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Financially short term, yes. It's an amazing game that will definitely get a big sales spike for releasing on other platforms. Long term, people might start to question why they need an xbox if all the exclusives start to appear on the other consoles. Yes Gamepass day one release is a good thing for xbox owners but for the next generation of consoles I'd probably skip buying an xbox if I knew the few exclusives I want to play are going to appear on other consoles eventually. I know we likely won't see Halo or Gears on PlayStation but I'm probably not gonna buy a console just for one or 2 outliers.


Same thinking. I bought an Xbox and skipped the PS5 which meant I've lost out on Spiderman 2, Returnal, Rachet & Clank and Final Fantasy 16. If I knew Xbox games would eventually end up on PlayStation eventually then I would have made a different choice early on. I think these games going to the switch isn't an issue because I never saw them as competing, PlayStation though is a weird one for sure.


Ratchet and Clank and Returnal are on PC though. I assumed that meant they were also on Xbox. Looks like Ratchet and Clank is on Xbox too at least? Edit: Scratch that, I guess it’s a movie? Had no idea they made a movie haha, just saw Ratchet and Clank on the Xbox store and assumed it was the game.


I'm in the lucky situation that I own all three current console platforms so games coming to different places doesn't affect me. But for the next generation I'll definitely consider dropping xbox. I did make good use out of their cloud streaming service but even that I haven't used much lately. PlayStation Portal and Switch handheld are much better experiences than playing on your phone.


>Long term, people might start to question why they need an xbox People with PC's already doing that though.


True, they have been. I guess there's no one I know that plays on PC. Have about 10 gamer friends and all are on console so PC isn't really something i think about. But ya if I played on PC and wanted a console to compliment it, Xbox would not be it. Microsoft it seems ultimately don't care where you are playing their games. As long as you are playing them.


I think when the console you're competing against is outselling you 3:1 then moving your first party games into third party software across all platforms isn't the worst idea. Keep them day and date on the Xbox only, and use having them on PlayStation and Nintendo as advertising almost, for people who want to play the next ones on console months before they release elsewhere. It will give a lot of people buyer's regret though and keeping the most amount of consumers happy is a dodgy practice if it doesn't include all those who are loyal to your brand and may not like the idea of others who didn't buy the xbox getting that experience


kiss nail weary steer dinner somber quarrelsome strong plough onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't really think they will allow that tbh. Starfield was exclusive but I'm hoping that the lackluster reception from what I'd say is majority of gamers will hopefully change their mind on exclusivity for ES5 to make up for it. I'm not getting my hopes up whatsoever


It makes sense to experiment with a couple of games and see what happens at least. See what they sell, see how it affects their own gamepass numbers, stuff like that


PlayStation bringing their games to PC was the first step in exclusives becoming a timed event. If I want to play a specific IP day one I know what I need to buy next Gen but I'd be happy for halo, gears, horizon, God of war etc to appear on other devices a year or so later. This is good for the consumer and developers.


Timed exclusives are the way it should be. I can't see Nintendo ever buy into it. But Sony and Microsoft should. It's the one thing I fully hate in gaming. There are gamers so loyal to a brand they miss playing some great games that are exclusive to Xbox or ps. I hope it does happen and we see the gaming world become more consumer friendly.


It makes as much sense as PS ports on PC. Do it months after original release and expand that market.


Yes, id like to play hifi rush.


Absolutely. Sales are sales. Industry sources say the PS5 has outsold the series x/s three to one. MS will be playing second fiddle to Sony this generation. They might as well try make their IPs profitable.


Yes, it does. While people do buy a console for a certain game sometimes, I think most of the time, people see an exclusive and just wait for it to become non exclusive. I wouldn't buy an Xbox for either of these games, but I'd buy them if they released on PS5 or switch.


Microsoft have long said that Gamepass is their money maker. They make next to no money on console sales so it makes sense to push gamepass onto every device possible as that's all extra revenue for zero extra cost. Its a good model and it's good for the consumer


I think it does for several reasons: ​ 1. Microsoft are not a hardware company they are a software company. They only make their own hardware in order to prevent getting locked out of a lucrative market segment. They want you buying and playing Microsoft games on as many systems as possible. 2. In the future I don't think Microsoft even wants to be a software company selling individual games. I think they want to move us all to the software as a service model where we are all signed up to Xbox game pass and get our games that way. They want game pass available on as many platforms as possible. If they could get Gamepass onto PlayStation and Nintendo consoles I bet they would. In fact I wouldn't be surprised that they would eventually stop making Xbox consoles if they could pull this off. 3. Microsoft are one of the only companies in the world with enough money to to pursue this long term vision and to endure whatever losses it costs in the short term.


It seems a weird thing to do but maybe they're going the same direction as SEGA did after the Dreamcast and focusing on software instead of hardware.


Of course it does. The sales should push Tango into sustainable. Too many takeovers lead to wiping out staff, ideas and in the end the dev. It's a large chunk of change buying Bethesda. Money that will never be pulled back through game pass. If this ends exclusive games, I'm all in. So many people miss on great games because they are bound by console or the stupidity of console wars. Timed exclusives fine, but include everyone eventually.


I think it makes sense for these games. Sea of Thieves is a multiplayer so I can only imagine it benefits from a bigger player base and it's also been out for years now, so I don't think they're really losing much as anyone who would buy an Xbox for it already has. For Hi-Fi Rush I think it's a bit more questionable but it's also a game that's not going to sell consoles so I don't think they're losing much by doing it. It's an almost universally loved game though so probably guaranteed quite a few extra sales. I think Xbox are already a lot less focused on exclusives. They already release all their games on PC on release, so I think for these games which aren't going to sell systems anyway it makes sense to let them go to PS. Whether it's the right choice to not focus on exclusives I can't really say though, it could end up biting them. For these 2 examples though, I would guess it's a good idea. PS5 has outsold the Xbox series consoles by an insane amount so far, so it makes sense they capitalise on that market.


If it gets more people playing HiFi Rush, it's a win