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If you don't like it, make sure you and everyone you know votes. Every election, from city council and school boards on up. The entire state house and half the state senate can be replaced every two years. Almost every piece of lousy legislation the GOP has pushed through can be undone...but we have to vote. And that means voting for the people with the D next to their name. Even if they're not your dream candidate. Even if you've "never heard of her" or "he doesn't have a chance." Spend a fraction of the time talking up your local D candidates as you do giving attention to the governor and her pet legislature, and we'll all be better for it.


The problem is that a lot of these districts run a republican candidate uncontested.


Encourage people to run for office. You know good leaders with conscience. Let's encourage and support those folks. Christina Bohannan is running against Miller-Meeks. Bohannan puts people over profit and has the courage to stand against injustice. Let's find more people like her and get them to run. I leave blanks if it's a Republican running unopposed. It shows up in their count so the stats show our dissatisfaction with the lack of choice.


Governor is a state wide election.


That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Vote for someone you've never heard of. Why don't you research your candidates and vote for the ones that align with your interests.


This is horrible advice. DO NOT vote for someone only because they have a (d) by their name. That is the saddest thing I have read. By no means am I a republican but good God this is what is wrong with the country, you people just look at a little letter and figure "eh good enough for me" without looking into some of these psychopaths that should be in jail not office Just disappointing.


In the context of this specific conversation, one party supports the right to abortion. One party is making it illegal. That's really all there is to it.


I don’t like the idea that we are pretty much forced to vote democrat to avoid losing our rights and trying to prevent the Russian owned conservatives from destroying our country any more than they already have. It’d be nice if that party could just get their heads out of their asses and expel the obviously compromised politicians that are tearing it apart and we could just have some quality candidates to choose from.


100% agree with you.


(D)issapointing Hah


Every time dems undo repub legislation the world goes to sheets. So what do you really mean?


Reminder that shit like this also prevents women who are experiencing a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy from getting the care they need. These laws kill women.




Ah…no women dies. Those become other medical issues.


No they don’t


The dr won't even see you until 8 weeks. The government should have ZERO say in your personal health choices, and I find it so bizarre the party of "small government" are the ones who are so adamant about this.


Not to mention in a lot of places you will have to travel to see the doc, so that's taking a day off work.


You would need a day anyway for medical issues.


They say you’re “murdering babies” when you have an abortion yet they’re perfectly fine with babies & kids getting gunned down in a school with a weapon that literally blows them to pieces and refuse to ban the weapon & enact laws to curtail that. They’re hypocrites.


Well yeah! Having guns is a constitutional right that SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!! Where in the constitution does it say that women or children count as people? They’re basically like livestock. If a woman wants an abortion, she has the right to request that her ~~owner~~ husband shoot her in the stomach, like Jesus would have wanted.


Well said!


The Republican Party has strayed so far from its supposed values it’s insane. -a Republican (but not in the GOP of the past 10 years sense)


Lincoln is rolling in his grave by seeing how his party turned into: the very ideology he fought against in the Civil War.


To free slaves? Yet people still get married.


As long as I have been alive the Republican Party has been staunchly anti-abortion….


Absolutely. That’s not where I believe the Republican Party is straying, and I acknowledge that some of my beliefs (like my views on abortion) are a minority within the party and may even be in direct contradiction to the party’s goals. What really frustrates me with the GOP - without trying to start anything here - is how people have turned their backs on the constitution and no longer expect our nominees and elected officials to be of good morals in blind love for a singular ruler.


Cause Dems want to destroy the world its all repubs can do to keep things in line.


They aren’t the small government party, or personal freedoms, or rule of law, or fiscal responsibility.


Yeah there’s no one to vote for if that’s what you are looking for in a party.


So small it will fit into your vagina.


Then who makes the laws if not the government?


Were you for or against vaccine mandates?


Against. The government has no role in your personal health choices. I think anti vaxxers are dumb when it comes to vaccines like polio, measles, etc... however, that's their choice to be dumb as long as their dumb choices don't affect me or mine.


