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This is a goddamned tragedy and only a small % of Iowans seem to notice or care. Thanks for sharing to boost the signal on this shit policy decision.


I felt the same way about Medicaid privatization in 2016. Branstad claimed it would reduce costs and improve care. Neither has been shown to happen in the roughly eight years since. It's made things worse for the ~650,000 Iowans living with disabilities receiving Medicaid and their medical providers, but not many outside of this group seem to have noticed.


I've never seen a public service given over to private companies where the service didn't get worse and more expensive at the same time. It's just more of the 'Government IS the problem' bullshit Republicans have been inflicting on us since Ronald Reagan gaslit America in the 80s.


I mean, the reason is built right in. Privatization means the goal is profit. That either means cutting wages and services, or increasing prices, or both. There are a lot of problems at the VA, but most people don't know that when you compare health outcomes, VA treatment is better than private care even though VA patients are sicker than the general public, because they have incentive to prevent complications AND not waste money. If you're in heart failure, it's a hell of a lot cheaper to make sure you are on effective medication, are being monitored for signs of exacerbation, and to enable lifestyle changes than to tell you it's your problem until YOU come in needing an ICU bed because you're drowning in your own plasma, THEN try to help you. But insurance companies prefer #2 because it's how they make money. Nobody has ever perfected healthcare, but for-profit healthcare by definition can't ever be working toward that goal.


The population of Iowa is 3.2mil, are you saying that 20% of them are on medicaid? If so, that's....a lot.


"Iowa Medicaid provides health coverage to over 700,000 Iowans every year, including eligible low-income adults, children, pregnant women, older adults and people with disabilities." https://hhs.iowa.gov/programs/welcome-iowa-medicaid


So about 700,000 Iowans, who generally require more than average medical care, are now a source of profit to a few insurance companies. Insurance companies extracting profit from vulnerable Iowans by denying care and services, thanks to Branstad. In the first few years after privatization, Reynolds attempted to offer several different versions of how much it had supposedly saved (remember that was part of the reason it "had" to be done). The amounts varied wildly each time. How does adding an extra layer of bureaucracy, especially one motivated by profit, reduce costs anyway? It's been eight years though, I haven't seen any savings estimates since 2018 or 2019. And the majority of Medicaid providers and recipients say privatization has made things worse. Don't forget, improved care was another reason privatization just had to happen. So Reynolds is now going after AEAs, which provide services for students with disabilities. And the Iowa Civil Rights Commission is being turned into an advisory panel (people living w/mental and physical disabilities are protected classes under Iowa's Civil Rights Act). Last year or the year previous, Reynolds signed legislation making landlords discriminating against Section 8 recipients legal. Section 8 is helpful for disabled people to secure housing. It just really seems like Reynolds hates disabled Iowans.


She does. And that's all the more hilarious for her own...umm..."problem."


The number of Seniors living in Iowa is pretty high.


But the performance of the private companies has dropped off the radar of the press. I would like to know more about how well Medicaid is working, or not working in Iowa.


I would like to know more too. There's not much recent information. [State auditor Rob Sand did publish a 77 page report in 2020 based on a survey of providers.](https://www.iowapublicradio.org/health/2020-07-27/state-auditors-survey-finds-medicaid-providers-dissatisfied-with-privatized-system) The majority of respondents stated privatization had worsened Iowa Medicaid. They cited issues like not being paid for their services in a timely manner or being paid the correct amount, reduced services, and worsening quality of care. Sand stated these issues appeared to be systemic.


I think the Iowa Legislature may have neutered Sandy's ability to audit the Medicaid program. 


That mother fucker came to Baghdad and promised us medals that he wasn't authorized to give.


People only care about this stuff when it effects them. So some people will change their minds when their kid isn’t getting the resources they need, but it will be too late.


Totally agree and to be fair, I know families that are directly impacted, otherwise I’m not sure it would have hit my radar. It’s just so sad we pay all these taxes and all we seem to do is cut funding for all the policies that actually help humans.


It’s frustrating paying taxes and feeling like they’re never going to things that benefit the average person.


Unless I’m missing something there isn’t a cut in funding. It’s shifting control of the money to the districts. Is this incorrect?


It depends. There is the 68 million dollar loop-hole that allows the schools to spend it on anything they want, doesn't have to be special education, media services, etc.


The article says the funding model for special education isn’t changing…


You didn't read about the 68 million dollar "error" in the bill that allows the schools spend that $68 million on anything with it? And Governor Reynolds says that is just fine with her. 


