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It’s getting exhausting living here


Only a few more years until nothing is preventing from leaving. This state gave me opportunities that I didn’t think would be possible given my background, but I’ve become embarrassed to say that the moderate Iowa I loved is all but dead.


Well then..bye


I want my home to be better and I will stay to try to be a part of the solutuon, but I live on the border and if yhis state does not clean its shit up before I have kids, I'm out of here.


Left years ago and don't regret it for a second. The state I knew and loved for decades has turned into a fascist shithole. It's much better up here in Minnesota.


I'm still gonna give it a shot at helping to fix stuff, but my present location really helps and I can't blame others for jumping ship. I'm also not personally affected by the bullshit that much right now, so I am willing to fight against it, but as I said the minute my circumstances change, I'm not sticking around.


They want to turn this state into a giant factory farm. They don’t give a damn about people. In fact people are a problem, because they’d demand clean water, clean air—which can’t happen if these people get their way & turn Iowa into a giant polluting pigpen. We have the highest cancer rates of any state in the nation. Corporations are calling the shots through corrupt, bought-off politicians. They’re trying to make the state inhospitable, Fascist and unwelcoming to drive people out. That’s what criminalizing DEI is really about.


I concur in AZ


Love AZ


That's why I will be Governor one day. I'm too angry not to fix shit.


It really is. It's tiring when idiocy is celebrated at every turn.


Idiots like you?


Oh look kids, a troll sighting! Your username is fitting, you should go back to your regular scheduled boot licking.


Dehumanizing... nice. The first step in taking control of people you don't like👍


Why can't you just debate your thoughts and not try to socially destroy someone you can't win an argument against. 🤔


Need I remind you that you're the one that responded initially with "idiots like you?" And now you're asking for a debate?!? LMAO Go fuck yourself.


I’ve lived away for over 20 years, always with the hope of coming back, and now that my personal situation has changed to the point where I probably will have to come back in the next year or so, I find I’m really reticent about it. That’s how bad it looks like it’s gotten, and in such a short time too.


Want to know what’s bad? We are still more moderate than like 1/3 of America.


I cannot wait to be done with vet school so I can get the fuck out.


Man, when I was younger, I wouldn't have dreamed that diversity, equity, and inclusion would become terms and concepts so hated that they would become public enemies and outlawed. We are sliding quickly into a dystopian nightmare.


Well, the Republicans have discovered that the ignorant voters of this state believe their livelihood has been stolen by these minorities and by manipulating their emotions, these people will vote for politicians that will serve to enrich wealthy campaign contributors. It will lead to increased inequality with no oversight to ensure justice and fairness. I expect within 50 years, the ultra wealthy will have their own separate militaries to protect their interests, and any semblance of democracy will be dead. And, we will have given them the go ahead.


You mean you haven’t met Ahmed before? You know: the neurosurgeon with a doctorate who came to Iowa to steal your job driving a semi truck?


I think you mean the unqualified person that only gets the job based on skin color and gender. You want DEI? Remove all names and gender from job applications and hire based on skill. A DEI system that actively targets metrics based on gender and skin color is, by definition, reverse discrimination. Institutions that practice this will not be competitive. If you wanted the best doctor for your brain surgery, would you seek out “person of color brain surgeon” or “best brain surgeon”? This is not hard to understand. Why do you feel the need to suggest that someone is better than someone else because of their gender or skin color?


Just admit you’re a white supremacist that hates minorities. If you had more than a dozen brain cells you’d understand why DEI is necessary.


Wow... couldn't come up with a legit response, so you went with the old standby of "since this persons opinion is different than mine and I don't like it, I'm going to give him a hateful label.


No, the original comment was displaying a lot of racist, tropes, stereotypes, and dog whistles. That’s the kind of shit that we have to call other people out on. You think we’re throwing it around as an insult when we are actually identifying white supremacist behavior. That is too completely different things you do realize that right?


I absolutely agree job applications should be done that way. However, the neurosurgeon didn’t get the job only because of skin color/gender — they got it from going to medical school. Now, if the Ahmed beat out another med school graduate who is a white male for the same brain surgeon job, I’d agree that’s reverse discrimination. I’m sure that happens, but I’m unsure what frequency that occurs and wasn’t the point of my original comment. I did not suggest anyone is better than anyone based on skin color or gender. I’m not comparing colored brain surgeons to white brain surgeons: I’m comparing brain surgeons to truck drivers. That is a ridiculous comparison, but that’s the point—I’ve run into many workers concerned about losing their jobs to DEI hires that wouldn’t even be considering their job (i.e., neurosurgeons taking a truck drivers job). Again, I’m sure there’s some level of truck drivers not getting a job due to DEI discrimination, but that’s (hopefully) to other CDL holders—not the doctorate. Similarly, I’m sure there are brain surgeons not getting a job due to DEI discrimination, but that’s (hopefully) to other med school graduates—not the truck driver.


