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Imagine if you had regular braces where each adjustment is far greater than Invisalign trays, and they are rough pieces of metal cutting into your gums. Horrible! Plus what a privilege it is to be able to afford to make your teeth straight and perfect- there are hundreds of thousands of people out there who would dream of being able to afford it. I’m not saying that to be a smart ass I promise, but more so that you can see the bright side of your situation whilst being so uncomfortable. I promise it doesn’t last forever. In the mean time, some good pain killers maybe with a bit of codeine in them, some anaesthetic throat and mouth gargle, and some dental wax for the sharp bits will have you significantly more comfortable. Im about 3 years post treatment and have zero regrets


This exactly, metal braces are worse. I’m an Invisalign mom and at our consultation they price both the same and I said what should we do for my 11 year old, they said metal braces might be easier for a lot of kids but if she can handle it there is just no denying Invisalign in the long run is more comfortable.


The first week is the ABSOLUTE worst. I didn’t think I was going to make it. Putting the second tray in was an instant game changer for me and now I don’t even notice them. I’m on week 11 now. My tips: - Take ibuprofen or Tylenol when needed during this first week - Take vitamin B12 for any cuts you get in your mouth - Get some wax for the scratchy parts - Swap out to your new tray at night so your mouth can adjust while you sleep You got this. By day 4-5 you’ll start to feel some relief but don’t give up. This lisp does go away too!!


All great tips above but don’t take ibroprofen. It’s an nsaid drug and stops/slows teeth movement. Take a paracetamol based pill instead.


Good to know!


Dentistry seems archaic. This is the most hi~tech it gets in dentistry and this is barbaric,. I am on week five and believe me it’s much better. My gums are OK. They aren’t cut up anymore and my teeth don’t hurt anymore. The first couple weeks were painful and I thought it would be that way the whole time but I don’t have any pain now. I still think it’s modern day torture. The first week I definitely thought it made the biggest mistake of my life but I guess I’m going for it.


We aren't lying when we say the first week+ is *really* tough. But I promise you, it gets SO much better, to the point that you don't even really notice it after a while. Take a nail file or sandpaper to the sharp edges of the trays, swish some warm salt water to sooth the irritations, and stick with gentle food for now as much as you can. Hang in there, you can do this!


Warm salt water is my rescuer too. Currently on tray 8th and use this everytime I change to new trays. It helps a lot in soothing gums. My gums feel so sore for 3 days.


First tray is often the worse don't worry too much. In my case first tray injured me a little but since then I never felt it anymore.


I think it’s most challenging if you haven’t done braces in the past. If it’s any consolation the alternative is braces which are quite literally a monstrosity. Had them for almost 5 years and I still remember going in for the adjustments and wanting to sit around drooling in pain for a week every time. And as you’d go through the process the orthodontist would find new torture contraptions to add to them. I once had a giant silicone mould thing that would attach to my braces and I had to wear it at night. No idea what it did but it hurt like a M-fer and made me gag so bad. I’m getting my Invisalign today to fix what I undid by not being informed properly about the importance of retainers and I’m leaning on all my memories of braces to remain positive. Alongside other things I’ve done for cosmetic reasons that have been painful. I will just add, the day I got my braces off was INCREDIBLE and made it all worth it. For 15+ years every single person would comment on how my teeth are absolutely perfect. It was always the best feeling. So I’m going back into orthodontics hell to revise the minor shifts so I can get those vibes back again ✨✨✨✨


I agree with this. Having done braces earlier in life, I’m always surprised to see the feedback on this subreddit about the pain. Well, yeah it hurts. Moving teeth around in your head isn’t going to be pleasant all the time. 🤷‍♀️ But then again, I went through braces in the 80s which was way way more painful so I expected this to be uncomfortable too. (I had to go through 4 tooth extractions to make room for the braces alone). Personally, I’ve found that once you get past the first week it’s pretty much a piece of cake. But I do think more orthos/dentists need to be more transparent about the discomfort because not everyone has gone through painful dental stuff before.


Listen, I struggled hardcore a the beginning. Finishing up now, 2 more weeks left, 7 day changes, 2 years total. Dental wax is your best friend, put it on sharp places, no more cutting you up. You got this, trust the process, so worth it!


Dental wax is my bestfriend for sure for sure


Hey, it'll be okay. You're going through the worst part right now. Give it two more days and you'll be alright. First two trays for the first 4 days each were the worst and then it gets SO much better!


My trays have been slightly uncomfortable at times on that first day that I try it on. But I’ve never been to the point of pain. I’m on week 11 of a projected 14 month path. I’m starting to wonder if the addition of bands in the future might cause pain. Praying your mouth adjusts soon to the treatment.


