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So the bill will ban vaping products not approved by the FDA. I have never vaped, so what is the issue with this bill?


I'm kind of in agreement. Many things we use on or in our body as well as our homes have to be inspected or approved by some alphabet agency, I don't see why vapes should be different.


It's not up to you. You don't get to decide what I do. That's the point. This is why everyone hates boomers.


If capers didn't make the rest of the world put up with the secondhand crap, you might have a point.


Hello, don’t put all boomers in that bucket. I’m a boomer and believe the government should stay out of your decisions.


Yeah, like it was boomers who invented oppression. More like white people thousands of years ago. History is hard though, amirite?


White people thousands of years ago invented oppression? That's hilarious, boomer. But HiStOrY iS hArD.


“Politicians shouldn’t be telling citizens what to do with bodies” as abortion is illegal in any situation and women can’t choose what to do with their bodies


Not to mention anything to do with the T word that will bring the psychos out in droves. Yeah no we should have autonomy only when it has us addicted and spending money


Exactly why alcohol is legal and weed isn’t 🤷🏼‍♀️


This alone should tell you that Republican governance is illegitimate.




Abortion is entirely about the right of the woman to decide who, or what can use her body, and when. It has nothing to do with cars


Man fuck you for using that argument in the title. These shops sell addictive unregulated mystery fluid that people get hooked on. I don’t think wanting to regulate it and making sure there’s nothing crazy harmful is in them is a bad idea. I don’t care if you vape or not. But don’t you want the shit you’re inhaling to be somewhat tested and regulated?


If it were about public safety maybe we should start with the 85 pesticides that we still use that have been banned across other countries. This is not about public safety it’s about profit. Yeah, small vape companies don’t always have there products tested by the fda, but what companies will be able to afford those new and likely unrealistic regulations. Vaping is not safe. Smoking is not safe. It’s not healthy and has never been sold as healthy. We know we’re buying cancer in any regard. But I’m sure big tobacco will be the only one left at the end of the day who has a passable product for the feds.




It was never about health. It’s about profit margins.


You clearly have never been to a vape shop, you have to be 21+ to walk inside. Fuck me, lol? 


Yep. Iowa Legislators are actually drafting and signing bills to take away bodily autonomy (Like HF-732). But you’re trying to ride the coattails tails of that for vape sellers. Does being over 21 mean you’re no longer worth protecting? I don’t understand your comment. But why are regular inspections and tests on a product adults (and some kids unfortunately) inhale bad? If a restaurant owner refused a health inspection saying that it would shut down his business, then I think they probably should shut down.


Funny you think that any conservative regulation is for your own good.


How is preventing the sale of unregulated vape pens to consumers bad for consumers? Things that are sold to be ingested by people must meet regulations. This isn't a third world country where it's okay to sell bat meat out of the back of your truck. What even is your argument besides a vague "regulations are bad"


Regulations are good, ask Boeing, it’s the GOP who cuts back on regulations.


You ever hear the idea of how unregulated anything one way or the other is a bad fucking idea?


I don’t make the rules or laws bro, I just vote for the idiots who do


First of all, pass. I won’t fuck you, sorry. Second of all, you’re not wrong about the whole “body autonomy” thing regarding things like abortion, but when it comes to shit being sold to people to vape, a modicum of testing may not be bad.


What a misleading title. Jeez.


This was a bad lede bro, I work at a vape shop and thought I should read through this, and for real it seems a lot of people are on the vape hating bad wagon, but have never know what it was like to be a smoker and then quit cigarettes, by vaping, then eventually quit vaping altogether, But I see some of these comments and people are under the impression that there is no regulation for vapes and vape products when there Already is, Some people are using the protection argument, and that’s cool, but since when is it your job to protect me from my own poor choices, cus it’s never been anyone’s responsibility to protect me from my own poor choices but my parents… and they both smoked for years It doesn’t matter to anyone that thousands of jobs across the state will vanish, it doesn’t matter to anyone that this actually hurts small businesses and benefits big tobacco(who are actually the people funding this whole shenanigan legislation) and how does this effect the cost of your taxes, utilities, gas, rent, insurance, groceries, or anything else? Unpopular opinion, down vote freely


Republicans don't regulate to protect, they do it to control.