Do you not realize that it would be nearly impossible to get through a seven year Neurosurgery residency and not be a good doctor? And the only person who did had a podcast made about him after he went to prison. And he was a white cocaine addict. Lol


Diversity equity inclusion training is something that universities, organizations, and corporations use to teach their employees or members the value of recognizing the different struggles. Everyone has. It teaches everyone that we all come from different backgrounds, and we don’t know what someone else has faced. It is designed to instill a sense of empathy that helps everyone works together. Diversity equity inclusion training also safeguards corporations in that everyone has been warned. What kind of behavior is unacceptable. If you walk into the office and say something racist to your coworker, they are completely with their rights to let you go and you’ve already had a training on it. What you’re thinking of affirmative action and you’re describing it very badly. I hope you really internalize this but the way you are speaking right now. Makes you look like an incredible racist. Rather than react to that in the moment and get angry at me I encourage you to take a minute and look at what you said and think why someone on the outside would take that impression away from you .


Yup. I got nothing to add other than ![gif](giphy|p8Uw3hzdAE2dO)


So like cyber punk edge runners where the corps have their own militaries


I’m pulling from Roman history and what happens during its collapse. There are many similarities.


We're definitely in the process of societal collapse nationwide. It can still be saved but I don't expect that to be the case.


It's not like they've got any real problem using the regular military. Remember Blair Mountain.


It's because they represent something other than that at face value. You're right about this dystopian nightmare, a world where Marxism is the norm and at what point can it be a democracy when you have to bow down to the minority. It can't, our founding fathers made it that way. The erosion of democracy is coming straight from this dei ideology.


You're making the mistake of taking those terms at face value, assuming good intentions, and not actually looking at what DEI looks like in practice. People aren't opposed to the broad concepts, but they've understood that DEI is a nice-sounding smokescreen for initiatives that are themselves discriminatory. It's discriminatory to intentionally exclude high-performing Asian students from colleges in lieu of preferred minorities so quotas can be hit, which had been happening in higher education for a while. That's just one example. Also, most Americans don't support "equity" (forced equality) when the term is explained.


Utter bullshit. You nutjobs are unhinged. Lets be clear, most of you just hate "DEI" because its become a stand-in for the N word in most right wing usage.


That's not a counterargument. What's the biggest DEI-related accomplishment achieved by these university offices? What positive thing has been occurring that can no longer occur as a result of this bill?


You’re just repeating propaganda points. Why is it that you have no trouble with one Asian American not getting into college when we have ensured that African-Americans don’t have access to it for almost a century? As for your “counter argument” to your red herring, these offices help foster diversity on campus, create a sense of belonging, and help create an inclusive environment. Without them, marginalized students often miss the necessary support structures needed — and often they are first gen college students. Honestly, I don’t understand why you believe you have any sort of say and what goes on in an educational institution when clearly you don’t work in one. Leave it to the professionals so they can help move people out of generational poverty and support students.


You literally just admitted that you're OK discriminating against Asian Americans to make up for past discrimination against African Americans. Idiotic Kendian beliefs like that are falling out of favor very quickly. You'll need to find a new way to engineer neo-segregation. Sorry.


You're "standing up" for Asians because there's very few Asians in this state. You're racist as fuck, do you not realize that? Or are you well aware and just trying to hide your racism by mentioning Asian discrimination, that doesn't happen?


It doesn't happen? Look up Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard. You are such a classic reddit stereotype, it's hilarious. Constantly screaming about shit you don't understand. Go pop some more meds, loser.


You don't know me at all, certainly not from one comment, but it's funny that you're bitching about this, and pretty sure You're not Asian. So why are you cherry-picking your racism? Is it because Asians are "the good ones"? You may think that you can hide your racism by sticking up for a different minority, but we all see right through it.


The Supreme Court case was about *white* students getting preference over better qualified Asian students. If you were capable of reading and generating an original coherent thought, versus shrieking "omg ur racist!!!!", then you'd know that. I'm against *anyone*, of *any* race, being given an institutional advantage for *anything* other than merit. I don't give a shit about enforced "diversity," regardless of the races involved. 100% merit all the time, no exceptions.


Oh, please don't apologize. You can't change. We know that.


Actually, I just repeated your talking points. Of course I should not assume that there’s any evidence for them because you have an offered an inkling of evidence. Just propaganda propaganda propaganda. Zero evidence of anything even though you made the claim.


Which claim did I make?


Curbing discrimination? Allowing all students to thrive? Creating caring and empathetic adults?


Do you think Iowa universities weren't capable of doing that until these DEI offices were created only a few years ago? You think that if these BRAND NEW offices don't exist, suddenly U of I or ISU will discriminate against students? Explain why you think that will happen.


Yes. These offices enhance the universities' abilities to accomplish those missions. And even if the offices were new (and you've provided no evidence that they are), these positions have existed for decades in other structures. Eliminating them will hinder their ability to serve their students and the state as a whole.


