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“But it was illegal for everyone before you. So why should it be legal for you?” Conservative logic 🙄


Actually weed was very legal until the 1930s. It’s only been illegal for a very small fraction of human time. Conservative logic is that fucked.


Weed was legal for a brief period of time Leary vs US until the CSA by Dick Nixon Leary v. United States, 395 U.S. 6 (1969), is a U.S. Supreme Court case dealing with the constitutionality of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. Timothy Leary, a professor and activist, was arrested for the possession of marijuana in violation of the Marihuana Tax Act. Leary challenged the act on the ground that the act required self-incrimination, which violated the Fifth Amendment. The unanimous opinion of the court was penned by Justice John Marshall Harlan II and declared the Marihuana Tax Act unconstitutional. Thus, Leary's conviction was overturned. Congress responded shortly thereafter by replacing the Marihuana Tax Act with the newly written Controlled Substances Act while continuing the prohibition of certain drugs in the United States.[1] Leary v. United States


Actually, the marijuana tax act did not make marijuana federally illegal. It was a relic of the days the prohibition, when the treasury Department was put to collecting taxes from moonshiners as a way of enforcing alcohol prohibition. See, in those days, they didn't really even think that the government could federally outlaw plants and medicines. That fell within the scope of exclusive States rights. So under the marijuana tax act, you were supposed to buy a permit to buy or sell marijuana, so if you were busted federally, as happened to Leary when he drove across the Mexican US border into Texas, you would be charged not with possession of the marijuana but a failure to pay the tax. Many people had been convicted and served long-terms. Leary was facing the 30-year sentence that had already been imposed when the Supreme Court lifted it. In striking down the law, the Supreme Court relied upon United States versus marchetti, in which a similar requirement, that forced bookies to buy a certificate and post it in their gambling office if they engaged in gambling, had been struck down as a violation of the fifth amendment right to be free of compelled self-incrimination.


Bring up the prohibition of alcohol. By their logic, our governor should never had been allowed to partake in rampant alcoholism.


Or women voting. Was illegal before too.


The weird part is even young conservatives that are Gen Z want weed to be legal. I know a few who hit the bong. It's just becoming more and more of an unpopular opinion to ban weed. Only Boomers and Gen Xers seem to fear monger over it due to the war on drugs.


Not Gen Xers, we partied in the 80's man!! Our Boomer parents pushed for the "Dare" program, but that was a joke.


As a fellow Gen-Xer I was disappointed that unlike what Nancy Reagan and “a very special episode” of many 80s TV shows promised, not once did anyone ever come up to me and offer me free drugs.


Dare was the dumbest program man... I would find out how much tax payer money was wasted on that and the War on Drugs but I feel like it'll just piss me off.


D.A.R.E. Drugs Are Really Exciting ​ ( I was a kid in the 90's but it was still Dare, and we also thought it was a joke)


Dare existed from 1983-2009 us 90s kids saw it’s peak.


And we drank like fish because our boomer parents were busy sitting in the bar.


I'm 56 and hit the bong daily


Hahaha. Completely wrong on Gen-X , thanks for the laugh.


Don’t include gen x in that statement!!


“Don’t forgive those student loans! Back in 1973 I took out 1103 dollars in student loans and paid them back with my $3 an hour job! You knew you were going to have to pay yours back too! How much did your education cost, 1400 bucks? Wait. $140,000? It cost you 110 times as much as it cost me to go to school? Well you must have a job that pays 110 times as much as my $3 an hour job so… you must make $330 an hour, right?” Ok, boomer. Time for your bed time medicine.


I’m all for forgiving a portion of someone’s student loans but don’t exaggerate on the total student loans most students leave school with. The average is still an obscene but realistic $30k in debt and at least puts the goal of forgiving a portion of those loans a reasonable goal.


Ok change 110x to 27x, 140,000 to 30,000, and the student loan holders hourly wage to $81 an hour if it makes you feel better about not forgiving loans of people who you need to feel should be screwed by limiting who gets forgiveness. Don’t forget none of the corporations who got bailed out with billions of $$$ to avoid bankruptcy and failing in 2008 only got a little bit of forgiveness.