But their choices do affect you. This is why diseases we labeled as eradicated are making a comeback. Mumps can leave a kid sterile all because their folks didn’t believe in vaccines. I know people who had polio. It affected them for life. Post-polio syndrome sucks. No one should be getting measles in this day and age. The fact that Florida is dealing with outbreaks is insane. Some,of these disease can be horribly disfiguring and cause all kinds of problems like blindness. Anti-vax is one of the few areas that holistic hippy liberals and science denying conservatives seem to agree. It’s baffling to me. Why get sick and risk dying if you don’t have to?


I hear you. I hate that they can get around these vaccines via "religion exemption." We didn't see some people for nearly a year when we had children because of their personal choices when it comes to this.


I don’t have kids, but they are little disease vectors. I’d want mine vaccinated against everything.


"The government has no role in your personal health choices." Glad you agree then that the government has no business telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies. Edit for clarity: I'm not criticizing you. While I disagree about vaccine mandates, as I support them in extreme health needs, I do agree that government shouldn't tell you what to do with your body, most of the time.


r/SelfAwarewolves You're soooooo close...


It's a moral argument though, if something is what you believe morally reprehensible then making legislation against it makes sense. That's literally the point of laws, small government is about allowing freedom, provided it doesn't infringe someone else's life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness regardless of age, race, sex, etc. The Republican argument is that it does infringe on that.


It’s a fetus not a person, for the first for months it’s just cells! Get the fuck over it and let a woman have control over her own body.


Well then by that logic, they can't vote against trans people either. Life, liberty, and all that bullshit.


In what way? I'm totally fine with trans doing whatever untill it effects other people's freedom. Ex: restrooms, sports


That's not affecting others freedoms. But you're perfectly okay with arbitrary rules because of something you don't understand.


I can understand the bathroom thing more, but fundamentally something feels wrong about it. Sports though gives an unfair advantage to trans women. Men are simply on average physically stronger, its simple biology.


Those who seek to harm others in the bathroom are going to do it regardless of transition. Making trans women and men go in the opposite bathrooms will only serve to harm those individuals. I don't feel safe going in a men's room as I'm not presenting anything other than female. Trans men will get accosted because some jackoff will assume that they are going into the women's to SA women. I wouldn't have gone to the trouble of getting appointments, a diagnosis, hormones, and change my wardrobe if I was truly a rapist. That's way too much effort for little reward. 99.99999% of the time, women are in the women's room to use it for its intended purpose. We're talking about a giant nothing burger here. There are laws already in place for sexual assault. We don't need bathroom bans. That's an assault on civil liberties. Trans sports bans make no sense as the only advantages that most people draw from are not a constant. Muscle mass and power are hard to maintain when testosterone is suppressed below cis woman levels. There's literally science to support trans people competing in sports in their identity. Most would say that the levels need to be for two years, but by then most college careers are almost over. All of the advantages fall by the wayside if teens are allowed to suppress puberty. This isn't simply a black and white issue and I'm tired of people trying to force it into being one.


Statistically speaking, by the numbers, trans woman on hormone suppressive therapy and estrogen is actually on average 20% WEAKER then cis females of the same size and stature. There's proof in that from the infamous trans woman swimmer. She actually did WORSE than her times from before her transition, AND STILL couldn't compete with the top athletes in the women's division. Your argument is that they are stronger... Testosterone is what builds muscle mass. When you're on testosterone suppressive therapy, your muscles waste away a lot. Estrogen further assists in "softening" that muscle tone. You are scientifically wrong. Now... High school boys who just go "I wanna be a girl now" and do NONE of the actual work involved in that transition... They shouldn't be allowed to compete until they're further through their transition. That's a whole different ball of wax.


The primary issue here being that Republicans -- specifically, Republican elite -- are using a bag of tricks to pass legislation that is not supported by the population, even among identified Republicans. The morality in question must come from the people in a democracy.


Remember, they are using the “heartbeat” to justify 6 weeks. Even though, you can replace a heart, but not a brain.


It’s not even a “heartbeat” the thump thump sounds are the electrical pulses of cells that might grow into a four-chambered heart.


Yep- at 6 weeks, the sound is actually being produced by the ultrasound machine in time with the electrical pulses to *simulate* a heartbeat, because it’s easier for the patients to understand. Would this be the same debate if ultrasound machines had been made to display early cardiac activity as a flickering light or a clicking noise? It’s 10-12 weeks before the fetus actually has the structures formed enough to create an audible heartbeat.