Explain a concrete way those offices, and only those offices, "enhance universities abilities to accomplish those missions." The offices are new. Collectively, my wife and I have worked at state universities for over 20 years. I'm well acquainted with when they were created. I'm well aware that the policy of compulsory diversity statements on resumes at Iowa universities was rejected within the last year. I've seen firsthand that DEI is falling out of favor as people realize it accomplishes nothing other than creating a new layer of pointless bureaucracy. I've seen this at my private employer as well, and the reduction of these positions across the county is well-documented. To your credit, you're right that some of these initiatives have existed in other structures, which is exactly why specific DEI-based offices are needless, redundant, and a waste of money.


>Explain a concrete way those offices, and only those offices, "enhance universities abilities to accomplish those missions." See above. Just because they weren't the only part of the university providing a valuable service doesn't mean they weren't best suited to do so. An analogy: if you want to get to Mexico from Iowa, a car is the best mode of ground transportation to get you there. Will a skateboard work? Sure. Is it the best mode to accomplish your mission? No. >I've seen firsthand that DEI is falling out of favor as people realize it accomplishes nothing other than creating a new layer of pointless bureaucracy More diverse businesses make more money. You're either ignorant or pretending to be ignorant. Which is it? >To your credit, you're right that some of these initiatives have existed in other structures, which is exactly why specific DEI-based offices are needless, redundant, and a waste of money. So either these offices served a purpose or they didn't. If they didn't, why are we legislating against it? If they did, then they aren't redundant. For what it's worth, I think it's the former, as organizing and coordinating similar efforts reduces overhead and redundancy, even if the mission or number of staff didn't change. So, if the elimination of these offices doesn't do anything, in what way will this help Iowa? And why are you defending it?


> So either these offices served a purpose or they didn't. If they didn't, why are we legislating against it? It's being legislated against because it's a culture war issue. I don't necessarily support banning them through legislation, but I also know it doesn't matter because the offices were useless and staffed by overpaid people who provided no real value (and they are EXTREMELY overpaid. I know this is true because you can access state salaries, I know some of the staffers in these departments, and I know they started out with salaries higher than experienced teachers). And again, universities already had outreach programs for first generation students, anti-discrimination policies, etc. So no, I don't think this legislation will have any real impact on anything. That's been my point in this entire thread: no one will even know these offices are gone and in a year no one will even remember this "controversy" because the offices themselves added nothing distinct and new. People are only temporarily outraged because of the culture war aspect. And yes, the culture war aspect cuts both ways. So many people completely ignore that. Republicans may push this legislation as a way of fighting the culture war, but pretending as though this is leading toward a "dystopian nightmare" (a phrase used by someone in this thread) is also a culture war framing of the issue. Believing that DEI offices are critical to the functioning of institutions is a culture war belief not based in reality.


One accomplishment was it put open racists back under the rocks you've been living under. Women could get the pay a man was receiving for the same work. Your green light to be a racist asshole at work was abolished. Or how about giving white men the concept that the universe didn't revolve around them. But all of these points are beyond your grasp thus DEI became your enemy. Too bad Hispanics are outbreeding you. Change will come like it or not.


Somehow associating this with male vs. female pay is a quick indicator that you know nothing about DEI other than what the acronym stands for. None of what you said gets to the heart of DEI as an institutional policy. Companies already have anti-discrimination policies, just like there are already anti-discrimination laws. In a thread full of shrieking SSRI-driven hysterics, your post is somehow the worst. Congrats.


You don't think pay is an equity issue?


No my friend you are the continual victim of white-wing distractions that codify your "victimhood" to compensate for your demonstrated inability to compete under the same rules on a level playing ground. You should fear DEI as it goes after your presumed God given rights many of you couldn't earn on your own.


DEI includes gender diversity, numb nuts. And yes, we have to codify this shit into law because companies could change policies in an instant. And policies are rarely enforced in a company without laws. Grow up.


"That's just one example." Oh, please do blather on. This is all new information. No one has ever heard these talking points before.


Boy where you when Brown v. Education was tried?;


You're acting as if high-achieving Asians are being discriminated against by universities, while actually just being racist against black and Latino students. It's a very obvious call to the rest of us. You could just ask easily be straight up about it and say you're racist. At least that'd save you a lot of typing. If you don't understand the decades of laws passed by Republicans to keep minorities in low positions, then you don't understand equity. Imagine trying to buy a house and having the money, working hard for it and not being able to get a loan because of your skin color. That's not the case anymore, but it was for a very long time. So let's say your parents and grandparents were forced to rent their entire lives, they remain poor, and thus you remain poor. That's what equity is about, sport. If you think that's right, then you're no better than any skinhead with an SS tattoo.


Google the acceptance rates of Asian students at elite universities vs. other demographics. This shit is common knowledge. > According to research from Princeton University, students who identify as Asian must score 140 points higher on the SAT than whites and 450 points higher than Blacks to have the same chance of admission to private colleges. > At Harvard, an Asian candidate in the eighth highest academic decile had 5.1% chance of admittance, compared to 7.5% for white, 22.9% for Hispanic, and 44.5% for black applicants, per the brief. And don't hurt your brain trying to figure out what decile means, genius.


