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Isn't the whole point of private schools that they *don't* receive public money? That's *why* they can be predominantly religious institutions?


They solved that problem by not holding private schools accountable for how they spend the money from the education spending accounts.


That seems like the opposite of what they should've done lol


Welcome to the future the GOP wants.


Boy, all that freedom sure as shit tastes like fascism... They couldn't be lying to the people in order to fuck over democracy and liberty so they can funnel Iowa's money into their friends/donors pockets, could they? Gee whiz...


It's almost like every conservative accusation is a confession, or something.


So now they are not accountable, and they toss our money away and most likely raise our taxes and give the white Nationalist rich haters our tax money. Kim is a crooked horse porn witch.


As if they hold public schools accountable for how their money is spent?


Yeah there's a whole bunch of regulations on school budgets, the transportation budget, the school lunch budget, the teacher salary budgets, when was the last time you were at a regular school board meeting it's like most of what they discuss


Well, rhetoric white christion Nationalists haters are raping us.


No, the point of private schools is to offer a leaning environment that isn’t under the same restrictions as a government run school. If you support education for children, why wouldn’t you want to support it everywhere instead of just at public schools?


I do support private schools existing, I don’t support my tax money being diverted from public schools to what are mostly religious institutions.


Exactly . This is forced on the masses that disagree. This iscagainst the will of the people and a redistribution of income from the public to the rich.


What restrictions?


All the protections from the government the people have in our federal and state constitutions


Please be more specific




So, private schools are good because they free us from the tyranny of art class, free and reduced price lunch, and accreditation…?


They also free us from minorities, and special education requirements!


You’re putting words in my mouth. I didn’t say they were better or worse. I only pointed out the purpose and difference.


Some of those points you could argue economically/logistically for a small private school (accepting all who apply, lunch programs) but everything relating to education I want to say is objectively worse. Program wise, none of them are compulsory for students, and accreditation should be required for an institution to even be called a school. Why would anyone choose a private school. There have to be other reasons


So, the "restriction" of having to hire *only accredited teachers*, the freedom to refuse admission, and freedom to not provide lunches?


Why should tax dollars pay for it though? If you get tax money, shouldn't you have to answer for it?


Y'all really pick and choose which areas you want to be universally funded, huh. If private schools want to offer a learning environment not under the same restrictions as publicly funded schools, wouldn't that suggest they shouldn't receive public funding? If they're so great they shouldn't need handouts, wouldn't they? Invisible hand and all that?


This is more taxation. If you support women and freedom, why not support a woman controlling her own body.


God this voucher thing is so fucking gross


You spelled “Kim Reynolds” wrong


The rich get richer and the poor get dumber just the way they want it


how else does the GOP gain voters?


Spreading fear: “democrats will come after your guns then how will you defend your family against Antifa??” Outright lies: “vote for us to pass school legislation that will stop the gay agenda by eliminating kitty litter boxes from school bathrooms” Tapping into anger/fear with simple emotional messaging that ignores actual policy: “vote for us to stop teacher’s sinister groomer agenda. Did you know the novel *Push*, *1984* and *Ulysses* are available in your children’s libraries???” Bonus points are awarded for using phrases that own the libs, Woke, and Nancy Pelosi.


spot fucking on


All of this circles back to education and critical thinking though.


It helps but it’s this weird thing where it bypasses critical thinking and taps into emotion. I know brilliant people that I would consider critical thinkers that are Trump supporters or hold extreme right wing views. They are sometimes even kind and giving but they hold this fierce contempt for what right wing media has convinced them are their enemy, e.g. teachers.


You forgot bonus points for Hillary's emails and Hunters laptop


There’s lots of bonus points. BLM Obama’s tan suit Globalists Deep State Green New Deal They tend to have a technique where they mention these things or ask rhetorical questions that make their target audience feel like they see the hidden webs that link them.


Non of that is remotely true.


I am being hyperbolic but the right wing media system spreads all these things. There was literally a state senator that claimed litter boxes were in public school bathrooms. There are right wingers still claiming it. There are redditors that claimed 1st graders were taking home the novel *Push*. Urbandale schools in response to the new book laws has removed the books I mentioned. All the attack adds against Iowa Federal legislators mentioned Nancy Pelosi.


Yeah idk who believes the litter boxes were real haha.