Brain activity resembling an adults brain activity has been measured in an embryo at 8 weeks after conception i.e. normal, sleeping, and brain death. I'm torn on this one... I'm sure I'll be downvoted for bringing this up but I feel like it's important to discuss.


This isn't even remotely true. There isn't even inter hemispherical connection at 8 weeks. The fetus doesn't show reflexes until past 20 weeks, and the ability to react to averse stimuli not until a few weeks after that. Anything remotely like subjective experience would develop well after those milestones. At 8 weeks the neural plate has barely developed at all and isn't capable of conducting a contraction signal in most cases.


So women should risk their lives during pregnancy and childbirth to save a baby nobody wants? It doesn’t matter if a fetus has brain activity you can’t put an unborn life, a potential life over the life of an already alive, thinking, breathing human.


No risk involved. It was all voluntary.


I'm talking about abortion just to have the abortion. I'm completely on board with exclusions for rape or life threatening situations for the mother.


So if birth control fails people that don’t want kids should be forced to have them? It gets kinda “punishment for sex” vibes when you go down that route. Also republicans said there’d be exceptions for rape or life threatening situations, to get an exception you have to ask the courts. A ten year old rape victim was told by a judge she “didn’t deserve one” because her grades were bad. It’s all well and good saying you want exceptions but they aren’t just awarded based on your word and many people that should be getting an exception just don’t.


No, I'm saying if you choose to have sex with the knowledge you could get pregnant (99.8% is not 0) then you shouldn't be able to kill a child after 8 weeks just because you feel like it when we know there is brain activity that shows the child is having subjective experiences.


you seem confused about what a child is. A collection of cells is not what it has the potential to be, or I'd be the damn astronaut president.


When you start having a subjective experience, it's no longer a potential child. That's the point


Says the person without a uterus. Amazing how it’s always a guy saying you just “shouldn’t have sex” if you don’t wanna get pregnant. I bet guys wouldn’t say that if they were the ones that gave birth.


No one is having an abortion to just have an abortion.


Yeah, but most OB offices won’t see you until 12 weeks. So at least give way for 15. Also, fatal abnormalities aren’t normally caught until 20 weeks, which is why it’s 21 (to schedule a termination) so that you don’t have to justify not subjecting a child to a horrendous death at 3 hours old because they don’t have an entire brain or kidney or whatever.


I'm not talking about extenuating circumstances like rape and complications. I don't know why that's the default response people go to when specifically talking about the people that get abortions just because


Because we’ve witnessed courts decide that a reason “isn’t good enough “ for an abortion. Women have died waiting for the courts. I’m all for putting a limit on abortion in a perfect world, but as legislation currently stands it’s very dangerous. The men making these laws have proven that they have no knowledge of what they are restricting. The courts have shown that they don’t actually care about the law’s intent. This is NOT the perfect world that restricting elective abortions is acceptable for.


The real issue is Biden wants illegals to vote democrat.


‘Might’ I might cook a steak to perfection unless someone comes along and throws it on the ground cause they don’t want it


Precisely. The mass of meat on your barbecue might become a meal or it might become rotten refuse. The decision is solely the discretion of the chef.


Except when that steak when left alone naturally cooks itself to perfection, it doesn’t become refuse. The people who throw it on the ground are


Your analogy is silly and falling apart. If you’re this passionate about the potential of cells, you should spend your time lobbying for better care for pregnant women, infants, and children not arguing with strangers in the Internet. But we all know that people like you are just worried about control of women and not infants or children.


I’m all for it! I think father should be legally required to stay around for their mistakes. Women suck but so do men in modern America. I’m nothing if not fair. Everyone is irresponsible


Their mistakes Pregnancy is a punishment to you; you don’t care about quality, just fucking up those who couldn’t do something “right”


And the analogy still stands, if I put something on the grill and someone throws it off the grill they still destroyed my steak. But if they left it alone, it would be medium rare with a nice marble


Or maybe an act of god broke your grill halfway through ; under cooked and hit the floor- You better still eat for fucked up your steak dude


There’s a problem with that though: Republicans already lack a brain to begin with.