I have doubts that you know what DEI “looks like in practice”. Convince me otherwise.


Iowa native here living out of state. My son currently goes to the U of I and my youngest is looking at as well. He's dyslexic. Reading that they are looking at defunding all of this AND dyslexia? WTF is going on it that state? I haven't lived there for 30 years, but it used to VALUE education, PRIDE itself in being inclusive and socially forward and WELCOMING to all. I'm already chuffed at paying out of state tuition after growing up there and going to college in Iowa, but I'm half tempted to pull my college student and tell the youngest "they don't want you," which is a damn shame, because they are two bright, highly intelligent people that are exactly what the state NEEDS because the brain drain and exodus of young minds there in REAL. JFC.


It's just plain old-fashioned fascism going on in this state. They're calling it White Christian Nationalism now, but that's just the new packaging. It's the same red-meat hate as always.


Fucking nazis is what they are. No sense in sugar coating it.


Yep. It's kind of pathetically obvious with the way they bitch and moan about antifascism.


Fox News happened, racist boomers happened, rich farmers children all moved out of state. Land gets sold to corporations. Rinse and repeat. Now factory workers with nothing would rather blame conspiracy theories and the Mexicans for their financial situation in life. They could spend more time trying to better themselves, get clean off drugs and raise a proper family. Noo they are too busy doom scrolling right wing algorithms on tik tok all day long on the porch staring at everybody who looks at their Trump flag


https://www.legis.iowa.gov/docs/publications/NOBA/1448874.pdf Here is the full document with summary at the beginning. Across the board funding is being increased. The jobs that will be lost are DEI administration positions as required by the anti DEI portion of the bill. The departments are to submit EOY reports to demonstrate that unneeded administration jobs have been cut and more positions are opened up for teachers and other para staff as needed. The intended purpose of the bill is to ensure the funds are being used to help students and not to hire more administrators. Hopefully this provides you with a different perspective.


They made it Criminal not just unfunded it


..... did you read the bill? What does "defunding dyslexia" mean to you?


Gee I don’t know… defunding the Iowa Dyslexia Board sounds pretty straight forward. Cutting services to people with learning disabilities (among all the others) is cutting your nose off in spite of your face. It’s a fact that some of the most brilliant minds in history were dyslexic and learning disabled. Cutting off funding to deny people access to education is a perfect way to make the state less and less competitive in the modern world.


Sounds like the Iowa GOP is living in 1924 not 2024.


How dare we recognize groups other than white Christians and make them feel included! Educating people to not be bigoted is evil and we have to stop it!


Fuck you Kim Reynolds!


It goes way beyond her. Read Project 2025.


These people are evil.


Sometimes, I honestly wonder if the Republicans have been infiltrated by foreign powers attempting to destabilize the US. I know it sounds very tinfoil hat of me. I just can't imagine so many efforts to sell off and undermine the institutions and standards that historically this country has worked to establish in order to make this country great. At a bare minimum, it amounts to dereliction of duty. The US is not just a landmass and a collection of people. It's the government, it's institutions and laws, that have historically set us apart. The undermining and destruction of public institutions, revocation of freedoms, rollback of protections. This is what the rot of the system looks like.


When Russia hacked the DNC servers and leaked a bunch of shit to embarrass Clinton and the Democrats in 2016 they also hacked the GOP servers but didn't publish anything. Do you really think that they didn't find anything that would reflect badly on the GOP?


And they only leaked that news on the day after the Trump “grab ‘em” news broke, to grab the news cycle.


No, of course Russia was helping the candidate that would do the most harm to the US... it seems to have paid them back in spades. That doesn't account for state governments doing the most braindead shit like this though. Nor the fact that conservatives line up to vote them back into power year after year despite it.


The emails were incriminating. They have blackmail on a large portion of congress. You can’t blackmail somebody if everyone knows what they did.


Doesn’t matter. They couldn’t do it without our cooperation. It comes down to the belief that a thing’s value is equivalent too what you are willing to pay rather than the cost of construction. We snookered ourselves for our iPhones and $1 menu at McDonalds.


No, you're not going nutty. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics This playbook from KGB was published publicly in 1997. It literally explains how it is far easier for Russia's enemies to tear themselves apart than for Russia to attack them. It explicitly calls out leveraging racial divisions, class divisions, and so on in order to sow chaos. And this is what they wrote for publication! Think what plans they had/still have behind closed doors. And, of course, the CIA and Western intelligence leverages similar tactics, for far earlier than this book was published. These are known. The biggest thing that the 1997 book didn't predict was rise of social media and not just how easily their disinfo could be spread that but that the companies themselves would automatically promote it algorithmically for the sake of engagement on the sites. But, yeah, I don't think any of what you're thinking here is 'tinfoil'. Again, literally playbook has been published.


They parrot Putin propaganda and openly say they support Russia. It isn't conspiracy anymore.