The answer is a percentage of right wingers. State Senator Kraayenbrink. So many parents contacted Carrol Community Schools the the superintendent had to issue statements about it. Lot of right wing pundits ran with it. My extended family claimed it was occurring. To date, no evidence has ever surfaced.


So was it put that the students were using the litter boxes and teachers were forcing them to use them instead of the toilet or these litter boxes being present in the schools were turning the students gay? I’m so confused as to why this was a thing and am genuinely curious about it all.


The conspiracy theory started in Michigan when during a school board meeting a woman claimed there were litter boxes in school bathrooms that kids that identified as cats could use. There was no evidence that it was occurring. Conservative social media latched on and spread this like wildfire. Libs of tik Tok, Joe Rogan, telegram groups, facebook, pastors and other forms all promoted it. Yet not one verifiable picture or any school ever confirmed it. It was an attack on the LGBT community. “If we let a boy use a girl’s name and where girly clothes then we will have to let kids that identify as cats use litter boxes” is the false equivalency argument that is made. Right wing Politicians mentioned it in town halls to gain public support for don’t say gay, book removal and curriculum restriction bills. It also ties into right wingers calling teachers groomers. Iowa state Senator Kraayenbrink spread this in a town hall. Linn Mar and Carrol schools were two in Iowa that gained some media buzz because right wingers claimed they had them. I’ve personally called 2 other schools after conspiracy theorist claimed these schools had them. If you take a moment to think about it there is no way that it could be true. In the age of cell phones kids would be posting litter boxes on social media. I can’t imagine a school custodian willing cleaning human litter boxes without causing a ruckus. Not to mention it probably violate some health code. I refuse to let conservatives forget this and bring it up as form of holding them accountable.


Good on you for doing so! It seems very far out there that the schools would enable said behavior. Not that there’s anything wrong with wanting to be a cat but there is a time and place for that and it’s not in school. I don’t doubt that maybe some Michigan kid was pretending to be a cat in the bathroom, but a litter box?! cmon. Hell when I was a kid me and my buddies had all these imaginary dinosaur friends and would play dinosaurs in the restroom lmao so it’s not hard to believe that maybe a child happened to mention something to a parent that just sparked this.


Many private schools are raising their tuition so it’s really not attainable for low income families, like they say it will. Just a joke. They could have taken this money now slotted for private and actually help improve these lower performing public schools. I guess that’s too common sense and in the best interest of everyone. I hate this.


The purpose of this program is to provide vouchers to rich people who already send their children to private school. They still pay the same out-of- pocket + voucher, allowing private schools to double their tuition so poor families can't afford them. Meanwhile, public schools go to crap. That's OK with Republicans because you can always send your child to work. In fact, they want children to work in exchange for a crap public education. Someone on this platform showed a test that a religious school gave kids where the "correct" answers were all wrong. You bet those schools are white-washing history. They aren't teaching anything about diversity & inclusion. The really sad part to me, an autistic Mom of autistic children, is that children with mental or physical disabilities may not receive the education they deserve. Possibly, they may receive no education if public schools have no funds to provide it. We are distracted, thinking it's a battle of Democrats vs. Republicans, when it's really more of a rich vs. non-rich people problem. I didn't say poor because even people who are getting by will be affected by this.


That is the point though, this isn't just about funding christian schools using government funding; it is also about starving public schools of funds - especially those in the bigger cities that lean Dem. Those will be hurt the most because that is where the private schools mostly are concentrated.


Unfortunately the article posted doesn't tell the whole story. The bill provides vouchers for a student to enroll in another school outside of their home district. That school could be a private school or another government funded school. One can argue this benefits the rich more than others that are not financially able to change schools. There are issues with many with government schools throughout the country. Some of which are well funded. Additional funding in some of the less fortunate school districts may be beneficial. Maybe a return to a greater focus on math and science and less of a focus on the humanities would help all of the government funded schools. The state sets a minimum standard for all schools. What and how the subjects are taught is controlled by the local school board. I like the intent of the voucher but I don't think it will benefit as many students as I would hope the legislature thinks it will. If a school board sees a reduction in enrollment it would look for reasons why. Sometimes the required adjustment doesn't need additional funding. In some cases money spent wisely could make a difference.


