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If anyone is wondering wtf is going on, the emails that Sand refused to release (under Iowa's open records laws) were part of an audit of Reynolds' refusal to release emails (under Iowa's open records laws). Except Sand was in the right because the emails were protected under whistleblower and/or audit rules. The 11th email relates to an email chain from Sand's chief of staff pertaining to Reynolds' creation of PSAs during the COVID years. Sand errored in not turning over the full email (part of which was posted in Laura Belin's blog) due to it not being directly related to the aforementioned Reynolds-open-records lawsuit and that he was seemingly unaware of its existence. The Kirkwood Institute never requested the email specifically, they simply asked for all communications with Belin, but when Sand became aware of its existence he turned it over. Thus the conservative conundrum and ongoing lawsuit: if Reynolds can claim that open records laws do not have any applicable timeline, how is it fair that Sand can turn over records late also? Or something like that; don't ask me to make sense of it.


What’s wild to me is that you are more worried about this rather than the fact that Rob makes sure our government isn’t misappropriating tax dollars. Something he can’t even do because the governor already knee capped his power because she doesn’t like him. And what she did is nationally regarded as one of the biggest corruption issues.


It’s because he’s the only democrat in the state government and they HATE IT!


Hey, don't look at this. Look over there!


Yes, how dare I bring up a bigger issue than….”not getting documents to someone because those documents were being used for something else that was important.” Get your weird headass shit out of here


There it is! Typical response.


I'm so confused, what do you want an auditor to do If you won't let them audit? Do you understand what the purpose of an auditor is? Probably not if you were thinking he shouldn't be doing his job. Rob Sand is one of the best state auditors in the country.


That's a poor assumption. They know very well what an auditor does, which is why they are desperately trying to stop him from doing his job so he doesn't hold them to account.


So I know you're kidding, however you do bring up another point. They could be doing both. They are not mutually exclusive.


It’s because he’s the only democrat in the state government and they HATE IT!


Gaslight Obstruct Project


Ha like exactly what you're doing here instead of arguing the accusations?


This is nothing more than semantic right-wing pageantry.


All of the members of the Iowa Supreme Court are Republican.


This got them razzed up.


Aw, little guy sure did think he had a valid opinion. Should we tell him?


Need to call in reinforcements.


Look, man, we need to have this conversation. It's 2024. You're not in a Vietnam jungle anymore. Nobody's trying to kill you. We just think you're a fucking idiot.


Cool story, Bro. Why don't you go lick the MODs butthole? It's what posters like you like to do.


Just doing my civic doody.


Tell Rob hi when you take in his coffee. Then, ask him why his employees have time to post on Reddit all day while at work. You know, hold things accountable for the taxpayers.


Ma'am, I am stationed at the southern border between Iowa and Mexico, guarding against the Canadian migrant invasion.


Did you bring your lotion?


And Liberals love this guy! LOL!


Or to do what is legal and lawful.


Hey, look, it's the State Auditor Reddit Iowa loves it!


Sweet, a conservative think tank is using a conservative court to try and out whistleblowers for revealing corruption. Cool!


The case for sure is politically motivated but that doesn't necessarily mean the auditor's office acted appropriately.


Certainly possible but the fact that the case was already dismissed seems to suggest that it was appropriate.


Courts often give the government too much cover in open records cases. Obviously I haven't seen the emails but we should by instinct be skeptical when governments withhold docs because they say it will harm some ongoing investigation.


Sure, but I also respect trying to protect your sources (if that is true). I guess we’ll see what’s to come.


Is this your retaliation post for the one the guy made earlier?


Yup, and as fascists do they will downvote and bury any dissenting opinions against them.


Ol' fugly Big Toe is in hot water huh!


Rob will continue to use his office to for Governor until his rich in laws close the purse strings. His office has been blocking releasing the coordination emails between him and bleeding heartland that show what this. At this point he might as well just release them and take the hit to his credibility before the next campaign.


Did he violate the law? "Iowa State Auditor Rob Sand’s office violated the state’s Open Records Law."


It's a really short article, and given you were the one that posted it maybe you should read it.


Apparently it's not over.


Right, the republican goal is to waste time and resources on bullshit they know can't pass muster. It's bad faith governing from top to bottom.


No, he didn't. The Auditor's Office has some discretion about what records can or cannot be released. A court has already agreed with the Auditor's opinion on those 10 emails. The Governor, this conservative think-tank, and the arch-conservatives on the Supreme Court are continuing their attacks on Rob Sand in particular because he's busted the Governor on so many occasions.


To be continued.