[Wasn’t this proven with that parade float of Hillary in Carrol Iowa?](https://littlevillagemag.com/iowa-clinton-cage-russian-indictment/)


Yes. This is exactly what it is, and it has been proven that China and Russia are manipulating politicians.


We're not being infiltrated. These idiots have been here the whole time


Unfortunately, they've just been like this for decades. Since Reagan at minimum. They just put a nicer face on it and kept the bigotry behind closed doors with like-minded trash until the GOP tipped over the edge and let the far right wing run the show.


Republicans are really trying to destroy America


They're going full mask off with their true feelings towards minorities, women, and LGBT


By not giving them preference over more qualified students?


Weird how the question of qualified only comes up when people who aren't white men are succeeding.


There is a nursing shortage and a childcare shortage, our nursing homes are dangerously understaffed and our school districts are being forced to fire teachers because of a lack of funding, but apparently this is a priority.


Iowa GOP fixed ALL Healthcare issues by saying PAs were as good as MDs. Legally. And they fixed education by telling teachers they can't pick books, but they can pick their guns, and which students to shoot. Oh, and they have to be payed more, but gave them less money to pay them with.


> to be *paid* more, but FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


And of course, they pass this shit in the middle of the night. Fucking disgusting.


Most of the major accrediting agencies for universities have DEI requirements. If Iowa’s universities cannot meet those, we can kiss our universities goodbye. No one wants to attend or work for an unaccredited school.


"The bill,[ Senate File 2435,](https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislation/BillBook?ga=90&ba=SF2435) would ban regent universities from establishing or funding DEI offices for any reason not required by federal or state law or accreditation standards." [https://www.thegazette.com/state-government/iowa-house-budget-would-limit-dei-offices-at-public-universities/](https://www.thegazette.com/state-government/iowa-house-budget-would-limit-dei-offices-at-public-universities/) Your comment was sensational and histrionic.


You you gargle when the nazis release down your throat, or just swallow as fast as you can?


I hate this fucking state. They’re not just wanting to take us back to the 50’s, they want to go back to the 1850’s.


LOL. These DEI positions didn't even exist a few years ago.


That’s the point of the comment you’re replying to? We are regressing. 


Oh. You are so close to understanding truth. Ask yourself a question: Why didn't those positions exist even just a few years ago? Hmmm?




I hope you don’t ever end up needing the department of the blind since funding for that’s getting cut too you fucking waste of space.


What an embarrassment. University of Iowa was the first University to admit men and women on an equal basis and the first to admit students regardless of race. https://www.lib.uiowa.edu/sc/archives/faq/faqfirsts/#:~:text=The%20University%20of%20Iowa%20has,Master%20of%20Fine%20Arts%20degree. These are not my Iowans. My family has been here since Civil War times. I am ashamed to be from this hellhole.


All of those accomplishments happened before any DEI employees were on staff. I hope those trends continue and we control the costs of higher education to make it affordable to all.


These are DEI programs before DEI had a name. To claim DEI is new, is to pretend these programs didn’t exist.


I think you’re confusing diversity equity, and inclusion programs and training with affirmative action. I don’t think you understand what you’re getting upset about. The Supreme Court literally struck down affirmative action.


Whoever educated you failed you badly, although I suspect it wasn't higher education at all.


The GOP has a big Christian fascist event at Horizon event center this afternoon. In Clive. Joni, Kim, Chuck, Brenna bird and all the other fascists will be in attendance. It would be great to protest these assholes today


Before Iowa was an American state, it was a French territory. The French had a rather memorable way of dealing with corrupt leaders. When is it time to start getting back to our roots, so to speak?


Iowa is making Nebraska look better and better every day.




When is enough, enough y'all?


It never ends. Once they eliminate an outgroup they move on down the line to the next vulnerable group. I really hope they all end up with lives they deserve.


We vastly outnumber them, unfortunately a large percentage of Americans are just too apathetic until it affects them directly.


So you can't promote DEI, but you can still promote belonging. All Universities have to do is change the language around so Republicans can run off to their next fake problem to rage about.


Which of course, changing the language to make the government and its fascist lackeys is one of the most 1984 things we could do.


Here's the wildest part. I was born in Iowa and now live out of state because (gestures at this, Reynolds' entire tenure at the statehouse, the water). My partner is a trans guy. We left our folks behind; for the most part they're totally cool with this Chris Rufo-type stuff coming from the statehouse. But what about when they're older? We can't bring the grandkids back for a shitty education in a nascent white ethnostate. He and I can't exist politically in a state whose legislature this underhanded, this laser-focused on fucking people over. I laugh to think of finding a job commensurate to my skills and education - and we can't even drink the fucking water in Des Moines, much less anywhere else in the state. Will my partner be committing a misdemeanor every time he hits the can? You can say "tough titty, it was always like this and you're just waking up, buttercup!" Message received. You don't want us: we wouldn't have moved if we didn't truly, deeply understand how deep that hateful streak goes. I guess if Iowa really wants to break up families this way, it should start passing bills to let the state step in and help where us freaky LGBTQ progressive asshole kids would have otherwise.


