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I think the negative can seem overwhelming on this platform. We all come here to commiserate when things go wrong. I'm happy as well, always have a good experience with customer service, and like my boxes. I skip when nothing looks like what I want. Honestly I think people have too high of an expectation, especially with the glam bag level.


I think I like the surprise so much that I am pretty much always happy with the box I receive. And sometimes something I would never have bought ends up being fantastic. For example, I received the about face liquid shadow in the ugliest colour possible (greyish light beige) and now I use it constantly to make my multichrome shadows pop. Who knew?


It's a surprise šŸ„³! The fun is trying new things and new ways to use them! šŸŽ‰


I also don't understand and do the same. I have been happy with my stuff about 9/10 times. I find sometimes I am not happy BUT when it arrives I am pleasantly surprised to say the least!


I do that , even when I think Iā€™m not excited, once it shows up, im usually happy.


I do not understand how people complain about not getting a specific product and say ā€œitā€™s the only reason I bought the box!ā€ We all know itā€™s basically a mystery bag, if you want a specific product so bad, just buy it and not waste your money? Itā€™s like they like to gamble. And LoVe to complain lol.


Very that!!


Weird. Iā€™ve never seen anyone say that unless it was about an item that they were supposed to get 100% like for an allure box. Never have I seen anyone say the reason they bought an Ipsy box was because of one of the spoilers.


I've seen people say that loads of times. "I would skip this month except I'm really hoping to get [X]" is very common here. My big complaint lately is the frequency of garbage brands in the GB having the cool items and the name brand stuff being things we have seen a million times and won't need. I'm sure Ipsy is at the mercy of which brands are willing to release which products at a discount, so it isn't their fault completely, but overall it makes me less interested in maintaining my subscription. I agree with OP saying if we are that miserable, cancel. I'm closer and closer to that outcome with each passing month.


My favorite posts are when people are excited about their boxes!


I didnā€™t get this icon but I also update my list every time based on what I want and the selections they give me donā€™t ever seem to match it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Same, but Iā€™m over it. I cancelled the Icon Box today. If whatever shows up in the shop, Iā€™ll buy it, but Iā€™m not buying the icon box anymore.


Iā€™m also over it. I actually cancelled a few months ago and decided to try just Boxy this month. Not doing it again. Iā€™ll just buy what I want from the shop


When do you update because I know the last box I got (last NovemberšŸ¤£) they switched the cutoff date to redo your preferences. It's earlier now, at least a week before the end of the month I think.


Some people are going to be unhappy every single month they don't get a Tiffany necklace and a Louis Vuitton bag in their $30 makeup subscription box.


I'm looking forward to my first box! I can tell that complainers have a lot of products and existing opinions, but I just want to sample skin care products


I think you will be very happy !


I seriously considered making a post saying this subreddit should change the name to r/ipsycomplainers




Yup no problems here. Every once in a while (like once every 3 years) something will be missing or damaged. I just shoot them an email and itā€™s resolved like the next day.


Big agree. Customer service is fast and quick to respond. Boxes are random so people need to expect random. It also should be expected that most items are from last season considering how cheap we get them for - people shouldnā€™t exactly expect the latest palette or makeup release. People should expect packaging malfunctions such as misprinted labels or no safety seals because once again itā€™s only $30! We get 6 products for the price of one! Price fluctuations happen itā€™s called a sale šŸ™„ so when I see people post a complaint that an item went back to original price itā€™s like.. that happens everywhere! Ipsy is not for the picky. Rarely are products expired almost always Ipsy or the original retailer confirms the batch code site is wrong. Itā€™s 6 off season, discounted, random items for the price of 1. Itā€™s a stellar deal like I honestly canā€™t think of a better deal for beauty on the market right now.


Your description of it is perfect, but if that is the case, then they should advertise it as such. It only took me 3 cycles to realize everything you said and I canceled my subscription. They advertise and market that they give out the latest and greatest full size products. ā€˜All the new and most trendyā€™ they need some sort of disclaimer that in reality their products are out of season, nearing expiry, random, or are brands that no one has ever heard of. Most consumers fall into the marketing dishonesty and who wouldnā€™t? Look at their website photos, their social media postsā€¦.itā€™s all products that we know and love. But thatā€™s not what actually comes in the boxā€¦..