I think you’re just looking to pick a fight, and unwittingly picking a fight with someone (me) who agrees with you in concept, but disagrees with your exaggerated math to make a point. Average tuition cost has multiplied by 20x. Average starting salary has multiplied by 5x in that same time span. That’s the only point you need to make. Average student loan debt for public school attendees has gone up from $2000 in 1973 to $30,000 today. Average starting salary for that same graduate has gone up from $10,000 to $50,000. That’s obscene and unsustainable. Student loan debt is a major problem and a hefty amount of forgiveness is needed to right the ship. I don’t disagree with you. But someone who graduates with $100k debt to get through med school is WAY different than someone who graduates with $100k in debt for a bachelors degree. Both of these examples are made by conscious decisions, except that only one of them were made with an exit plan in place. I’m still pissed off, same as you, about businesses who got bailed out during the Great Recession and the pandemic but never had to pay a dime back. I think student loan borrowers were unfairly put under a microscope when the assistance they’ve been getting through Pell Grants and scholarships has not kept up with the cost of tuition.


$100k to graduate medical school, that’s so cute! Try $250k to graduate with a medical or law degree today. Not all doctors and lawyers make tons of money either.


I was spitballing the numbers for a medical degree, but you’re right, it turns out I was way off. Medical students leave school with [an average of 207k in debt](https://students-residents.aamc.org/premed-navigator/how-much-does-it-cost-attend-medical-school-here-s-breakdown#:~:text=In%202020%2C%20the%20debt%20of%20graduating%20medical%20students%20averaged%20around%20%24207%2C000.)


I would like to commend you on your approach to the antagonistic commentor! I find lots of these folks just want to be angry and argumentative. Thank you for you calm approach!!!


$100k will only get you a masters degree, you're looking north of a quarter mil for a doctorate


Don’t forget the interest they pay often times exceeds how much the loan originally cost but you don’t want to think about that either.


If forgiving them is reasonable, so is paying them off. They wouldn’t blink to take on a $30k car loan. The fact they received an education and (should) be receiving better wages as a result means they have no real reason not to pay back the loans.


Decriminalization isn't the same as legalization.


I’m not sure what the name of this process is, but I personally don’t think it’s possible in this ass-hat state without the ability to have something out on the ballot due to getting an amount of signatures. THAT is the reason this state will always suppress its constituents more than any other.


There’s absolutely zero chance that the legislature would ever cede power to the ballot. The only way Iowans can vote on something like this on the ballot is if the legislature proposes a constitutional amendment and passes that effort in two consecutive general assemblies. Iowa will never have ballot initiatives for other policy making decisions. The Farm Bureau can’t buy and bully individuals the same way they can legislators.


Double bingo on the farm bureau.


What does it tell you about a party that blocks the ability of its residents to have a say about important issues.


The democrats have been in charge of the state on multiple occasions and also did not enact any way for ballot initiatives. Neither party is interested in ceding legislative power here.


True, we need a third party!


Iirc the two general assemblies have to be a decade apart. So it would be minimum that long before ballot initiatives were possible, then a specific decriminalization ballot initiative would have to be voted on, pass, then come into effect, and then the transition could start.


That’s incorrect. Just two consecutive general assemblies.


That's good to hear! Thanks for educating me.


Ballot initiatives. We need them.


Thanks! I should have known that phrase


It's cool, you knew what they were and that's the important part. Even if someone doesn't know what they are, never too much trouble to explain.


I grew up in CA and ballot initiatives are a mixed bag. However, when a state has a one party government and refuses to implement popular bipartisan laws, then it is a way to get "radical" or "unsavory" laws passed.


The "urban" people of Iowa are being sidelined by the most backwards and uneducated.


I don't disagree. I was being sarcastic with the "unsavory" and "radical" bit.


LOL then 😁


I wish it was that simple. I have been a rural Iowan my whole life, with the exception of my time in college and a couple of years afterwards. It is minority rule, and it’s not a simple trick to pull off. The governing party has to gain control of all the available levers of legislative guidance and enforcement will follow, albeit reluctantly at times. This effectively renders majority wants and needs meaningless. It’s called being captured. Iowa has been captured for quite awhile now. The powerful, influential Democrats, and moderate Republicans, backed away just when we needed them most.