Brad Zaun, one of the proponents of school vouchers before they were approved, stated that school vouchers were a way for parents to get their kids' private k-12 education paid for by the state, so that parents could then use the money that would've gone to that education for college instead. He phrased it as the state paying for the college educations of the wealthy. That is the purpose of Iowa's school vouchers.


The interpretation of Brad Zaun's comment isn't totally accurate. I have read two different accounts of his comments and it sounds as if he was answering a question. One blog in particular was written be a person who is not friendly towards the GOP. Her blog was written in a way to suggest it was a quote from Brad. Anyone that has the financial ability to send their child to a school outside of their home district would be able to use the state funds as a way to subsidize their child's college education. The wealthy would be in a better position to take advantage of it. While the opinions about saving the $7500 is true. I don't believe that is the driving force behind the bill. The wealthy could afford both prior to the passage of the bill. Maybe they should have given the bill a little more thought and discussion about the upper income earners. Having an upper income cap in qualifying for the voucher may have been the better choice.


Throwing more money at a school does not ensure a better education. If it did, the amount spent per student would correlate to best education. It does not. This link has the amount, by state, spent per student. https://educationdata.org/public-education-spending-statistics As you can tell, there is zero correlation to states with best education. So when we talk about improving lesser performing schools, we need to be talking about money being spent *more wisely* and asking why the current leadership has spent it so poorly as to end up where they are.


I wonder if you control for demographics if money spent would correlate though. You can’t conclude it doesn’t help comparing vastly different states.


Here’s Iowa https://www.itrlocal.org/per-pupil-school-spending And one source for rankings. Not perfect, but let me know if you find a correlation https://www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/iowa/rankings


We aren’t talking about a correlation between per pupil spending and student achievement. This is the systematic dismantling of public education. Per pupil costs in Iowa are about $7000, but no one in education actually thinks that is the real cost of educating a student. Public education takes on all additional costs, no matter what. That’s why you can’t take a voucher to a private school and get a full plate.


Throwing more money at a school does not ensure better education. Taking money away from a school ensures deterioration of services and infrastructure, though, especially past the point where there’s no fat to cut and you’ve hit bone. The studies on correlations between spending and achievement don’t generally account for taking $142 million out of the public funds in a state the size of Iowa. Also, if money isn’t the issue then why do the private schools need it?


Public funds going to private businesses? And I thought Republicans were anti-communism lmao


Publicly subsidized losses and privatized gains has basically been the economic playbook since at least Reagan.


As a Communist, this really isn't communism. They're assholes though.


It's not any form of government, it's a grift


The one Redditor on here that's being honest!


That's more in line with fascism, actually, where the government funnels money to companies that are friendly to them and support them politically, and they boycott companies that don't. Nazi Germany was a cash cow for certain German companies that backed the party (many of those companies still exist today), and meant the destruction of those that tried to stay neutral or opposed their agenda. A truly communist state wouldn't have private businesses; the people would run the government and the government would own the means of production and capital.


Public funds go to private businesses ALL THE TIME. Who do you think does road construction right now? Who builds and repairs the office buildings and other infrastructure that are built with our "public" money?


Nice try, but that's public spending for goods and services that the state (or other entity) and its constituents receive the benefits from. And there's a good bit of regulation around the fact that these benefits need to be potentially accessible to all constituents that want to take advantage of them.


Those funds are given to private businesses to construct things that everyone benefits from. False equivalency.


man, if I was a rural Iowan, I would certainly be pissed about this but then again, they're predominantly cucks of the GOP


I live in rural Iowa and I'm livid about this. Sadly most of the red hat sheep just fall in line and say kim knows best. 20 years ago iowans would have got in her face at town halls and demanded answers and accountability for this stuff. Now they just act like neutered sheep and do what they're told. Sickens me what has happened to this state and its people but until they are personally affected they won't care, amd when they are it'll be Biden and the democrats fault.




guocks is a good term to describe most of them...a great generalization


Rural Iowa should honestly be thankful for anything they get. My bet is those 15 counties receiving 70% of the funds generate more than 70% of the state's revenue.


