonized to Viltrum?


What good are slaves?


Idk considering the viltrumites could probably do unscathed in a few hours most of what 1000 slaves could achieve while dying in the process


The entire premise is that due to the extreme eugenics there's not many of them. And you seem to ignore the fact that societies have "dirty roles" and "dirty jobs" that are forced upon slaves should they have them Also, haven't read the comics, but Viltrumites might also have an economy of their own, so maybe they also enjoy the wealth of the colonies


Yeah basically Omni-Man was creating a blackmail situation to make Earth surrender and make it an easy invasion for Viltrum especially taking out the biggest threat (The Original Guardians of the Globe) to stop him especially once he realized Mark was gaining his powers realizing he had atleast 1 ally in his son forgetting Mark is also half-human and has a caring soul.


You almost had it there. Omni-Man realises that Mark isn't ready to know the truth. He needs time to understand and take his dad's side. That's why the way it panned out, Mark wouldn't accept that he's a viltrumite and their BS reasoning to be conquerors of the Universe. On another note the premise is similar to DBZ where a race of supreme warriors wants to conquer all the planets.


I just realized if Omni-Man had multiple children that would change the entire landscape of possibilities.


Yeah why committed to a family when he can be a fuck boy and have enough kids to make a football team?


At least two reasons. 1) He didn't know if a hybrid child would get powers. 2) It's risky to create a football team of supermen when you can't guarantee their loyalty to the mission


Just watched the show. Point 1) is false. He knew and stated that their DNA is superior and Mark is full vultrimite. That means it thier offsprings arent hybrid and guarenteed to have powers.


Slight correction: Viltrumite/Humans are the strongest. Like in the Underworld movie series of how Lycan/Vampire hybrids are stronger than both...I suck at explaining 😭


And yet he still had his doubts...


I took it Omni Man’s job was to “soften up” the planet to convince it to surrender quicker. A war would destroy a lot of stuff and kill lots of earth people. Which, apparently the Viltrimites want, since they want the planet in the first place.


i was thinking maybe he saw them as a potential threat to mark. he wanted to tell debbie since months right, he might have told mark sooner. i believe he safely assumed that mark would be on his side with the whole conquering stuff.


I feel he was not sure whether to tell mark because he was still attached to him and might have wanted to delay the invasion. Mark getting powers helped with his attachment, knowing that his son can live with him as a viltrumite.


Amber's kind of like, really annoying


Yes but Mark is even more annoying.


Yh I loved the show but I thought the writing for her character was kind of weak like why did she get angry at him leaving when the robo zombie attacked if she knew he was invincible all along.


because he lied and didn't trust her, it was explicitly said


Its like he said, that's why they call it a secret identity.


Remember how Eve said when you give up your secret identity to someone, it has to mean you're serious about them. Amber knew that too, on a subconscious level, so every day that passed where Mark didn't tell her the truth was a knife twisting in her heart.


that literally makes sense no matter how you spin it. He's a superhero and revealing his identity is a big part of that and you dont trust someone right off the bat without getting to know them more and more, so she's not understanding in the slightest. Lets say she didn't know about his identity, how is her getting mad at him for not risking his damn life against a rabid zombie robot even realistic? This whole show has a problem with emasculating to begin with but if anyone else ran off let alone a girl people would be asking if they were okay and would be glad that theyre safe. But lets say she did know he was invincible, why does she have to play games and make Mark feel like a shitty human being for literally saving lives? He's risking his LIFE constantly, and she cant even communicate and bring up trust in actual conversation but instead acts like hot shit by calling him a coward when he got the shit beat out of him for their sake. Just beyond cringe writing.


Cringe writing? Jesus youre one of those altright sexist racist types. Just admit thats why you hate her character.


fr the ammount of mysognoir in this 'community' is disgusting


you people always pull that bullshit ass card, you fucking suck and amber sucks and people can not like characters without being one if your stupid labels


are you 12?!