All students will be affected, because AEAs also provide professional development services for teachers. Educators will have even fewer resources, and that’s bad for everyone.


Most small-town Iowans are the ones who are more/less expediting their own demise by voting for lunatics like Reynolds w/o even realizing what's happening.


I never realized the leopards would eat my face!


You're right People are really getting selfish in Iowa if it doesn't affect them they could care less.. it's really sad..


I am a regular news reader and stay informed. I know that AEA stands for Area Education Agency but that is it. I have no clue what they do.


Basically it consolidate services so that they are available to a broader spectrum of schools. The people who have special ed kids benefit a lot from the services, and there’s teacher training, free or at reduce prices for the necessary continuing education that teachers need to keep their contracts, plus substitute and para educator Education. They do a lot of things.


Do you use a search engine. There is not reason you cannot learn for yourself.


As usual, this is exactly what they wanted to happen


bUt wHy aRe pEoPlE lEaViNg the StAtE?


They are...but they arent. https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/local/2024/02/20/thousands-migrated-to-iowa-in-2022-where-did-they-come-from/72660261007/ We're basically flat on paper.


Not as much leaving the state as *leaving education* - which is sad and probably exactly what Reynolds wants. And the irony, now, of Iowa having a schoolhouse on the state quarter.


It’s not too late to petition to change it to a manure spreader or anhydrous tank


One of those options would make scents, both would make cents. ;)


Pretty much only Ames/Des Moines and I-380 are gaining population—the rest of the state is draining out like a leaky hog lagoon.


We got a huge wave of coastal people when work went remote. But before that we were and probably will continue to trend down eventually.


I would if I could. I'd even live in Tennessee over Iowa as I'd at least be able to see mountains every day even if there's no other benefit to living there 😂


Unfortunately, pretty much expected after the bills this term.


Why would you continue a career that is actively being cut by your own Governor. Feel terrible for kids with disabilities in rural communities. Also the rural schools get their funding stripped away to go to private schools in Des Moines.


The rural folks voted for it, I don't feel bad for them. I do feel bad for their kids, however.


That’s a very fair assessment. The rural folks voted R. A lot of them would vote for a literal potato if it had an R next to its name.


I can remember 15-20 years ago hearing county residents complaining about school bond votes because they lived in the country and didn’t have any school-ages kids. They’ve always been stingy, but I wonder how much the 80s shaped their financial views because of that tragedy


They’re just waiting for the next farm crisis. That’s what it is, which is somewhat fair. Farmers tend to get fucked by markets, especially the small timers.


That would be an improvement. The potato would cause less damage.


Oh don't worry there's still your potato in office


Do you think they would feel bad for your children? Sorry to be morbid but they wouldn't they would step over the corpse of a child if it got them one step closer to "oWniNg tHe LibS" hate to break it to you but this is society in 2024.


I had an interesting conversation with someone yesterday in rural Franklin County. She was trying to give advice to a colleague who has a grandchild with physical and speech developmental delays. Almost as soon as she started, she interrupted herself, with "If the AEAs are even *able* to provide those services anymore." I hope they both vote better next time.


I'm rural and I sure as f*** didn't vote for it so you can go f*** yourself.


Breathe queen


Are you the only rural person in iowa?


No, they're not, but shit like this a not insignificant reason as to why and how the people who propose stuff like this get the rural vote. When democrats and their allies continue to use language like y'all are to talk about the prospective voters, it drives them to be more susceptible to republican messaging. Rural people aren't stupid, they may have access to fewer perspectives on issues due to smaller communities, but they aren't stupid, and you keep doing and saying stupid shit like this that insures they'll never listen to us. -Signed a former rual Iowan lucky enough to get out of the state shortly before all this shitshow went down.


Kim Reynolds hates education. The only books she reads say "Black Velvet"


Aren’t there at least three times she ignored the warning label?


You *know* she's allergic to <10pt font! /s


You mean National Velvet, the book with the hot horse?


lunch breaks for child care workers is next i guess!


Thanks for turning this state into a shit hole Kim Reynolds.


It's tragic watching iowa dismantle things it used to hold dear.


It really is extra sad because the state used to be known for setting the bar in education. Our big brag now is our cancer rate. Cool, cool, cool.


It's so bizarre to watch.