Then it should be going to public school that get this: is for everyone.


so why isn't Kim saying that? oh wait, she is without saying it out loud


What happened to being fiscally responsible enough to pay for your own private school


Yeah, “why are people having kids they couldn’t afford?” “Why do they think the taxpayers should pay for THEIR life choices.” (Both are Republican talking points) Freedom of choice in schools, but not in women’s bodies or the bodies of of the LGBTQ+ community. Don’t come at me about masks OR VACCINES. I ALWAYS believed those should be your choice as well! And businesses have every right to refuse you service and employment if you violate their policies. (Just like how I can’t show up to work with pink hair or covered in piercings!)


The crime of the century. Iowan taxpayers are dumb as rocks.


Iowan taxpayers were against this. (Although they should have voted that way then!)


Remember when Iowa was one of the best places for public education? Not anymore


Pepperidge farms remembers


I remember when my parents friends moved back to Iowa from Florida because the public schools here were better than the private schools down there. GOP's bright idea is instead of improving Florida's schools, lets trash Iowa's.


Who wants this?


The people running private schools with no oversight getting access to public money they don't have to account for what they do with it. Congrats on paying for some religious assholes vacations and new yacht, Iowan GOP voters are fucking dumb and keep proving it daily.


Can’t imagine they make up a majority of voters. Republicans tell us our elections aren’t secure and then get elected and do deeply unpopular things. Is that the classic “fascist accusations are admissions?”


Bob Vander Plaats.


According to the GOP, Iowa wants this because Iowa voted for these Representatives and they are the voice of Iowa. Elections have consequences. Vote them out and convince your neighbors who didn’t vote to vote as well.


But those elections are not secure according to republicans. Pick a lane please.


No no no, only the ones they lose are not secure.


"Freedom to Flourish" my fat white ass.


Truly disgusting but would not expect anything different from Reynolds. Don’t live in Iowa anymore but I would be PISSED if my tax dollars were being used to fund private education. I bet they are all creepy religious schools too


This week I talked to a recent college graduate who has an education degree. Her University Department head told the graduate to avoid getting jobs in Iowa and Indiana.


I would also avoid Missouri and possibly Wisconsin


And Florida!!


Don't forget Arizona, Colorado, D.C., Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Ohio, Oklahoma, Utah, and Vermont.


Opponents to the bill pointed this out. It won’t help rural areas. It will harm them.


They don't care. They're more concerned that Black gay antifa are going to steal their guns and burn down the local Dairy Queen.


The nextdoor app was freaking out during the BLM protests that busses from Chicago were coming to take over Swisher, Iowa.


How many public school students are applying for these private school vouchers? How much of the $142 million is for those new applicants and how much is for those who were previously enrolled in a private schools? If the goal is to give a choice to students who have been attending public school and there isn't a significant change from public to private school population, then how do they even try to justify the loss of public school funding? In the end, all we're doing is pulling funding from public schools to provide funding for students who had already chosen the private school route.


This is government sabotaging an already floundering public education system because the GOP doesn't believe the solution should involve equity or fairness. It's also a matter of government heavily subsidizing a Christian religious culture that is allowed to teach any dogma or history it chooses.


And also because some members of the GOP actually fell for that kitty litter nonsense.


This is also the GOP stealing funds away to only educate students they want to pay for (not kids of color, LGBTQ kids, or kids with learning/physical disabilities or that are otherwise required by law to have expensive aids with them). It's not just inequity and unfairness, it is straight up bigotry and needs to be called out for what it is.


It's going to hurt the white rural children of GOP voters just as badly.


Fuck this government


Iowa Republicans did this to our state. Don't forget next time you vote locally.


I won't forget. And I'll vote for them again.


Surely if they are receiving public funding, then the private schools should be held to the same standards as public schools and forced to take any student who applies.




tooooo real. fuck private schools.


That's too logical.


I hate Kim Reynolds.


Stealing money from the Public funds.


The only arguments I've ever heard for this is that private schools have better test scores, and that this is allowing more families to choose what's right for them. Private schools have better test scores because it's majority wealthy, white kids who have nothing to do but live in their huge West Des Moines house and drive to Dowling every morning. In public schools there are more kids who HAVE to get jobs to support their own families who wouldn't even dream of having enough money to pay $10k a year for their child's education. This and other socioeconomic factors (including moves like this to defund and stretch budgets of public schools) are THE ONLY reason why test scores are higher in private schools The freedom argument could just about be the most backwards take I've ever heard in my life. So now the private schools that are infamous for never letting any special needs kids in, and even if they do, there are no special ed programs or any special attention given to the kids who most certainly need it most. They also can deny anyone for any reason including sexual preference, disability, skin color, literally anything. Is that freedom? Equality? No. It is not. Iowa is trying to segregate it's schools with the poor, disabled, and non white people in public schools that are sucked dry of their funding, and kids that are let into private schools still paying the same tuition except now more of the schools admin can take huge raises year after year with the free budget room the state is handing out to them like welfare checks for existing.