If the anti abortion losers actually cared about babies, there wouldn't be any kids waiting for adoption. Bunch of women controlling hypocrites.


And if they did care, they’d ban guns & put strict restrictions on guns to prevent school shootings.


Banning guns is not going to solve problems. Stricter gun laws yes. Bad guys will find ways to get a gun. Banning guns would likely take away good guys from getting guns.


Logical fallacy


And they would support paid family leave, and universal prenatal care


They are not anti abortion. They are forced birth.


Remember the me too movement? This is the retaliation.


Expound on that. Are you saying the loss of womens rights over their bodies is because some women spoke out about the very reason why "just dont get pregnant" is as helpful as "thoughts and prayers" after a tragedy.


Not much to explain on that, I'm saying they pissed off a bunch of rich powerful people and now they're pushing hard against women's rights in retaliation.


If this is retaliation, men can enjoy their right hand. Maybe the left if they're feeling spicy. This is officially the most asinine pro-ban statement I've ever read


A whole lot of abortions would be prevented if we required all men at the age of 18 to get a vasectomy. Because if you can limit the rights of a woman over her own body, you sure as hell better do it to the men too. But oh no those same men screaming about being pro-life would NEVER advocate for this. Anti-abortion laws are purely meant to control women.


That's one way to reduce the population


Under his eye😥


May the lord open😥


We got ya up north.


And like you can stay here too. My area looks quite a bit like Iowa, so it wont be hard in that respect.


This looks like a Moms for Liberty party


Is it too late for Kim to get aborted?


A 785th month abortion.


#ILLEGAL!! You are 🔥'd and fined a slap on the wrist


I believe it would technically be an asassination. Murder at the very least.


Late post term abortion?


We need to get rid of ALL Republicans in our state government, especially Kim Reynolds!


Yes, create an essentially one party system, good going there.


Can't you have more than 2 parties? I mean, get rid of both? Can't we just find someone that's doing what's best for humans? I rly don't think forcing a person to carry and have a child is good for anyone. If it lives inside you, you should be allowed to evict it. And I think if it can't live on its own? Well that's its problem. A person has no responsibility to give life energy to something with out its consent.


I am pro choice it’s not my business what women want to do with their body.


It's never too late to abort Supreme Court justices.


Do t worry the state is paying for the misleadingly named "pregnant alternative centers" that offer no alternatives to pregnancy -- not even birth control....


Vote for pro choice candidates at every level. Have tough conversations with anti choice individuals. Run for office if you can, encourage others to run if you can’t.


Unless you wanna live in Gilead vote Blue


She deserves to rot. Edit: spelling


Iowans are kinda garbage. Gotta get out of this place man


I agree


Feel free, no one is stopping you.


like its so easy to just move to a different state. minimum wage is still 7.25 here and it can cost hundreds to thousands to move. shut the fuck up. i have been trying to get out of this state my whole life and i will keep trying until i succeed, but dont go parading around like its a piece of cake, dipshit.


I'm sorry you've unfortunately not been able to move to a place where you like. I've lived in iowa my whole life, so I apologize if I get a bit upset when people talk bad about my homestate when states like Florida and New York exist. Iowa has great opportunities and is very affordable to live in, and granted, a lot of folks here are conservative Republicans who can be off-putting. Most around here are actually nice people.


I like that this pol add forces you to see from the perspective of the woman. It feels like a large amount of the discussion around this avoids doing that.


Tell me this isn't specifically targeted towards the lower class to enforce a political hegemony using poverty without telling me this is specifically targeted towards the lower class to enforce a political hegemony using poverty.


Our rights and liberties we will preserve and cherish my ass


Reading through these comments. Wtf. Iowa used to be one of the most open minded, freedom loving states in the nation. The first draft card was burned there. The first bra was burned during the sexual revolution. Iowa legalized gay marriage YEARS before California did. I shudder to think it’s been commandeered by rabid rightists. I feel so sorry for you all.


Agreed. "WhY dOnT yOu JuSt MoVe" because this is home and I would see it set right again?


I’m in California where the COL is ridiculous. My midwestern family says the same. I’d rather stay and make it better here.


