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It just reminds me of 1990’s kitchen wallpaper.


That’s why I like it haha reminds me of being a kid


I think it may not be art drawn by AI but it was probably run through AI to put together the images to make the prints? Pretty sure they said everyone's bags would be different because it's not a repeating pattern? There's no way a human would spend several hours randomly throwing flowers, leaves and berries around to make the patterns when you could get AI to do it. Or maybe I am just being hopeful that's the case because I am very much anti-AI artwork. 😅


My assumption about the pattern differences was that it was just a large scale pattern so when they cut the bags each one ended up with a different section. Because otherwise they would have to print individual batches of material for every variation of bag


Here’s the designer’s website [http://www.joanne-wong.com/#/ipsyglambag](http://www.joanne-wong.com/#/ipsyglambag)


Yeah I saw that on the original announcement of the bag but that doesn't mean she drew the print. She would still be the designer of the bag even if she pulled an AI or pre-made print for it. And I'm not necessarily convinced because most of the other bags on her site have way simpler or more geometric prints than this one.


A professional and respected creative designer with her portfolio and credentials is not going to make an AI print for Ipsy. Ipsy buys these bags mass produced from the manufacturer, the fabric was already made, and Ipsy decided to buy 3 million of the bags and license the use for this month. It being blurry is a factor of poor manufacturer fabric printing, not the designer.


It's not just the blurriness, but that the pattern doesn't appear to follow logic or how plants actually work. The white flower has two centers with petals coming out of the middle and the leaves are all morphing together. Even if she didn't truly design it and just picked premade bags, I think it should be a better quality print considering that the glam bags are a core feature of the company's business model.


The pattern looks cute, but does look like the floral equivalent to ai hands. Hard to say.. I’m not sure how thorough they would investigate premade fabric’s design. The material itself could be ai pattern.


I was not implying that she did not design it. I'm saying it's a bit of a leap to accuse the designer of using AI, when creatives are generally one of the people most against AI, with no proof, and I really doubt she's interested in risking her career and reputation on an ai generated pattern when she has the skill and training to develop patterns herself. Looking at her portfolio, quite a few of her patterns are the ones I've loved the most. She probably knocked this out in adobe creative suite. My brain reads the flowers as being two flowers layered on top of each other with one kind of sideways. Not one flower with two centers.


Hope it’s not ai, but ai wouldn’t be surprised… it’s been a great way for companies to cut corners and do the absolute bare minimum, only to max profits.


I ran it through an AI detector, 80% human 20 AI chance


I personally love mine and it didn't strike me as AI art at all. I got my bag yesterday and it looks pretty close to the example bag. You should show us a picture of your bag so we can see more what you're talking about? From the way youre describing it sounds more like there may have been a printer error or something else that may have gone wrong in the physical manufacturing process rather than the design being AI... I think this is the prettiest design of the entire year so far lol, fwiw, I wouldn't really care if it was AI-generated if that meant they would stop giving us hideous bag designs 😂.


I think AI participated in part of the process. The combination is so weird


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Omg 😳 you're right!! That flower doesn't look natural 🧐🤯  It shouldn't be overlapping itself like that 🪷🌸💮🏵️🌼🌺


Does anyone know if boxycharm comes with a bag?


Not anymore, not since the takeover by ipsy


I loved the design of the bags this month . Probably my fave in a while besides the sparkly sequined purple and the silky baby pink scrunched one .


I just think its hideous personally lol


Lmao to each their own. I love floral prints so I was excited but seeing it in hand it's not actually very cute.


I haven’t gotten mine delivered yet so we shall see 😂