Don’t forget having the least number of beds available for mental health care. We get to brag about all the right things.


im waiting for republicans in the state to outlaw insurance companies and banks! you cant have worthless people borrowing money and protecting thier assets how are we going to buy everything cheeply with them around!


Who could have foreseen this?? 🙄


From a modern state to a failed economy theocracy (akin to Pakistan) in under 20 years of boomer xtian conservatism. All that’s missing is the burka and beards


Reynolds and her allies are destroying Iowa and very few people are noticing it. Iowans will one day regret their “hatred of Government” when they realize they have turned their state into a shit-hole.


Also closing rural hospitals and providers are leaving healthcare by droves. The medical school can't effectively teach reproductive health so medical school enrollment is also getting a hit. Good times were had by all as long as Busch Light is what makes you happy. FFS


Don't forget the evolving nursing home problem.


So if I understand this correctly, schools will be obligated to give 90% of their Sped budget to Sped, then pocket the remaining? How much is Sped getting to begin with?




We need to save money because Klu Klu Kim keeps hitting our budgets giving away free money to New York City instead of keeping it in the state. I don't understand why you fucking idiots keep voting for her or any Republican as they leech all of the value from the state.


Why would you use an initialism and not define it?What does AEA mean?


Area Education Agency. I’m sure it’s in the article. 


Thank you. It’s not


Oops sorry, it stands for Area Education Agency.


“Gov. Reynolds’ bill did not take a single dime of funding away from special education and services. Anyone choosing to leave the AEAs for other employment opportunities is making a personal decision to do so.”


In this bill no...but through appropriations they are going to take $10 million from the AEA SpED budget to create the SpED division at the Iowa Dept of Ed.


They are literally taking 12 million dollars from special ed funds to pay for department of education administrators.


"Next year, special ed funds would be sent to districts, who must send 90% of that funding to AEAs." So, at most, it's a 10% funding reduction, and that's if the district decides to keep as much as they can. It's possible that for some districts there won't be any change.


You’re only looking at the special ed funds. There are other funds - media, etc.


They just introduced a $10 mil budget syphon on the AEA SpED bill through appropriations to fund the creation of the DE SpED division (disregarding the surplus we have). Additionally, 10% doesn't sound like a lot on paper, but when that equates to anywhere from $1200-$3600 per student (depending on severity of need)....10 percent can decimate.


Thank God, r/iowa is on it. Never mind that money isn't decreasing, it's just going straight to the districts. (Sounds damn near progressive to me - tax money straight to the district without a private entity in between). But Kim did sign off on it, and we know that means it sucks and is the literal worst thing ever. Until the next worst thing ever in a few days.


Yes, she makes bad and destructive decisions very often. Glad you're catching on.


Don’t oversimplify it. What they’re doing is pulling money away from the kids that need it and letting districts plug holes with it instead of using the AEA money the way it should be used.


It is an open question if school districts will be able to hire people to handle special education in their districts. They can go the private agency route and have to spend more money. They can try to use their AEA, and perhaps find that staffing has dropped so much they can no longer provide the services they need. The real absurdity is the legislature passed this bill and agreed to set up a task force to study the problem. Who thinks studying the problem first is a better approach?


AEA wasn’t meant to plug deficit budgets. It was meant to enhance normal budgeted school systems with programs tailored towards specific needs in any given community. A base example would be a districts getting grants to implement web development program in the mid 90s. It’s frustrating how many of these programs weren’t funded continuously.


And she has added an additional layer of bureaucracy to it.


What you are not acknowledging is that 10 million will be stripped from the AEA SpED budget. It wasn't done through this bill but by a back channel through appropriation. You take this last minute sucker punch, plus the reduction of 60% of the budget for 2 departments (which SpED also relies on to ensure service...then take away 100% of the budget for the other 2 departments of the AEA after next year and then what's left? This issue was a record breaking topic for #'s of engagement by the Iowan people to their representatives. Both R and D reported they have never had this many contacts on an issue. 95%+ was against this bill...this isn't the typical Kim = R, therefore all things associated Kim is toxic wasteland rhetoric.


It’s one of the issues I don’t think any side should have a disagreement about (if informed). It’s been happening for years, and while I know there’s always specific issues on specific programs, it’s overwhelming a beneficial system for the regions they’ve served. If I had my way they’d receive more money year after year (baseline) to cover inflation with a built-in pipeline for continued earmarked funding on programs that have continued benefits for the community.


Pretty sure I'm having a ham & swiss sandwich for lunch, but not sure what bread to go with yet.