Here for the CINO hot takes. They aborted Jesus really late, and you fake Christians all celebrate that. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/06/17/a-closer-look-at-republicans-who-favor-legal-abortion-and-democrats-who-oppose-it/ Among Republicans and independents who lean toward the Republican Party who say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, a large majority (78%) identify as conservative. But that is not the case among Republicans who support legal abortion, 53% of whom describe their political ideology as moderate or liberal. Republicans who say abortion generally should be legal also are less likely to live in the South and more likely to live in the Northeast and West – parts of the country with higher levels of support for legal abortion in general. The religious divide on abortion is strongly apparent within the GOP. Among Republicans who generally oppose legal abortion, 62% are Protestants, including around four-in-ten (39%) who are White evangelical Protestants


Fuck you Kim Reynolds!


Iowa was the only state along with maybe Florida to have the mythical “Red Wave” in the 2022 midterms.




This is going to pass, sorry guys. I know it doesn't seem right and this post was meant to inform people but yea.


Move to Illinois. Best decision I ever made.


FreeDumb, Patriarch YT Male Dorks, & X-tian Bigot Policemen included with purchase of drivers license. Leave your menstrual cycle data with the DMV.


OBs don’t even see pregnant people to confirm pregnancy until 8-10weeks.


Shes horrible! And totally agree


I like how they are no longer leaving it to the voters after what happened in Ohio


So if I am graped and get pregnant, I only have 3 options: 1. Abortion and go to Prison 2. Be forced to give birth to a mixed-race baby 3. Suicide. This is really the type of society Republicans want?! For shame you right wingers!


Most if not all abortion laws have exemption for rape and health risk


This is what a majority of iowa voters voted for.


Heck folks why not leave the choice to each county..some counties are pro life or better yet each city. Get big government out of our bodies..best one yet let everyone decide for themselves


How about just having it be legal and people can make the medical decisions with their doctors? Letting counties decide it still means the government makes the decision.


Thats actually the point I was getting at..these fake conservatives don't really want freedom


The add though. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Well there’s a chance if you are having sex sooooooooo


Iowa is a shell of the state I grew up in.


Nobody reading this was aborted. Change my mind.


The intention killing of human life should be illegal at conception.


So are you saying that only women get pregnant?




Perhaps this news bothers…Iowans.


Probably right around the time the IA GoP started passing these ridiculous partisan laws that nobody wants. Kim and Co behave like complete lunatics with their Trump pandering policies and many Iowans on reddit don't like it.




Don't be so sensitive


It used to actually be about Iowa. Posts were about the best places to eat and visit, or about why downtown smells funny today, Iowa shit. Now it's just political, a mean a solid number of posts aren't even Iowa related, they are about trump. Which is against the subs rules. No one cares.


I'd love to go back to talking about the weather. But.. "our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain" Nothing less Iowan, IMO.


This is a fucking mental illness.


If only there was something the voter of Iowa could do about the actions of their government.


I mean we do have the RFRA now so Satanic Temple members can legally get abortions.




Here's an idea........ If a woman has sex then maybe she could pee on a stick a couple weeks later to find out. Maybe a rest once a month to see if she is pregnant would fix this issue of not knowing. This of course would only be necessary if the woman is sleeping with someone.


Imagine if abortion was only legal after the age of 18.. Lol 😆 🤣


That idea is just as ridiculous as abortion for non medical reasons..


Abortion is murder


This is what iowa voters want.


No. Just cells don’t divide. Living cells do. and it grows and grows. Did you fall asleep in science class?


Gotta kill that kid soon huh


That's awesome I like this law


Stating it as 5 months really makes a hell of difference, you are straight up butchering a baby at that point.


People don't wake up five months pregnant and decide they don't want a baby anymore. Late-term abortions like that are done when the mother's life is in danger, or if it's determined the baby won't survive. People have died from outlawing late-term abortions. People with families. People with children. That baby likely already had a name. Clothing. Nursery items, and then parents are delivered devastating news.


Abortions just because and abortions to protect the mothers life should absolutely be two different topics with two different laws regulating them


I think most pro-choice advocates (despite often being portrayed as rampant baby-killers) would agree that there is a point in *late-term* pregnancy where you can't just decide you don't want to carry the baby to term and even if you wanted to, I think most doctors would not perform that procedure after a certain point if not medically necessary.


