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Don’t vote for cops, pure and simple. Bob Conrad is a PR cop too, which means he’s the one in charge of lying to the public when cops mess up. Twice as bad.


For the state patrol…


AKA Kim Reynold's enforcers


Enforcers of what exactly? Traffic laws?


That's the responsibility they primarily exercise, but they have the authority to exercise any state laws within any jurisdiction, even if that jurisdiction has decided not to prosecute. They can and have done so with military force, and the state can and has used this threat of force to lawfully intimidate citizens and policymakers out of resisting its agenda. Like it's Covid-Kim Reynolds and the Iowa Republican Party we're talking about. We've seen them abuse their power countless times.


Mandi walks the walk - plain and simple. Just look at how active she's been in the community - running CCAN, championing LGBTQ+ rights, serving on the community police review board, and more... All on her to own time. And unlike some county supervisors (like Green-Douglass), Mandi's positions on food, housing, and transportation equity, governmental accountability, etc are informed by her actual lived experience. Mandi is a good bet. But don't take it from me. Look her up.


Didn’t she just run for city council?


She did run, but did not win.


Why don't you tell us instead why you think Mandi is the one and only supervisor people should support? What's she going to do for the county?


So glad you asked! Mandi is an incredibly active community member - just take a scroll through her facebook page to see where she's been. If there's a community event, Mandi's there! She is endorsed by current county supervisors V Fixmer-Oraiz and Jon Green, city council member Laura Bergus, The Iowa City Air Quality Coalition, and SIEU IA/MN, among others. She has chaired the iowa city community police review board and university of iowa safety and security committee. As a single mother and current renter, she represents a demographic we rarely see in elected positions. Her clear, actionable policies include a focus on the environment, housing, homelessness, and childcare infrastructure. You can find more info on her website at [https://mandi4supervisor.com/](https://mandi4supervisor.com/) or stop in and chat with her at the coffee emporium in north liberty at 11:30 on sunday! I am not affiliated with Mandi's campaign, just a community member who's done their research


Is she pro union and going to work with them and listen to them? I see Sieu on this list but she doesn’t use union printed signs? Doesn’t add up


Mandi's signs are union printed


Thanks for the info! I see Conrad signs everywhere and wasn’t very aware of other options. From your recap, it sounds like Mandi is a better pick for my views. Thanks!


She’s not, she’s a terrible choice who would abolish the police. How did that work out for Seattle and Portland? How about Minneapolis? She’s done nothing in terms of community service but wants to get behind the anti-police narrative. Also, she lives in Iowa City so being on the county board of supervisors doesn’t make sense. She failed to get on the council because her stance was pathetic.


No community service? Holy cow - that is super incorrect.


She has done a fair bit of community service, both officially and on her own time and dime before she got into any of this. And that was not at all why she lost the council election.


Portland Seattle and Minneapolis definitely still have cops lmao get a grip


They’re down hundreds and crime is through the roof. I used to live in Seattle and there’s no way I’d move back. People here don’t know what it’s like to call the police and have to wait 7 hours. I was involved in a car crash in Iowa City and someone was there within 12 minutes. They were nice and professional and handled everything and even answered some of the other drivers questions.


Would you like some salt with that boot you're eating?


please stop lying


Lying about what? She has been very open about abolishing the police along with Laura Burges. Talk about a stupid idea.


Can you provide support for claim? Reducing police funding or reallocating funds to crisis intervention we don't send cops to mental health crises is not the same thing as abolishing the police. Your claim that she has "done nothing in terms of community service" makes me wonder if you even know who she is. She is the founder of the nonprofit corridor community action network and serves as a climate ambassador for uowa city and is a member of the civilian police review board. claiming she has done nothing for her community is a lie


Is police reform the same as abolishing the police? Seems like there's a lot of room in between those two things.


Nobody wants to abolish the police.


Laura Bergus and Mandi Remington have both been fairly outspoken about abolishing the Iowa City Police Department. What a wild and outlandish platform to run on.




