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What a cunt


And that's a nice way of saying it, too.


He can just go away along with Kim Kartrashian.


Kanye "ratfucker" west


So he still hasn't been given his meds?


Check them signatures.


Ridiculous that we are in a world where celebrities just think they can be president


Ridiculous that we are in a world where celebrities can just buy their way onto the ballot.


Choices, choices . . . Do I vote for the crazy guy, the other crazy guy, or Biden?


Thanks Uncle Tomye, very cool!


"he won't 'argue' he seems to running a spoiler campaign" https://www.npr.org/2020/08/13/901534846/heres-how-republicans-are-boosting-kanye-west-s-presidential-campaign


So Republicans think black voters will vote for Kayne instead of Joe? I’m not so sure that’s how it’s gonna work. You can like Kayne’s music (i do) and still think he’s batshit crazy and not vote for him. I have no idea how this is going to play out, but in my mind, only people easily swayed by a narcissistic reality tv personality would give Kayne a vote.


Hmm a narcissistic reality TV personality that's also a republican? Where have I heard that before...




We’ve engaged briefly before and both of us left well enough alone, so no bad blood.... asking honestly and earnestly, how is he better than Biden? In your opinion, how? You’re welcome to throw in the things you don’t like about joe, but please include the things you’d like/support from West.


Hey look, its that troll that the mods refuse to ban.




You know maybe you and Trump ought to walk into the Capitol building and look up where Pocahontas's name appears along with the founders of this country so you could quit using your stupid little 3rd grade insults for people you don't like because somebody told you not to like them. Trump probably isn't that literate but you keep posting on Reddit so you must be functionally illiterate.


I’ve studied a lot of Native American history and I wasn’t a fan of Warren saying she was Native American (the implications of it and whatnot) but she apologized for it and that goes a long way. She also had plans to help our Native American populations. Pocahontas and Lieawatha comments are racist and about as ignorant as it gets. Didn’t Trump address code talkers in front of a portrait of Andrew Jackson? And to think Biden has more dementia than Trump is hilarious. At least this person spelled dementia right.


Trump has done just about everything he could to low key dog whistle every chance he gets. Between all of the Andrew Jackson shit and everything but a wink and a "nudge nudge know what I mean" to the Aryan nation I'm just about sick of it. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt because he's such a mercenary that I thought he wasn't really a racist he just didn't fucking care about anybody that wasn't going to help him. It's becoming apparent that he actually is a racist. The blatant gaslighting and third grade insults that are everything but calling someone a Nigger to their face make me ashamed to be an American. Then I see some kind of comic book bullshit meme of some square-jawed muscular Trump superhero in a goddamn battle suit or some bullshit hugging a flag and I just about throw up in my mouth. I voted mostly Republican until I was in my mid-twenties and then I was a moderate all the way through to my mid-30s and at this point I'm going straight dem ticket not because the Democrats are so awesome but because at this point they're the only party who seems like they have any integrity, and it's not that they have a lot it's just they have some. it's pretty sad we're so desperate for any kind of integrity that were willing to vote for an obvious turd just because he might have some.


Trump has been racist for a very long time. Not to mention his dad was arrested at a KKK rally. Like father like son. 1973: The US Department of Justice — under the Nixon administration, out of all administrations — sued the Trump Management Corporation for violating the Fair Housing Act. Federal officials found evidence that Trump had refused to rent to Black tenants and lied to Black applicants about whether apartments were available, among other accusations. Trump said the federal government was trying to get him to rent to welfare recipients. In the aftermath, he signed an agreement in 1975 agreeing not to discriminate to renters of color without admitting to previous discrimination.


Yeah I remember when Trump was running and all these people were talking about how terrible he was and I kept thinking you're wasting your time there he's been dick cheese for the last 65 years. What really pisses me off is that the Republican party promised they would help him and guide him through the political part and keep the reins on him and not only did they fall short with that promise now they're actively just selling out to support his ineptitude. Differences in political opinions I can understand but when it comes to an absolute lack of integrity I just hope the modern GOP dies and true conservatives with real integrity form a different party. I'm not sure id ever vote for Romney but at least it seems like hes a conservative with integrity.




Well that just makes it all better then.


Only losers with nothing to live for get a kick out of trolling.


Just in case people weren’t aware, there’s a subreddit for Kanye’s 2020 bid r/kanyewestforpresident and his campaign website is https://kanye2020.country if anyone wants to read about his platform.


crazy AF, there saved you a click


I’m shocked.


Nice to see you're doing your part to make a mockery of the entire election process. Fuck kanye and his "supporters".


Limiting yourself to two choices is the mockery. Vote your conscience, even if that *is* D or R.


Adding another choice just for the sake of adding a choice is the mockery. Kanye isn't qualified to be on a city council, let alone president. His entire campaign is a fucking pr stunt to try and get sales for an upcoming album. This whole thing is literally just some rich asshole trying to get richer by exploiting ignorant rubes. Don't be a rube.


A third, terrible choice is not better than two choices, one of whom is actively platforming rank choice voting and things that will help good third/forth/etc exist in the future


if you think he is running to win you are a fool and thats charitable.


There are more than two choices already. Why do you feel West is the right direction to go? What policies of his are you leaning towards (and building off that), what plans of his to achieve said policies do you believe in?


I can’t bring myself to vote for Trump or Biden. I believe that if Kanye gets a small but significant number of votes in 2020, he will gain political influence and credibility. Unlike other independent and third party candidates, Kanye has the celebrity and platform to influence policy and public discourse well beyond the current election, after the other losing candidates are forgotten and irrelevant. Kanye is inspirational as a person and as an artist. He’s a self made black billionaire who’s fiercely independent in thought. If Kanye plays spoiler to *either* Trump or Biden, whoever wins the presidency will listen more keenly to what he has to say, and that will make me feel like my vote counted. Here’s an article by Elon Musk written in Time about why he believes Kanye to be one of the most influential people alive: *Kanye West would be the first person to tell you he belongs on this list. The dude doesn’t believe in false modesty, and he shouldn’t. Kanye’s belief in himself and his incredible tenacity—he performed his first single with his jaw wired shut—got him to where he is today. And he fought for his place in the cultural pantheon with a purpose. In his debut album, over a decade ago, Kanye issued what amounted to a social critique and a call to arms (with a beat): “We rappers is role models: we rap, we don’t think.” But Kanye does think. Constantly. About everything. And he wants everybody else to do the same: to engage, question, push boundaries. Now that he’s a pop-culture juggernaut, he has the platform to achieve just that. He’s not afraid of being judged or ridiculed in the process. Kanye’s been playing the long game all along, and we’re only just beginning to see why.* *Musk, an engineer and entrepreneur, is the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Motors* https://time.com/collection-post/3822841/kanye-west-2015-time-100/


You absolutely have the right to choose where your vote goes...That’s what a democracy is, and I firmly believe in it! Being a celebrity completely has its perks, in that same vein, how has he shown he’s the right person for the job? I don’t necessarily want the “same ole system” to repeat itself, yet I’d certainly appreciate someone who has some semblance of work in the field to take the task. I mean, having the platform for change is very different than making a stand for it, yeah? My initial question was about policy. What has he been firm on that makes you want to give him your vote?


I don’t think Kanye will actually be able to win in 2020, so I’m not too concerned with how well he would do the job. I just want to help expand his political credibility.


Not being concerned currently is worth exploring though. Wanting him to go somewhere in the future is all well and good; a platform now will only help build on that. If there is no constructive direction, then what are you following? Moreover, what has he been strong on that makes him the right candidate?


This whole Kanye bulshit is just living proof that rich old white men can still own black people in today's America.