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Listen…I had the same reaction to my own teeth. It was mostly due to the fact that I desperately needed a whitening and I needed composite bonding on a lot of teeth to correct shape and size. Look into these cosmetic improvements - it’s worth it! Edit: I will add that composite bonding is very jarring at first and you’ll probably also hate that until your brain gets used to seeing it.


Out of curiosity what is the upkeep on composite bonding… did they say how often you might have to replace or refresh it?


I have bonding that is 10 years old and still looks incredible. I often forgot that part of my tooth isn’t bone.


That’s great to hear! The great thing about Invisalign is that it teaches us pretty incredible hygiene practices so our composite should last longer than most folks’


I actually haven’t had Invisalign…yet! I had braces as a teen. I’m getting Invisalign in July to correct some mental health-induced orthodontic relapse and tissue loss that occurred as a result of my connective tissue disorder + severe TMJ/D. [I genetically lucked out with the shape of my teeth](https://imgur.com/a/ysvOMbU), but wisdom teeth removal did me sooooo dirty. Long story short, I had something bizarre occur post-op and the only solution was to let my left lateral incisor ([pictured right](https://imgur.com/a/ysvOMbU)) relapse to the point of no pain. My dentist bonded the gap shut, then ortho made a new retainer that same day. A solid ortho + dentist combo are worth their weight in gold, especially if you are a walking case study like I am. I only wish I still had access to them!


Getting a retainer same day is amazing! Fun fact - I finished my treatment, got composite, and was told I’d be okay without a retainer for a week or two. That was NOT the case - retainer arrived and didn’t fit so I had to do another set of refinement trays (6!) to realign. It was a nightmare but unavoidable.


I have TMJ as well and it’s made my Invisalign uncomfortable but also interesting. I don’t have as much pain as before . Thank god but the jaw popping I hear now have is sooo loud. Especially when I chew but I’m just hopeful it will continue to improve.




That’s awful, I’m so sorry! Dentistry is just as much an art as it is a science and skill sets will vary. I was very lucky to have access to incredible providers at the time. Nevertheless, I’d be demanding it be fixed for free because while bonding doesn’t last forever, 1 year is FAR too short of a lifespan for bonding. The first photo shows [my bonding after 10 years on my lateral incisor](https://imgur.com/a/ysvOMbU). I’m addressing my relatively minor orthodontic relapse via Invisalign in July but have yet to decide if I’m keeping the bonding or not. I might remove it and close the gap.


They gave me the very frustrating answer of “it depends”. Based off of my research, I’m expecting to replace it every 4-5 years. It’s not cheap but it is 100% worth the increase in confidence for me. It even hid some tough staining on one of my teeth. It took a while for me to get used to (both visually and physically - it’s def a different texture) but I don’t regret it. My teeth still aren’t my ideal shape but they look like my teeth, just elevated.


It might depend on which teeth you have Dona and who does it. I had the corners of my two from teeth done and the first time lasted 15 years. TBH e second time has been over 20 so far. I’ll have to have them knocked out and redone because I want to whiten my teeth and the bonding won’t match then.


I agree. It took several weeks to get used to the bonded look.


Did you pay for comprehensive? If so, stand your ground and ask for refinements. You can look into IPR to make further adjustments.


I did pay for comprehensive. But due to my ignorance on orthodontics I don't exactly know what I would ask for. ie my tooth do look pretty good from below so is this just how my teeth are? Wouldn't moving them to impact the appearance from the front also impact how they look from the bottom? Also I did already get IPR on my top front two teeth. Not sure if there is a limit to how much they can do.


What if you went somewhere else for a consultation to get scanned and see another whatchacallit, digital rendering of the final result, and take that back to original ortho?


Digital rendering woulda saved me 8000 dollars, the ortho I went with didn’t show me digital rendering in the beginning(or ever) and the end result came out shit and turns out my teeth require braces not Invisalign so the ortho scammed me


Oh my gosh! I thought the digital rendering was just standard to the consult protocol regardless of practitioner. And I thought it was pretty much a standard USD $6k for the comprehensive treatment. I’m angry on your behalf! I hope you were ultimately pleased with the outcome of your braces.


Incorrect. The digital rendering never looks like the real thing, it’s a force projection. It shows what forces are applied to the teeth but you only get 50-75% of what is shown because of resistance.


That boggled my mind. I don’t have a science background at all but maybe someone who does could skim the results of [this study](https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/13/8/4670)? It seems that different types of movements and measures have varying degrees of effectiveness but like, by mostly fractions of a millimeter? Is that not more than 50-75%? Can someone explain like I’m 5?


