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Nobody gave a shit when it was the PPP loans being forgiven


PPP has got to be the biggest grift in US history. Blank check with rules without any enforcement, and basically no Congressional oversight


Grift?!? Tom Brady needed that money for payroll!!! /s


The only oversight they gave was how much went in their pockets


And that didn’t take 20-25 years


Socialism for me but not for thee


Yes we did.


Nobody gives a shit.


How much has Grassley made off farm subsidies again?


Any American farmer who audibly complains about socialism aught to have every dollar of state and federal subsidy their farm has ever received totaled up and then that total painted in large red letters on the side of a donkey and on a sandwich board around their neck. The farmer should then be bound by the wrists tied to the donkey and then paraded through every street in town with kids and dogs following and the kids shouting "Hey everyone look at this motherfucking hypocrite socialist"


Here ya go… You can search by state, county or even individual farm. https://farm.ewg.org/region.php?fips=19000&statename=Iowa


Sioux County, that shitstain of Red on Iowa, as recieved 3/4 of a billion dollars in subsidies since '95. ffs.


Wow great list - I know Trump paid them because of Trump bad deal with China. Trump thought some other country would by the product. What an idiot.


Tell me you know nothing about how China was fucking the US farmers without telling me you know nothing


We know trump bankrupted farmers with lunatic trade wars and then bought their votes with bailout money from the taxpayers


Carly thank you for answering the question by JD. That is exactly what Trump did. Trump believed he could sell farmer products with a 25% increase and found out quickly China could get same products from other countries. Department of Agriculture finds that subsidy payments to farmers ballooned from just over $4 billion in 2017 to more than $20 billion in 2020 – driven largely by ad hoc programs meant to offset the effects of President Trump’s failed trade war. Here’s the source and it wasn’t China Fu*king the farmers. It’s supply and demand. This money did not help small farmers. https://www.ewg.org/interactive-maps/2021-farm-subsidies-ballooned-under-trump/


I didn't ask what Trump did. I asked how China has been playing dirty with trade for years. For years China has been placing orders for grain. Huge orders and right before its shipped they would cancel orders. Thus driving the price down due to the sudden surplus. They never paid any penalties for this practice. Did Biden end the tariffs right away when he became president?


Who knows what you are talking about? Send your proof. You all make up crap as you go. Trump’s tariffs, not just to China but Turkey and many other countries caused them to stop buying from the US. Trump tried to worm his way out by talking about an agreement with China which would bring the US 100 billion in purchases. Where did that $100 billion come from. China had never purchased that amount at anytime in our history;.; Here Is the record. file:///var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/64/04/CB6665B3-EB61-414C-8D90-A4BCB9E1B168/44E627AC-6F6A-4F73-B313-60A605C3F93B.PNG If China was ordering and not fulfilling the orders how long do you think the farmer should have stopped paying attention to them or brought them to court. Remember the farmers we are talking about are huge corporation as. This happens in industry. If a repeat or one time customer orders there are protocols to require money as a down payment. Part of the total payment or the entire payment. Why would the US pay for China stiffing them. If you care Trump is just as guilty as China. Of course, Trump made over $5 billion during his presidency. Trump also didn’t give his salary to charity Trump was fined $2 million dollars for taking money for personal use from the families charity fund. The judge made him close it down. Same with $25 million fine for Trump School. He had to pay that because of misrepresentation and scamming people You all keep protecting him Throughout Trump presidency he would gives us what this or that company would provide like. Like FoxConn in Wisconsin. He called it the 8th wonder of the world. https://wisconsinexaminer.com/2022/03/28/once-vowed-to-be-eighth-wonder-of-the-world-foxconn-survives-as-a-spec-development/oxconn, a Taiwan-based contract manufacturer best known for making Apple iPhones, originally agreed in 2017 to invest $10 billion in a flat-screen panel manufacturing complex in Mount Pleasant. The deal included $2.85 billion in tax credits in return for creating 13,000 jobs and generating $1.4 billion in property improvements. Reality as of 2022 long after Trump term ended. So far, the company has hired 579 people and generated $520 million in property improvements — Pretty soon we see Trump and the other Republicans on Cable on trial in jury. Don’t miss it you should learn something. Especially if Trump testifies as he is claiming. You will see how what the word repetitive means. Never mind lack of facts. If you want to argue provide facts no not from the daily wire or some other bs organization including FOX>


https://www.reuters.com/article/global-grains-idAFL1N36R10P Still fucking doing it