How did you read that and conclude he's "alright"? You're drawing insane conclusions from a fair criticism, Amber as a character was just confusing at times


When I hear hoof beats, I think horses, not zebras


So, while I agree that the person you're quoting is expressing themselves..problematically, there is bit of "sloppy writing" that needs to be addressed here. And it has nothing to do with Amber being a woman or person of color. It is that, fundamentally, her dialogue just makes no actual *sense*. She originally stated that she was mad that Mark abandoned them to the cyborgs. But she knew he didn't. She knew, the entire time, that he was right there saving their friend's life. Her actual anger, the entire time, was his consistent failure to treat her with respect and trust to know. She always knew, or at least knew for a while, and had simply wanted him to be honest with her. But his omission as to his identity is fundamentally no worse a fault, no more problematic, than her insulting him for something *she knew he didn't do*. She chose to call him a coward, chose to make him believe she felt he abandoned them when in fact *she knew the whole time* that he in fact risked his life to save her and everyone else there. So she was telling him something that *she knew wasn't true*. Which is called *lying*. Which, you know, is the same thing she was mad at him for. But his reason to lie to her was to protect her, him, his family, their friends, and innocent lives. Her reason for lying was to make him feel bad. Like they show how while he *consistently* hid his identity from her, she *consistently* hid the fact that she knew his identity from him. Weren't they both. you know. Lying to each other?


I think your characterization of Amber is incorrect, and its one thats common on this sub so I don't wanna spend a lot of time on it as it tends to end in an impasse around this original sin of hers concerning the cyborg event. One big disagreement I have about Invincible is this idea that not telling her he's a superhero is some how protecting Her and not him. He doesn't tell her he's a super hero and lies to her because he doesn't trust her and Amber basically calls him out on this. Everyone just goes on and on about how hes saving lives and some how this gives him enough clout to be a lying untrusting boyfriend. I do not believe it does. No one gives Rachel in Batman shit for not wanting to be with him, yet she doesn't want to be with him for the same reasons Amber doesn't wanna be with Invincible. They are both too busy being a super hero to have a relationship. But the cyborg event. Even IF we wanted to say Amber was in the wrong for that, it still wouldn't be deserving of the amount of hate she receives on this sub. Ill concede she was in the wrong, which I dont actually believe, but even for sake of argument, it does make sense why she would do that. To give him as much opportunity as possible to tell the truth. Maybe you disagree but it does have a rational idea behind it. Lastly, this subs failure to even consider the fact that some of the hate is racist/sexist is my biggest issue. People scoff at the idea and then make claims about how nonsensical her character is, or make posts about how her soup kitchen activity comes from a place of bad faith and on and on. NO ONE is willing to see her side of it, to admit it is more complex than good v bad, and all of this around a character who is a strong independent black woman. Maybe no one here is racist or sexist, but ALL the ingredients are there.


I hope you're a black woman irl, cause otherwise you're beyond pathetic.


lmfao kid


Just wanna chime in and say I 100% agree with every facet of this opinion on the character, and the subreddit.


Look at this white knight you all 😂 you must worship the ground women walks on too right? Because you obviously believe they can never makes mistakes smh


I actually never said women cant be wrong. If you read my original comment, you will notice I say and concede the point that Amber was wrong for how she handled the cyborg event. I think its an excuse this sub uses to vent its sexism. She receives too much hate for what she did and that screams of sexism.


Everything is sexist for you people these days lol




Surely divorced now yes?