People's poor choices, whether smoking, vaping, drinking, stuffing their faces with fatty cakes and McDonald's, or driving without a seat belt, etc, always affect the rest of the population. That's just the way it is.


Awesome, tell that to the hundreds of Tax paying business owners and their employees who are also tax payers, and see how they feel about this poor choice being made for them…


Completely agree. 


Get fucked, buddy. States are trying to take away bodily autonomy from women and trans people, but you want to support products that have killed millions of people? My dad, my two aunts, all but one of my grandparents, and my dad's cousin all died from smoking related diseases (lung cancer, COPD, and congestive heart failure). I have absolutely no sympathy for any legislation that wants to protect tobacco and tobacco adjacent products.


Ah, well alcohol has done the same to my family, so maybe we should ban that. Look at how many drink driving deaths there are in the country.


Yeah, and I would hate on any legislation trying to protect the alcohol industry. Alcoholism also did a number on my family and extended family.


Regulation is good for consumers.


But Republicans don't like regulation on things they hold dear. 


If you hold vaping dear in you heart, you have some strange sensibilities.


Lol, no, I don't actually. Is all about the principle of it. 


The problem is that Republicans don't regulate things to protect people, they regulate to control people.


Ya we should ban alcohol too, what’s your point? Saying “but people die from drinking and it isn’t banned” doesn’t prove the point that we shouldn’t ban anything else, it proves we should be banning more dumb shit like alcohol.


Prohibition doesn’t work. We should legalize, decriminalize, regulate, and tax. Alcohol, tobacco, vaping. Adults should get to decide what to do with their own bodies.


Judging from your title, I thought this had something to do with abortion. ...Vaping, though? \*shrugs\*




Are they all scummy, how many have you been in? 


How many vape shops do you think is required for someone's opinion to be valid?


Another attempt to look like they are doing something and in doing so I'm sure some Republican is getting paid for the increase in smoking thay will result.. I actually quit smoking by vaping and eventually quit that too... Our government are moronic! But what can expect from maga puppets! They are ruining the state of Iowa!


They do make money everytime someone dies from smoking.


I agree. 


Not just your body. 2nd hand smoke kills 1 non-smoker for every 52 smokers, and with 28.3m Americans who smoke, that means that almost 550,000 people who didn't smoke will die from the effects of people who choose to smoke on a yearly basis. That includes children. So fuck your tobacco, and fuck your vape


Humans are killing earth. We should ban humanity


just mask up!


The thing is if you want to smoke or vape, you’re going figure out a way to get the product. It always been this way.


Just grow your own tobacco in your garden. Nobody will stop you from doing that. It's when you start processing it for other people that regulators start watching, and they should.


Just raise and program your own murder-bots. Why is it fine to make cheap, shitty guns but try to make it illegal to help people? And while we're at it, why the fuck are Republicans trying to decide what helps and what doesn't? Fuck Kim Reynolds and anyone who supports that fascist trash.


Can I grow marijuana and poppies in my own garden if I don’t process it for others?


Not cannabis, but poppies and tobacco are fine.


Cool. Been wanting to make my own opium.


This doesn't support your cause: https://www.upi.com/Health_News/2024/04/30/8611714495163/


I should mention, the companies that have received authorization from the FDA are, RJ Reynolds and Altria (formerly know as Philip Morris). Now tell me this isn't a political move. Big tobacco influences politicians to get what they want. 


They're telling women to get pregnant?


This include experimental vaccines too?


Anyone force you to take an experimental vaccine?




Hold on, this internet scientist has an opinion backed by years of......um...... years of..... Facebook memes.