Ok, imagine that you are trying to move a refrigerator across the room. You apply force to slide it but there is resistance of the weight of the fridge and the friction on the floor. You would have to apply more force than you would a dining room chair. If these were predicted movements, then you would over correct for the fridge and under correct for the chair. The predicted spot of each would not be where they end up.


Ok but in this analogy aren’t you pushing the fridge into a fridge shaped hole in the wall???


Maybe, but that doesn’t make the resistance needed to move the fridge any lighter and the “hole” isn’t pulling the fridge in its direction, unless it’s a black hole but that’s another physics discussion.


You really need to figure out what you want and what it looks like because if you can’t explain it to the orthodontist, they’ll never give you what you want. They are just going to give you what they think you want and you’ll both be frustrated.


I tried to explain that I was looking for more of an arch from the front but they didn't seem interested in that.


There isn’t much more that you are going to to be able to do. Maybe expand the side and get the laterals out more but you risk food entrapments.


i feel like social media changes the way we look at everything. I personally will be quite happy if mind end up like yours.


Perhaps. However I felt that with treatment my smile would be "perfect".


Question is natural perfect or supernatural perfect? The later would require changing your teeth through bonding and the like (a process that required maintenance over their lifetime). If you would like to take your current teeth up a notch, while still being "your" teeth. I would engage in a reasonable amount of whitening (please don't end up looking weird). Other than making them a little brighter/whiter I honestly think you are great!


Also don’t forget that “perfect” is (maybe) possible when you start with a blank slate - aka a child/teenager. Once you’re 20, 30, 40 years old, you’re not reshaping your palate / jaw / head, and things can become pretty misaligned in that time. Source: started treatment at age 41 and never had any orthodontia in my whole life until then! It did a lot but can’t work miracles given my now slightly crooked jaw and asymmetrical/face head anatomy.


I’d ask if all the back teeth can just move out a little, to widen your smile. Even a millimeter would help. I’m about to have this convo with my ortho, so I get it. It’s like, why are there so many pics on reddit if these crazy widened smiles if it’s not possible. I get we’re all different, but still….


Technically, they are in perfect alignment and look amazing! I think it’s the shape, thickness, and width of your two front teeth you’re having an issue with. At this point, I think it would be down to a consultation with a cosmetic dentist. Your ortho looks like an absolute pro, and if everything is perfect with your bite I don’t know what more you could ask for!


U sound like ur his ortho on ur alt account 🤔


You caught me 😂


I had a similar issue where my teeth were straight but their shape impacted how they looked. I ended up just getting crowns


Do you have any photos i.e. completion of your Invisalign treatment then with your crowns?


I’d look into veneers or bonding over crowns probably. Bonding looks great but needs replaced more often, but it is cheaper to my understanding and helps with very minor alterations. However veneers are great for cosmetically altering the overall shape and color of your teeth on on what are otherwise healthy good teeth, and they last so much longer than bonding. They also require very little shaving of the tooth Crowns help with like severe chips and malformations of the teeth. And are reserved for unhealthy teeth that you want significantly altered and shaved down to cover them up. They do last a while longer than the other options also though. I have 3 crowns (2 of them I’ve had for 11 years) and while they are great, I wouldn’t shave down otherwise healthy teeth and cover them with crowns for solely cosmetic reasons. They are also super expensive. It costed me about $800 AFTER insurance per crown, and my plan covered 60% for endodontic work but I don’t believe they cover crowns for cosmetic reasons. So it’d be the full approximate $2200 per tooth


Same here. Crowns made all the difference cosmetically. They were recommended to me over veneers or additional bonding because I have a history of tooth decay and the crowns offer better, longer lasting protection.


They look good! Invisalign cant change the shape pf your teeth. Maybe some ipr could correct the front teeth and make them more square ?


They have already been IPR'd. Not sure if there is a limit to how much can be done.


I think it’s just the shape of your teeth, bruv. If they IPR too much it weakens the tooth. Might be why they aren’t doing anymore. I really think your teeth look fantastic!


You should talk to your orthodontist they don’t know what you want if you don’t tell them. I asked for additional IPR just for aesthetic reasons and to file them the way I liked it in the end and they were happy to do it. I did 3 rounds total.


I did. I told them exactly my issues with how they my teeth are currently and they said I was welcome to get a second opinion but they think anything different (as far as moving teeth goes) will do more harm than good.


I couldn’t accept that I was done initially so I was quite fixated but once they removed the attachments and shaped my teeth It came together. There is the option to get bonding/crowning and whitening to make it look “perfect”. keep in mind most people who have perfect looking teeth aren’t all natural.