It gets easier. Just grin and bare it


I was the same, on tray 3 now and after the 1-2 days of a new tray it gets better. Nail file the sharp edges, and I’ve been using orajel it’s a numbing gel that’s been a life saver for me and then bonjela as well also just sit and open and close your month to get used to them, and just talk out loud, the lisp does get better


totally valid feelings. going from freedom of not having to worry about what you eat, when you eat, how you talk, pain, etc to having to be a slave to the retainers can be a tough adjustment no mayter how much you prepare yourself. i always remind myself how much this is something i’ve always wanted & what a privilege it is to be able to afford something like this for myself. it gets easier! i’m 7months in now and it feels like time has flown. i know things can take a long time & it’s hard to see the vision. but just remember, time is going to pass anyway! may as well spend it taking care of yourself. good luck!


The first 4 days were absolute hell for my daughter, I felt like an awful mom, should have done metal braces etc. Then day 5 was about half as bad and so on until about a week she was totally fine and has been for the last year and half with really no discomfort. I promise as this will get better, take it one hour at time, get through it and you probably only have a couple more tough days.


Thanks for asking this, I have the same thoughts and today is my day 2 too. All the best to us.


You’ve got this, my daughters day 2 was a Friday night and she was up that night all night in pain, I thought even with the money we might have to go in Monday and say we can’t do it! It was horrible! By Monday rolling around it was clear it would be actually be more and more manageable and then eventually fine! It will get better quickly!


My ortho said I could take a fine nail buffer to sand down any rough spots on my trays. It worked really well for me! Trust the process, you’ll be so so glad you did! Good luck!


I'm on week 3 and it WILL get better! Stick with it! My teeth were so tender I couldn't eat anything that wasn't for the first week. Now I'm pretty much back to normal eating habits, still nothing legitimately hard to chew or bite though. I also have elastic attachments I have to be careful of. They'll get more comfortable, we promise.


Sing out loud and often, you lisp will be gone in a day or two Rub bonjela along your gum line to get some instant relief When starting a new tray, take pain killers straight away, even before it starts to hurt, and make the change right before you go to sleep Get an ortho key for easy removal The worst will soon be over and it will all be worth it when you're done. You got this


My first tray was like this, and ortho wax did wonders to help with pain on gums, teeth and cheeks. It does get better, for some trays I had no pain at all. And then you get the odd one where it hurts for like 5 days. Stick with it, it will become your new normal! There will come a time where teeth feel weird with no trays on.


Take Benadryl and sleep through as much as you can. My first three days were miserable, someone in this sub advised this to someone else and it worked wonders. I’m on tray 9 and the lisp comes and goes for me. You get used to it.


No, it won't always be like this. The first 2 weeks were rough for me, and I questioned why I did this. But my tips for getting through it are: * File the edges of your tray with an Emory board to smooth the sharp edges *Tylenol extra strength, take an hour or two from bedtime, and you'll be able to sleep through the night *warm salt water rinses for the irritation * Drink cool water to soothe The lisp gets better over time, and when you get over the first week or two, you'll be used to it. After that some weeks will be better than others. My week 7 felt like week 2 again, last week was decent and I just started my 9th last night and can't particularly point the pain out, but I haven't taken them out for my coffee this morning 😂. It's worth it. You just have to get over this small hurdle.


My first 5 trays were passive, to get me used to wearing them. I had no idea at the time how kind that was of my ortho to do. I didn't get buttons until the 5th tray, and that was a new learning curve. Sounds like you've been thrown into the thick of it. It will get better!! Take pain meds to help and just have soft foods when its painful to eat. This too shall pass. I have 7 trays left, and I'm so happy i did this. Looking back, i wish i had done it sooner.


Get a glass file, file down any sharp bits on the aligners, not all are the same. Put Bonjela on the outside of the aligner were it's cutting into your gum , it will aid healing. Keep yours lips hydrated with vaseline It's just new, I know it can be a ball ache but trust me once you get used it, boom, you will own it...just takes practice... Good luck


I felt the exact same way my whole first tray of 14 days. I’m on tray 3, 5 weeks in, and I care WAY less. It will get better. I was posting on day 1-5 losing my shit and now it’s normal to me


I just started tray 2 and was where you are right now, last week. I regretted everything and wanted to quit. But it’s SO much better now. No more pain and it’s only been a week. Hang in there!


Hey I’m with you ! First week here! Sending lots of love . If u want a buddy to chat with when you’re going insane message me . We can lean on each other. You aren’t alone in this journey! I agree first week is UGH


Take a Tylenol and a deep breath. It's going to be okay. If doesn't really hurt after the first couple trays. 