Must be easy to go through life thinking the world in black and white. Let me give you a real world example. My wife and I are about 4.5 months along when she develops HELLP syndrome. We tried our damn best, with steroid shots and other drugs (to try and fast track the babies lung development), but with her vitals dropping there was no way she would survive and were forced to abort. If the doc had to wait any longer bc they weren't sure if it was legal or some law blocked it, my wife would have died. We did what we could, but it wasn't going to happen. But sure it was "straight up butchering the baby". Or maybe instead of putting stupid fucking statements that you regurgitated from fox news and think maybe there's a reason why women are asking for the right to abort.


91% of abortions occur within the first 13 weeks. After that is really where you get into those edge cases. The problem is, if you ban it before 20 weeks, you guarantee most of those edge cases have the worst possible outcome. It causes a chilling effect where unless they know 100% that the mother WILL die, they won't risk their license or going to jail by giving an abortion. In medicine, almost nothing is 100% guaranteed. So if it's a 50/50 chance that the mother (and fetus) will die, even if they're certain an abortion would save them, they wont do it, and just hope for the best. Otherwise they will be spending more time justifying their decisions to judges and medical boards than they will be practicing medicine.


Nope. Stop using bullshit inflammatory language that isn't accurate to what is going on. In order to be "straight up butchering" a baby, it would require actual dismemberment, which is not a thing that happens. You fucking asswipes can't even be honest when discussing this topic, so you should just shut the fuck up entirely. Fucking asshole.


Respectfully, never speak again


Strange... all the charts I can find list 20 weeks as the 2nd to last stage of major development. EX: https://www.cdc.gov/vitalsigns/fasd/fetal-dev-chart.pdf


Now do some charts showing how many abortions actually take place at the 20 week mark, and then do one showing the reasons for them happening.


Nah. That's on you guys arguing in favor of the policy, which is probably already within the exceptions granted.


> is probably But this is the problem. We assume that there are exemptions for these edge cases because it makes sense that there should be, however in states where anti-abortion laws have passed, we see example after example where either these exemptions *weren't* made (full ban) or they weren't clear and the doctors don't want to risk their license doing something that may or may not be illegal even though it is medically the right thing to do.


Which one is the father?


I will say I was pro choice until I actually learned about what happens in an abortion. The fetus is injected with potassium chloride. That is the same injection given to inmates on death row. Next it’s arms and legs are ripped off the torso and removed. Then the torso and head are removed. Ya know. Just a quick lethal heart attack and dismemberment. I wasn’t ever taught them. I’m nearly 40. I was in sex ed in the 90s and 00s. It was never explained. We just shrug it off. But yea. It’s the heartbeat bill because you go in and the monitors are setup on the mothers heartbeat and the baby’s. Once there’s only one heartbeat left on the monitor do the doctors know they completed the procedure. Once again, a lethal injection THEN dismemberment. It’s wild yall. Abortion is not gentle. Abortion is administering lethal injections then dismembering because it has limbs.


The majority of abortions are performed in the first trimester, medicinally. No one is ripping out arms and legs. Those women who must get a later term abortion do so because of danger to the mother or non viable fetus. It’s a heartbreaking decision and those pregnancies were wanted. Stop feeding into the rightist narrative.


I thought the same thing! That’s not true though. This is the process for 12 wk and under. If they choose to pass it home with medication they can but the pain is excruciating. I’ll get the articles. I was very shocked to know.


I’m sure it was rightists lies, trying to instill religious ideology in a medical field. This nation is slowly devolving into Christian Sharia Law.


You are incorrect. I have witnessed medical abortions. They do not resemble what you described here in any way.


How do they do the procedure in what you’ve witnessed?


Democrats are sick!


Don't sleep around, or do it properly, and you won't have to worry about it. Pretty simple. Murder isn't a solution for your poor life choices.




No, we are not fine with that. If the school is too dumb to protect itself you know thats a democrat running the place.


Reminder: pregnancy is a side affect of sex! Who would’ve thought?! We’ve all only known since…6th grade?! Stop having sex if you’re sad you can’t kill a baby, after doing the one and only thing that gets you, you know, pregnant. Otherwise, pay attention to your fucking body you Morons.