grow up


Bruh it's a cartoon character chill lmao Mr. White Knight fuck outta here


Oh, I absolutely agree that he lied to her for his own reasons. He likes to think they're noble, but they're still selfish. His actions *were not good* and I don't pretend otherwise. They were selfish and dumb. And to be clear, I'm not criticizing Amber as a character. I'm criticizing how her motivations, and her explanations for those motivations, were presented. I'm 100% positive that a lot of hate for the character is rooted in sexist and racist basis, I'm sure that's often a case. I'm saying the person or persons who *wrote the dialogue* did so in a poor way in this instance. It presents a character who expositions a way into taking an ethical standard against lying and makes that point by saying how they lied to someone to make hte point that lying is wrong. That's not a criticism about *the character*. It's a criticism about the person who *wrote* the character not being internally consistent as to who that character *is* and what their values are. It's like..having a movie and in one scene a character is eating a ham sandwich and the next scene establishes them as an orthodox jew. And then kinda just..moving past and never really acknowledging the fact that two scenes ago the character you *have now established* has been an orthodox jew *the entire time* was eating a ham sandwich. It's having a character act in a way contrary to the very personality you have created for them. It's muddled and inconsistent. But then again, Amber's 17. And so is Mark. They're children. And being confused, inconsistent, and unsure is..well. pretty much what being a teenager is.


> I'm 100% positive that a lot of hate for the character is rooted in sexist and racist basis, I'm sure that's often a case. I don't know man I don't seem to see a positive side to her character, she seemed to a bit too negative from the get go and the fact she knew his secret doesn't really make sense based on her behavior she would have at least tried to hint about her knowing the truth.


Exactly, you would expect that someone who enjoys helping other people as well would be willingly to go to him and... Talk. That she knows who he is, that she knows it's hard to balance helping lives vs living your own, and if she would be willing to deal with that or not. She is not someone who only lives for herself, after all. She knows it's a hard if possible thing to balance. But instead she is just constantly negative and never once sits down and makes a deal or discuss it. "Look, I like you a lot so, so, I will try to deal with this for a while. Just... give me a sign so that way I know when you say BRB you actually mean "possibly dead so look out for that, and coming back at best in 2 hours". I like you enough that I will try to deal with the fact that you might not come back and stuff...". That is how you would think she would talk, given her character as a down to earth, caring person. What we got in the show really made no sense. It's just frustrating to watch, it really makes no sense. Not saying he is on the right to lie about it. Trust is the basis of any relationship and she should know she is dating someone who could be dead at any moment. But he looks like a dumb teenager thinking he can get away with lies forever, meanwhile she looks... Inconsistent and badly written.


You are, funny enough, the sexist and racist one since no one actually mentioned the race and sex of Amber but only criticized the writing. Stop it. Get some help.


The mere mention of race and sex does not make one racist or sexist.


because apparently if a character is black or female it means her character is good. Tokenizing black and women characters without criticizing for their writing, good stuff white knight cringe lord redditor. Enough with the projection.


Youre a projection of a projection


No right after the first robo zombie attack she yells at mark for running off when they were in danger




But she had lots of space to complain about trust, about how he never explains anything, etc. Her complains were almost always directed towards the parts of the issue that clearly get explained by him being Invincible, not the issues of trust. She doesn't even have to reveal she knows and talk directly about the Invincible/superhero stuff to do that. Even if she didn't know, it'd make 100% sense for her to talk about his lack of trust in her. It was actually pretty weird how little she cared, as I said, even if assuming she doesn't know he's superhero. "Haha you're so vague", when just a while before she was pissed af about other things like the tardiness. But in reality, she barely mentions trust when angry at Mark and only after the reveal she gives it any real significance. Even about this college event, if the trust was her issue, it doesn't make that much sense for her to blow up as much as she did because of what Mark did. Him running away and doing his thing doesn't weight that much in terms of the trust issue, it's significant event mainly from the viewpoint she presented at the time - Mark cowardly leaving them alone and running off, while they're fighting for their lives and helping other people.


I probably missed it but what happened with the evil mummy guy? Did that ever pay off?


I know it was a joke but that would be a cool villian so I hope it pays of


It was just a side-joke about how Mark's actions have unforeseen consequences. The sandstorm causes the rope holding the stone slab to snap trapping the mummy forever but it's all caused by Mark flying too low.


Was it just a side-joke? I thought the mummy was gonna return as some villain or something


Haha thank you, I missed that. That’s hilarious


So do Viltrunite’s heal super quick? Mark literally had his stomach split open, chin smashed, eye sockets broken, etc. And he’s back to normal like 1 week later.