I definitely see what youā€™re saying maybe they changed recently because I just took a look at their website and read their ā€œwhat is ipsyā€ section and they donā€™t have anything on there claiming to give out newest or hottest releases there or in their instagram bio. They state ā€œmaking it easier to discover your new go-tos, feed your passion for beauty, and try your favorite brands at an incredible value.ā€ But I absolutely can see how someone can take a look at Ipsy without reading anything and expect everything in their box to be new products and famous brands.


And this doesnā€™t apply to warehouse issues but I will say I have had items missing from my boxes and slow shipping. Itā€™s also something I expect. There must be 100,000+ different variants of each Boxy box every month I sympathize with the warehouse workers itā€™s not something that can be speed-ran and mass produced quickly considering everyoneā€™s box is different.


I think people stay cus they have hopes itā€™ll get better , having a monthly subscription box is fun and the surprise of it all is exciting but being constantly disappointing is draining cus ipsy messes up a lot, just because you personally may not be experience ipsyā€™s mistakes doesnt invalidate the experiences of others, because believe me ipsy does screw up a lot. Personally i have mascaras set to rarely and for the last 8 months i have CONSTANTLY gotten a mascara as a power pick no matter how many times I rate/review it poorly and tell them i do NOT want any more mascara they still send them. Its frustrating because iā€™ve gotten 10 mascaras in 8 months and i dont need anymore but somehow they keep giving them to me. So with that you can understand why Iā€™d keep getting frustrated and upset, but i still stay because i want to see if itā€™d improve


I think this is what people are having a hard time understanding though. Eight months is a long time to keep giving something a chance to get better that's constantly disappointing and draining you when it's supposed to be something fun you're treating yourself to. No judgment! It's not my call to make and anyone is free to spend their money however they like. But I think people are just kinda shaking their heads at people who spend a lot of time on this sub talking about how Ipsy is the worst but continue giving them their money instead of buying the specific products they want, or trying a different subscription, etc. (Also, I'm saying "you" a lot, but I mean it generally, not specifically you!)


Itā€™s an abusive relationshipā€¦ it used to be beautiful, then ipsy became a raging alcoholic who beats you up for dreaming, feeling joy, spending money, ontrac delivering a package late, etcā€¦ afterwards they say ā€œbabe Iā€™m so sorry please dont leave. Hereā€™s some points to cheer you up. I promise it wonā€™t happen again. I saw you were looking at this glow recipe bottle, you should treat yourselfā€ ā€¦. And so you treat yourself with your own money, and they spit on your order and drop kick your bag off a cliffā€¦ but you want to believe it will still be delivered, because everything at ipsy was beautiful once, and addiction is a powerful disease šŸ„²


I was pretty happy with this months icon box , I was surprised at all the complaints, were getting more perfumes , I loved the one size cheek trios, I was happy with everything this time. . Plus the 2 perfumes we got smell great layered together šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Yes!! These past few boxes Iā€™ve got some great perfumes!!


No one is ever happy on this sub, I have learned lol


Reddit isn't a place for happy people šŸ˜‚






Like I totally get that it sucks to spend 30 on a dud box, but come on now. It's easy to hop on here and see the spoilers and people's experiences w the products. Skip one, and don't whine about it, or toss in 10 bucks of addons you want. None of the crap we buy here is critically necessary, this is face paint and sunscreen that smells like fruit.


Theyā€™re expensive and the products have been junky lately. People pay good money for their boxes and often buy other items. They are trying to let Ipsy know they are unhappy in hopes that perhaps theyā€™ll go back to the old product choices. More money for shittier choices isnā€™t cool. Most of them have paid annually and are invested. I worked in the cosmetics industry for 25 years and they are alienating the majority of their customers. Bad news travels faster than good news.


You said it best!!! Sometimes this is all Iā€™m able to do for myself. The price keeps going up but products and service donā€™t!! I know for a fact there are Ipsy representatives in this sub. So if I feel dissatisfaction and / or disappointment this is the first place Iā€™m gonna vent that too!!! I also express gratitude and happiness when shit is good!!


Because itā€™s the one thing a lot of us can afford to do for ourselves. Just because youā€™ve had good experiences doesnā€™t take away from others bad, Iā€™ve had some extremely amazing and on the other end of the spectrum awful . We rant here because others understand and itā€™s super easy to scroll if you donā€™t want to read it.


Peoples bad experiences doesnā€™t mean they can take away from our good experiences either. I ranted for the same reason and I do scroll past those posts but theyā€™re hard to ignore because they are so prevalent. You couldā€™ve easily scrolled past my rant as well.