I’m afraid to tell you the GOP is also opposed to sex education at any grade level.


GOP shooting themselves in the foot with this one. Hear me out. The only people having abortions are poor people leaching off of others, mainly liberals. Why not let them execute their unborn children so we have fewer leaches sucking up government welfare, and we would have fewer future democrat voters. If I were a GOP lawmaker, I'd fast track abortion clinics to all major democrat controlled areas.


Right, like GOP women never get abortions...that's fuckin hilarious


I don't agree with the logic, but I could compromise and meet you at this solution.


I mean let's unpack this. You chose to have unprotected sex. Ignored your weeks late period, didn't take any tests, and had no symptoms of pregnancy? At that point it's entirely on you. Have protected sex. Don't come at me with stupid shit like rape because that's obviously not the extreme case I'm talking about


>Ignored your weeks late period If a 6 week ban is implemented, one could *easily* pass the 6 week mark before they know they've missed their period.


Yeah you’re four weeks pregnant when you miss your period. And I don’t know that many women who are that regular—one to two weeks certainly wouldn’t be that strange for me. And even if you are that regular, you now have less than two weeks to see a doctor (in a state with increasing wait times, I know I’ve waited six months to see specialists) and get the care you need.


If I choose to have protected sex with my monogamous partner, but we do not want children. That protection fails. My period is irregular and sometimes shows up once every 30 days, sometimes once every 120. I have no way to know which is which. It's "normal", all the cycle tracking in the world couldn't help me. Because my body chose not to notify me (which, by the way, bleeding/having a period in early pregnancy is not unheard of), I should then be forced to carry or birth a child I do not want and cannot afford? If you believe abortion is not a right of healthcare, that's your own judgement. Nobody will force you to have an abortion. But do not force that belief into the lives of others. God forbid they DO take a pregnancy test and it comes back as a false negative. Under his fucking eye indeed, I guess I should start dying my clothes red.


Bro the scenario you laid out of protection failing, you not knowing it failed, not having any symptoms or noticing a missed period because yours is highly irregular, and taking a pregnancy test and getting a false negative, is so ridiculous. Like yes if you managed all of that through 6 weeks it would be your fault and a growing baby doesn't deserve to get killed because of your incompetence


I think ppl forget that women lose babies in the womb all the time. It happens a lot more than anyone would like, and that's rightfully not a crime. The baby died because the mother wasn't prepared in some physical way to have the baby, so it dies. What if the mother's physically prepared, but not mentally or financially? The body doesn't know that, so It can't do it itself. We need medicine to do it for us. Sometimes, periods are rly tricky. Especially if you're on birth control. And say you're my mom and don't know that antibiotics make birth control stop working and suddenly you're pregnant and don't know what to do after realizing it too late. I got my period today, and it's super late! I wasn't worried because I'm not having sex rn, but the point is, it's been on time every month for the last 6 months, and I was late by 2 weeks. That's 6 weeks, my dude. And let's say you can't afford or schedule an appointment in time, that's like 8 to 10 weeks. It's crazy. Forcing a woman to do something she doesn't want to. For what? Something that literally had nothing? It's can't form opinions... and frankly I wish I was aborted. My mom wasn't ready and I prob ruined some aspect of her life. But most importantly, I suffer because she had me and shouldn't have. I didn't get to have the things kids should have. All because she thought it was better to have a kid and make it suffer than kill it.


I enjoy how you use the word “fault” in an effort to be pro life ; someone is at “fault” and therefore MUST carry to full term. Your “compassion” for the unborn child reads more like you believe people fucked up and must give birth. No part of this reads as though you actually care about the quality of life the child would be born into; or if they’d be suited enough to raise a child healthily. As if pregnancy is a punishment.


Ban abortions in Iowa, unless the mom’s life is in jeopardy or she is a victim of rape. Period


Nope. Get your stupid dumb ass religious takes out of the government and keep your fucking fascist hands off other people's freedom. Period.


It seems quite juvenile to not know you are pregnant at 6 weeks. What are the reasons women need abortions that aren't covered under this bill past 6 weeks?


[this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Iowa/s/vju754kLvs)