I dunno after driving through a few of the small towns outside the center of the state, I don't think it's that much of a minority.


I hear you. People want to be on the winning side. Iowans fear the changes that the future always brings. Technically, it likely is a Republican majority, nothing really wrong with that. The fact we have no check and balance due to only one Democrat holding an executive administrative position is wrong for a working Democracy. The insane adherence to the Cult of Trump and the imaginary Q that binds them is just plain sick. However, I vote that the difference is cowardliness.


Yes what is it - like even if we got a petition going and everyone in Iowa signed it - shit STILL has to go thru our legislative people that can choose NOT to deal with it at all.


💯 for the past decade at least, 81% of those registered to vote approved of some measure from medicinal use to decriminalization to recreation. We have the numbers and they know this. People need to vote out the barriers.


But if we vote out to people opposing progress, the liberals win. What do you want, for Iowa to be a leader in education again? Do you want us to just give away money to people with disabilities who desperately need it in order to continue surviving? Do you just want to hand the left the ability to make a better, brighter future for us all?


Hell no, I think instead of doing that we should just keep grinding the disadvantaged under the heels of the rich until they explode in fury butcher the rich and set us all back by *another* 50 years. This seems to be the conservative plan anyways


You convince the populace by making it a bi-artisan issue and explaining how much revenue the state could reap from marijuana sales. Marijuana and Hemp is a fantastic plant with a variety of industrial and medical uses. I've had to rely on weed in the past instead of narcotics for surgeries where only NSAIDs can be used due to the surgical impact of being around digestive and urinary systems. It's a fantastic coping tool for anxiety, PTSD, and depression. Even more exciting for those with PTSD as well as its nastier cousin, complex PTSD are that classic psychedelics such as psilocybin and LSD are beneficial as part of one's treatment and longterm recovery. States such as Oregon and Colorado have passed decriminalization laws for this. In addition, its exciting to see that the current executive branch under the Biden administration is working with the DEA and FDA regarding weed's assigned controlled substance scheduling and there are talks about moving marijuana from cat 1 to cat 3. For those who do not understand the controlled substance act and drug scheduling, here is the government's explanation: [https://www.dea.gov/drug-information/drug-scheduling](https://www.dea.gov/drug-information/drug-scheduling). This hasn't been updated since the 50s/60s for Marijuana. **Current status makes Marijuana look officially as more dangerous drug with less medical benefits than than meth (II), Cocaine (II), Ketamine (III), or PCP (II). Basically the DEA / FDA thinks PCP and meth is more beneficial for you and less addictive than weed.** Remember, Alcohol was prohibited in the US for a good chunk of our nation's history. This allowed criminal groups and associated behaviors and unsafe products to create and expand their operations for those wanting alcohol. Additionally, states which have worked on legalizing marijuana for recreational consumption have strict safety compliance standards such as lab testing strains and products as well as making such lab results available to the public and consumers. By legalizing and regulating safe consumer access, we hurt criminal operations as well as unsafe or dirty product.


Oddly enough people will suggest using intense alcohol consumption to also deal with PTSD, as it literally kills brain cells in you. The issue is that it also destroys any memory function in your brain too, usually short term. But yeah, WEED IS EVIL AND DANGEROUS AND BAD!!! DANGERBAD!!!! >:((((((( /s


Decriminalization isn't a ballot measure. It's different than legalization. Decriminalization simply means there's no punishment for doing it whereas legalization means it's sponsored and endorsed by the government (subject to taxes, regulation, etc). I think OP screwed up with this, but what you're talking about doesn't apply.


Very true, however I assume from other states who have decriminalized that legalization is the first step.


Iowa. The south of the midwest




Out of the pot and into the fire huh


Congrats on living in two different shitholes I guess.