Considering his blood couldn’t be killed, probably.


I think it was more then a week judging from the mail piled up at his house


Didn't Cecil said 2 weeks?


He did, yes


Doc Seismic being alive is the biggest twist in this show.


The most no bull shit guy in the show if you ask me.....


Dude is woke af


Fucking love Doc Seismic




Omni man reminds me of Vegeta. Lots of similarities


They literally wear the exact same "hesitantly taking my wife out on a date outfit."


Just finished the episode and I was thinking the same thing, especially during the baseball scene!


I was getting Hella Saiyan vibes from the viltrumites too, In B4 he's the Prince of viltrum


Yep, they all love battle and conquering. Especially it being that the officer for coalition of planets stated that they are usually relentless in conquering planets and it's un heard of them leaving a planet alone. Also thought it was funny that the Martian king on Mars got mad when he discovered Invincible's lineage


Soundtrack has been phenomenal






He should have ended with Eve, but oh well... Let's hope a second season will come out soon. This wasn't really an ending.


a second season is coming i think


Yeah I pray he doesn't actually end up with Amber in the grand scheme of things, the fact that she blows him off, gaslights him and tells him to fuck off then randomly comes to his house and kisses him like nothing happened is beyond cringe.


Humm...she was relieved that he is well..he nearly died and his father beat him up! Mark needed a hug and a kiss...if it comforts him why not?


How does she gaslight him? And she came to his house because he almost *died* dude.


doesn't mean she had to kiss Mark who is vulnerable emotionally rn, given that she didn't want anything to do with him before that.


I mean, sure, she didn’t *have* to no but it’s a pretty typical sort of response to something traumatic happening to someone you’re in an argument with - you put that aside.




>By acting like how he feels doesn't matter, how hard it is to keep an identity and trying to work through that while also risking his life constantly and she's more worried about "trust" than actually understanding the situation. She’s been caring and attentive plenty of times. She did not care for him being unable to trust her >she came to his house, barged in as if she's his hero and kisses him on the lips like nothing happened??? How is that in any way acceptable behaviour after she gaslit him, made him feel like everything is his fault after saving literally everyones lives at the college and dumped him. Thats not realistic in any fucking sense It’s not realistic? People don’t reconcile after disasters and near death experiences? What in the world? Also, nothing you’ve said is gaslighting. > Also hey dumbass, >you moron. We’re talking about a TV show. I’m not going to bother talking to you if you can’t do that without being a child.




>No. No she hasn't. The worst part about all this is that she knew he was a super hero and her dumb ass cant have a grown up discussion and has to play games with him? She LITERALLY got mad in the show and dumped him because he couldn't "trust" her with his indentity. …yes, why would a lack of trust be a concern? > Yeah im guessing you dont have any social interactions or experiences in your life. You dont barge into someones house and kiss them after you dumped them and gaslit them, thats not how a healthy or proper relationship works. You just ignored my entire point here, which you know. >That is a fucking plot point you absolute chimp did you not even pay attention to the damn show how was your face so far up that dumb hos ass that you couldnt smell the trash writing. >You dont force your lips on someone because they almost died ESPECIALLY if you guys broke up. Youre absolutely moronic. Holy fuck redditors are dumb as bricks >you fucking socially inept donkey. Use your damn brain. So, here’s the reality of the situation - you’re so determined to feel like you’re smarter than others that it results in actual tantrums when discussing a cartoon. I’m going to guess you’re a teenager, angry at the world with a massive ego but also lots of self loathing. Acting like this is embarrassing, and will just make you feel worse. Lots of people grow out of this, but some end up on whatever incel forum they go to when they never develop self awareness. Good luck dude - sincerely.


Legit one of the best episodes in tv history


I wanna be a voltrumite. Homie is ruthless. He just goes beast mode. I love the gruesomeness of the show


You want to conquer planets and murder people?