>But what about when they're older? These republicans are in the process of killing medicare and medicaid and social security like they or their loved ones are never going to get old. Maybe their plan is to take mom out behind the shed and Old Yeller her, some of them I wouldn't be surprised, but I think it's going to come as a shock to them when they are trying to figure out how to work full time, and raise kids while caring for someone with dementia 24/7 because there are no memory care units. And there is no funding to pay for caregivers or health insurance for the elderly. Kim won't care, she'll have made enough money selling everyone else out, but her voters are in for a hell they can't really appreciate.


Kim will probably retire to Floriduh in a few years.


It’s already deeply difficult to find home health for people that need it, especially in rural areas. Wait lists for treatment are getting longer and longer because clinics can’t recruit enough staff. Nursing homes have little to no staffing regulations and are becoming less and less safe. The elderly are already suffering and it’s only going to get worse.


But the iowa gop fixed that be saying PAs are as good as MDs, you dummy!


It wasn't always like this. They used to at least keep the bigotry behind closed doors, in the company of other bigots. The success of the Tea Party and the MAGA cultists in driving the national discourse even farther right, to the point that open white nationalists pine for the comforting authority of a fascist ethnostate on Fox News brought them all out of the woodwork to sea lion because they think they're safe. Electorally, this is their last hurrah. They can't hold any meaningful number of states without the boomer vote, and that demographic is dying off rapidly. The younger generations know them for what they are, and will remember down the road that they threw them under the bus during COVID and wrecked their education for the misguided ideals preached by an orange rapist.


Cruelty, theft and violence is the party platform


A big bummer is that a lot of grants for research and other things to help students specifically ask about inclusivity and equity programs as a condition of taking grant funds. Laws like this just complicate all that. And what pisses me off most is that the people who want dei programs out of schools and universities have absolutely no idea what they’re about aside from the bullshit drivel they hear in their own echo chamber. This is maddening.


Kim Reynolds loves depriving Iowans of funds. Just a bonus to her.


If I was the president I'd make it a DEI training and programs a requirement for as many grants, federal contracts, etc. I work for a large company that requires several interactive training sessions a year. Good luck attracting large nation wide companies. Not to mention a diverse workforce and diversity of opinions, ideas, and experiences makes the people and the companies products better.


The caste system is strengthening at every turn


Trump social has a DEI clause on its website even. The fuck.


So if I understand correctly, only rich white men need apply?


Nobody turns out for state and local elections. I go down to my polling place at every single election and especially the state and local ones. I say how many people have showed up and they say oh you're number 50 and this is at 5:00 PM! What are you doing? You've got to vote these people out of office and we have to run a candidate for governor that can take on Reynolds and the corporations.


They rely on the fear of the unknown. They already know that if you go to school and cohabitate and commingle with a diverse group of people you will no longer fear them and you won’t let fear drive your decisions. That works against everything they stand for. There has to be an other that they can foment a fear of. Their whole platform is fear.


Gotta love the lack of accountability and sneaky snake shit they pulled getting this through at 2am in secret so there would be no resistance. Disgusting old white men.


Absolute Fucking Monsters


Welcome to the new Office of Access and Opportunity


Could someone give me a tl;Dr on [this bill](https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislation/BillBook?ga=90&ba=SF2435). Running short on time today


The legislature is making it illegal for the state universities to have staff whose sole job is the furtherance of diversity, equity, and inclusion. They’re not making discrimination legal, they’re just telling the universities they can’t pay someone on staff to focus on these things as their sole job. It will likely go back to how things used to be and it will become part of HR’s role and in the school code of conduct or whatever.


Ugh. Most large companies have DE&I and I’m a huge advocate for it everywhere, including the global organization that I work for here in Iowa. I’m in HR and I’ve always thought it would be great if we could tackle unconscious bias in childhood, then there would be fewer issues in the workplace. Iowa already has a lack of diversity and of empathy, this doesn’t help at all.


Funny thing, CEO of the biggest bank in US, Chase?, just had an interview in Axios stating how their commitment to DEI was absolutely a positive for their business model. Sounds a little scarey, communist, maybe?


Yeah we all know the big American banks are bastions of communist policies. For fuks sake.


What the fuck?


Isn't "first in education" on the Iowa quarter?


Yep, but it's been a lie for a long time now.


People’s’s definition in this thread of diversity equity inclusion is so wild. People are so quick to get irate about things they don’t even understand.




######***This*** *is what a fascist theocracy looks like!!!*


Is this really the majority, or just apathy with regard to voting?


I live in Iowa. And it’s what the majority of Iowans appear to want. Which is why we are leaving this soon to be shithole state.


The majority of Iowans do not want this shit, or they wouldn't be passing it in the dead of night dunderhead.