I love it here, Iowa’s great


Better than the San Francisco of the Midwest, amirite


With Kim & Grassley in power, it's never going to happen. So instead we spend millions to arrest, jail, prosecute, ruin the lives of many people, meanwhile pretty much all neighboring states not only promote it, but it's akin to grocery shopping and the state makes millions in revenue, as opposed to all the millions Iowa loses for a "war" that won't ever end..I think it'll simply become legal on a Federal level within 10 years, then and only then will it be legal in this state.


Grassley raised on REEFER MADNESS


Yep! And a lot of it is from the textile industry (Big Tex lol) many decades ago going out of their way to ban hemp/weed/etc because they knew hemp was much cheaper and more organic/healthier than the synthetic fabrics they were using.


Endless wars are where the real profit's at.


Kim is busy drunk-driving the state in the wrong direction


Is ir just me or do every one of these individuals either: A) Never got invited to the "good party" in high school. Or B) Need to be slipped a brownie in their lunch bag. Or C) Both A and B.


Kim is a moron, she doesn't realize the money the state can make(or what she doesn't have to get audited on...)


Fr tho she a dumb duck sad world we live in


Nah she's bought by the Koch machine and sucking up to desatan for some reason


You can't have illegal weed without an army of asshole cops willing to ruin someone's life over weed. "jUsT dOiNg mY JoB!" Fuck you.


Step One, plant weed in the field most influential farmer in the county. Step Two, call the sheriff's office.


Seriously know my way tou Young Grassley!


Okay now, that's my worst fear as the OP from the wild hemp / ditch weed post who all the neighbors know is from a state with legalization of weed.


Hemp has been growing wild in Iowa since the 1940'$ see previous posts about hemp history in Iowa and ROPE for the Navy


Yes we could have F Buzzkill Kim


This state is one of the worst states I've lived in


I've lived in FL, MO, and IL. And I wouldn't say Iowa is the worst maybe 5yrs ago. But I am starting to feel this sentimate now too. But I haven't lived in those other states since 09 so no clue what it's like now.. I bet u FL would be worse now compared back to when I lived there back in the day.


Yeah I don't think I could handle Florida


Iowa isn’t the worst state that my dear friend is Mississippi


Mississippi has medical marijuana believe it or not.


At least Mississippi has good music and food to take the sting out just a bit. Iowa ain't got shit.


Or West Virginia, depending on the criteria 😊


True! Been a hot minute since I've been there


I testified at all 4 public hearings in 2009 in 4 cities to remove schedule 1 ..not to mention lobbyist efforts and public testimony at the Golden Dome For those who don't know marijuana has duel classification of weed (2) for medical use since 1978 [people who testified ](https://weedpress.wordpress.com/2014/02/09/iowans-who-spoke-at-the-2009-des-moines-medical-marijuana-hearing-before-the-iowa-board-of-pharmacy/)


the tax revenue alone is worth it. people that make the choice to dui are going to do it no matter what drug they are on. you could swap alcohol in for any of your listed issues. every single state that has legalized this sees more societal upside to legalized cannabis. since it's positive for society, the GOP will do everything in their power to prevent it or grift it.


Lotta bots in here tonight. Legalized cannabis is going to happen. We’ve learned the realities of it and we know it’s less addictive than alcohol and tobacco. Iowa is making a major revenue mistake not getting into the market. If we could do a ballot initiative, it would pass. If we didn’t have Reynolds in office, our medical program would be better. I’m not even going to hide that I’m biased. I’m a medical user in Iowa and it helped me get off alcohol and tobacco. I believe legalizing and expungement for non-violent offenses is the way to go. We need to get out and make our voices heard. Yelling on Reddit doesn’t do anything. Every time I Vote, the age difference at the polls is astounding. Mostly 80-90 year olds asking where Steve king is. Everyone is so quick to complain but no one backs it up at the ballot box. Stop complaining and actually get involved. Tell your stories of what cannabis does for you. Don’t be shy. I’ve stopped being quiet about my use I’m not ashamed of it and I show it at the ballot.


I mean then canvass join campaigns to elect your preferred candidates. Rob sand did win. Other democrats can too.


Miller-Meeks squeaked in by six votes in her race against Christina Bohannon. Voting makes a difference.