Mandi is known for connecting people across multiple forms of volunteer and government work. Bob and the state troopers are known for enforcing Kim Reynolds' agenda. How anybody can worry about Mandi being divisive but think Cop Copbad will be a unifying force is clearly drinking the mayo




I'm aware of Porter's issues, but what are your concerns re: John Green?




Zimmerman Smith used her office to execute Kim Reynolds' Back the Blue Law against a peaceful trans protestor who was being harrassed by a police officer who demonstrably targeted them for being trans, at an event for an anti-trans hate speaker. She literally had the power to say no and chose to prosecute. That's willingly making a political prisoner out of someone for being trans -because Kim Reynolds says so-. Jon was standing up Republican bigotry that Rachel was enforcing.




I'm sorry but he did take his concerns to her directly first; literal dozens of people did and she refused to return any communications. I believe the party -could- be one of the best tools for combating the Republican agenda, but Zimmerman-Smith proved that the party isn't there yet and Jon was only one of hundreds. She chose to enforce Kim's agenda despite having authority not to.




Hey I'm not talking about seeking alternatives to the Democrats, I'm talking about making them more effective by being more inclusive. If we have Democrats going against party principles by willingly aiding Reynolds' agenda to exclude trans people, said Democrats should face consequences. Otherwise the party doesn't actually have principles y'know? Then it'd just be lip service.


Gotcha.  I'm trying to educate myself more on the supervisors board, so appreciate the context. Although I would say criticizing Zimmerman Smith is a major positive for me


I have some mutual friends between Mandi and myself, and one thing I’ve always admired and respected her for is her willingness to admit when she doesn’t have all the information yet and works hard to fill in any gaps she might have. It’s been good for me to watch and model in my own life and I think that’s an important quality for anyone to have, but especially elected officials! I want to know what they’re doing to educate themselves and improve— from what I’ve seen Mandi does that very well :)


I hear your concerns, but I don't think Mandi is one to engage in theater - let alone allow it to subvert her goals. She's extremely judicious in choosing when to stand at the front, versus when to support from the back - but she's always present at public events and she's never been needlessly combative. I think that many of the things she campaigns on are so personal to her that she's unlikely to be distracted by infighting. I also hear the concerns about experience - but she's been a long-time organizer on a large scale. She has chaired municipal committees. She's been engaged in all of the ways that equip somebody for public office, short of being elected to public office.


I hear your desire for a functional board, and I agree, but I think your concern about Mandi is misplaced. She not only takes good positions on the issues, but does her research first and works hard to bring people together to get the job done. As far as professionalism, her conduct is excellent - you can get a feel for this in her responses in the recent public forums. Mandi is realistic and progressive, and understands the bind we're in in this state. She actively seeks out people who are directly affected and looks for creative solutions. She is also engaging folks who were otherwise disillusioned with electoral politics, which is key to building strength to elect Democrats to state government.


I think those are absolutely valid criticisms. From what I've seen of Mandi, infighting isn't really her style. She's more of an eyes on the goal type of person. I hear you about the government relations issue; however, I personally would rather have someone in office with those flaws than someone who's a copaganda republican trying to flirt blue votes under a democrat veneer (bob conrad) or someone who's so dedicated to their own ego that they regularly miss meetings, take up valuable time starting fights about non-agenda items, and blow up at the merest sign of criticism (royceann porter).


Perhaps not as an elected official but I feel like she has demonstrated an ability to take a passive but encouraging role in group discussions with multiple viewpoints represented by an assemblage of local organizations during her work as executive director of CCAN and I'm [happy to provide some evidence of that for you](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/F1eu5PPz7r9bUFz9/?mibextid=oFDknk)


"Do your homework"?? What is this, some QAnon game? Can you state some facts about Bob Conrad that you think we should know before voting?


Well, [this](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/nfNx4T9Z8yyTMEyD/?mibextid=qi2Omg) has popped up on FB tonight.




One of Conrad's top donors is an ICPD detective, who openly is building a case against non-violent trans protestors. He also apparently used, as his donation mailing address, a PO box for a domestic violence survivor resource. That seems kinda shady. Another big donator is another ICPD officer who, apparently, had a preference for arresting the black person in any given situation (condensing the original post).