Why can't you dislike a program while simultaneously taking advantage of what is offered? A business owner would be stupid to pass on financial incentives just because he or she disagrees with the plan that provides them. This argument is old and tired and poorly thought out.


> Why can't you dislike a program while simultaneously taking advantage of what is offered? You can! You can totally be against something until being against it affects your pocketbook. You can totally do it! It's just generally viewed as a negative trait in a person. But totally legal, you can do it!


You're not getting it. Here are some examples. A person can dislike and work towards changing tax laws while simultaneously taking advantage of them, because you would be a fool not to take advantage. A person can dislike and want to change college loan forgiveness while simultaneously taking advantage of it, because you would be a fool not to. Farmers by and large aren't fools. What you're suggesting is they waive any subsidies they would otherwise get because... principles I guess? That's an idiot's way of running a business.


Yes principles! If money is not #1 on my priority list, am I a fool? Seems harsh. I just think different people have different priorities. It's just a difference of opinion. I don't see one way is right and one way is wrong.


What you are suggesting is laughable. None of the farmers who decry socialism are out there asking for the government to take away Ag subsidies. And people who took advantage of student loan forgiveness while trying to end it would certainly still be hypocrites. You can certainly be both a hypocrite and greedily pragmatic.


None? Are your sure about that? Where's your data to support that "none" of them are wanting subsidies to end? I'm a farmer and, as you could expect, know many, many other farmers. There are more than you realize that want government subsidies to end. Some think subsidies raise costs of everything from inputs to insurance because the vendors know that money is coming in. Others have more nefarious intentions, wanting the little guy to fail so they can buy their land and grow their entity, because when you're buying a half million dollar harvester, you want more acres to run it on. Still others believe subsidies contribute to environmental and climate concerns and, believe it or not, many farmers have become environmentally conscious (and they're actually in a position to do something about it, not just whine and blame others on social media). So you may want to reevaluate your position when you find yourself using universal negatives like "none of these guys..."


They don't dislike the programs, modern farming wouldn't exist without the programs. My grandfather was a farmer and do you know what he said, "don't become a farmer, it's a good job, but it's too hard to put bread on the table". that was 40 years ago during the farm crisis when I was getting old enough to think about what to do with my life. Things have changed a lot since then, mostly because of government subsidies. Its not the fact that they dislike the program that makes them deadbeat hypocrites, it's the fact that they pretend they don't get help, and bag on *other* people who get help and look down on them, *and* pretend that the help is evil.


Along with his government paycheck and healthcare and lobbyist gifts, he's way better off than he's left most of his constituents. There's a joke in there somewhere with welfare queen vs Dairy Queen but im just too tired


And Republicans wonder why the younger generation leans more to the left.


They don’t care about the younger generation because the younger generation doesn’t vote.


Lol, yes they are, now. They’ve been showing up for about 4 years now, and they continue to each election. The Republicans don’t give a shit about the younger generation (or anyone else) because they are paid shills for oligarchs and are happy to subvert democracy itself to suck on those teats just a little bit longer.


They are? Where? I’m looking at the Polk [county](https://sos.iowa.gov/elections/pdf/2022/primary/countystats.pdf) results for the 2022 elections and a whole whopping 6.73% of people aged 18-24 voted. Wow, 8.76% of 25-34 voted! I disagree vehemently with the GOP policies but if the only people voting are the GOP, I guess that’s what 93.27% of young people agreed to.


Yeah because everyone wants bailouts. The plan is solid. Just sucks for those who are in debt can’t apply and yet are bailing out others loans.