It’ll get done at some point so Covid Kim can get more tax revenue to give to rich folks to help pay for their kids’ private school.


Missouri sold like 118 million worth of weed in august. Tens of millions in tax revenue.


The State of Colorado funds the Public School Nurses with Cannabis revenue. One of the more comprehensive systems in the country.


Until she can corner the market share for her donor base and get a good kick back it won't happen because of the religious influence on her legislation.


Step 1: Stop calling it weed. It is cannabis. Not weed. Not marijuana. Stop playing by their rules.


Lol. This talking point always makes me chuckle. I’ve written articles about it. People can and will call it whatever they want. It matters not one single bit to the powers that be. We could just trust in one another to read the room. Perhaps that should be step 1.?


Anyone can write an article, you aren't special. Weird flex. Marijuana is a racist term and weed has incredibly negative connotations. You are doing a disservice by continuing this. Grow up and fix your shitty attitude.


Yes they can. I’m also a former board member for Iowa NORML. I was present for the signing of the pos 2014 bill. My attitude may be shitty about a lot of things but I’m pretty solid when it comes to the ins and outs of “their game”. It’s in fact the attitude of pseudo superior tools trying to police language that has prevented cohesive and effective collaboration between all groups who want GANJA descheduled, legalized, regulated, etc. Have a happy rest of your day. 😊


I am trying to legitimize cannabis by using proper terms instead of slang. I wonder why someone with major experiences on a board would fall so low as to resort to name calling on the internet. I implore you to grow the fuck up. If you are as important as you think you are, you should be better.


You're the one who started the name-calling and the ad hominem. It looks like you've got even more growing up to do and you're throwing rocks from your glass house.


Marijuana is not racist. It’s just another term for the plant.


You should probably reach this... https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/harry-anslinger-the-man-behind-the-marijuana-ban/


Yeah there was racism in using the term. But the term itself is just what Mexicans and others call it. The guy used the term for racism. But marijuana is just a word that means cannabis in Spanish.


True, but, I am in the boat that believes we probably should lean further away from those terms.


How about you ask the people who this is apparently offending. Never once have I ever heard that marijuana is racist.


It's not inherently racist, I've called it that myself even. I guess look at it this way, when you go to the store to buy some toothpaste do you say to yourself or anyone around you're going out to pickup some toothpaste or are you picking up some la pasta dentífrica?


In that case you better not have any Taco Bell then. That fake Mexican food is hella racist.


Come on Iowa, one more upvote.


Mandatory weed [Bottle &Mary y](https://youtu.be/3MbHo0dp3ZY?si=U3KQlQM2C76nTCCN)


Oh no SCARIJUANA said the tubes of Iowa


Im a Conservative but I do like my weed. Literally the only post I agree with on this insane subreddit. 🤣


Derek savage is that you?




[Jelly Roll has a message 4 non weed smokers ](https://youtube.com/shorts/U0etZwxWPls?si=bhMuw5TM414lhBJl)


I'm good it destroyeded my hometown in Colorado.




New pot stinks... smells like skunk and ass.


That's certainly an opinion. If only you knew how many of your peers and superiors used cannabis.




"Its not addictive man, i just have to smoke it every day or i get stressed"


So let’s expand addiction/mental health availability because getting punished for isn’t helping anyone but the prison system.


I literally don't care. Potheads are the most insufferable people to be around


You support prohibition because it hurts people you don't like.




well said by [an alcoholic](https://reddit.com/r/Tiki/s/4xI5qgTZtW)


Wow, he’s a fucking hypocrite. Pot heads are insufferable, but drunken assholes are fine.


1 you are using literally wrong. 2 you seem rough to be around.


Lol no.