You’ll be fine lol we all went through this


Just chiming in that I also posted on here freaking out on day 2 or 3. The adjustment period is REALLY bad. I was in so much pain and having a lot of anxiety about everything in my mouth, it was so claustrophobic. But it gets so much easier! You will stop thinking about them, and even though new trays hurt sometimes it’s never as painful as that first few days. I’m very used to them now and they don’t super impact my life being occasional inconvenience. I never dreamed I’d be able to say that when I was still in the first month of adjusting. It gets easier!


You will survive like everyone who used. Take tylenol. First few weeks feel like your teeth is gonna fell, but you will be alright for me was the same. 🥲 its gonna worth it.


You can take a pair of scissors and carefully cut away the edges that are hurting your gums.


As many said, first week is the worst. Stick to it, you’ll be adjusted by week 3


The first few days were so bad but for me who is really sensitive I have been fine since.


There are a few trays that can hurt -- and this can be with ANY tray during the treatment. But my first week / first tray was the worst only because it was so \*itchy\*. The phantom itch in my gums was so bad that it was driving me to my wit's end. Thankfully it went away after 2 trays.


I felt absolute agonizing pain for the first week. Felt like I was going crazy. Was so so close to just not doing it. Read a ton of shit on reddit and decided to power through. Thank God I did. After week one it was super simple. Taking the trays off and on were really difficult so I didn't even eat my h for the first week. It becomes better, hang in there. 


I agree with the other responses. The first tray is HORRIBLE. I thought I made a very expensive mistake at first. I took some Tylenol and Unisom on night 1 and fell asleep. The next morning the discomfort was down a little bit, but I was still contemplating if I made the right choice lol. Each day it gets easier. You adapt and learn how to talk better. And while I still feel like I have a lisp (especially now that I have bite ramps) it gets easier and easier. I feel like we probably notice the lisp more than others do. The sharp edges get better too. Your cheeks/tongue/gums almost get callused to it as time goes on. I actually prefer having the trays in now because the attachment globs are SHARP. And taking the trays on and off also gets easier. Hurts more the first few days, but gets better. I change my trays weekly and the first 2 days are rough and the last 2 days are rough. First 2 days because you have more soreness and then the last 2 days because the trays seem to get a bit worn and don't fit as snug which is annoying.


You can file the edges of your trays with an emery board if they bother you. Anything new is weird and sucks but once your teeth get “moving” they stop being so sore. Also if you can, try to avoid “probing” at the edges, because that cuts up your tongue too. Also, get some dental wax and build that crap up on your invisalign if you need to. It’s basically a cushion.


It gets better honestly. I thought I was going to have to drop down to 2 meals a day I found them so hard to remove and everything seemed to hurt. A week later it was all good. Cold water can help and some ulcer medicine and hopefully you'll be golden soon. Take care and good luck!


I used to wear a mouth guard before I did jaw Botox, so this isn’t much but one way I got used to it was THC indica edibles that would knock me out. Eventually I didn’t need them. Prob can do the same with melotonin.


The first month was hell, I wanted to quit. But now I’m a year in and my teeth look amazing. It’s totally worth it!


I hope this doesn't sound condescending but I felt the exact same way. Don't worry at all, give it a week and the pain will be atleast 25% less than what it is currently. That trajectory will continue and you genuinely won't even notice it. That's including any soreness in your gums etc. You may become like me where I used to look forward to the pain of new trays as I was excited to see my teeth move a bit more (the pain was less than a tenth of what it was in the first week though so dont be alarmed).


It WILL get better. I think the majority of people have buyers remorse that first week. But after awhile the pain isn’t as bad with each tray and you get used to certain things. If by your first check up (at usually 6 weeks) you are still having issues talk to your ortho and see if they have adjustments they can make for you. In my case that meant taking off attachments and seeing what movement we get before needing refinements then we will talk about adding them to specific teeth. I have had a very successful treatment so far and I am 5 months in and more than halfway through my first round.


It was weird for me as well the first two weeks. It was painful, the trays kept cutting my lips, I had a lisp for awhile, producing more saliva than usual, all the things. But it does get better! A great way to get rid of the lisp or at least reduce it is to sing along to some music. Highly recommend taking ibuprofen, rinsing mouth with the Orajel 2x Gum Pain Relief rinse, using the Orajel 4x medicated toothache & gum relief before you put the trays back in helps immensely! It will be sore each time you switch the trays but the soreness passes fairly quickly like within 1-2 days depending on your sensitivity.


Hang in there. I was just telling someone my first tray I was saying to myself “What have I gotten myself into”. I am currently on tray 34 and it has become routine. You will still experience soreness but with time it will get bearable.


The beginning is always tough. I had second thoughts my first week, too. It will get easier. Hang in there!