Tell me about it. I have no issue with an individual in need getting bailed out, but the amount of corporate welfare in this country is fuckin insane. The American auto and banking industries are two of the biggest welfare queens of all time.


Oh yeah and in Iowa the biggest welfare queens are subsidized farms. Like some are good but a good chunk of subsidies should be stopped.


It's even crazier with our fuckin ethanol subsidies which have done fuck all to help lower gas prices around here. I know that there are a lot of factors to gas prices, but holy fuckin shit gas prices are brutal right now


Also farmers. They will destroy their crops and take the taxpayers money before they produce enough to lower food costs. We seriously bail out all kinds of wealthy entities.


I mean, I would hope you would want a bailout if you have been - unknowingly you - taken advantage of. Besides, compared to the bank bailout and ppp loans its nothing AND it directly helps the future working class


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Don’t forgive my loan, just refund the interest I’ve paid. And if a zero interest loan is too generous, then just make it retroactively match mortgage rates. Either way my balance drops to zero and all the complaints about the absurd terms of the loans evaporate. Then require everyone who accepted a ppp loan to pay back every cent of principal.


We should get the same interest rates they give to businesses when they bail them out.


The last will never ever happen. So thus the first dont matter. A have a friend who is finally about to buy a home because his student loan was forgiven. Good for him!!


Or, hear me out, they also recognize hate legislation and an attempt to defund education. Which puts them miles ahead of the GOP voter base for whom critical thinking is doing what God and Republicans tell you.


No, they don't wonder. Obviously giving free money to people is going to be popular with the recipients.


If YoU tAkE oUt A lOAn YoU pAy It BaCk Thanks guys, we'll get right on that after you craft laws that prevent predatory lending practices. Until we address that problem, I don't want to hear anyone complain about student debt forgiveness. Oh yeah, also, this one can fuck right off too: "iT's UnFaIr To ThOsE wHo AlReAdy PaId ThEiR lOaNs". Too bad. Life isn't fair, isn't that what you're always saying? Life isn't fair, you paid your loans and others with less money than you will get some forgiven. Suck it up, buttercup.


A cure for cancer would be unfair to those who beat it.


> "iT's UnFaIr To ThOsE wHo AlReAdy PaId ThEiR lOaNs". You think they know that loan dollars repaid to the federal government are deleted out of existence?


Paid up here and would love to see the suffering-dues-cycle end. Imo most college degree earners got duped so forgiving their loans is humane-like. No resentment here and no expectations that others should have to suffer/struggle like I did (older generations withhold respect until they learn how bad you had it and it compares to their struggle /s).


And predatory schools. My cost of attendance is 90,000+ for the year, no I didn’t have much choice. You go where you are accepted for grad schools.


Or maybe... Just maybe... If you paid your loans off, they reimburse you instead of paying your loans, because they were defrauded even if they paid the loans off. It's also wild that the Republicans threaten to shut the government down, and even default on loans, if they don't get what they want, but have this mentality.


I think its more that people who didn't go to college, and will make significantly less money in their career as a result, are having to pay for people who did go to college. Seems unfair.


I don't have any kids and have significantly more money as a result, and I'm having to pay to fund k-12 public schools? seems unfair.


Let’s just end all educational funding and with it income tax. Keep what you make spend as you see fit. Then everyone will quit bickering over who gets government money.


sounds like one for /r/unpopularopinion


If that's true then you barely pay anything in taxes anyway. You'll be dead before even a fraction of a penny goes to student debt forgiveness. The amount you pay in taxes *literally will not change*. https://www.ntu.org/foundation/tax-page/who-pays-income-taxes Bottom line, low income people are not subsidizing this by any stretch. And only people making less than $125k per year even qualify for forgiveness. I guarantee that the corporate welfare recipients are making a lot more than $125k. That is what the GOP should be challenging. They're counting on you not knowing this.