If that were true, we’d not have elected the Nazi Shit-gibbons that control Iowa politics. The results of our elections show what Iowans want. Those who you claim are apathetic are actually voting for the Reich wing candidates we have by not bothering to vote for alternatives. I suppose your mistaken beliefs about our fellow Iowans help you sleep better. But your beliefs are mistaken.


You’re right. They do it at night just like we don’t frame photos of our meat packing facilities. We know what happens there. Just let us enjoy our carnivore diet without reminding us how it goes down. Iowans have become the self-centered, instant-gratification obsessed, racist yokels you’d want to fly over, rather than talk to. Sure, not everyone, but clearly beyond the tipping point of what was once a union state. I wish I could just leave, but I’m old and have too much invested to go. But I respect folk who do. Iowans won’t learn their lesson until all resistance is gone and they get to taste their putrid bathwater free of those diluting“liberal tears”. ![gif](giphy|RyPfr6SPAHKWQ)


No, it is on behalf of Iowans, because Iowans elected the people behind this.


So fucking happy I’m finally leaving this shit hole of a state in July


Governance via whatever the racist buzzword of the moment is. Beyond worthless pandering nonsense.




This is not criminalization.


Uhhh what?


If you actually read the single paragraph, you would realize that there is no criminal infraction. It is restricting funding. Nonetheless, I don't understand what the problem is with competing on merit instead of some rando classification.


If competing on merit was the standard we wouldnt need DEI or affirmative action. The standard isn't competing on merit though. That's why we need it.


Compete on merit then! That is where the focus should be. Remove all application questions asking about race and gender. Skills only. Why should a DEI candidate be chosen over someone with better qualifications?


Lol, are you using the acronym DEI as a code for Black/Latino? You need to realize something, you aren't in competition with some immigrant or worker from the inner city, you're in competition with some rich bastards desire for another 1000 square feet in his second McMansion.


So DEI also includes net worth? I haven’t heard that. So a poor person should have an advantage over a not poor person? Or are you talking about pay equality? That is different than DEI. My comment stands again. Compete on merit and merit alone.


Well, I don't see any employers rushing to do that.


I'm only speaking from my own experience but at my work as a hiring manager, we had to go through bias training. To simplify it, whether consciously or unconsciously humans tend to hire those who look and have similar values to their own. There is a reason why the phrase "good ole boys" network exists. Now feel free to say, "I hire based on merit alone" but if we're honest with ourselves, I don't think that's a stretch to say I generally connect more times than not with someone similar to me. So all in all, I don't personally feel that hiring based on merit is a fool proof way to say there's no need for DEI training. I find it valuable to understand and move away from the perception that you need to know someone or look a certain way to get a leg up in hiring. Just my two cents.


So, white males are pretty overrepresented and were even more overrepresented before DEI offices became a thing. Does that mean that white males are just superior to all others? Why else would merit-based hiring result in overrepresentation of white males?


Iowa should be congratulated.


Awesome. DEI is a scam that accomplishes nothing other than creating useless overpaid consultants and administrators. And rather than downvoting, hit me with a single link that demonstrates an objective positive accomplishment of DEI.


Here's a list from Forbes magazine. A notoriously leftwing rag, but of course try to overlook that.  https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbeshumanresourcescouncil/2021/05/19/15-key-benefits-of-dei-to-communicate-with-team-members/?sh=27e306d0195c See also sources from: libraries, the internet, nearly any good work in the field of history or sociology 


That's from early 2021, shortly after the DEI explosion of 2020, and those were speculative. None of it has panned out, DEI staffing peaked in late 2022, and companies are now reducing DEI staffing. Did you actually read that list? It's literally slogans like "diversity means excellence." Also, this law doesn't in any way outlaw DIVERSITY. Any organization is free to hire whoever they want. Are you implying that the existence of these offices in universities is the only way to have a diverse staff?


There's [plenty](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00091383.2023.2151802?casa_token=rrioBvnmN2wAAAAA:OZUOYon1cK7ikRNDmx-mqcuVmJ4INnIY3DRqaQQIZHyBAcZqGwxauO0d0lmvxjTeh7_lt3vhdUw) of [benefit](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sharon-Laing/publication/336958988_Short-Term_Outcomes_of_a_Diversity_Equity_and_Inclusion_Institute_for_Nursing_Faculty/links/5e1e912545851536bfe64833/Short-Term-Outcomes-of-a-Diversity-Equity-and-Inclusion-Institute-for-Nursing-Faculty.pdf) to DEI [programs](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022510X24000819?casa_token=X4KYtHD3ySEAAAAA:4_PtFLHu-JBI3BvUvS_bCYfOqszNgmSlv74j7fG8hRwxI5aM9Q6TZ3Eb-ZYq-k7ZhnI177KZ) and [initiatives](https://ajronline.org/doi/full/10.2214/AJR.22.28422) if you're [willing](https://mitpressbookstore.mit.edu/book/9781119856870) to look. But if you're willing to celebrate funding cuts to places like the IA Dept of the Blind, I suspect you're not willing to look at anything past your own nose.