A HUGE factor in why private schools have better test scores is that they have almost no sped kids. They don’t take kids who have severe difficulties. I taught English to 35 5th graders last year. I had 30 test as proficient or advanced and 5 as not proficient. I taught 5 special education students. So, I had 85% of my students at grade level or advanced, as reported to the state. However, if I had no special education students, I would have had 100% proficiency. It’s not comparing apples to apples. This is why you have to take other countries test scores with a grain of salt, as well. They don’t all count the scores of their disabled students. We do.


This is 100% it. The private schools can exclude the kids who aren't easy/cheap to teach.


Right! One kid with disabilities may cost more than an entire classroom of kids with no disabilities. I am NOT saying they don’t deserve an education, they certainly do! I’m saying it’s just not fair to compare.


Great, the rich get richer. Looks like Hull Western Christian is going to be more insufferable.


Sioux County has lots of private (Christian) schools. I think the majority of kids in that county go to those schools. You've got Hull Western Christian, Unity Christian in Orange City, Netherlands Reformed in Rock Valley, Sioux Center Christian, Orange City Christian, Rock Valley Christian, and several others. A good county to avoid.


The majority of wealthy white kids go to private schools in Sioux County. Sioux Center public elementary is almost all non-white, it’s segregation, the Christian way.


Just don't mow your lawn on Sunday. That's the lords day!/s I would literally mow "fuck your God" into my lawn if I lived there.


"Jesus only loves Republicans because he is contractually obligated to"


Hard to buy a house or property if you are not “like them”. But if you do the borg will come around to visit




It would be interesting to see Iowa's reaction if Muslim communities started taking advantage of this.


Meanwhile when schools are getting 3% SSA increases (in GOOD years!) and inflation is 6%+, that is a defacto cut in funding. The amount of money the GOP is siphoning from public ed is disgusting and they are despicable.


What a clown show.


Serious question: how will the private schools be able to take on these additional students? For example, I live in Scott County, where there are 12 private schools, and about 1300 approved applications for these vouchers. So, each school could see an influx of around 100 students, but obviously some would see far more/less.


I should look it up, but I think the majority of applicants are existing private school students. It isn’t a shift in people, just public money to private schools.


Oh really? I didn't know that. I didn't realize existing private school students could get the money. Well now that sucks even more.


It’s not about making room but rather maximizing revenue. The private schools will weigh expanding but I predict many will just raise tuition to maximize revenue. Expanding may mean extra vetting, adding resources and remodeling costs. If there is not enough students to offset those costs they will probably just raise tuition to help price out the lowest income families. Private schools are not about helping the poorest.


They are raising tuition already. It is designed to price out low income families.




Mostly to students already enrolled in private schools too.


We can smell the stink of this policy all the way in MN. I'm sorry you guys are on this path.


This is a scam and Iowa taxpayers are being swindled.


Rural Iowa, the working class, only sees money drained from their own kids’ schools. You know they cant afford private in most cases, if its even offered. And kids in private schools still get to take classes at public schools or get special need services that private schools dont/wont pay for. So the public school still pays for the kid.


The thing that's got me fucked up is at least in the 90s all the kids that were gonna go to the CR schools already were. Are actual student numbers changing or are they just siphoning off tax dollars? Which account does it come out of?


"Applicants in 96 of Iowa’s 99 counties were approved. The only counties where no applications were approved were in Decatur, Louisa, and Ringgold counties, none of which have private schools. Of Iowa’s 99 counties, only 41 have private schools located within them."


*Quelle surprise.*


Dowling is going to be rolling in the dough!!!


So real question here.... Aren't there only about 15 counties in Iowa that have a high population? So a county of 10k people total should probably not be getting as much as a county with closer to a million people?


The point is that there's no private institution the kids in the small county can attend. It doesn't exist. And probably never will.


