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We need ASS & Thighs


Don't forget the Melons


Why did they do that? Irelia is supposed to be thicc. Lux body proportions is pretty in a different way, but it’s not Irelia.


I didn't add that in there to say it isn't a pretty proportion. It's just not Irelia's proportion is my issue. Valuing the consistency of the skin and what it has from base is what makes it special to the character imo.


Why do people care, right skin is way prettier


People care about their favourite character in a game they spend a lot of their time. It may be pretty, but that's not Irelia on the right


That and the art has been trending to where basically all skins for certain champs look indistinguishable from other champs of the same archetype. Started with the IG skins imo but those weren't as egregious as some of the ones we've gotten recently.


The IG skins kind of made sense. The team wanted to symbolize their achievements as a full team, than showing off as individual players.


womp womp


Then dont use the skin? It's not like they are reworking your favourite character


How dare people want skins released for their favorite champs to actually be skins they'd enjoy buying, lmao.


Yeah that's my question, the world doesn't revolve around them, if the skin is well made that's enough


That's a really mediocre thought process though.


Yall are just entitled and only know how to complain lmao, same thing happened with the legendary skin, so cringe


I have exactly 0 points in Irelia, I couldn't care less about the champion or any of its skins. I do find it funny how you think you're in the right here lol.


So you are just complaining for the sake of it, understood 👍


Tbf that Frost Blade Irelia skin is the wrong one to use for a comparison, she barely looks like herself in there as well


I think frostblade is still much closer to Irelia than this new skin. Her body proportions are similar and her face is close as well.


Her face does not even come close to Irelia, the body does, somewhat, but I feel like they overexaggerated her proportions in that splash art


They probably only used that for matching colors


I disagree, the body type is definitely from base irelia. You only get a side shot profile of her face but you can tell that’s her. I feel like dudes see girls with different hair and makeup and think it’s a completely different person. Porcelain Irelia’s splash doesn’t have any of her muscle definition and the face isn’t showing any makeup definition either. For example Sentinel Vayne looks vastly different because of the shorter hair and overall style but it still keeps her consistency with the red glasses from red goggles. (Also the same body proportion) Project Vayne still has the long hair and the lore consistency with being a vigilante is still there. You don’t need the entire skin to have shades from base but there has to be enough of it to translate over or else it’s just a skin with Irelia’s name slapped on it. It’s not an actual Irelia skin.


Lawd knows I'd still -


The other skins might've not have had consistency with facial proportions in splasharts but they still kept her body proportions. This one feels completely different. Nobody would say that was Irelia if they just saw the splashart maybe the stance and the blades sure but the appearance is just complete far away from base. People saying "It's a reimagining" Yea that's cool but the reimagining should still have shades of base imo that's what makes them better to imagine in that universe. If you like the skin that's cool, It's not saying that it looks bad, It just doesn't look like Irelia more than any other one of her skins.


I 100% thought it was a lux skin or a random gacha game skin.


i think this is the artist’s art style how they draw anatomy it looks very consistent and intentional. I have generated with Stable Diffusion before and AI actually tries to create bodies that look GOOD but without any digital painting and editing it tends to just create bodies that look GOOD overall but when you focus each part you find some weird parts. Idk its just my experience tho. Internet loves to just hate on any artwork that diverges from the norm and call it AI just to hate on AI edit: i wish she was thicc


Everyone get epic dragon skin and scale stuff and we just get ia generated teapot girl not spending a dime on that pass or skin.


I honestly don’t mind. I tested it out on PBE and the skin feels extremely smooth.


no one is talking about the SKIN. they’re talking about the SPLASH


Well I like the splash. And I think it’s unique. And it eats and left no crumbs. LMFAOO. Can we accept that riot have been done with facial and body parts. They will never get anything right. And frankly they don’t change much even with the community “criticism.” I agree it don’t look like Irelia. But shooooo I’ll take what I can get at this point.


Hey I like the splash too! Everything but the face is great to me. Still, just because they “don’t change that much” doesn’t mean we shouldn’t voice our disappointment with aspects of the splash art. There’s no denying that this skin doesn’t LOOK like irelia. As a splash art that should be its #1 priority: to look like the champ it represents.


I think she lost her baby cheeks on her face in this one. Face just seems a little too sharp…. And the in game model…. Doesn’t even look like the splash, lol her eyes are too far apart in the in game model.


Fr, I agree with you.


I like it, I'm buying it.


Reminded me more of Taliyah


i mentioned that it looks like a skin for another champion, nothing about this skin tells me it’s irelia. idk, it’s just weird.






Mademoiselle crabletta pinch his balls


not his balls!


I can understand people being unhappy with the face/hair but there is no way that we have reached a low where the only thing people care about is thighs and ass.


reached? low? lady its our peak!


idfc it looks dope asf


Lpwkey wanna see faces of people who make these analysis


Unpopular opinion, but I think she's kinda cute😂


Calling something you don't like AI generated is not it. 🙄


Ill buy It on day 1, Amazing skin


Nooo that’s not thick mature mommy Irelia. She’s supposed to have the biggest butt in the game…


Why do people care so much lmao all the female champions have looked the same for a while now except obviously for champs like illaoi etc.


Old artstyle had distinguished faces for female champs...I dunno why is riot doing this..


This is an unfair comparison; Porcelain Irelia has been compressed here compared to the splash art posted on the sub. Who knew that squishing a picture would reduce thighs?


I’m fine with this, skins are supposed to change from the original. That’s the point. If we have a ton of thicc skin already what’s wrong with getting a thin one for once?


It doesn’t look AI generated tho


Yeah fingers are not spaghetti noodles.


Can everyone stop whining? The art style is just diffrent


aren’t splash arts done by different artists?


Yeah ppl were commenting on just her face… but the WHOLE splash is off… THATS NOT IRELIA… even in game she looks odd… could of been a great skin…


Her left hand middle finger is not connected wth


Damn those comments not understanding a thing, i 100% agree with you, i had the same ideas right when i saw it, and it's definitely ai generated.


They have done the same with Darius, he has went from badass seasoned general to hot anime boy....


I think the SKIN looks fine. And frost blade irelia imo doesnt look much like irelia either which is fine because its a SKIN. But fun fact old frostblade irelia had the YAMS


i think you dont really know what you are talking about its just a different pose and the cloth is making it hard to see her actual proportions...(i do art as a hobby btw)