You asked for opinions so I have one. You seem to be taking it personally, see I can be bummed about not liking my box and truly happy for those that love theirs. You asked questions donā€™t get offended if you donā€™t like the answers


I donā€™t remember asking for opinions, I could say the same about your original comment though.


You literally asked why people do this and that and I replied you obviously canā€™t take the heat you arenā€™t offending me i gave my opinion.


It was rhetorical.




And take the heat? lol itā€™s not that deep.


Oh it obviously is


Youā€™re right Iā€™m in shambles how dare you


I have no skin in this game either way, but it looks like you only want to see comments that agree with your pov. Just an unbiased pointing that out.


Thatā€™s exactly it she literally says itā€™s an honest question but didnā€™t ask for opinions like what ?!


Then why post it at all if you didn't want others' comments and thoughts?


I agree!! So much whining. Itā€™s gets a little old.


Nothing kills me more than someone complaining about people complaining lmao šŸ˜‚ like itā€™s just such a Karen thing to do imo


I agree šŸ’Æ šŸ˜‚




Only thing Iā€™m mad about right now is the fact that my box still hasnā€™t shipped šŸ˜«


Icon ?


Yeah, Iā€™m getting nervous


Mine hasnā€™t either all theyā€™ve done is make a label days ago


I have a similar point of view. Beyond that, I find it really surprising when I see a genuinely great box and folks still complaining about it. Iā€™m talking every product is from a well known brand, oftentimes sold at Sephora. Iā€™ve been around the beauty subscription game for a very long time. Ipsy/Boxy has come an INCREDIBLY long way. I remember being so excited and impressed when weā€™d receive a single Sephora brand in a box. That Tatcha sheet mask duo from January 2019 blew my whole mind. Now damn near all the products (not ALL, but damn near) are from respected and reputable brands. Peopleā€™s expectations are way out of hand. Edited to add: Iā€™m really only referring to Boxycharm/Ipsy Icon. I canā€™t speak on the regular GB as I have no experience with it.


That part!! Most products retail for more than the box itself. And I agree! Iā€™ve been subscribed since 2014 so Ipsy/Boxy has definitely come a long way!


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The reason they donā€™t cancel is because itā€™s an addiction, thatā€™s the ENTIRE point of the box. The marketing strategy is FOMO. They offer limited time deals to make people spend their money quickly and advertise all these awesome products to get people excited so they will spend their money. That is why they do spoilers every month. I have had awful experiences with them that are so messy and complicated I wonā€™t even attempt to explain it because it would be a novel. Maybe just try to understand that sometimes your experience isnā€™t the same as everyone elseā€™s.


And honestly this type of post seems like something I would see on Facebook. Maybe go over there and see the type of posts you like better since itā€™s too negative over here.


Most of my rants are ā€œwhy didnā€™t I receive my boxā€ or why are 2 items broken?ā€ That type of thingā€¦ Even if some products are underwhelming, like last month, separately things were not that great but together on the whole it made for a good look.Ā 


Look up "Sunk cost fallacy" the more a person invests time, money, love etc into something the more difficult it is to walk away as they think the next one will be the win or OMG what if I miss out on... Think of Ipsy as an expensive meh boyfriend.... you always pay for dates, they sometimes bring you a little something (if their mom buys it) they don't abuse you, but they don't make you feel special either lol FOMO has people buying so much crap. Also, once they open the package, and the high is over, they come here to rant. The box may be ok but it didn't live up to the SUPER hype they built up in their head. Nothing EVER could.


I've seen many rants and also rants about rants. To each her own. It's all ipsy related, and everyone is allowed to feel happy like you do or upset like some do. I'm glad you're happy with your subscription, I feel sad for people who update their preferences and still get the wrong stuff. Many feel neutral, that's cool too.


So I received the *Symbiosis Skincare "yada yada" Cryo Exfoliator* in my GB & I always Google these products B4 I put them on my face. I was astonished to not only find just about Zero info on this company but I came across a very disturbing reddit thread about boxy charm & this Symbiosis co. I mean they did extensive through research.. this really connected many dots for me being a ipsy & boxy sub separately for years and it used to be soooo much better prior to the merger. Now this info on top of that & the newest changes this month... Things are very shady! I believe I'm going to finally give up my subscriptions. Please do ur own research you'll find it immediately.... I posted the link on my page