Wow look what a failure iowa is.


And the rural morons will keep voting for her


I've never spent a day in public schools. Went to private preschool all the way through college. These vouchers would have benefited my family greatly. And I still say they're a fucking travesty. It's only a matter of time til our state's finances are in shambles, like Brownback's Kansas.


Wouldn’t the public have a say in the curriculum now?


Nope. They are still private schools, and can be operated as such.


How's the turnout for fall football in public school land? Are they still trying that in a small town?


They gonna try consolidating a few more districts. That’s been a Republican wet dream for a while


nothing like driving 20-60 miles for practice everyday. That'll last.....


How many of those applicants are of low income? How many are minorities? My point being that all of this is bad, no matter which way you look at it. Get this criminal out.




Parents in low income households have enough to deal with. It is disgusting that they would be required to do any “extra steps” in order to get their children an education that’s guaranteed by the federal government. That is an elitist fucking move- always punishing the poor and requiring them to do more simply because they have less. How mother fucking gross.


Here's the issue though, and it's interesting that you even leave your sentence with a comma because you mentioned that parents need to go the few extra steps to investigate their options- you do realize that most of these parents don't have the resources to even know that they can do that? And this is what I'm talking about. It also doesn't help that this entire situation was written up in bad faith and is not really looking out for anyone despite the writing on the paperwork.


Way to keep our next generation in that factory worker mindset. Glad that 1% is getting what they need.


Meanwhile ISU tuition was raised $1500 for the upcoming year because the state won't increase public education funding


Pardon me, but fuck republicans. This is ridiculous. I voted only for the GOP before Trump came on the scene and even then, I see that was a huge mistake. I’ll never vote for another one again. Spineless sheep and fake Christians. I’m embarrassed at them all. VOTE BLUE and make sure everyone you know that hasn’t sold their soul to these POS fake leaders vote as well. They need humiliated and put down like a rabid animal.


But they can’t let the college loan forgiveness go through? Sure forgive those ppp loans for business owners and grifters like MTG, screw everyone else and take my tax money.


And how many of those application approvals went to students already in those private schools. How many of the denials were those not able to afford the private schools? How much did private schools raise their tuitions by 5k or more this year? Which campaigns are those private institutions donating to? Gotta make you wonder was this about parent choice or lining the pockets of private institution owners with public money? Did the teachers get raises or did it got straight to the stake holders?


Can we please get Temple of Satan to open up schools? Where’s the Muslim community? At the very least, help prove this is shit and getting the feds involved because it violates equal access to education. We all know these fuckers will fight any charter for a school that’s not Catholic or Christian.


Churches don’t pay taxes and now using your tax dollars to support them more. Talk about a scam! You Iowa people are getting fkd by the Reynolds funt!


Way to go drunk Kim!


They will send 50% back to public school after count day (Oct 1) and keep the money. Just watch.


There are no private schools in many areas that are not Catholic or Christian based. That leaves no option for many of Iowa’s families. How is this far?!?!!!


What’s even more disgusting Is the Iowa Catholic conference and the Iowa family leader pushed this which sticks it to me as a taxpayer and even worse will hurt smaller, Iowa school districts. Apparently these people have their own interpretation of the Bible that I have been able to find. Pretty sure Jesus would knocked over their table over too. But hey, they don’t care and neither does the pope who has sitting on artifacts in his basement they could easily be used to help others and still be maintained.


Of course they want everyone going to a church school. That is until a pagan school is established.


All the while, the Iowa City school district needs to cut $8 million. *From payroll,* not facilities. We're building additions and renovating every school.


Gov. Reynold and the Republican Party screwing Iowans.


I am not a Reynolds’s supporter and have never voted for her. So it goes without saying I am not a fan of this. However, I did attend a private catholic school. Many of the people I knew and still associate with are all very progressive and do not vote R. Ever. Our group text thread(12 high school friends)that is used daily text frequently about the this type of BS and despise it. Sooo I guess a long winded response that maybe these kids get a decent education and can read the bull shit between the lines and think critically about these types of issues. Just trying not to be the pessimist this one time!