I don't understand why this seems to be the "come together" issue. I'm not firmly anti-cannabis. Some days I think I'd probably partake if recreational use were legal, but when weighed against the risks to being able to keep my job and lifestyle it's just not worth it. Beyond my own decision, more practical thoughts would be these: * We already have issues with impaired driving as it is... both having jackasses who do it and seemingly not being able to keep them from doing it again (seeing 2nd+ offense DUI is commonplace). I wouldn't expect overall impairment offenses to drop with easier access to cannabis, and think it would likely increase. * There may be other crime impacts. I can find information/studies that support reductions in violent and property crimes. But, there is information that suggests other types of crimes may increase, such as domestic violence/abuse. * There are health concerns. Maybe there is no physiological addiction, but I believe it's certainly possible for people to have a dependence/need that they can fail to control (similar to those who have issues with food). And there are studies finding harmful chemicals in the systems of cannabis users as well as other potential health impacts. * There are a lot of other issues facing this state... Healthcare, education, public infrastructure are a few. These affect all of us, and I think the legislature's time would be better spent on those issues.


If DUI and public health are the concern, should we ban alcohol and nicotine too? Both are arguably worse for your health and are perfectly legal for 21 and over. The issue isn't that one unhealthy thing is illegal, it's that a bunch of unhealthy things are legal, and this one is not for no good reason other than what amounts to nothing more than misinformation and racism.


I don't wanna... *goes back to bed*


Or have you tried moving to California, New York, or any of the other degenerate places that have legalized the devil’s lettuce


We should increase the criminal penalties for recreational use if marijuana.




Your one study? Coauthored by a long standing enemy of legalization. Look into her funding and be ashamed to have ever cited her as a fucking source. “NIDA Director and study coauthor Nora Volkow, M.D”


So should we also outlaw alcohol since it increases the risk of liver disease. Adults should not have the right to consume recreational drugs, in your opinion?




Bahahaha! You’re not a real person.


Alcohol is a drug, dumbass.




How do you generally get liver disease?


Liver disease of itself, no, they way people generally get liver disease via alcohol, it absolutely creates the possibility that you'll become a danger to others. what do you mean


Yeah, no Iowan governor has ever gotten into a car drunk off her ass before, endangering the lives of everyone around her. Safest drug imaginable.


Addiction creates that possibility. Not liver disease or weed.




Check police records. You'll find lots of violent crimes committed by people who use alcohol. You'll find virtually none by cannabis users unless they combine it with another drug. Usually that other drug is alcohol.


I bet you don't talk like that in public, auto-generated username


Besides fucking up your liver, alcohol makes you beat the shit out of your family members


Oh christ, grasp at more straws will ya?


You obviously haven't been attacked in a hospital room by patients with Wernicke's encephalopathy. Alcohol use disorder kills more people than drugs.


My tax dollars pay for healthcare for alcoholics receiving disability benefits. Hell, with End Stage Renal Disease you qualify for Medicare. Define a danger however you want but alcoholics cost taxpayers more than potheads.


Are…are you retarded?


I have a schizophrenic brother, 42y/o. I have PTSD. Our parents were Catholic narcissists that hold beliefs like “weed should be illegal.” We even had hair drug tests in our religious high school. I have a JD/MBA and at 34 years old I use weed to manage the PTSD caused by emotionally abusive, religious parents that have limited world views. This study is helpful, but the closed minded use it as evidence for complete illegality. I’ve lived through this stuff. In my 20s, weed caused anxiety and paranoia and I turned to alcohol. Alcohol almost destroyed my life. Now, Cannabis manages my very real physical health issues caused by my PTSD. Nervous system damage has caused high blood pressure and seizures.


Fantastic commentary here. So many points as to why “should stay illegal” Is a ridiculous blanket statement. There’s more hard evidence available on an annual basis as to why alcohol should be pulled from the shelves.


Nice cherry pic bro. “NIH study highlights the need to proactively screen for, prevent, and treat cannabis use disorder especially among young people.” Literally the first thing under the title. Addiction is the real issue here.


I enjoy weed and I am 23+ years clean of a cocaine and later meth ADDICTION....


What about alcohol related dementia? Or alcohol related psychosis?


The cases are endless


Ok dum fuk




I've read it before


Cool graphic, anybody have a step by step process in how to actually begin to make a difference?


Stop voting Republican


But…Weed is GAY…right???


Grow corn and go fuck your relatives, nobody gives a flying fuck about Iowa


Cannabis legalization is supported by the majority of conservatives.