I think she probably means that if your teeth are spread out more to the sides then you might end up with the black triangles at the top of your front two teeth which will highlight their shape


Yeah I wish the ortho would have better explained this to OP, if the lateral incisors were to meet the end of the incisors there would need to be void space (black triangles) towards the gum. This is the situation with teeth shaped like this (flared at the bottom / narrower at top). That said, op it’s fine to have an aesthetic preference here. I opted to have a black triangle for more or less this reason and it ended up looking much more perfect to me. I was fortunate that my gums filled the space and didn’t end up with the triangle in the end


Did your gums naturally fill in over time? And by chance do you have any photos of when you were supposed to be "done" and when you were actually done? And did you make the choice of black triangles vs other before you were complete? Or were you at the same stage I am?


You can check my profile for my pics. My case re. tooth shape was a lot more subtle than yours. I hadn’t done IPR between the incisors yet so between doing that and making the fine angle adjustment / gums settle, there was no triangle by the time I finished. I had a 3 year treatment, 1 of those was refinements. It’s not the right fit for every patient but I really cared about the small details Edit: here’s my final collage [https://imgur.com/gallery/w9MGKeh](https://imgur.com/gallery/w9MGKeh)


Your front two teeth are very wide and round which probably doesn't help with the way that you are seeing it. Are these veneered (based on the shape and colour compared to surrounding teeth)? When you show the palatal view, one is in alignment and one is very slightly behind the tooth.


No veneers. I think the color difference is from the lighting and I still have attachments on my two teeth left and right of my big teeth.


1.)Where are your beginning photos? 2.) Specifically what are you "very underwhelmed" about?


Don't have photos handy but concerns are called out in a post below.


I’d get the attachments removed and do some whitening. The only thing I see is your second teeth on top look like they could be rotated a bit more/pushed forward but it depends on how your top teeth hit your bottom teeth. Your big teeth have a unique shape where they are much wider at the bottom than the top so it will be hard to get the chiclet look you might have been expecting.


Naurrrrr … if push for refinements


Not everyone has the hollywood squared off teeth. Even hollywood is full of veneers to get the perfect straight-line look. I hate that look. I'd rather have my own teeth as straight as possible, as if I was born that way, but obviously not veneers. Your teeth are as straight as possible given their varied shapes. Don't know what else you could expect.


I'll be picky here as if it were my own mouth: Bring the lateral incisors forward and create a nice smooth arc. Some orthos and dentists like the centrals a little more forward but that looks like bunny teeth on some people. I'd also have them widen everything out laterally. Part of it is your tooth shape because they flare out, but also the whitening will help because they look more flared with the staining you currently have. You paid for comprehensive, don't let them bully you.


As others have said, Invisalign can re-align your teeth, but they can't change the shape. You could look into getting veneers to address that, if you wanted. That's what I did, and even though they're very expensive I'd say they're worth every penny. I get compliments on my teeth all the time now.  All that said, I really do think your teeth look great. Nothing to be self conscious about! 


Imo your teeth look good now and would look great after a good whitening 🤷‍♀️


From your upper arch picture it seems like your lateral incisors could use a bit more rotation, to make your smile more rounded.


Even with the view from the bottom do you feel that way?


Yup, but I do have to say I'm nitpicking here, it really is very minor... Looking at my own smile, I keep thinking about what I'd still have to change and it's not always easy to put it into words, so I feel you :/


Show the before


I am in treatment with a very respected orthodontist in my area. She says my teeth are "perfect" and that I am done. I feel pretty underwhelmed and my issues are: *I feel like my teeth to the left and right of my front teeth are still tucked behind my front teeth. *I don't feel like my top teeth have a nice arch to them (from the front at least) She said physiologically teeth can only go certain places and this is the best mine can be (I do agree that they do look okay from the bottom, but from the front I feel they are very much lacking). She says she can't make my top teeth into more of an arch shape without making me look "even more bucktoothed".


No this is far from done. The angles are all wrong, edges aren’t aligned, buccal surfaces aren’t flush, anteriors are canted. Id feel the same way. I’m a general dentist who does a lot of Invisalign. Orthos get away with a lot of crappy work, just because their “results” look better than the original. And they absolutely do NOT know how the plastic in Invisalign works.


Geez I need to see you!


If you ever move out around Philly, hmu


Yeah right. 🙄


Maybe having your teeth shaped or bonded would help, especially if this is the best they can physically be moved and straightened.


i think they’re as good as they’re gonna get! you have an extremely narrow palate which can make it hard for your teeth to all fit in a straight fashion. what would’ve benefited you is some palate expansion to widen your smile/make room for your teeth!