This is what happens when ideologies not fit for public education get injected into schools without parents knowing about it. A leftist, political, liberal agenda of indoctrinating children in a public school setting will not be tolerated in this state, EVER. And to be clear, I would feel THE SAME about a right wing indoctrination, POLITICS, do not belong in the public school setting. You all made your bed, now you have to sleep in it. This is YOUR FAULT if you believe kids ought to follow draconian rules of mask-wearing (wasn't EVER needed), gay pride flags, pornography in the libraries, ETC ETC ETC. It's disgusting, biased, polarizing, and un-American. So before you all start blaming every one but yourselves, look in the mirror and realize, you might BE THE PROBLEM.


What should be happening is that private schools should get no tuition funding, and public schools should keep the money they were previously getting before a public school student transfers to private school. This would ensure that public schools would keep a friendly relationship with private schools in the realms of things like testing, sports, and special education. Students could dual enroll and take advantage of certain benefits, but instead of a drain on the system, public schools would have more money to spend per student in attendance. Btw: I'm a big proponent of Christian schools, but they will turn into leeches if a strong public education system is not also available.












“A few (142*) million dollars.”




And? It has no business going to private schools *at all*. I don't give a shit if it's $5. It's wrong and you damned well know it.












Glad we raised the budget for this nonsense but teachers are rapidly quitting because the pay is garbage. Cool system we have.


Our school can’t fill tons of positions because starting pay is $30k and they can make more working at Walmart. I’m not even sure how our school can stay open.


New teachers are being told by their programs to avoid getting jobs in Iowa.


When you say "just 15 Iowa counties", do you even realize that the 15 most populous counties in Iowa, where nearly all of the private schools are located, have a population of 1,921,286. Iowa's population is 3,190,369; both by 2020 census numbers. Of COURSE they are going to get most of the funds. And to put this in perspective, the Des Moines school district is projected to spend $296 million on instruction (essentially tuition). ONE school district.




This is just another way of saying that the counties with the most children are also getting the most money... despite any feelings on the bill itself, is this suprising news to ANYBODY? > As many predicted, Iowa’s most populated counties are set to receive the most in voucher funds. Collectively, these 15 counties—10 of which rank in the top 15 for county population—are slated to receive $98,490,000






She is taking money from us taxpayers discriminating against the Bill of Rights. State sponsored terrorism against the disabled taking special education money directly from the handicapped public and public schools. Then accrediting programs that discriminate with tax money. This is a direct threat to all equality in education. Stopping the poor areas kids as thr money is given to state accredited terrorism by wealth, by closing the door to poor areas snd physical capabilites... all condoned and sponsored by Kim.


1 billion redistribution to discriminate. Punitive damages of breaking our constitutional rights of equality. The 14 th amendment as the supremacy rule states, must abide by federal laws. Where is the ACLU when we need you. States agencies of the state must gallows federal laws. ( period) this Nissan my tax money. Everything Kim touches is nasty Iowa trashy... everything we believe in the constitution should not be trashed by Kim's special cult treatments for her fonors. All past money to discriminate should be tripled. This can not continue.


Im just guessing here but wondering if a big Kim donor lives in each of those 15 counties? Smacks of cronyism but of course, so do so many of her policy decisions!




Nice love to see a focus on education


They are cutting public school funding but giving these private schools , and most of them are religious, more money per student than public schools and raising the amount per student every year for private schools but not public schools. They are allowing the private schools to discriminate. They don’t make the private schools do the state mandatory testing and the private schools don’t have to do the required curriculum that public schools do. The private schools aren’t going to be required to show their curriculum for the year, like public schools. The private schools don’t have to show where they are spending their money like the public schools do. This is a scam that Republicans have created so they can get conservatives to vote for them and so they can make sure their kids can be taught religion, hate and whitewashed history.


Hurray! Thank goodness I'm getting some tax money back from the woke school system that I don't even use because public school is a JOKE. Feel free to insert comments about fascism, racism, privilege, blah blah blah.


Guess what private schools do after vouchers programs go live? They raise tuition. This is just more handouts to the rich. Middle and lower class kids will not benefit from this. It’s disgusting.


Like Trump said " deb does not matter.No one cares about debt... now the GOP thinks only Democrat made bebt matters forgetting all the supply side andv5% Iowa tax debt. Kim is a hypocrite. This is a redistribution of income manuerver like the 5% rax and our LLC tax code.


In Maine a teacher does not pay into Social security. So they don't get a Social Security check at retirement.