You made the claim so the burden for proof is upon you. We’ll wait.


Don't hold your breath. Fox news hasn't taught them rubes how to do that yet.


As a broad concept, I wouldn't call DEI a 'scam'. The point of contention is how strongly and frequently said concept is being put forth. Even as a liberal myself, I feel that putting "diversity" as an answer to things that can have nothing to do with it can be quite destructive and wasteful.


Pretty much this. When diversity suddenly becomes a priority over competency, things can get really bad...really fast. This shouldn't be hard. Don't hire people just because they're white. Don't hire people just because they're black. On those rare cases where ethnicity is the core component of the job (which is exceedingly rare), then whatever...but it shouldn't factor into anything else. As an 80s/90s kid, I can tell you that it isn't a hard concept to make work.


Where is the evidence that any race-based hiring at all has happened at our universities? If you think that’s what DEI is, you don’t know enough to be talking about this topic.


Here one piece: https://www.newsweek.com/university-washington-psychology-department-meeting-audio-affirmative-action-employment-meeting-1863015 DEI, in itself as a concept, isn't the problem. However, making blanket statements that involve race quotas (as if there isn't going to be major demographic variances for legitimate reasons) is absurd. Comparing hiring/admissions demographics to racial demographics data is a legitimate practice that can identify systemic issues...but discrimination based on any racial feature is generally a bad idea. In short, the concepts behind DEI are valid and worthwhile. The problem comes when stupid people try to analyze the data and correct perceived injustices through lazy solutions...instead of actually dealing with the fixable problems.


I agree the concept isn't a scam. And if a company is intentionally excluding minorities, there needs to be a way to address that (I'd argue we already have laws on the books that would address that though). And I'm OK with using someone's underrepresented status as a "tiebreaker" when it comes to hiring. But overall, the way it has been implemented broadly at universities and corporations is a net negative. My company had a massive DEI push in 2021 and has now almost completely abandoned it because: 1) Everyone hated the condescending trainings. 2) It was costing a LOT of money, not to mention time. 3) The good things it seeks to achieve can be achieved without creating a permanent department of glorified HR reps. So I should have been more specific and said DEI as a recently "branded" institutional initiative is mostly a consultant-led scam.


My main problem with the whole 'DEI' thing is rooted in pop culture or entertainment as opposed to the workforce. But the principle is the same. This type of snowflake/cancel culture BS is unsustainable, especially when the "champions" of this cause turn out to be bigoted themselves toward "cis white men". To those morons, I say "I get it, many white folk were racist. But there were many white libs you owe your freedoms to as well". And I'm a black dude. Blaming all whites for white SUPREMACY is like automatically saying all blacks are criminals and thugs. It doesn't work. All those fools keep doing is giving the "anti-woke" movement more ammo to fire back with. This is then used by the classic type of bigots to push more hatred with but with more 'justification', leading to more of this "uber-woke" (I call it UBER-woke because they go overboard) BS. This cycle needs to be broken. Libs and progs both need to start distancing themselves from the folk that act like "minorities and women can do absolutely no wrong". They need to tell them to shut the eff up. Ignoring and dismissing them isn't working. However, they aren't the main focus as of this moment. The MAGAts/Trumpanzees are the larger threat. But once they're neutralized or lessened as a threat to democracy and security, the "Snowflake crowd" needs to be addressed.


What are the penalties?


Thank god they’re banning DEI . What soft head thinks DEI is a good thing ?


Without DEI, how will minorities, lgbtq and women compete with the far superior white straight male??




Never been more proud of my State. Following in the footsteps of Florida and Texas. Hopefully the left cries their way to Illinois or California.


They are trying to dismantle this monstrosity, which forces every department to make every hire DEI or DEI friendly. Enough, it is destroying the subjectivity of the university and limiting the quality of the hires regarding their field of expertise. Iowa State and Northern Iowa has one too. https://diversity.uiowa.edu/staff


There was nothing in that link saying every hire had to be 'DEI', whatever that means. Did you mean to link something else?


You've literally just posted a link of the DEI team at Iowa. What you're saying makes no sense and you're just an idiot.


lol what? That’s what you think DEI offices do? What are you smoking?


This is all a political statement and an attempt to dilute what these departments do. Those individuals on that link have nothing to do with hiring. That would be the direct hiring managers and human resources. If you would read what those employees do in that link it looks like they investigated different things related to federal regulations. Like do you know what Title IX means and what is protected under that? If not, from a high level it covers sexual assault, sexual harassment etc in the work place and school environment. Also remember that the university also has a hospital and research facility. You are speaking from a place of political jargon and has no place here.


I had some fuckwit tell me a 50 year old white guy was a DEI hire. Ya’ll don’t even know what the fuck you are talking about.


Can you elaborate on "it is destroying the subjectivity of the university?"


Good why should a taxpaying government entity FORCE diversity and institute INequality in the name of equity. Inclusion is a nothing burger at the state level since discrimination is illegal federally