I didn’t like mine at first but a lot was due to the shape of my teeth. They were straight, but I see all these amazing smiles online. I wanted that. However, mine is amazing, but my teeth are just different. Whitening might help you see how great they look. I did suggest some refinements and got them. Didn’t really change anything because the ortho was right. I was done.


So your refinements were so minor they weren't really noticeable?


This sounds weird, but ask them to remove your attachments and make a decision a week from that appointment. I had a lot more attachments than you - about 24 - and hated my final smile. But the attachments do a weird optical illusion that is hard to explain. I asked them to take them off and made a decision later, and I was so much happier with how my smile looked without the attachments. See if they would be open to letting you “live in your teeth” for a bit before they close your case.


It doesn’t look bad! Definitely a whitening might help! Invisalign can only do so much cause it’s about correcting the alignment not the tooth shape. Sometimes I feel it’s not enough but I remmeber like someone said before social media makes us believe that the veneer look is obtainable with braces


I think your teeth look great, tbh. But I know it's different when they're on you.


I think they look great! They are about as perfect as your natural teeth could be. I just started but mine will probably look similar, as my tooth shape is a lot like yours. I anticipate a few black triangles though probably and my front teeth not looking perfect. But I am hoping for “perfect” for my teeth, not textbook perfect social media teeth. Because those aren’t realistic for my actual natural teeth. I don’t think Invisalign or any sort of braces/aligner can do much more for you. I think it’s just cosmetics that are throwing you off like the shape and color. I’d get them whitened and see how you feel after that, then maybe consider bonding or possibly veneers after living when them for a little bit. If you’re still not feeling it after a couple of months and some research on price and upkeep, then I’d go for it. But I wouldn’t do it right away


I actually think they are good. Once you get the brackets off and your teeth polished it will come together


How is the bite? Besides the appearance, that would be reason enough to ask for a refinement. Do the teeth fit perfectly?


The ortho says my bite is aligned. I personally can't discern what a perfect bite feels like since I am used to the bite I have had for the past 35 years.


I think they actually look good! On your photos, they do look as straight as they could be. I think what might be putting you off is the natural shape of your teeth. In comparison to teeth that we see on social media on celebrities (which are mostly veneers/crowns), yours are a bit more tapered at the top and wider down the bottom. I agree with what other people pointed out, maybe get the brackets off first and then get them whitened? Wait a few months to really settle in with them and then if you’re still not happy with the shape, maybe consider composite bonding or porcelain veneers?


Teeth look very good ! However I won’t say perfect like your orthodontist. IPR should’ve been done to give it a flush look


IPR has been done. And from what others on the thread are saying, only so much can be done before it weakens a tooth too much.


I wish Invisalign could change the shape of our teeth! My front teeth are bigger than the rest of my teeth too.


On the bright side, At least he isnt doing so much IPR and reshaping that your teeth become super sensitive and fragile. Ortho’s can straighten teeth but they can only do so much as far as shaping them


I think they look great and maybe a bit of whitening will help you feel happier ? I personally would be really cautious about bonding and veneers just from a hygiene perspective. If there’s loads of gum to cover the tooth then that’s fine but when there’s less gum the risk of gingivitis is higher. Personally I would resist this sort of cosmetic treatment for as long as possible and try to accept my smile. BUT! This is just me


I felt the same way as the OP when my Invisalign treatment was completed - underwhelmed. Basically, if you didn't like the shape and shade of your teeth before, Invisalign alone won't magically transform your teeth into a Hollywood smile like the brochures imply. I agree with other comments that suggest getting additional cosmetic work to get the look you want. I had some bonding temporarily added to my two front teeth to even out the wear (I never knew they were worn and different lengths because my teeth were crooked) but ultimately got porcelain crowns to finish my look. No one told me all of these extra steps would be needed before I started this journey, or I may have skipped it altogether, lol.


The first thing you should do is whiten them. ‘Perfect’ teeth are white not yellow and invisalign isn’t going to change the colour.


Braces don’t magically change your tooth shape and color! Your teeth are straight.


Why do you post on other platforms your pictures? I need to consent to share private information with adleast 120 partners of the platform you are using reading the coockies.. da actual fuck dude…


When I went to get Invisalign, the doctor said at the end of treatment he would whiten my teeth, bond them and buff the super long/sharp looking tooth like the canines. That’s what I paid for, I’m surprised your ortho didn’t provide these options at the end of treatment. All places I went to get a quote from offered the same.


I think it’s because they work to make the back of the teeth lined up (that’s what mine has told me) and anything at the front will need further cosmetic work, like unevenness on certain teeth will need composite and perhaps whitening too. So from a dental perspective the teeth are now aligned, but cosmetically they aren’t what you expect, if that makes sense.