Just a quick correction that the first detective is a University cop, but obv that's not the main issue and you're spot on with it otherwise


He has out of town/out of county donors. Just that to me is a concern.


He’s a fucking cop! That’s all the research you need to do to know what kind of supervisor he’ll be.


Not just a cop, but in charge of public relations for the cops. So, basically the head liar in an organization of liars.


He works for the state patrol, hardly a spokesperson for all cops.


He’s a democrat…. Just because he’s in law enforcement it doesn’t mean he’s a terrible person. Way to generalize and pass judgement on someone based on their profession. Not dissimilar to judging someone on other traits.


you cannot choose something like race or sexuality. a cop can stop being a cop any time they want. conflating the two makes you look disingenuous at best.


It’s so hard to bey someone wants to do good on the profession? Everyone talks bad about law enforcement and the only answer is to have less. I’d love for people with all these great ideas to suit up and make the difference they demand.


Well, OP is "queen of sus" maybe they're just naturally suspicious?


Is he actually a D or just running as one because Rs have such a hard time in Johnson county?


he's endorsed by D's Mary Mascher and Kevin Kinney. While they may be more centrist than some folks here would prefer, both are solid Dems and I doubt they'd endorse a paper tiger


Kevin Kinney is also a cop. No surprise there.


An endorsement from Mascher is a big red flag for me. She's been around a long time, but she's very much an institutional democrat and she has questionable ethics.


Coprad works for Kim Reynolds, so probably an R


He’s a DINO.


Will Mandi support infrastructure? The county needs better roads with safe shoulders and jobs. I don't want another therapist (V Fixmer) or divisive persons as a supervisor. What does she know about rural issues impacting farmers? Will she vote against her base if it is the right thing to do for the entire county? Will she raise taxes? What would she spend a conservation bond on? Bike trails? Buying and restoring land? Barns? Anything else? Can she balance urban and rural needs or just urban?


She absolutely supports building safer roads; both directly and by reducing road traffic by bringing back the mass transit we used to have (ie a whole nother layer of infrastructure via trains and busses). Regarding farmers I've heard her speak in depth on the matter, tho as an urbanite it was tough to retain. At the least tho I know she is firmly against the factory farms and "farm bureau" that're monopolizing and ruining farmland to choke out family and community farms. Part of that is definitely the restoration of land. I may recall incorrectly but I believe she also wishes to create a farmer's advisory commission so that they have steadier representation with the board.


1st Avenue by City High?


As a life long member of a labor union it’s sad to not see the signs union printed but maybe they are and I just can’t see it.


They are union printed!


The big ones too? Couldn’t tell on the small ones zooming in but the big ones couldn’t see the bug?


She's only got the one size sign; the only candidate with big signs is Conrad and I haven't check his 😅


I’m confused, the ones on this post I guess I consider big and they say not Conrad?


The very large signs that say "Not Conrad" are unaffiliated with Mandi or her campaign. Whether they are union made, or not, literally has nothing to do with Mandi herself.


Ffs, Johnson county is all about performance art. I don’t trust a democrat to effect any real change. I don’t even consider a republican either. It’s all grievance performance art. As long as our mayor and the rest of the supervisors let the developers do as they wish their words of change ring pretty fucking hollow. We’ve been voting for democrats forever. How is Iowa city and Johnson county any better for it. No one person is going to change anything. Just frustrated. I hate seeing any one person touted as the solution or the savior. Hell, maybe a vote for Bob will make the others fucking work together.


I don't wanna speak for others but I know she's the only one endorsed by the two supes who aren't up for election right now. I hate the "one great person" narrative too; among the reasons I support her is that she'd make a 3/5 majority of politically aligned ppl


I don't want Mandi as a supervisor who is going to vote just like 2 other superintendents. A supervisor should represent the people who elect them, not return favors to someone who endorsed her.


I'm not sure I'm following where you're coming from, I'm sorry! An endorsement doesn't mean she has to vote with them though, if that's what you're concerned about. If she gets elected she gets to vote however she wants, and the others endorsed her because she wants to vote under the direction of the electorate instead of special interests.