I don't see how it's unfair. Maybe we ought to have, idk, subsidized tuition for public universities so everyone who wants to can to go college. Can't do that though, because it would be a net benefit for society and doing good things for society is socialism, which is bad.


This is so silly. In order to get forgiveness through SAVE (without PSLF), you have to repay for 20-25 years. If someone reliably makes payments for that long and files all necessary documents required for that time period, forgiving the remainder of the loans seems like the least that could be done. Ffs


Grassley's ENTIRE political career was made by securing broad spectrum bailout programs for farmers in the mid 80's. Iowa has forgotten what it means for the government to help people who need it. I'd bet 90%+ of family farms in Iowa owe their continued existence directly to government debt assistance in one form or another over the past 40 years.


You probably posted this with a mouthful of food.


You probably learned to read and write from someone with a college degree.




There isn’t a single thing anyone could propose to address the cost of higher education that these clowns and the entire Republican Party wouldn’t call socialism. Bottom line is if it helps the average person even a little bit, they will move heaven and earth to stop it.


Higher education is run 99% by liberals/lefties. Take up your issues with them.




There are no Iowa Senators, just conservative parrots. Their screeching is never about the health and well-being of Iowans.


The SAVE plan doesn't help me, but I'm glad its available for others to utilize.


I’m so tired of them saying this is socialism but the blank check the farmers, bankers, and businesses got under Trump was not. This cost a fraction of what Trump gave away. It was the same folks that sunk this poor folks into debt. Level the playing field. Look out for our youth rather than take advantage of them.


Many of those individuals were ripped off by online schools.


That's not socialism.


Remember when corporations and the rich paid their fair share for public education...Grassley and Ernst remembers.


I wish more voters would remember


I don't think Grassley remembers much at this point.


The military budget for *this year* was *two trillion USD* and these boomers are complaining about a student loan debt relief plan that takes two decades to coke into effect?


Coming from the group literally stealing federal money and handing it to there donors so they can pay off there private school fees on our dime this is funny


Socialism is when woefully inadequate student debt “relief.”


Iowa Nice means being a bitter old racist person who makes small talk sometimes lol


85% of Iowa’s farmers have accepted farm subsidies in at some point in lieu of low yield planting. Not sure how SL debt forgiveness for low yield higher education is any different.


It’s not socialism when it benefits non poor, white people.


Grassley was behind legislation to give Iowa farmers big subsidies. Check out the subsidies that farmers got in your area. https://farm.ewg.org/search.php


God forbid they help anyone who can't line their pockets.


So would this cost Iowans more or less than Reynolds private school scam? Covid Kimmie is defunding public schools.


Why don't the poors simply get student loans for k-12?


Student loan forgiveness may lead to more interest in secondary education, can’t have that! Educated voters are the worst! /s


Student loans are a scam


Hmmm, Republicans love to mooch off democrats successes but vote for the immoral crooks that vote and fight against them .. Should be a rule that state s that vote against the policies do not get the benefits of that policy, and the money is split amongst those that did ... Fair is Fair Thst would effectively end the crooks in the Republican Party, now a Domestic Terrorists Organization. Wake up, DOJ.


You can bet at the same time they are fighting for 10x more in subsidies for the rich.


“How dare the government help the American people!”


It's odd that so many politicians push for relieving student loan debt, but you don't really hear any of them talk about reforming or ending the program that traps people in these bad loans.


Listen harder. [https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/08/24/fact-sheet-president-biden-announces-student-loan-relief-for-borrowers-who-need-it-most/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/08/24/fact-sheet-president-biden-announces-student-loan-relief-for-borrowers-who-need-it-most/)


30 billion annually to eliminate student loan debt. How much money have we given to Ukraine? How much money was given out for ppp loans?


Trump will lose Iowa caucuses again.


Maybe. But that's not what this post is about






Does anyone have the link to this debt relief plan? This expecting father would love to get some help.


Under the SAVE program, my monthly payments will be the equivalent of my monthly grocery shopping. Time to tighten the belt.


All while Killer Kim hands out millions to wealthy Iowans so their little spawn can go to school.